1、1Digital Signal ProcessingPrincipleProcessing Technology2About ClassNumber of lessons: 64(56+8)Experiments:After 10th week to begin.Totally 4 experiments. You should choose two of them to design, and then write reports about the process and results.The last time you should take the exam in computer.
2、3About ClassText book:美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校原版教材Digital Signal ProcessingA Computer Based Approach3rd editionSanjit K.Mitra,彭启琮缩编McGraw-Hill and Tsinghua University Press2006 4About Reference Book加Joyce Van de Vegte 著,侯正信、王国安译: “Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing”, 电子工业出版社, 2003Chi-Tsong Chen: “Digital
3、 Signal Processing Spectral Computation and Filter Design”,电子工业出版社, 2002美A.V.Oppenheim著,刘树棠、黄建国译: “Discrete-Time Signal Processing”, 西安交通大学出版社,2002程佩青:“数字信号处理教程”,清华大学出版社,20015About Examination Arrangement:Attendance+homework+experimentsMiddle-term examMatlab test in computerFinal examStyle:Open exam
4、 in EnglishMatlab: subjectivity6Small Class Teaching-style40 lessons in classCurriculum design after class: MATLAB+Design Report+PresentationExaminationAttendance+homeworkCurriculum designMiddle-term examFinal exam7ContentsThe analysis and processing of Discrete-Time Sequences and Systems in Time-Do
5、main and Transform-Domain .The relationship among DTFT,DFT&ZT, the concept of Discrete-Time frequency response.8Contents3. The digital processing of continuous signal and the concept in frequency-domain. 4. The structure of Digital Filter in common use.9Contents5. The two design methods of Digital F
6、ilter (LP): Bilinear Transformation Method(IIR) & Windowed Function Method(FIR). And the physical concepts of the Digital Filters parameters.6. The algorithm idea of FFT, and use FFT to perform engineering computation.10Contents7.The ADC Quantization concept and the Limit Cycles in IIR Digital Filte
7、rs caused by Finite Wordlength Effects. 8.MATLAB exercises in each chapter.Please look up the major points of MATLAB in DSP homepage.11Chapter 0 Why DSP?The foundation of information is digitalizationThe kernel of digitalization is DSPDSP tasks, especially real time processing tasks, need to be real
8、ized by DSP devices.DSP technology is being developed very fast121.The Development of Signal ProcessingA signal carries information.Signal processing: to extract useful information carried by the signal. Eg: A. signal code/decode, modulation/ demodulation, compression/ decompression etc. B. the TV s
9、ignal is a typical example of signal processing.13Signal Analysis:deepen the understanding of the signal characteristics.Eg: A. using the spectrum-scope to analysis signal. B. detecting the quality of merchandise. C. signal estimation and recognition.14Category of signal processing:Analog Signal Pro
10、cessingDigital Signal Processingc)(txa)(tyaRZ-1)(nx)(nya(mathematics operation)Analog HP filterDigital HP filter152. The Development of DSP Digital computers development leads the development of DSP technologyIn 1965, Cooley-Tukey put forward the FFT algorithm Very large scale integrate circuit (VLS
11、IC) is developed very fast, that accelerates the development of DSP devices 163.The Digitalization Determine FutureDigital switchers replaced analog switchersGSM and CDMA replaced analog mobile communicationDigital cameras come outDigital TVs are replacing analog TVsThoroughly saying, the technology
12、 based on computer is changing the industry, agriculture, education, science174.The Excellence of DSPFlexibilityAnalog system:change hardware or device parametersDigital system:only change softwarePrecisionAS:determined by device precisionDS: determined by AD-bits, computer word-length, algorithm ec
13、t.18Credibility and repetitionAS:can be affected by Temperature, noise, humidity etc.DS: credibility and repetition are very good19VLSIVirtual characteristic and upgradeAS:one systemone function upgrade means new system researchDS:one systemseveral function upgrade means only software researchDigita
14、l System Hardware platform Software 1Software 2Software 3filterMotor controlSpeech process20Special applicationEg:1. Lossless compression of information 2. Notch filter 3. Linear phase filter .215.The Basic Framework of a DSP System22t0tT2T3T0t23456780001101100100011100111100100111n023423n.t24Realiz
15、ing MethodsSoftware MethodsBased on principle and algorithm, program and realize it in computerAdvantages:flexible to modify,convenience to upgrage, suit for science research and teachingHardware MethodsBased on requirements and algorithm, design hardware structure, operate, delay, store, control an
16、d I/O with hardwareAdvantages: high-speed, suit for real time processingFuture Derection: Combination of Software and Hardware, real time processingSoC (System on chip)DSP+FPGA256.Subjects of DSPThe analysis of DT-LTI systemThe analysis of DT signal in time-domain & frequency-domain, DFT theoryAD,DA
17、 technology,sampling, multi-rate sampling, quantization noise.Digital filterSpectrum analysis and FFT, convolution, correlation. 26Adaptive signal processingSignal estimation, include power spectrum and correlation function estimationSignal compression, include speech and image compressionSignal mod
18、eling, include AR,MA,ARMA Other special algorithm (decimation and interpolation)DSP implementation and application.277.DSP Application1.Programmable Switches282.Mobile Communication System2930The handset is not only used for voice communication313.Digital Camera 32Digital Camera334.High Definition TV34PDP (Plasma Displ
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