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1、 11/11 英文原文The study of consumer behaviorAbstract Study of consumer behavior more than a hundred years the history of the formation of the two paradigms - positivism and non-empirical study of consumer behavior represents the meaning of the basic achievements. Positivist paradigm to non-positivist p

2、aradigm shift represents a shift consumer behavior research, consumer behavior research is a revolutionary change. This paradigm shift, but also makes the assumption that consumer behavior research, research methods, study, basic knowledge of related disciplines, and many borrowed paradigm position

3、have changed dramatically. Background of this changing environment to promote the 20th century, 80 years after the world economic growth and prosperity, the industrial structure has undergone tremendous changes, purchasing power has been an unprecedented increase, the pursuit of individuality and fr

4、eedom of consumers desire to bee increasingly The more intense.Key words: consumer behavior, positivism, non-empiricalParadigm shift in consumer behavior research review processResearch on consumer behavior, such as in Adam Smiths classical economics theory began to take shape; Marshall and other ne

5、oclassical economics in the formation of the initial system; the 20th century, 50 to 60 years, consumer behavior to the form of an independent discipline separate from marketing. In its hundred years of development history, its research paradigm can be summarized as positivism and non-positivism two

6、.Moreover, each paradigm are pregnant with a large number of research perspectives. Positivism, including rational, behavior, cognition, motivation, social characteristics, attitudes and situational perspectives; rather than positivist paradigm, including the interpretation and post-modernism are tw

7、o basic perspectives. Consumer behavior theory by converting non-positivism positivisms fundamental motivation is to change consumer researchers rational assumptions. Early classical economics and neo-classical economics to consumer behavior theory provides theoretical support for the original (in f

8、act, pre-consumer behavior of the mother is also born out of the Economics - Marketing), economic man assumption naturally infiltration of the consumer behavior research, this genre from the early theory of consumer behavior (such as Reason, behavioral view) and you can clearly see the doctrine of e

9、conomic man rational shadow. However, the economics of the subject is the overall economic system, economic system of the object but also how to achieve coordinated operation, rather than specific individual purchase decisions and behavior. Economics as the study of consumer behavior and lay the ini

10、tial foundation, but can not explain the plexity of consumer behavior, consumption of too much emphasis on the rational side, while ignoring the consumers emotional side. Therefore, the economic man assumption restricts the further development of the theory of consumer behavior. Theory of consumer b

11、ehavior have learned from other disciplines, nutrition, consumer behavior described in more detail. Psychology, social psychology, sociology, anthropology and other disciplines, and prosperity for the theory of consumer behavior research provides a new theoretical material. At this point, the consum

12、er is no longer based solely on the pursuit of cost-benefit analysis to maximize the effectiveness of the economic man, but society and social and emotional factors that affect their purchasing decisions. This shift is creating a leap in the development of consumer behavior, consumer behavior also i

13、n the fifties and sixties of the 20th century to an independent form of discipline in the humanities and social sciences system. After the 1980s, sustained economic development and material world of great wealth, but also makes the consumer is increasingly being a way of pastime and individuality; t

14、he proportion of consumer services in peoples consumption structure growing proportion of the service production characteristics and consumer identity consumption process also makes the customer extends to the production process, consumer experience has bee a source of customer value creation. At th

15、is point, consumer behavior research can no longer be limited to how customers make purchasing decisions, but should be concerned about the consumers desire to be met. As a result, consumers will be free to pursue personal development and the desire to consume free people. Economic man, social and f

16、ree people to promote the conversion hypothesis of consumer behavior theory from positivism to the conversion of non-positivism.Positivist paradigm of consumer behavior researchEmpirical studies of consumer behavior paradigm by famous Western philosopher Aristotle, philosophical ideas. Kurt Lewin in

17、 Aristotle and Galileo thought patterns of conflict and more in his book, Aristotles philosophy has influenced us, but also affects the habit of scientific research. People are used and the frequency by the law to understand the law of development of things, and people like to explore the stability

18、and the tendency of things with the law of development, except for the unusual and the regularity of things will feel cold. Lewin said, when someone mentioned a movie in a child-specific actions, psychologists think the first question is all children have done this action? Or at least it is a mon ac

19、tion. there is always a mon regularity of things, this means that repeatability is a phenomenon worthy of study, or whether something is an important indicator.Positivism is the philosophy of science as Aristotle thought. It assumes that consumers are rational, identifiable, and mental stability, th

20、eir motivation is to identify behavioral control and prediction; consumer practice in the real existence of simple truth; emphasis on scientific observation and testing, the observed empirical evidence, to gain general rule to predict and control the behavior of consumers. Thus, in the positivist pa

21、radigm, consumer behavior research is the assumption that consumer behavior is controlled by some force, but most of these forces are beyond the scope of consumer self-control. Changes in consumer behavior is not so much a manifestation of the subjective will of consumers, it is more affected by var

22、ious internal and external factors affecting the results. For example, the behavior of the concept of consumer behavior theory suggests that consumer behavior is mainly caused by the stimulation of the external environment. Therefore, the hypothesis the primary or sole motivation for the purpose is

23、to reduce cognitive inconsistency, the inner state of mind to maintain balance, consumers are always seeking behavior of the internal balance. From a certain perspective, this behavior is a static concept. As Firat mented it: think the theory of consumer behavior consistent with the orderly conduct.

24、 Thus, consumer behavior characteristics (such as cognitive reaction, reflex, personal characteristics, etc.) variables follow the consumer is always the pursuit of internal balance hypothesis, the researchers able to predict certain behaviors of consumers, and forecasts marketing activities of ente

25、rprises of great reference.In short, the positivist paradigm in consumer research, consumers are only a passive, passive object. For example, the act of self-awareness concept assumes that consumers lack the ability, so that through the environmental impact of corporate marketing strategy will be ab

26、le to control and guide the consumer, such is the positivist paradigm of attack focus. Positivist paradigm assumes that consumers are passive objects, in fact, this assumption is the customer first serious departure from the philosophy of marketing. American Marketing Association Conference in 1988

27、reiterated the theme: marketing knowledge in the production of consumer behavior research, consumers unfortunate enough to be converted into laboratory guinea pigs, they became to be observed, the object of interviews and experiments.Because of positivism can be assumed that the consumer is an objec

28、t of knowledge, and experience in consumer spending and therefore the process can be separated, can be broken down into different ponents. We can use a variety of objective methods of analysis and experience of the consumer process to analyze the different ponents. These methods include the standard

29、 questionnaire, experiment and personality tests. However, these methods are unable to conduct a prehensive wealth of consumer behavior analysis. As a factor in a process separate and detailed analysis, it ignores the plexity of the system and interaction. Braithwaite believes that the standard quan

30、titative survey methods (such as questionnaires) will limit the description of consumer spending, resulting in a negative way respondents answer questions.Although a lot of criticism, but we should also see the traditional method of consumption patterns abstract out the prediction of consumer behavi

31、or and control role: some of the methods of scientific investigation in the conclusions they e within the scope of observation is credible . In addition, the positivist paradigm creatively construct theory of consumer behavior, the essence of the idea also contributed to the development of marketing

32、 practice.Non-positivist-oriented consumer behavior researchNon-positivist paradigm of consumer behavior is no longer the consumer as a passive response, but for psychological proactive with the ability of actors, they have to interpret the environment of the consumer and construction capabilities.

33、For example, the interpretation of the view that the subjective views of consumer behavior by consumers, content and structure of domination. Shaughnessy said: In the interpretation of the watch, the purchase can not simply be based on product benefits and to make rational cost-benefit calculation,

34、but the consumer sense of the process of collection of personal experience. Therefore, based on consumer behavior and decision-making is the intrinsic subjective value system. Postmodern perspective of consumer behavior research and interpretation of consumer behavior under the focus of research is

35、the consumers subjective values, language and rhetoric.Brown said in the marketing sense, the interpretation of the concept is different from post-modernism in the fact that the former assumes that man is a self-governing body, freedom of thought, self-understanding of the individual. For example, t

36、he concept of humanism and phenomenology that consumers are internally consistent and rational, and can determine their own process of consumer experience and value. Thus, similar to the traditional view, outlook also assumes that the consumer has the interpretation that constitute the essence of na

37、ture. In addition, the interpretation of the concept also emphasize that consumers should have a good fantasy, emotional experience and the pursuit of happiness consumption side, that consumers are always on the environment and the internal consistency of the statements describe subjectivity, thus m

38、aking the environment more meaningful and more predictable; Moreover, the consumers subjective description of the munity can also assume that most people understand and share.Then modernist view of consumption is that consumers do not mind the essence of both fixed or something to drive their behavi

39、or. Therefore, the subjective feelings of self-recognition and context-specific and dependent on the atmosphere. The context and the atmosphere but also by the impact of social roles among consumers. Therefore, the consumption of the resulting image is constantly changing and subjective feelings or

40、transformation. Their consumption by the consumers with whom, what kind of consumer environment, and why consumer spending and other variables. Postmodernism insists that consumer identity is intermittent, inplete, and subject to change. Firat that consumers self-image performance, characteristics a

41、nd values of a multi-dimensional variability, and they are not aware of the changing and contradictory values and lifestyles between the inpatibility. Therefore, the post-modernist view of consumer behavior to focus on consumers through their own consumption and lifestyle different to change their l

42、iving environment as reflected in the creativity and autonomy capabilities.Through the analysis of the various points of view can know that consumers making purchasing decisions, not only focus on product effectiveness, but also pay attention to the symbolic value of the product. Material goods to m

43、eet consumer needs only appearance, but more important is that we must pay attention to the symbolic value of the product. For consumers, the consumer can have symbolic value in two areas: increasing consumer self-identity and symbolic value of self-identity of the munity to improve the social symbo

44、lic value. Match the consumer with this act as individuals and consumers to create and maintain meaning and value of the social environment an important role. Therefore, advertising is often seen as symbolic construction and maintenance of a major symbol means. These tend to focus on the brand of cu

45、ltural significance, so Elliot that the brand is often used to create and maintain a sense of identity such as the primary means of symbolism. Firat think it also reflects consumer culture contact with the general human freedom: the product obtained by replacing a different image, to gain a differen

46、t self. This new image to obtain the freedom of self, that is, from a single, rigid, and the result of the liberation tradition.However, the interpretation of the concept of non-positivist and post-modern paradigm has also been criticism of the following aspects: neglect of Africa undisciplined fact

47、ors on consumer behavior consumer behavior constraint. Thompson et al pointed out that the post-modernist view of consumption is based on an ideal assumption: the consumer behavior of the constraints of culture, history and reality of physical limits as a precondition for the development of the stat

48、us quo. Therefore, the non-positivist paradigm with special emphasis on the consumer can freely choose the image of self-identity without any fear, uncertainty and threat. This assumption is clearly unrealistic. Some scholars, such as Foxall that the non-positivist research methods is simply to give

49、 up the nature of science, always out in their content consumption environment, and thus their views and conclusions do not constitute research and to facilitate in-depth understanding of the plete theoretical system. non-positivist research methods, if not based on empirical findings of research ba

50、sed on the doctrine, then the explanatory power will be greatly reduced. Non-positivist research methods rely mainly on external interpersonal subjective evidence, that these interpersonal need positivist approach.In short, non-positivist paradigm and the interpretation of post-modern perspective vi

51、ew of consumer behavior research for the different research methods, they are often discussed from the perspective of abstract marketing theory and practice of major issues, so these basic assumptions and theoretical perspective conclusions are puzzling, but also difficult to apply the training and

52、education marketers.ConclusionsClearly, the non-positivist empirical hegemony is also a response to. After World War II, positivist-oriented research methods has bee a mainstream consumer behavior research. Evidence, objectivity and scientific procedures constitute a positivist paradigm characterist

53、ics. Under this consumer-oriented philosophy of science is a self-centered, self-conscious entity. Non-positivist-oriented consumer behavior research (especially in post-modernism) of positivist research philosophy, culture and questioned the basis of experience, and was critical. Firat and Venkates

54、h said: positivism consumer issues will be simplified to include only such men and women, consumers and producers, and other simple two-dimensional classification of non-positivism should see some reasonable assumptions, such as the consumer as a social nature, plexity and irrational and unpredictab

55、le consumer body consumer these features not only reflected in their buying process, but also in cognitive aspects of consumer experience and value, and has constituted the basis of consumption. with a scientific attitude towards positivism and non-positivist paradigm of the opposition. The definiti

56、on of paradigm, as Kuhns first feature, as reflected, their success in attracting an unprecedented number of staunch supporters, to make them out to other peting modes of scientific activity. Now, consumer behavior researchers for positivism and non-positivist paradigm of the two engaged in a fierce

57、 debate. In the natural sciences, scientific theories and mander, the rise and decline of the paradigm is a very normal thing, in fact, also in the social sciences in this phenomenon. Each theory will need to prove its viability thinking. Putting aside the study of consumer behavior in which the two

58、 paradigms is more suitable for the development of consumer behavior. We believe that the scientific attitude is the first place. Emotional reactions to the scientific research is not conducive to scientific development. The real scholars is calm, all the research methods should have a more prehensi

59、ve understanding of their theoretical perspectives and opposing viewpoints to pare the theory to verify that they are justified. Whether through positivist methods or non-positivist methods before conclusions can be assumed to be correct until proven wrong so far.Science is seeking a real process, a

60、nthropology, ethnographic methods to study consumer behavior is a more scientific approach. Whether non-empirical or positivist paradigm paradigm, they have in mon is the pursuit of the authenticity of the findings, scientific research itself is a demand real behavior. Not simply to the consumer buy


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