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1、 PAGE 页码 16 / NUMPAGES 总页数 16四年级人教版英语下学期期末复习难点知识习题班级:_ 姓名:_ 看图题写单词1. 看图片,补全单词。1l_ht 2_oor3k_ys 4sh_s5_and_2. 读一读,根据图片及句意选择正确的字母补全单词。1. The bag is on the s_.2. Li Hong is s_years old.3. Her name is Lily. S_is twelve.4. The books are on the t_.5. Sarah is in the s_.3. 看图片,将排列错乱的字母重新组成单词。1r e g i t_ 2r

2、 e i c_3a l b l_ 4e k s d_5r i g l_4. 看图回答问题。1 What is this ?2 What does the girl has ?3 Whats this ?4 Whats this ?5. 看图,完成对话。1Was he thin then? Yes,_.2Were you naughty then? Yes,_.3Are you at the zoo now? No,_. Im at home.4Was it sunny yesterday? Yes,_.5Who are they, Lingling?They are my_.6. 根据图片写单

3、词。1Look, this is my little_.2Those are_.3Look at my_. Its very beautiful.4The giraffe has a new T-shirt. But it is too_.5This is her_.7. 看图填空。1I like_.2The bird has_.3_is easier than_.8. 看图片,写单词。(1) (2)(3)选择题9. Im thirsty. I want _ some water. I want _ drink some water. ( )A./; / B.to; / C./; to10.

4、Its 5:00. Its time to _. ( )A.home B.go C.go to home11. Is the library next to _? ( )A.classroom Three B.Classroom Three C.classroom three12. _ glovesareverynice. ( )A.Those B.This C.It13. Its 4:30. Its time _. ( )A.to home B.for home C.to go home14. 我会辨,选出下列每组词汇中不同类的一项。1A.orange B.scarf C.banana( )

5、2A.math B.Chinese C.dress( )3A.cow B.tomato C.onion( )4A.hot B.cat C.warm( )5A.rainy B.snowy C.sweater( )15. Its 12 _. ( )A.clock B.a clock C.oclock16. I like to _. ( )A.fly a kite B.flying a kite C.fly kite填空题17. 用所给词适当形式填空。1Whats in_(he) pencil box?2His_(glass) are blue.3Help_(your).4Whats your_(m

6、other) job?5I can use_(chopstick).18. 重新排列方框内的字母,组成尽可能多的月份单词。(每个字母可重复出现)1MAYRCHDEB2AJNPIGURTLESY3OCTBERNVMFUAYSP19. 按要求写单词。1Id (完全形式)_ 2can(否定形式)_3short (反义词)_ 4his (对应词)_5this (复数)_20. 根据答语写出问句或问候语。1-How many days are there in a week?-2-It is Monday.21. 选出合适的单词填入横线上。1Welcome_(to/at) our school.2How

7、 many_(classroom/classrooms) are there in your school?3Do you_(have/has) a gym?4The computer room is on the_(one/first) floor.5Go to the garden and water the_(flower/flowers).22. 给下列单词分类。A. hens B. cows C. orange D. potatoE. carrot F. banana G. pear H. horseI. green beans J. grape1tomato_2sheep_3app

8、le_23. 看图片,选单词或词组。playground teachers office library art room music room1 23 4524. 用进行时态用所给词造句。1. They, eat rice. 2. She, watch TV. 3. He, play the piano. 4. Amy, draw pictures. 5. Daming, draw a dragon.连词成句25. want, some, I, dumplings(.)26. have I a new desk (.)27. your sister a Is doctor (?)28. fr

9、iend, Amy, is,my (. )29. new, your, color , pencil, is, What (?)30. tall,thin,hair,he,and,is(.)31. is, tall, he, strong, and (.)32. Monday, Friday, to, from, to, go, school, we (.)阅读理解33. 阅读短文,判断正误。Hello! Im Winnie. I have a friend. Her Bane is Lingling. Shes ten years old. Shes tall. She has long h

10、air. She likes English very much. She can run and jump. She has a big red ball. After class, we play together. We are happy.( )(1)Winnies friend is Lingling.( )(2)Lingling is ten years old.( )(3)Linglings hair is short.( )(4)Lingling likes Chinese very much.( )(5)Winnie and Lingling are good friends

11、.34. 阅读理解并判断正误。A clockThis is a clock. Its on the wall of my room. May be you dont know it. Now let me tell you something about it. It has two hands. One is long, the other is short. The long hand is minute hand and there are 60 minutes in an hour. The short hand is the hour hand and there are 24 ho

12、urs in a day.What time is it now? Its two oclock. I must do my homework now. Goodbye!(_)1. The clock is on the wall of my room.(_)2. The long hand is the hour hand.(_)3. There are 60 hours in a day.(_)4. There are 1440 minutes in a day.(_)5. You may know the time from the clock.35. 阅读理解。Ted is doing

13、 his homework. (Ted 正在准备明天和同学们交流的材料。)( D )At my old school, I have many friends. Tom is my good frienD. He is tall but not strong. He has glasses. His hair is orange. I often play basketball (篮球) with him. _( )At my home, it has 7 rooms. We have two studies. One is for mum. One is for me. In the big

14、 study, it has a computer, a phone and many books. _ In our living room, it has 2 sofas. I love my home.( )_It has eight people, my parents, me, my dog, uncle, aunt and two cousins. My dad is a doctor. My mum is a teacher. She has long hair.My dog is very cute.1 often have fun with it. I love my big

15、 family.(1)从下列选项中,选择合适的标题:A, My family B, My home C, My classes D, My friend E, My classroom(2)将下面3句话的序号填人到短文中相应的横线上。A, My family is big. B, The books are on the desk. C, I love my frienD.(3)将与短文内容有关的图片勾出来。A. B. C.D. E.(4)请再勾选4个合适的问题向Ted进行提问。Whats in the small study?Is Toms dog big?Whats your dogs n

16、ame?( )Are the sofas big?Is your aunt a cook?What colour is your dog?How many rooms are there at Amy S home?36. 阅读理解。Its a fine day. The seventh of Shenzhou is flying in the space (太空). There are two spacemen in it. They are Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng. In the spaceship they, throw the food into th

17、eir mouth. After the meal (一顿饭), they take the photographs each other (互相). Then (然后) they talk to the people on the earth (地球).They do some experiments ( 实验 ) in the spaceship. At last (最后)they come back to the earth safely (安全地).( )(1)Is it a fine day?A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. No; its fine

18、.( )(2)How many Shenzhous are there in China now?A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven.( )(3)How do the spacemen eat meals?the food into their mouth.A. Put B. Throw C. Catch( )(4)What can they do in the space?A. Take photographs. B. DO some experiments. C. Both A andb.37. 根据短文内容判断下面句子正误。Hello! Im Mary. I have a

19、 happy family. Come and meet my family. My father is a doctor. He likes playing sports, so he is tall and strong. My mother is tall and thin. She is a teacher. Shes kind, but sometimes shes strict. My brother is a basketball player. Hes strong, too. This is my sister, shes pretty and friendly. Shes

20、a nurse. I am a student. I have no joB. But I hope I will be a teacher in the future.( )(1)Marys father doesnt like playing sports.( )(2)Marys mother is tall and strong.( )(3)Marys brother is a basketball player.( )(4)Mary wants to be a doctor in the future.( )(5)Marys brother is strong, too.38. 根据短

21、文,判断下列内容是否符合短文内容。Tom is on the bus. He is looking out the window of the bus. There is a baby and her mother sitting behind Tom. The baby is crying. She is loud. There is a man and his son sitting in front of Tom. They are talking. Tom is going to see his grandmother and grandfather. He loves them ve

22、ry much.( )(1)Tom is on the train.( )(2)Tom is going to visit his grandma and grandpa.( )(3)There is a boy and his father sitting behind Tom.( )(4)The baby is crying and she is very loud.( )(5)Tom loves his father and his mother very much.39. 判断正误。Yesterday was Saturday . It waa a busy day. In the m

23、oring,Amy got up early to help her mother cook breakfast.Then she cleaned the house and washed clothes . After a short rest , she went to the supermarket with her mother . They bought lots of vegetables , food and fruits . She was very tired . In the evening , she watched TV and went to bed early.(

24、)(1)Saturday was a busy day.( )(2)Amy got up early and do morning exercises.( )(3)Amy didnt clean the house.( )(4)Amy and her mother went to the supermarket .( )(5)Her mother went to bed early.40. 阅读,并根据短文意思选择正确答案。Dear Grandma,Thank you for the new shorts. They are cool!Its hot in Beijing. Its sunny

25、 too. I can wear my shorts and T-shirt. I have a new jacket. My old jacket is too small. I want to buy a hat. It is fifty Yuan. Its too expensive. Whats the weather like at the farm? Is it warm? How many new ducks are there?Love,John(1)Who wrote(写) the letter?( )A. Grandma B. John C. Grandpa(2)Whats the weather like in Beijing?( )A. hot and windy B. hot and sunny C. sunny and warm(3)How much is the hat?( )A. fifteen yuan B. five yuan C. fifty yuan(4)Where is grandma?( )A. at the farm B. at home C. in the park(5)Is the new jacket too small?( )A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. Sorr


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