1、Trends In Enterprise Mobility:Convergence of Mobile Business and Web ServicesSoftware & Information Industry Association BriefingMay 16th 2002Nicholas D. EvansEmerging Technology SolutionsKPMG Consulting, Inc.ndevanskpmg(972) 373-7429 AgendaEmerging Technologies at KPMG ConsultingState of the Enterp
2、rise MarketIT Trends Converging on BusinessDrivers and Barriers to AdoptionMobile Business & Web ServicesConvergence ScenariosBest PracticesContacts & Further ReadingQ&A1About KPMG Consulting, Inc.Our Partners are LeadersKPMG Consulting has more than 50 strategic alliances with leading eBusiness sol
3、ution providers-partners such as: Sun MicrosystemsCisco Systems FedEx Corporation Our Philosophy Ensures SuccessKPMG Consulting professionals live our philosophy of delivering outstanding client value by combining real-world, industry-relevant experience with innovative uses of technology.One of the
4、 Worlds Largest Consulting FirmsKPMG Consulting employs 10,000 people and serves more than 2,500 clients in both the public and private sectors. Headquartered in McLean, Virginia, we have principal offices in 16 countries on four continents.First Big IPO of 2001KPMG Consulting became public corporat
5、ion on February 8, 2001NASDQ symbol: KCINOur Business is eBusinessOur core service offering is end-to-end eBusiness integration. This offering encompasses: Supply Chain Business and Technology Strategy Trading Partner Integration and Exchanges Integration and On-Boarding Integrated Enterprise Operat
6、ions Systems and Technology Integration Network Solutions and Web Architecture Outsourcing Strategy and Processes Internet Strategy/Branding Customer Care Online Training 2Wireless Solution OfferingsKPMG Wireless SolutionsreadySetGO!mobileSuccess roadmap to gain new ROI by applying wireless and mobi
7、le computing technologyR2i MobileProvides clients with a methodology for implementation of Wireless solutions for their organization utilizing pre-defined reference architectures designed to achieve a fast implementation of a solution which focuses on solving real-world business problems.Wireless LA
8、Ns Provides clients with the design and implementation of WLANs targeted at achieving business value. More focused on the integration with applications running on WLANs than on just the implementation of the WLANs themselvesTransaction PlatformsProvides clients with the strategy, design and implemen
9、tation of Transaction Platforms targeted at specific industry verticals. Key characteristics of these solutions are that they focus specific solution aspects which are required to complete transactions. Among these key solution aspects are Security, Mobile Wallet, Transaction Processing, and Scalabi
10、lity.Wireless Transaction PlatformsStrategySystemIntegrationEnablementRoadmapTransactionsAccessNetwork3Emerging Technologies at KPMG ConsultingThe charter of the Emerging Technology Solutions practice is to keep KPMG Consulting in step with emerging and “disruptive technologies byCoordinating the id
11、entification of emerging technologies that are strategic to the business of our clientsIncubating the highest priority technologies within KPMG Consulting so that they can mature andLaunching them as either new core solution offerings or key differentiators for our existing solutions4Emerging and Di
12、sruptive TechnologiesSome of these emerging and disruptive technologies will improve businessprocesses, others have the potential to reshape entire industriesThe “Map positions technologies according to the level of impact when deployed and the level of penetration Business ImpactReshape IndustriesR
13、eshape Business ProcessesImprove Business ProcessesBusiness Penetration by 200310% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%Wireless Web *mCommerce *Web Services *Voice-over-IP *Enterprise Portals *Enterprise Instant Messaging *ASPs * P2P* Wireless LANEmbedded Tags *Natural Language Interface *Source: ITExpo,
14、 20015Solution RadarLarge MarketModerate MarketSmall MarketBPPMWeb ServicesPeer ServicesWireless Infrastructure MgmtReal-TimeM-CommerceFY04+FY04+FY05+FY05+FY 02-03LinuxBPOBroadbandPotential Market SizeBPMEmbedded SystemsSecurityWeb ServicesPeer Services & CollaborationReal-Time EnterpriseBusiness Pr
15、ocess Management (BPM)Business Process Performance Management (BPPM)SecurityEmbedded SystemsLinuxWireless Infrastructure ManagementM-CommerceBroadbandBusiness Process Outsourcing (BPO)6IT Trends Converging on BusinessMobile Business is just one of several technology trends creating the opportunity f
16、or business agility and competitive advantageNext generation infrastructure technologies such as real-time computing, embedded systems, web services, peer services, and wireless/mobile are best implemented and approached in a holistic manner that exploits the benefits of eachThey are closely inter-r
17、elated.and often mutually required.for example.Web services enable anytime, anywhere access to information and transactions on any device and any platformWeb services brings new development and deployment paradigms to enterprise software and to electronic businessMobile business brings new access pa
18、radigms to enterprise software and to electronic businessWireless/mobile is becoming a key node for digital services/web services transactions and processes7Mobile Business & Web ServicesM-Business DriversAnytime, anywhere mobile access to enterprise processes and informationIncreased revenuesIncrea
19、sed customer satisfaction and retentionReduction of costs Improved efficiencies and productivityReduced cycle timesAbility to make faster and more informed decisionsDifferentiation from the competitionImproved data accuracyWeb Services DriversSoftware as a service movement“Unbundling of enterprise p
20、rocesses virtual enterpriseReduction of complexityMigration towards real-time enterpriseReduction of cost for development effortsInteroperability across heterogeneous devices and applicationsLoosely-coupled integration that can accommodate changes to business processTrendEnterprise TrendsWeb Service
21、sMobile BusinessBack To Basics EnterprisePerformance improvement and cost takeoutYesYesVirtual EnterpriseOutsourcing of non-core competencies, software as a serviceYesYesUbiquitous EnterpriseIncreasing user mobility and accelerated pace of workYesYesReal-Time EnterpriseNeed for timely access to busi
22、ness-critical applications and informationYesYes8 Enterprise production implementations CRM, SFA, SCM, Business Intelligence Advanced Devices Telematics Location-Based Services Widespread Enterprise Production Implementations Multi-modal interfaces Context Aware Artificial Intelligence RFID (“Bits a
23、nd Atoms) M-CommerceStrategyExecution412ViralEnterprise Mobility Trends & Timeline Enterprise education / research Hype around the “Wireless Web Mostly consumer focused WAP Stocks, News, Weather Enterprise pilots in , PIM, CRM / SFA Early strategy formulation Wireless Middleware WASPs Unified Messag
24、ing Enterprise strategy formulation Digital Services 3G Production Deployments WLAN Adoption barriers are removedEducation2005+Late Majority 2003Early Majority2002“Chasm2001Early Adopter1999 - 2000PioneerEnterprise Production Deployments of Wireless Data9Wireless Data ExamplesTodays enterprise lands
25、cape in terms of wireless and mobile deployments.Supply SideOver-abundance of wireless middleware vendorswe expect consolidation and return to prominence of the major players such as IBM, Microsoft and OracleIntelligent new solutionsfor example, wireless infrastructure management from companies such
26、 as mFormation TechnologiesElimination of barriers to adoptionfor example, recent 3G announcements from companies such as Sprint PCSDemand SideStrategy formulationvalue proposition and business case developmentPilotspaving the way for process and behavior change required to exploit wireless and mobi
27、le solutionsImplementation by early adoptersfor example InfoWave and American University10Wireless Data ExamplesAmerican UniversityAmerican University asked KPMG Consulting to conduct a detailed study and pilot to determine the viability of offering wireless voice and data service to students, facul
28、ty and staff. The KPMG Consulting team combined market research, financial analysis and competitive analysis to evaluate and validate the opportunity. KPMG Consulting then helped the client select vendors and conduct a two month pilot of a wireless voice and data system. The successful conclusion of
29、 the pilot validated the wireless strategy and proposed wireless network. On May 1, 2002, American University announced their plans to implement campus-wide, the wireless system to handle voice, data and messaging. InfoWaveInfowave develops software that allows mobile and disparate workforces to acc
30、ess corporate networks using wireless devices. To support its rapid and dynamic growth, the client wanted to implement a CRM solution to provide more accurate, up-to-date customer information to its sales force and channel partners.The wireless CRM solution was deployed to end-users within sales (in
31、side and regional), marketing, product management, customer service, corporate communications, investor relations and to the executive team. The solution provided users with real-time, read/add/update functionality while connected wirelessly. Within a standard web browser on their mobile device, use
32、rs have real-time visibility into the entire prospect/customer profile. Some of early ROI metrics include:Improved Productivity (sales cycle reduction of 50%, improvement of lead receipt to response by 100%)Reduction in Operating Costs (reduction in partner-related costs by 50%, more effective use o
33、f marketing expenditures)Gain in Market Share (increase in customer base by 20%)Improvement in Bottom Line (increase in customer-paid installations by 300%)eCustomer World Golden Award 2001 for excellence in its Mobile CRM Solution category11Whats Needed?What will aid enterprise adoption of Mobile B
34、usiness and Web Services?Improved economic climate and industry maturityFocus on business benefits not technical distractionsCompelling value propositions for enterprise adoptionSolutions that accommodate todays limitations in devices, standards, bandwidth and coveragePioneers and early adopters gen
35、erating success stories and ROI storiesSerious pilots with clear objectives and not “science fairsCarefully executed strategies and deployments that leverage synergies between these emerging and disruptive technologiesFundamental understanding that emerging technologies are the next competitive adva
36、ntage12Mobile Business & Web ServicesIndustry ScenariosExamples of where mobile business and Web services can be applied in combination to solve enterprise requirementsBest PracticesRecommendations for enterprises when considering the convergence of mobile business and Web services13Industry Scenari
37、os ChemicalsCreating the Real-Time Enterprise Mobility and Business Process Performance Management (BPPM)A chemicals company using wireless and mobile devices as part of a business process performance management system tied to sales and field operations.Benefits / ObservationsMobile devices help to
38、move to the required level of visibility and access to informationProvides sales force with alerts related to sales opportunities (leads) and sales exceptions (customer purchasing patterns out of limits, inventory unavailable, logistics issues)Management by exception mobile device becomes a business
39、 device monitoring the business activities and key performance indicatorsMobile devices provide an alert mechanism for faster response to business process exceptionsApplication integration accomplished via Web services14Industry Scenarios - CommunicationsCreating New Revenue Streams - Delivery and I
40、ntegration of Digital Services A mobile handset manufacturer moving into digital services such as downloadable ring tones has two challenges payload delivery to the device and back-end integration with wireless carrier billing systems.Benefits / ObservationsMobile devices are the end point for the p
41、ayload delivery effectively serving as the subscriber for Web servicesNew integration techniques such as Web services can help to speed integration and reduce costs of connecting into back-end carrier billing systemsWireless Internet value chain is enhanced via web services complexity is reduced and
42、 open standards help to foster inter-connection of value chain participants15Industry Scenarios - SoftwareCreating New Services Mobile platforms climbing up the stack incorporating Web services-based applications A wireless middleware vendor moving up the stack via acquisition of a vendor in the fie
43、ld force automation space. They are adding workflow on top of their basic transcoding engine and supporting standards such as SOAP both in the development environment and the runtime environment.Benefits / ObservationsMobile business technologies are becoming embedded into all applicationsAll applic
44、ations are gaining web services functionality as software moves towards the software as a service (SaaS) modelResult will be that most software will have mobile functionality and web services functionality as key infrastructure elements that support the business functionality16Industry Scenarios - M
45、anufacturingSupply Chain Visibility Mobile devices and web services for speeding vendor quality managementWithin the supply chain, information on the quality of goods received at a warehouse is recorded on a PDA with wireless connectivity. The results are transmitted to a real-time system, coupled w
46、ith web services integration to partner systems, in order to manage vendor quality. The real-time nature of the information flow helps reduce cycle times and increase productivity compared with more traditional batch-orientated processes. Information captured electronically at the point of activity
47、also eliminates the need for duplicate data entry in the back office, hence improving data accuracy.Benefits / ObservationsMobile devices help to ensure data accuracy and information capture at the point of business activityReal-time systems help to ensure zero latency from data collection at the wa
48、rehouse to integration and reporting to partner systemsWeb services help to ease integration with multiple partner systems17Take a Holistic Approach1) Dont consider Mobile Business or Web Services in a vacuumMobile Business: Additional channel that enhances existing channels. Just as E-Business beco
49、mes embedded in the business so will M-BusinessWeb Services: Emerging technologies can also play a role web services, peer services, embedded systems (machine-to-machine)Business ImpactReshape IndustriesReshape Business ProcessesImprove Business ProcessesBusiness Penetration by 200310% 20% 30% 40% 5
50、0% 60% 70% 80% 90%Wireless Web *mCommerce *Web Services *Voice-over-IP *Enterprise Portals *Enterprise Instant Messaging *ASPs * P2P* Wireless LANEmbedded Tags *Natural Language Interface *Source: ITExpo, 2001Mobile Business & Web Services Impact: Along with web services, M-Business technologies rep
51、resent another emerging technology category that has the potential to reshape entire industries!18Look at Fundamental Synergies2) Both mobile business and Web services apply to todays enterprise initiatives virtual, real-time, ubiquitous and “back-to-basics via cost takeout and performance improveme
52、ntMobile BusinessNot just the intersection of Internet and WirelessNot just the “wireless webAllows new business models, new processes, and real-time computingRemoves former process bottlenecks and permits information and transactions at the edge of the corporationWeb ServicesNot just for integratio
53、nNot just cost reduction and complexity managementAllows new business models, new processes and real-time computingAllows dynamic assembly of business transactions and loosely-coupled integrationMobile Business & Web Services Impact: Allows us to start to shape technology around ourselves and our bu
54、siness processes instead of shaping ourselves around technology19Incorporate Process3) Incorporate process and well as technologyMobile BusinessOpportunity to create entirely new processes as well as to re-engineer old processes. Opportunity to eliminate both “static and “dynamic bottlenecks queues
55、(too little movement) or work away from point of business (too much movement)Web ServicesWeb services and business process management. Concept of “business services orchestration (Fuego) across people and applications mobile devices includedMobile Business & Web Services Impact: As you view mobile b
56、usiness from a process perspective, Web services can serve as the enabler to publish and subscribe to software services in a process-oriented approach. The mobile device interaction becomes part of the process.20Move towards Real-Time4) Understand your per project needs on the mobility continuumMobi
57、le Business: Need for real-time information and real-time connectivity (wireless WAN) vs. more batch-oriented daily connectivity (wireless LAN and cradle synchronization). Web Services: Dynamic assembly, business websMobile Business & Web Services Impact: As you move towards the real-time enterprise
58、, these two technologies become more intricately linked. Plan your projects accordingly based upon their real-time requirements.Mobility ContinuumCradle Synchronization (Batch)Wireless LAN (Hourly)e.g. warehouse activityWireless WAN (Near Real-Time)e.g. sales leadse.g. order statusReal-Time Enterpri
59、seWeb services for dynamic assembly of pre-arranged partnersWeb services for enterprise application integrationStatic or Batch Transactions21Look at Software Platform Convergence5) Plan for software platform convergenceMobile BusinessConvergence of EAI, application server and mobile server functions
60、Web ServicesIncorporation of Web services technologies into application server platformsMobile Business & Web Services Impact: As vendors build out the functionality of their application server platforms, mobile business and Web services support will become standard. Plan your IT architecture accord
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