



1、2018 年国家电网职称英语补全短文Automaticregulationofboiler drum .regulator(thedrumlevelis keopt .).available( itisa one .).Thesteam temperature(the superheater outlet)Thereheater .ifnecessary , ( asmallquantityof water .).Additionally,(bythewater spraying ).Asuddenchangeinthe configuration1caused (bytheoperation

2、of) 2 general (determine the).Limitatingboth (the cost of).occur (at both opening).iflimited(bymeansofcircuit breaker ).AdvancedDistribution Automationisaterm .1grid.(theelectricalpower grid) istypicallyand ( distributionsystems).operate(atlower voltages) .unable(tocontrolsmaller entities ) .systems

3、(foranumberof reasons ) .According to the mode of energyhydraulic(nuclear,wind, solarn ).power and( suppliespowerto)but also ( supplies steamtothe)long term ;( fuel supply .)in a( newlyscheduled .)Avegetariandietisofen1.heartdiseaseand(alower risk ofdiabetes) thanpeoplediet,(not just for health),but

4、 also(they believe a vegan diet )can be deficientKnow that (it is important to take care of their bodies),and to use the earthsUnderstand that(to helpenvironment)and for the humancustomer serviceThe american .respect ( from the very .)ask ( how much items cost ).When customers are ready .they ( have

5、 paid for ).In america , customer service .long ( after the sale ) .back. ( the customer ) will.circuitbreakersare automaticallyrequired(to control electrical)byable (to switch the)to manyupon(toperformany switching)withoutis (of the highest) ofimportance(ofthecircuit breaker)cannotElectrical energy

6、 conseravationmethods for (reducing energy consumption can be undertaken at home)companies(making use of altemative clean enetgy sources)to the atmosphere(contributing to climate change)or(turning the thermostat up in the summer and down in the winter)People(looking for other opportunities for clect

7、rical energy conservation in the home)Electrical energy1 phenomena such as(static electricity) 2 store the(electrical charge) for late;The concept of (elctrical energy)is(Altemating current )occurs when; 5 (Electrical potential)is essentialElectricpowerisamost convenientAt the present time(the lack

8、of electricity)people that (its unavailability) 3 lead to (socialdisorder ,) with4 and(its growth rate)is much greater 5Now(highelectricpower consumption per capita)Electricity in a remote location 1)paradigmfor(movingelectricity around) in developed countries 2)usuallylocated (near a source of wate

9、r),and away from3)voltageat (which it connects).The 4)boundariesuntil(itreachesits wholesale coustomer)5)uponarrival(attheservice location)Formany years ,Solar Energy 1).isrequired(at remote locations) 2)(Thegreat benefitof solar energy) isthatitis highly3)used to (powerenvironmental and situation m

10、onitoring equipment) and 4)that links the PV(with a small diesel generator)5)illuminatesignsor(advertising boards)Fulecellsaredevicesthat12018 年国家电网职称英语补全短文whencurrent,(thereisno).theseand (further development).suchbut(astheyarebeing developed)to2.5V,(many cells are)andto (supply alternating)whenin(

11、)such as USA ,japan and europeanin (some advanced countries) suchhas (great advantages) .asthe(subcriticalonce-through boiler),therea(good homogenizationof).soif(whole process),bothMany people think ofpower system(sustainable)Oneof(thebestknownis photovoltaic cells)They are extremely(inefficient)sys

12、tem,(the collected energy is used to heat a fluid),which then passesfarmore(efficient)andisableto retainMany peopledislike walking to1checks.(theyaredissatisfied with)theirbankslimitedhoursbanking (from the comfort of their own home)Business(throughtheirhome computers),this process is calledBranches

13、,(customers can view)all their accounts,onproducts(suchascredit cards).customersMany large cities are anything but beautifuihowever,(there is still something).waste,(there is no time).theygood,(it can be).whennow (more and more).some day 5 But so far.(building beautiful).reliable and affordable ener

14、gy supplyThe necessity of reliable and .in( developing countries ) are .day ( there are .)Decentralized stand-alone systems by .( renewable energy systems in .)are ( highly reliable )The large number .arise. ( for this reason ),.Solarenergy islaudedSolar energy is lauded as an .( like satellites in)

15、 andcabins deep inpower .downtown ( buildings and futuristiccars)astoragedevice. ( such asa battery),and cloudyweatherlandarea ( to collectthesuns).,andthe ( united states )are majorsolar energy is lauded as an .places ( like .) and.downtown( buildings and .)But solar .device(such as .)area( to coll

16、ect .).Despite the drawbacks, .and the ( united states ) are.something about dictionary“ look it up in the dictionary “ isthe .Until a few hundred years ago ,.( but it was not)( each time .) the latest )(dictionaries that list .)the huge .( general dictionaries are not .) a bilingual .5.( thus there

17、.) the .Smart Grid is also called 1)in grid (design ,operation,and communication).customers arecanbetter(managetheirenergy use)andreducecommunication(italsoprovides opportunities)to wisely manage 4)operation,(reducingoutagesand cascading ),and enabling5)ASmartgrid(canbea mechanism)for achievingthewe

18、atherinwintercanbe very coldthen.(they can sleep).forspring.(we call this).more.(hibernating animals ).theirsleep (so they dont ).their sleep.(as it gets).Thefunction of () is to sendof (power transmission) isbetween (power network) powersubstations,(step-down substations and).thethe (transmission a

19、t high voltage) canof (power networks). TheThebodythatisnearestmoon.(it circles the).thispathororbit.(a satellite stays) .objects.(thebiggerandheavier a).the(to get out into space we).there22018 年国家电网职称英语补全短文Mars.(artificialsatellite can be ).the secondary equipments inare(theequipments that),measur

20、ingand (the equipments that).theand (current values in)areHeat expansion refers to .with ( the rise in temperature)of ( external forces)There are three .( heat transfer ) 5 The first law of .( internal enerrgy ) of .31. The American idea ofcost-effective.it is (one of the lowest-cost)a low -cost fue

21、l(in many areas of the country)resources,(like wind power),are also 4)(wind power plant owners)make rent5)unitedstates(wereestimatedto)and (5A rated).thevoltages,(50V rated),0.5AThehighvoltagepowerline throughis(transmitted from power)isis (the power line that)toof (the overhead)referpollution,(ligh

22、tning frequently),thecalled (large spanning ).Theaim of introducing market1it needs (a wholesale market) 2、needs(a retail market)where3、Participants need(to agree on tuheprice and quantity to bie traded)4、arefree(tochooseelectricity suppliers)5、hewillneed(toregisterasa market customer)There are numerous examplesdollarsin(theresearchand development)between(thefake and real items)of (new chemicals)beentreatedas(theintellectual property)any other (physical property)Temperature, pressure,.1used(parameters of the .)customerservice.tot


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