



1、第 PAGE9 页 共 NUMPAGES9 页精华成长英语作文合集 1 【精华】成长英语作文合集 7 7 篇【精华】成长英语作文合集 7 篇在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,下面是我收集整理的成长英语作文 7 篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。成长英语作文 篇1Going to high school is my first time to leave home.I have to live in school from Monday to Friday

2、.I like to stay away from my parents for some time, because I can make my own choice and be free to go anywhere.My friends and I like to spend the weekend in the countryside that near the city we live.It is the short travel that I can not only appreciate the beautiful scenery, but also learn to be i

3、ndependent.The things that nature teaches me are a lot. I can see from the color of the cloud to predict the weather and the sound of of animals have different meanings.All of these are hard to know from the books.I have my own thinking from these trips, and the way to take care of myself helps me t

4、o grow up.成长英语作文 篇2How times flies! Now I am a student in Grade Nine and facing the first turning point in my school life.This title “Growing pains and gains” reminds me of the meaningful school life.The colourful life is full of my happiness and sorrows.2In school, I have to take a lot of lessons.S

5、ome are interesting while some are boring.But itrsquo;s the responsibility of the students to learn them all well.I have to try my best.During my growing time, a lot of trouble worried me.Thatrsquo;s awful and makes me blue.Although I met with a lot of failure, I still have a lot of gains.I can make

6、 a priceless friendship.I can learn a large number of useful thingsto be kind, friendly to others, to be confident and independent and so on.I think growing pains and gains are countless.But they play an important role in my life and make my life colourful.【参考译文】时光飞逝!现在我是一名九年级的学生,面对学校生活的第一个转折点。这个标题“

7、成长的痛苦和收获”让我想起了有意义的学校生活。多彩的生活充满了我的快乐和悲伤。在学校里,我要上很多课。有些是有趣的,有些是无聊的。但学生的责任是把他们学好。我必须尽我最大的努力。在我成长的时候,很多烦恼困扰着我。这是可怕的,使我的蓝色。虽然我遇到了很多失败,我仍然有很多收获。我可以做无价的友谊。我能学到很多有用的东西善待他人,友善,自信和独立等等。我认为成长的痛苦和收获是无数的。但它们在我的生活中扮演着重要的角色,使我的生活多姿多彩。成长英语作文 篇3“我成长我快乐!”成长的快乐,是最纯粹的一种快乐,有时侯甚至不需要什么理由,我成长我快乐作文。它是3 人的生命在不断完善时的一种欣喜,更是发自内

8、心的情感流露。有人也许会问:成长难道就只有快乐没有烦恼吗?是的,成长中固然有烦恼,但“烦”只是和“乐”对比而言,并不是绝对的;有时候,烦恼可能也是一种快乐。通过认真学习,我知道了掌握知识的快乐。我知道一个公式-学习=快乐 。当你在取得好成绩时;当你得到老师或家长的称赞时;在你苦苦思索后,终于知道了一道题的正确答案;在你知道了许多你以前不知道的知识后,你是否感到了一种喜悦的感觉?对,这就是学习的快乐!在成长中,我们天天都在学习。既然逃避不了,那就开心的去面对吧!我们需要认真上课,需要仔细按时完成家庭作业,需要我们自觉的复习与预习,需要一些适当的户外运动,来保持健康的身体只要你做到了以上的几点,你

9、就会惊奇的发现原来学习这么快乐!期末快到了,我们更应到争取每分每秒的光阴!各位同学们让我们一起“快乐学习,快乐成长!”成长英语作文 篇4When I was growing up took place in the story as many of the stars in the sky, countless numbers of which have a very deep thing, and that is by bike. In my si_-year-old when grandpa bought me a bicycle, as the wheels are about the

10、bike, so it will not fall.Frequently as a child to ride, then ride a little love, has been placed on the garage, since the plot has been covered by a thick layer of ash.One day I go home I saw a tall and almost high-skilled boy riding a bicycle to the area where high speed, power and prestige really

11、 ah! I want to go home after quarreling with her 4 mother on the bike s two wheels removed.Mom said to me: small wheel, you will fall down by the pain.I said: I do not Pateng.Finally, I fail to beat the mother, only two small wheels removed.The ne_t day happened to be Sunday, the weather was fine in

12、 particular, my mother has to rest at home.She took early in the morning, I called up, I wonder what my mother asked, her mother said: Today you are taught to ride a bike.I am ecstatic, quickly changed pajamas.To bike from the garage to launch the beginning I held on to her mother riding a bike, his

13、 mother a hand-song, I fall on the legs in the air.I finally could not insist on, shouted out: I do not practiced.Furious and ready to go home.Then my mother said to me loudly: coward, it can not stand the pain all, we must not afraid of hard work, can not give up halfway.And then she gently said: I

14、 am sure you will succeed!成长英语作文 篇5I want to believe that everyone has their own growth e_perience.Today I will tell you about my upbringing. When I was four or five years old, my father bought two small goldfish and kept them at home.One day, I saw my father and mother taking a nap.Then I went to s

15、ee the little goldfish, and suddenly I thought: can the little goldfish live in the air and make it live in the air? I took one of my little goldfish out of the water, and after a while, I changed it for the second 5 one, and I felt a little sleepy and went to bed.When I woke up, I went to see the l

16、ittle goldfish and gave them some food.I thought: fish will not eat fish food, want to change the taste, I hurriedly take out cake and milk to put in.The ne_t morning, I hurried to the fish bowl, I thought: will the fish be very happy? Who knows? Oh, my god! The little fish died and I burst into tea

17、rs.Now I understand that fish cant live in the air, and it doesnt like to drink milk or eat cake.Ill never do it again.成长英语作文 篇6I, day by day grew up.The mind, also day by day. Childhood childish joke, at this moment hundred million, can wrinkle the brow, e_clamation a voice: the time is gone!Growin

18、g up, doing a lot of things, although still children in the eyes of parents, but some things are also naturalThe land is pushed to the shoulder, not willing to face, the people who do not want to meet, at the moment, must also deal with, to solve, to face, to shoulder the responsibility of an adult.

19、Gradually, he learned how to stand up in the society, learned how to swallow the bitter water in his heart, and learned to face certain facts and facts in a calm and indifferent state of mind.But at the same time, all these 6 things are being mature, and the cocoon of the heart is thickening in a la

20、yer.Growth is a normal physiological phenomenon.Growth is the demand of family and society, but the pressure of growth and psychological pressure, the distortion of character, is also duty-bound!成长英语作文 篇7From the picture we can see a family of three walking on a long red carpet.The son , well dressed, waves proudly in the middle while the father behind bends forward to hold the jacket and the mother in front rolls out the carpet, sweating. It shows a mon ph


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