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1、第1章 专题13 HYPERLINK file:/D:TDDOWNLOAD二轮复习二轮英语1-13.ppt t _parent 省略、替代、强调及其他特殊句式1.(2011重庆卷,28)I told them not everybody could run as fast as you did, _?Acould he Bdidnt ICdidnt you Dcould they答案:B。本题考查反意疑问句。句意:我告诉他们并不是所有的人都和你跑得一样快,是吗?主从复合句变反意疑问句时,反问部分与主句一致。故B项正确。2(2011重庆卷,32)Have you seen the film Un

2、der the Hawthorn Tree?Of course, I have. It was in our village _ it was made.Athat BwhereCwhen Dwhich答案:A本题考查强调句型。句意:你看过电影山楂树之恋吗?当然看过,就在我们的村庄拍摄的。其结构为:It is/was被强调部分that其余部分。此处强调地点状语。3(2011山东卷,23)Find ways to praise your children often,_ youll find they will open their hearts to you.A. till B. orC. a

3、nd D. but答案:C。本题考查连词的用法。句意:找到经常表扬孩子的方法,你就会发现孩子们就会对你敞开心扉。本句为“祈使句and简单句”,祈使句可转化为if引导的条件句。4(2011江苏卷,33)It sounds like something is wrong with the cars engine._, wed better take it to the garage immediately.A. Otherwise B. If notC. But for that D. If so答案:D。本题考查省略。句意:听起来好像是车的发动机出毛病了。如果这样的话,我们最好立刻把他带到修车厂

4、去。otherwise“否则,要不然”,if not“如果不的话”,but for that“若不是因为那”,if so“如果这样的话”。由句意可知D项正确。5(2011辽宁卷,29)He had no sooner finished his speech_the students started cheering.Asince BasCwhen Dthan答案:D。本题考查连词的用法。句意:他一演讲完,同学们就欢呼起来了。no sooner.than.,hardly.when.与as soon as意义一致,表示“一就”。6(2011辽宁卷,23)Twenty students want t

5、o attend the class that aims to teach_to read fast.Awhat BwhoChow Dwhy答案:C本题考查连词的用法。句意:有二十名学生要去听如何快速阅读的课。what什么;who谁;how怎样;why为什么。根据句意,C项正确。7(2011湖南,35)Its not what we do once in a while _ shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.Awhich Bthat Chow Dwhen 答案:B。本题考查强调句式,句意:不是我们偶尔而是我们始终如一做的事情塑造了我们的

6、生活。此处构成it is.that强调句式。8(2011陕西卷,23)It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do_benefits our work most.A. who B. which C. that D. what答案:C。考查强调句型。句意:不是我们做了多少而是我们向我们所做的投入了多少热忱使我们的工作最受益。去掉It is 和空白处以后,句子可还原为Not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do benefits our w

7、ork most,由此可见本题考查强调句式“It is被强调部分(Not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do)that其他”,所以C项正确。该结构中只有被强调部分是人时才可用who替代that,其他情况得用that。9. (2010全国卷)Though _ to see us,the professor gave us a warm welcome.Asurprising Bwas surprised Csurprised Dbeing surprised答案:C。考查省略。前半句是“Though he was sur

8、prised to see us”的省略形式。一般情况下,如果状语从句的主语与主句的主语相同,并且从句的谓语含有be动词,通常省略状语从句中的主语和be动词。10. (2010安徽卷)It was from only a few supplies that she had bought in the village _ the hostess cooked such a nice dinner.Awhere Bthat Cwhen Dwhich答案:B。考查强调句式。句意:女主人用先前从村庄中买的仅仅几样东西做出了如此美妙的晚餐。被强调部分是from only a few supplies,句

9、中的“that she had bought in the village”是定语从句,修饰先行词supplies。句子主干为the hostess cooked such a nice dinner.。11(2010湖南卷)Johns success has nothing to do with good luck.It is years of hard work _ has made him what he is today.Awhy Bwhen Cwhich Dthat答案:D。考查强调句型。此处强调第二句的主语years of hard work。句意:John的成功与运气没有关系。正

10、是他多年的努力才成就了今天的他。12(2010山东卷)The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day,_ accompanied by an adult.Aonce Bwhen Cif Dunless答案:D。考查连词。句意:校规规定,任何孩子在白天都不允许出校门,除非有大人陪同。所以选unless。13(2010四川卷)If you have a job,_yourself to it and finally youll succeed.Ado devote Bdon

11、t devote Cdevoting Dnot devoting答案:A。考查特殊句型。本句为“祈使句and陈述句”句型;do是对谓语动词devote的强调。14(2010江苏卷)So far we have done a lot to build a lowcarbon economy,but it is_ideal.We have to work still harder. Anext to Bfar from Cout of Ddue to答案:B。考查词组辨析。句意:迄今为止我们为建设低碳经济已经做出了很多,但是远不理想。我们必须更加努力。far from表示“远非;一点也不”。A项表

12、示“仅次于”;C项表示“离开,出于”,一般与名词或代词连用;D项表示“因为”。15(2010江苏卷)I have tried very hard to find a solution to the problem,but in vain.Why not consult with Frank?You see,_.Agreat minds think alikeBtwo heads are better than oneCa bird in the hand is worth two in the bushDits better to think twice before doing someth

13、ing答案:B。考查习语。答话人建议说话人不要仅仅凭借自己的力量,而应该请教别人,由此可知选B项“两人智慧胜一人”。A项表示“英雄所见略同”;C项表示“双鸟在林不如一鸟在手”;D项表示“三思而后行”,都与所给语境不符。16(2010浙江卷)I guess weve already talked about this before but Ill ask you again just_.Aby nature Bin return Cin case Dby chance答案:C。考查短语辨析。句意:我猜我们以前谈过这个问题,但以防万一,我还是要再问问你。in case“以防,万一”;by natu

14、re”天生,生性”;in return“作为的回报”;by chance“偶然,意外地”。根据句意,这里选C项。17(2010浙江卷)According to my grandma,it is a good idea to eat chicken soup when you have a cold._,scientists agree with her. ASooner or later BOnce in a whileCTo be exact DBelieve it or not答案:D。考查短语辨析。句意:根据我奶奶的看法,感冒时最好喝鸡汤。确实如此,科学家也这么认为的。此处believe

15、 it or not表示“信不信由你,确实”的含义,符合语境。sooner or later“迟早”;once in a while“时不时,偶尔,间或”;to be exact“确切地说”。18. (2009江苏卷)What s the matter with Della?Well, her parents wouldnt allow her to go to the party, but she still _.A. hopes to B. hopes soC. hopes not D. hopes for答案:A。根据语境可知,父母不允许Della参加party,可她依然希望能去。此处考

16、查省略,仅保留动词不定式符号to,故A项正确。19. (2009江西卷)Some of you may have finished unit one. _, you can go on to unit two. A. If you may B. If you doC. If not D. If so答案:D。句意:有些人可能已经完成了第一单元。如果是这样,完成第一单元的同学请继续进行第二单元。正确答案应为if you have 或 if so。20. (2008全国卷)It was in New Zealand _ Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith. A. that

17、B. howC. which D. when答案:A。此题考查了强调句型:it is/was. that . 。句意:就是在新西兰,伊丽莎白第一次见到了史密斯先生。21. (2008北京卷)Im sorry youve been waiting so long, but itll still be some time _ Brian gets back.A. before B. sinceC. till D. after答案:A。it is(was/will be)some time before .是一个常用句型,意思是:“过时间才”。22. (2008天津卷)It was along th

18、e Mississippi River _ Mark Twain spent much of his childhood. A. how B. whichC. that D. where答案:C。此题考查了强调句型的用法,强调句型的常见形式是:it is/was. that. 。23. (2008安徽卷)I have some big news for you. Youve been accepted as a member of our club. _ Thats great! A. Have I? B. Pardon? C. Congratulations! D. Good idea! 答

19、案:A。考查省略。完整为:“Have I been accepted as a member of your club?”24. (2008全国卷)The weather was _ cold that I didnt like to leave my room. A. really B. suchC. too D. so答案:D。本题考查了so .that .的句型。句意:天气是那样的冷以致于我不想离开我的房间。25. (2008安徽卷)Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday? Yes. _, Im going to

20、visit some homes for the old in the city. A. If ever B. If busyC. If anything D. If possible答案:D。考查省略。if (it is) possible“如果有可能的话”。26. (2008福建卷)Who should be responsible for the accident? The boss, not the workers. They just carried out the order _. A. as told B. as are toldC. as telling D. as they

21、told答案:A。此题选A项as told是as they were told的省略形式。27. (2008辽宁卷)Could you tell me how to get to Victoria Street? Victoria Street? _ is where the Grand Theatre is. A. Such B. ThereC. That D. This答案:C。此题考查代词的用法,such表示综上所述,there构成there be句型,that表示远指的目标,this表示近指的目标。根据句意,应选C项。28. (2008全国卷)Do you know Annas tel

22、ephone number? _. As a matter of fact, I dont know any Anna, either. A. I think so B. Im afraid notC. I hope so D. Id rather not答案:B。此题是一个交际情景。Im afraid not表示委婉否定。29. (2008江西卷)My English teachers humor was _ make every student burst into laughter. A. so as to B. such as toC. such that D. so that答案:B

23、。考查固定搭配。句意:我的英语老师的幽默可以达到使每个学生都捧腹大笑的地步。such as to表示“会那般的,到的地步”,是固定搭配。30. (2008四川卷)I havent seen Ann for _ long that Ive forgotten what she looks like. A. such B. veryC. so D. too答案:C。考查副词用法。此处是“so. that. ”结构,表示“如此以至于”。A项用来修饰名词。31. (2008重庆卷)It was not until midnight _ they reached the camp site. A. th

24、at B. whenC. while D. as答案:A。考查强调句。很明显这是一个强调句,去掉it was和空格,句子剩余部分仍是一个完整的句子。所以选择A。32. (2008福建卷) _ is known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing. A. It B. WhatC. As D. Which答案:B。此题选B,what在主语从句中作主语。33. (2008安徽卷)Students are always interested in finding out _ they can go wi

25、th a new teacher. A. how far B. how soonC. how often D. how long答案:A。考查宾语从句。how far“多远”,在本题中表抽象意义;how soon“多久以后”;how often“多久”,对频率提问;how long“多长时间”。34. (2008辽宁卷)Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and _. A. I was neither B. neither was IC. I was either D. either was I答案:B。句意:Bil

26、l不高兴Jason推迟作报告,我也不高兴。前句是否定句,后句应选B项,与前句保持一致。35. (2008江苏卷)It shouldnt take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer to help. Thats right. _. A. Many hands make light workB. Something is better than nothingC. The more the merrierD. The sooner begun, the sooner done答案:A。本题考查谚语。句意:如果大家都自愿来帮忙,

27、那么工作就好做了。Many hands make light work. 众擎易举。36. (2008上海卷) _ well prepared you are, you still need a lot of luck in mountain climbing. A. However B. WhateverC. No matter D. Although答案:A。句意:无论你准备得多么充分,在登山时还是需要一定的运气的。考查让步状语从句,根据句意和结构可判断,B项whatever不会再加副词well,C项缺连接词,D项although不能引起倒装结构。however常用howeveradj.

28、/adv. 主语谓语的结构。37. (2008安徽卷)Good evening. Huangshan Hotel. Good evening. _? A. Do you still have a room for tonightB. What would you like, pleaseC. Is there anything I can do for youD. Who is that speaking, please答案:A。考查交际用语。答语句意:今天晚上你们那里还有空房间吗?38.(2011海淀第二学期期末,34)Mr. Smith is still not so familiar w

29、ith the city because it was only two months ago, in March, _ he started working here.Abefore BwhenCthat Dwhich答案:C。句意:Smith先生现在对这座城市依然不熟悉,因为在两个月前也就是三月份他才开始在这里上班。在原因状语从句中考查强调句式。去掉强调框架后句子的主干为:He started working here only two months ago.。39(2011海淀期中,24)Although _ considerable success as an artist, the

30、young man keeps working hard.Aachieving BachievedCto achieve Dhaving achieved答案:D。句意:尽管作为艺术家,他已经取得了相当大的成功,但这位年轻人继续努力工作。考查非谓语动词。此处的although having achieved相当于although the young man has achieved,故选D。句首表示让步的连词although容易影响考生对句子结构的理解。40(2011东北三省四市联考,24)If _ unsolved, this may lead to more serious problem

31、s.Amaking BremainedCleft Dtaking答案:C。句意:如果这个问题不解决,可能会导致更严重的问题。考查非谓语动词及省略句。句子补全为“If it is left unsolved.”故选用过去分词left表被动。易错选B。误认为句子原形是“If it remained unsolved.”,但没有注意动词remain的形式而误选。需用remaining才行。41(2011太原基础知识测试,22)_, ask Mary to help you.Dont worry. I can make it myself.AIf not BIf necessaryCIf only D

32、In anything答案:B。句意:如果有必要的话,请求Mary帮助你。别担心,我自己能做成。考查句子的省略。if necessary为if it is necessary的省略形式;if not中的not代指上文中出现的否定意义的句子。易错选A。误选的原因是没有意识到代词not是代指上文中出现的否定意义的句子,而对话中空格前没有否定句,没有可替代的对象。42(2011济南4月模拟,28)Is it that you often play computer games _ worries your parents?Awhy BthatCwhich Dwhat答案:B。句意:是你经常玩电脑游戏

33、使你的父母感到担忧吗?考查强调句的一般疑问句形式。被强调的是主语从句that you often play computer games。43(2011江南十校联考,34)The Greens must have been to 2010 Shanghai Expo, _ they?Ahadnt BdidntCcant Dwerent答案:D。句意:格林夫妇肯定曾去过2010上海世博会,是不是?考查反意疑问句。由题干中的must have been to.可知此处表示“对过去曾经发生情况的推测”,而且must后是be动词的完成式,需借助be动词的某种形式构成简略问句,故选D。如:You mus

34、t be students, arent you?44(2011合肥第二次质检,26)Mary enjoys homemade food, so she seldom, _, eats out.Aif never Bif anyCif not Dif ever答案:D。句意:Mary喜欢吃家里做的饭,因此她很少外出吃饭,如果曾经外出吃饭的话次数也不多。考查句子的省略形式。if ever意为“如果有过的话,如果发生过的话”相当于现在完成时句子的省略式。如:He was a great musician if ever there was one.如果曾经有过伟大的音乐家,那他就是一个。She s

35、eldom, if ever, goes to the cinema.她难得看电影。易错选B。if any为if there are any的省略形式,意为“如果有的话也不多”。如:There are few trees on the playground if any.操场上如果有树的话,也不多。忽略语境中的信息词seldom,若选if any则意思和seldom重复而造成误选。45(2011苏锡常镇一调,26)It was only as I got older _ I got more curious about my background.Athat BthanCthen Dwhen答

36、案:A。句意:仅当我逐渐长大时,我才对我的来历好奇起来。考查强调句型。本句是对时间状语从句only as I got older的强调。分析句子成分可知,去掉it was和选项,句子剩下部分是完整的,符合强调句的特点。46(2011杭州质检二,19)Be careful when you deal with this chemical, as it will explode when _ to sunlight.Abeing exposed Bto exposeCexposing Dexposed答案:D。句意:处理这种化学物质时要小心,因为它暴露在阳光下时会爆炸。考查时间状语从句的省略。补全

37、后为:.when this chemical is exposed to sunlight.当时间状语从句的主语和主句主语一致,且谓语动词中含be动词的某种形式,为简洁起见常把从句的主语和be动词一起省略。47(2011西安八校联考,22)I wont go there. You know, it is already 9 in the evening. _, it is raining hard.ATherefore BHoweverCBesides DThat is答案:C。句意:我不会去那儿。你知道,已经晚上九点了。此外,天正下着大雨。考查副词和插入语。besides“此外”表示递进关系

38、;therefore“因此,所以”表示因果关系;however“可是,然而”表示转折关系;that isthat is to say“也就是说”作插入语。48(2011乌鲁木齐二诊,26)Ive never opposed the project; _, Ive always supported it.Aon the other handBon the contraryCout of the questionDin other words答案:B。句意:我到现在为止从来没有反对过这一方案;相反地,我总是支持它。考查介词短语辨析。on the contrary“正相反”符合逻辑和语境。on th

39、e other hand“在另一方面”;out of the question“不可能”;in other words“换句话说”。49(2011成都三诊,15)It was not until she had arrived home _ her appointment with the doctor.Awhen she rememberedBand she rememberedCdid she rememberDthat she remembered答案:D。句意:直到走到家,她才记得和医生有约。考查强调句式,本题被强调部分为not until状语从句,构成It is not until.

40、that.“就是直到才”。50(2011成都三诊,17)It was really dangerous. One more step, _ the baby would have fallen into the well.Aand BorCso Dbut答案:A。句意:实在太危险了,再往前走一步,那孩子就会掉进井里。考查典型句式:名词短语/祈使句(相当于一个条件句)and/or一般将来时的陈述句。此处的名词短语one more step相当于一个祈使句(或条件状语从句的省略形式)。51(2011泰州二模,31)While _ on the ladder, please dont move yo

41、ur body.Astand BstoodCbeing standing Dstanding答案:D。考查状语从句的省略。while后省略了句子的主语you和be动词are,所以选D。52(2011西安二模,12)Hi, Kathy. Were going to have a party this Saturday. Will you come?_. What time?AI suppose so BId love toCI think so DI like it答案:B。考查省略。Id love to 后省略了come to your party。53(2011桂林一模,16)Top pla

42、yers must have excellent ball control, but it is not just _ they do with their feet _ counts.Ahow; that Bthat; whatCwhether; what Dwhat; that答案:D。考查强调句型和名词性从句。分析句子结构可以看出,此处为强调句型,强调主语;第一个词what作do的宾语,引导一个主语从句。54(2011贵阳一模,18)I told you that you shouldnt waste your time playing the games, _?Adidnt I Bdi

43、d ICshould you Dshouldnt you答案:A。考查反意疑问句。主从复合句的反意疑问句应根据主句的主语和谓语动词决定。55(2011延吉二模,27)_ she was standing and waiting for a bus that she caught sight of the former President Clinton.AIt was while BAs soon asCWhile DDuring the time when答案:A。考查强调句型。此处强调部分为时间状语从句。句意:她是在站着等公交车时发现 了前总统克林顿。56(2011承德一模,19)What

44、 made more than ten thousand people die in Japan?_ the tsunami in the Pacific Ocean.AIt was BThere wasCIt is DThis答案:A。考查强调句型和省略。此处It was the tsunami in the Pacific Ocean.为It was the tsunami in the Pacific Ocean that made more than ten thousand people die.的省略。57(2011哈尔滨二模,28)Shall I tell your best f

45、riends what happened to you yesterday?_ they ask you.ANot unless BNot ifCNot except DNo though答案:A。考查省略。此处Not unlessYou shall not tell them what happened to me unless.。58(2011德阳三诊,5)Mr. Rocklin had just closed his eyes on the couch _ his mobile phone rang.A.after B.when C.until D.while答案:B。考查固定句式。句意

46、:Rocklin先生刚刚在沙发上合上眼睛,就在这时他的手机突然响了。had just done.when.“刚刚突然”。59(2011南平适应性考试,26)English has a large vocabulary, hasnt it?Yes. _ more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and communicate.AKnow BKnowing CTo know DKnown答案:A。考查特殊句式。“祈使句 and sb. will.”是固定句式。再如:Study hard and you will p

47、ass the exam。60(2011莆田适应性练习,35)_ and they will finish off the challenging job. A. In a week B. A week laterC. After a week D. Another week答案:D。考查句式。“祈使句and sb. will.”句式中的祈使句有时可以用名词或名词短语替换。再如:A cup of juice and you will feel refreshed。61. (2011漳州质检,30)According to the law of our country, it is _ get

48、your driving license.A. not until youre eighteen can youB. until youre eighteen that you cant C. not until youre eighteen that you canD. until youre eighteen when you cant 答案:C。考查强调句型。对含有not.until.的句子进行强调时,应该用Its not until.that.句型,所以选A、C两项;再由强调句型中无倒装结构可知,应该选C项。62(2011宜宾适应性测试,3)Mike,_ your doctors ad

49、vice, or your cold will get worse.A.follows BfollowingCfollowed Dfollow答案:D。考查句式。“祈使句and/or sb. will.”是固定句型,所以选动词原形。句意:迈克,谨遵医嘱,否则你的感冒会恶化。63. (2011西安第三次质检,23) Every evening after dinner, if not _ from work, I spend some time walking my dog.A. tired B. tiringC. to be tired D. as答案:A。考查状语从句的省略。if后省略了I

50、am,所以应该选tired。64(2011湘潭市第五次模拟,22)Many questions have been answered by John. He must have previewed the lessons last night, _ he?A. neednt B. hasnt C. didnt D. mustnt 答案:C。考查反意疑问句。对含有情态动词must表推测的句子的反意疑问句,有时间状语应该根据时间状语来确定谓语动词的形式,该句中有明确的表过去的时间状语last night,所以其反意疑问句的谓语动词应该用一般过去时表示,即C项正确。65(2011福州三中练习,24)

51、_, I suppose, and the housing problems for the lowincome families in this area could be settled.A.If you double your effortsB.To make some more effortsC.Some more efforts D.Making greater efforts答案:C。考查特殊句式。“祈使句and sb. will.”是固定句型,其中,祈使句可以用名词短语代替。另外此题的难点在于I suppose是插入语,隔断了句子。66(2011南昌三模,34)When you

52、are dressed in the latest style, dancing to the most fashionable music after watching the latest film, you feel great, _?A.arent you B.dont you C.do you D.are you答案:B。考查反意疑问句。疑问部分应和主语一致主句是you feel great,所以B项正确。67(2011松江区5月,30)This is the first time that your parents have been abroad, _?A. havent the

53、y B. hasnt itC. arent theyD. isnt it答案:D。考查反意疑问句。主从复合句的反意疑问句应该根据主句来确定反意疑问句的人称和时态,该句型的主句部分是This is the first time,所以选D项。68(2011泉州一中二模,34)The problem of global warming is serious. _, the sea levels have risen a little.A.As a consequence BOn the contraryC.In a word D.In other words答案:A。考查短语。句意:全球变暖问题很严重,结果,海平面已经上升了。as a consequence“结果,因此”;on the contrary“相反的”;in a word“总之”;in other words“换句话说”。69. (2011湘潭市第五次模拟,21)Look, _ fashionable clothes is she wearing that all the eyes are fixed on her!A. soB. suchC. howD. what答案:B。考查倒装。句意:看,她穿着这么时髦的衣服以至于所有人都盯


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