



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业Step1 Revision and Leading-inIts time for class . class begin good morning everyone. Sit down, please.Last lesson we have learned some useful words and phrases about war and peace. I asked you to make up a dialogue about this topic using

2、 the words and phrases learned last lesson . Ok . Are you ready? One student one group. Please come to the front to perform it for us . very good ,Thank you for your excellent performance . Please go back to your seat. Let us clap our hands to show our congratulations to you again。Thank you for your

3、 excellent performances . Please go back to your seat. Let us clap our hands to show our congratulations for/to you again, From their dialogue ,we know the two brothers : peace and war .Now please look up at the screen .Can you tell me its name?Yes,its a peace dove/a bird of peace holding an olive b

4、ranch. (你们知道它象征什么吗?)Do you know what it symbolizes. Yes, it is a symbol of peace, peace is our good wishes, but some countries and some people want to constantly declare war on other countries in order to compete for land, resources, wealth and power this lesson we are going to talk about war and pe

5、ace.(板书 war and peace )Before class Ive given the guiding cases away to you . Please take out it Step2 WhileReadingTeacher:Now I want to introduce some glossaries about the D-Day Landings.Allies: Countries that fought against the Axis Powers.Allied Expeditionary Force (AEF): under the command of Gen

6、eral Eisenhower. Twelve nations supplied troops and material for it, including the United States , Canada , France , and the United Kingdom .Axis Powers: The alliance of Germany , Italy , and Japan .Operation Overlord: code name for the military operation in 1944 to invade France .D-Day / H-Hour: Th

7、e terms D-Day and H-Hour are used for the day and hour on which an attack or operation is to be launched. D for the day of the invasion and H for the hour the operation actually begins.D-Day landings: D-Day Invasion or Invasion of NormandyTeacher: Listen to the passage .skim the passage and match th

8、e two parts. that is to summarize the main idea of each paragraph. Ill give you several minutes. Ill call sb to write the answers on the blackboard. work in groups and disscuss the question. And then I will ask some of them write the answers on the blackboard. One group one student.Read quickly and

9、match the two partsPassage1 ( )passage2 ( )passage3 ( )(a). great losses of the soldiers of Able Company(b). an event related to the Second World War(c). the most important battle during the Second World War -Operation Overlord2. Read passage1 and answer the following questions.First please look up

10、at the screen ,which is helpful to understand passage1.What event started the Second World War?_What was the purpose of Operation Overlord?_What nationality were the troops who took part in the operation?_Where was the most dangerous place to land?_Ok, stop here.First who want to answer. Can you tel

11、l me where the answer is find in the text. (Yes, First paragraph ,from 1 to 3 lines)( In September 1939, Britain declared war on Germany after Germany invaded Poland .The war , which lasted until 1945, is known as the Second World War.) In September 1939, Britain declared war on Germany after German

12、y invaded Poland .The war , which lasted until 1945, is known as the Second World War.During the war, Germany occupied many countries , including France. The most important battle of the war in Europe was Operation Overlord, the military operation in 1944 to invade France. Operation Overlord started

13、 when boats full of soldiers landed on the beaches of Normandy in France, known as the D-Day Landings. Troops from the United States , Britain and Canada took part in the D-Day Landings. Although the landing was very difficult and dangerous, it was successful. It was the beginning of the end of the

14、Second World War. Operation Overland started as a story of danger and confusion and ended as a story of bravery and acts of heroism,Teacher: Ok , so much for passage1 ,next please read passage to and then choose the best answer. This part is _ I will give you about 2 minutes .In 2 minutes I will cal

15、l st to write the anwser on the blackboard .You can discuss with your partner if you have some difficulty you also turn to me for help. I will call one student from different groups to report your anwsers to us . ok , unstand?3.Choose the best answer according to passage2. When the Germans started f

16、iring at the boats, .(a) the boats were so far from the beach that they werent hit(b) the boats were one kilometer from the beach.When Boat 5 was hit by a shell, .(a) everyone was killed(b) most of the men were rescued from the water.The men from Boat 3 had problems in the water because .(a) their b

17、ackpacks were too heavy(b) the water was too deep.Two of the soldiers from Able Company .(a) stayed on the beach(b) met some other soldiersTeacher: I think our sts behave very well today . Im very happy and very satisfied you especailly Yutingting and Qiaoqiaong . If only you behaved well like today

18、. Nexy Let us come to passage3. This part is about _4.Read passage 3 and answer the following questions.Why was 6 June 2004 an important date for the survivors?_Why do you think so many soldiers were never found?_.In your own words, what does the poem say about the lost soldiers?_III巩固练习(此部分视学生掌握的情况

19、而定,属于灵活机动题)Read passage1 and then fill the blanks.(每空一词)In September 1939, Britain_ _ _ Germany after Germaialy_ Poland. The War _ _ _ the Second World War. The most important battle was Operation Overlord, it started when boats _ _ landed on the beaches of Normandy in France , known as the _Troops

20、from the United States,_and_took part in the D-Day landings. American soldiers_ to land at the most _place, known as Omaha Beach.仔细阅读The D-Day Landings-Passage3 , 判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)There were 10,886 soldiers taking part in the D-Day landings.( )The poem on the memorial was specially written to remember the soldiers who died during the D-Day landings.For the FallenThey shall not grow old , as we that are left grow old. Ag


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