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1、1. _ (出席、参加) the meeting offered me a chance to learn from the others.2. I hope the docter can_ (治愈) the pain.3._(责备)easily resulted in their failure.4.Is there a _ (联系)between smoking and lung disease.5.I know _(怀疑) me of my honesty.6.The docter_ (推断)that the patients disease was cancer一、单词拼写Attend

2、ingcureBlaminglinksuspectsconcluded7. We should take measures to prevent the river from being _(污染) .8. Li Ning changed its slogan to _ (吸引) more young consumers.9.Your uncles comment on the film left us a good _.10.His neighbor _(控告)him of breaking the rule.11. He is a person who is _ (缺乏) money.at

3、tractpollutedimpressionaccusedlacking12. He _(指导、向导)the man through the streets to the station.13.Because he has some _ (先前的)experience of this kind of job. 14. He _(要求)of me to help him yesterday.15. I am _ (快乐的,欣喜的) to see you.guidedpreviousdemandeddelighted16. I will go there to _(协助)him in doing

4、 the work.17. You will_ (获得,取得,学到) all the information you want to know.18.The police are looking for the man who has been _(中毒).19. His hand is badly _ (肿胀的).20.The young man often _(榨出) money out of the pupil.assistacquirepoisonedswollensqueezed21.Please_ (倒)me a cup of tea.22.Its difficult to _(评

5、估) a persons ability.23.I wonder whether the new building plan will be _(赞成,认可) or not.24.The Christian Church _(拒绝) his theory.25.We should _(贡献)to our country.pourassessapprovedrejectedcontribute26. They are going to meet the_ (挑战) 27. The teacher will _(宣布) that we will have a few days off.28. I

6、turned the_ (把手) and opened the door.29.We all _(对待/治疗)them as our best friends.30.He wants to _(申请)for a job.handleannouncechallengetreatapply31.The wheels of the car are_(旋转).32.Two _(加上)three is five.33.You must _(安排)for him to do some cleaning.34.He _(折叠)the paper and threw it away.35.He is _(乐观

7、的)about his future.spinningplusarrangefoldedoptimistic37.He will come back in an _(瞬间,片刻).38.Many good lands will turn into_(沙漠).39.The _(解决)of the problems will be good to us.40.The bridge is in the _(过程/程序)of being built.instantdesertsettlementprocess二、课文词组填空1. But he became inspired when he thoug

8、ht about helping ordinary people _ _ cholera.但当他一想到要帮助患病的普通老百姓,特别是那些得了霍乱的患者时,他就感到很振奋。2. He found supporting evidence from two other deaths that were _ _ the Broad Street outbreak. 他从两个与宽街爆发的霍乱有关联的死亡病例中发现了有力的证据.3.However,the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and _ _ to form its own government. 然

9、而,爱尔兰的南部却不愿意而分离出去了,并建立的自己的政府.exposed tolinked tobroke away4. However,I _ _ _ Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market.可是,当我们到达一个看上去像是大市场的地方时,我看不见王平了.5.Exhausted,I _ _ bed and fell fast asleep.实在累坏了,我溜上床很快就睡着了.6 He was _ _ into the center of them.他被卷入到这群车队中去了.7. I still cannot believ

10、e that I am _ _ this prize that I won last year.我现在仍然不能相信我是在接受去年获得的这个奖励.lost sight ofslid intoswept uptaking up8.A footballer was accused of taking money for deliberately not scoring goals _ _ _ let the other team win.一位足球运动员被指控受贿,故意不进球,好让对方球队赢球.9 Have you ever had a case where someone _ your journa

11、lists _getting the wrong end of the stick?你有没有过这样的情况:别人控告你的记者说他的报道失事?10. Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question _ _what the person says.同时,你还要根据被采访人所说的话准备提出下一个问题。so as toaccusedofdepending on11. _ _ _ the four countries do work together in some areas.值得赞扬的是,这四个国家的确在一些方面共同合作。12.You may be ab

12、le to _ _ photography later if youre interested.如果你对摄影感兴趣,以后你可以集中精力去钻研.13. Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky _ _. 只有当你把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中其它行星的运动才能说得清楚。To their creditconcentrate onmake sense14.We need it in this edition to be _ _the other newspapers.我们需要用这一版来

13、抢在其他报纸之前。15.It shows that a knowledge of first aid can _ _ real _.这说明急救知识确实能发挥重要的作用。16.You can get burned by _ _ _ things.你可能因各种各样的事情而受伤。17. He immediately asked _ _ _ nearby people for bandage, but when nobody could _ _ _ _ any.他马上向附近的许多人要绷带,但是当时没有人能找到一块。ahead ofmake adifferencea variety ofa number

14、 ofput their hands on18. and placing them on the burned area _ _ _ _ for about an hour 放在烧伤面上,反反复复作一小时左右 三、单句改错To their surprise, they found their money losing.When I arrived , I found him played on the playground.I smell something burnt in the kitchen.over and over againlostpiayingburning4.With his

15、 work finishing, the worker went to the cinema with his friend.5.Only a small number of people is against the plan.6.It is no doubt that he will take part in the sports.7.He lay in the bed, with his eyes opened.8.I am so delight to return home.finishedareThereopendelighted 9.He was accused for steal

16、ing the car by police.10.Last weekend, we did a thoroughly cleaning.11.Mr. Wang is one of my fathers colleague.12.Your composition needs polish.13.I felt very nervous at every time I climbed onto the wall.14.Neither my parents nor my sister have dinner at home.ofthoroughcolleaguespolishing去掉athas15.

17、Only then he realize the importance of English.16.In spite of the heavy rain, he remained stood outside.17.On our way home, we found a boy lay by the road, dying.18.To our great surprised, the boy failed in the exam again.19.There is no doubt whether he will win the match.then 后+didstandinglyingsurp

18、risethat20.The house is comfortable to live.21.Encouraging by the speech, the young people made up his mind to work hard.22.He is so greedy to knowledge that he reads every book available.23.On the top of the hill stand a temple.24.My money for this month has been run out.25.You had better get the w

19、ork finish by night.live 后+inEncouragedforstands去掉been或out后+offinished26.Although he is busy, but he often helps me with housework.27.That is easy to give up smoking.28.It was in the shop where he met a foreigner.29.It was the first time that he visited it.30.I was impressed by the way which she did

20、 it. 去掉butItthathe后+ hadthat31.Lets give first aid to those who suddenly fall ill or get injuring.32.Your skin prevents your body from lose too much water.33.You can get burned by variety of things.34.The polluting river gives off a terrible smell.35. dont think it makes a sense for us to go to the

21、United States to find a job. injuredlosingby后+ apolluted去掉 a36.Im very pleasing with my own cooking because it looks nice and smells delicious.37.His right hand got burning in that big fire.38.Dont you know the girl worn a red skirt?39.Zhang Pingyu had a photo take standing on either side of the lin

22、e.40.But she was thrilling by so many wonderful treasures from different cultures .pleasedburnedwearingtakenthrilled41.She saw many visitors enjoying look at the beautiful old Chinese pots and other objects on show.42.The next day she was leaving London to Windsor Castle. 43.Each article is carefull

23、y polishing before we read it. 44.His father is two years senior with his mother. 45.Can you finish the work ahead for the deadline? 46.Read this and pass it on towards your teacher.lookingleaving后+forpolishedtoofto四、语法填空Most of the guests _(invite) to the dinner were his former teammates.The_(injur

24、e) workers in the accident are now being taken good care of in the hospital.She was _(dress) in her finest skirt at the party that night.We are going to talk about the problem _ (discuss) at the last meeting. I was _(delight)to be invited to her party.I dont know the girl _(lose)in the woods.invited

25、injureddresseddiscusseddelightedlost7.The girl_(knock) down by car was dying.8.There was an _(excite)look on his face when the actress appeared.9.With all the work _(do),I feel very relaxed now.10.He didnt notice his wallet _(steal).11.The students wouldnt like the problem _ (discuss) at the meeting

26、.12.When we got to school, we saw the door _(lock).13.I am very busy now. Id like to have my little child _(take) to school.knockedexciteddonestolendiscussedlockedtaken14.Be careful, or you will have your hands _(hurt).15.He spoke slowly to make himself_(understand)16.When he woke up, he found himse

27、lf _(surround) by a group of students.17.The poor boy, _(fill)with strength, rose from the ground.18.It seems that he has told a lie when _(ask)at the meeting by his boss.19._(give) more time, he will make a first-class tennis.20.Many things _(consider) impossible in the past have come true today.hu

28、rtunderstoodsurroundingfilledaskedGivenconsidered21.If _(give) more attention, the little trees could have grown better.22._(lose) in thought, he sat in the sofa without any movement.23.Here _ (come) the bus.24.In front of the door _(sit) a little boy yesterday.25._(be) I you, I would go there.26.Seldom have I _(hear) from her recently.27.If _(ask) please give him a hand.givenLostcomessatWereheardasked28.When _(come) here, I saw him walking alone.29.When _(heat),the ice


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