1、Unit 2 Communicative Principles and Task-based Language TeachingTerms:Teaching methodology= teaching pedagogyCLT= Communicative Language TeachingTBLT= Task-based Language TeachingPPP= Presentation, Practice and ProductionFive-step teaching method= revision, presentation, practice, production and con
2、solidationAims of the unit1. How is language learned in classrooms different from language used in real life?2. What is communicative competence?3. What are the implications of CLT to teaching and learning?4. What are the main features of communicative activities?5. What is Task-based Language Teach
3、ing?6. How is Task-based Language Teaching different from PPP?7. Are there limitations of CLT and TBLT?Have you had your lunch?The traditional teaching steps:Step 1 Teacher: Read the sentence, and then get the students to read the sentence after the teacher.Step 2 Teacher: Explain the meaning and tr
4、anslate the sentence into Chinese.Step 3 Teacher: Explain the grammatical structure or rules and tell the students to be clear and remember the tense used in the sentence: The present perfect tense, and the formation of this kind of tense (have + p.p), and the form of question and negation (Have/has
5、+ subj.; Subj.+ have/ has + not), and their abbreviation: havent/hasnt.Step 4 Teacher: give more examples, such as: Have you had your breakfast? Answer: Yes, I have / No, I haventStep 5 Students: do pattern drills-read the examples aloud again and again.Step 6 Students: Do some written exercises.In
6、this way, the structure of the sentence will be learned and remembered, and some of the students may be able to compose grammatically correct sentences, e.g. Have you had your lunch? Yes, I have. /No I havent. But when two Chinese people meet in real life, Xiao Li says to Lao Wang:Have you had your
7、lunch?Meaning?Li means (function):A question: ask if Wang has eaten the meal or not. Greeting: Hello.Invitation: Invite Wang to a meal (Come, its my treat)Suggestion: You should have your lunch.So in communication, a certain sentence can be understood very differently in different situations.For stu
8、dents, knowing how to make correct sentences is only one part of language learning. In real communication, its functional value can be more important. Students have to use language in real communication so as to build up the relationship between the communicative functions and the sentence structure
9、. Language used in real life vs. traditional pedagogyTask 1In real lifeIn classroomHow is language used/taught?What parts of language are used/taught?Through listening and imitating Through making mistakes and correcting themThrough listening, reading, teachers explanation, drills, exercises, practi
10、ceSounds, words, sentences, grammar (Forms) listening speaking, reading and writing (all skills)Forms: Sounds, words, sentences, grammarSome skills: listening and writingHow to pass exams. DifferencesReal life learning focuses on:Communicative functionsAll skillsCertain contextTraditional pedagogy f
11、ocuses on:focus on form rather than on functionsfocus on one or two skills and ignore the othersIsolate language from contextOne possible solution to bridge the gap between classroom language teaching and real life use is the adoption of communicative language teaching ( CLT).The goal of CLT is to d
12、evelop students communicative competence. 2.2 What is communicative competence?Task 2What does the sentence “Why dont you close the door?” mean in different situations?1. a real question: to ask about the reason.2. a command: a teacher order his student to close the door.3. a complaint: a wife is co
13、mplaining to her husband who always leaves the door open.Task 3 suggest that someone buy a black overcoat.Possible sentences:You should buy a black overcoat.Have you thought about buying a black overcoat?I think you should buy a black overcoatDont you think its a good idea to buy a black overcoatYou
14、d better buy a black overcoatWhy dont you buy a black overcoatI suggest that you buy a black overcoatIf I were you, I would buy a black overcoatFrom the tasks we can see that one language form may express a number of communicative functions and one communicative function can also be expressed by a v
15、ariety of language forms.So Communicative Competence should include not only the form of language, but also what to say to whom and how to say it appropriately in any given situation. Hedges five components of communicative competence:Linguistic competence 语言能力Pragmatic competence 语用能力Discourse comp
16、etence 语篇能力Strategic competence 交际策略Fluency 流利度 (Hedge 2000)In general, communicative competence includes: the knowledge about language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in real communication situations.In brief, communicative competence includes knowledge of what to say,
17、 when, how, where, and to whom.2.3 Implications for teaching and learning:Teaching must enable learners to grasp the five components of communicative competence, but not just the linguistic competence. (see Key to Task 5 P308-309)2.4 Principles of communicative language teaching (CLT)1). communicati
18、on principle (have a purpose to communicate)2). task principle (have a desire to use language)3). meaningfulness principle (have meaning to support learning process and encourage learners) (Richards and Rodgers 1986)2.5 CLT and teaching of language skillsIn CLT, the teaching of language skills shoul
19、d include: language content (to incorporate functions), learning process (cognitive style and information processing)Product (language skills)2.6 Some main features of communicative activitiesThe six criterianotes1. Communicative purposeA need to know something.- an information gap2. Communicative d
20、esireA need to do something3. Content, not formConcentrate on what to do and what to say in the activity, not how to say certain forms.4. Variety of languageStudents are free to use all kinds of language forms and skills, not just certain forms given by teacher.5. No teacher interventionStudents wor
21、k by themselves.6. No materials controlStudents make use of materials2.7 Task-Based Language Teaching“TBLT” has stressed the importance to combine form-focused teaching with communication-focused teaching.Definition of taskA task is a piece of work undertaken for oneself or for others, freely or for
22、 some reward.It is meant what people do in everyday life, at work, at play, and in between. (Long 1985:89)任务是人们在日常生活中所从事的有目的的活动。painting a fence,dressing a child,filling out a form, buying a pair of shoes,borrowing a library book,taking a driving test,making an airline reservation,writing a check,fi
23、nding a street destination, etc.What people do in everyday life:TASKSa piece of classroom work which involves learners in comprehending, manipulating, producing or interacting in the target language while their attention is principally focused on meaning rather than form. (Nunan 1989) Tasks are acti
24、vities where the target language is used by the leaner for a communicative purpose (goal) in order to achieve an outcome. (Wills 1996) Four components of a task:A purpose: making sure the students have a reason for undertaking the task.A context: the task can be real, simulated or imaginary, and inv
25、olves sociolinguistic issues, such as the location, the participants and other important factors.A process: getting the students to use learning strategies such as problem solving reasoning, inquiring, conceptualizing and communicating.A product: there will be some form of outcome, either visible (a
26、 written plan, a play, a letter. etc.) or invisible (enjoying a story, learning about another country, etc.)What are not tasks?Tasks do not include activities which involve language used for practice or display, such as Describe the picture using the words and phrases from the list below or Ask your
27、 partner if he likes the food listed here using the forms Do you like? Yes, I do/ No, I dont. where there is no outcome or purpose other than practice of pre-specified language.exercisestasksfocusformmeaningsituationno situationreal-life situationoutcomecorrect formaccomplishment of task languagepra
28、ctice of assigned form choice of form and content errorimmediate correctiondelayed correctionExercises, exercise-task and tasksExercises: focus on individual language itemsTasks: Purposeful and contextualized communicationExercise-task: halfway between tasks and exercises.Features of TBLT1. An empha
29、sis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target language.2. The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation.3. Provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on language itself, but also on the learning process.4. An enhancement of the learners own person
30、al experiences as important contributing elements to classroom learning.5. An attempt to link classroom language learning with language activation outside the classroom.Task 10.Activity 1: This activity has all the characteristics of a task.The work plan specifies what the two participants in the ta
31、sk are supposed to do.The primary focus is on meaning.Student A has to talk about the dangerous moment and student B is free to ask questions to clarify. The language use is similar to a natural communicative event.The outcome of this task is the completion of a picture by student B.2.8 PPP and Task
32、-based Language Teaching PPP teaching model: Presentation, Practice, Production The difference between PPP and TBLT Introduce to topic and task Task cycleTaskPlanningRepot Language focus Analysis Practice Pre-taskWillis model for task-based instruction (Willis, 1996:127) Pre-task phase:Three purpose
33、s:-to introduce new language that learners can use while performing the task; -to mobilize existing linguistic resources;-to ease processing load, and to push learners to interpret tasks in more demanding ways.Some options:Allow the students time to plan.Provide a modelDo a similar taskPre-teach key
34、 linguistic itemsOn general cognitive demands of the task 对任务要求的总体感知An emphasis on linguistic factors 关注语言因素Supporting learners in performing a task similar to the task they will perform in the during-task phase of the lesson 让学生做一些在后面完成任务时需要的准备工作Non-task preparation activities - brain storming 大脑风暴
35、- mind map 思维图 While-task phase:Some options:Participatory structure 参与方式: Whole-class vs. small group work; individual or interaction Set a time for completing the task.Vary the number of participants.Introduce a surprise element.Tell students they will have to present a report to the whole class.p
36、air and group work are seen as central to task-based teaching; not all tasks are interactiveThe post-task phase:Three major pedagogical goals:- to provide an opportunity for a repeating performance of the task(提供再做任务的机会)- to encourage reflection on how the task was performed(反思任务是怎样完成的)- to encourag
37、e attention to form(关注语言的形式) The way students use and experience language in TBL, is radically different from PPP.TBL can provide a context for grammar teaching and form-focuses activities. PPP is different in this aspect. 2.9 How to design tasks?Question that should be considered before design tasks.What is the objective of the taskWhat is the content of the task?How is the task to be carried out?In what situation is the task to be carried out? The
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