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1、Lets enjoy a play(戏剧) first .Tell me the name of the play .Romeo and Julietrm du:litModule9Unit2He decided to be an actor.William Shakespeare 威廉 莎士比亚wljm eksp1.Knowledge aims:Remember all the words play, poem, marry, successful,work,build,on,fire,die,rich,language2.Ability aims:To get information fr

2、om the reading material about William Shakespeare 3.Emotion aims:learn how to write about a personLearning aims:New words 1.play2.poem3.marry4.successful5.work6.build7.on8.fire9.die10.rich11.language12.Around the world1.戏剧 2.诗歌 3.结婚 4.成功的 5.作品 6.建造 7.在河边 8.火 9.死 10.富有的 11.语言 12.世界各地 Have a dictation

3、1.play2.marry3.work4.build5.fire 根据汉语提示完成句子1. She is _ to(和结婚)a doctor.2. He wrote many _(戏剧) .3. Mo Yan was a _(成功的) writer in the world.4. Mr Wang _(建造) a great building last year.5. That dog _(去世)yesterday .1. married 2. plays 3. successful 4. built 5. died活学活用Read the passage and choose the main

4、 idea.A. The family of Shakespeare.B. The life of Shakespeare.C. The plays of Shakespeare.Fast ReadingTips:要掌握文章大意,应迅速浏览文章首尾段,及各段落首句并对文章进行预测。Read the passage and choose the main idea.A. The family of William Shakespeare.B. The life of William Shakespeare.C. The play Romeo and Juliet.Paragraph 1.What

5、 was William Shakespeare?2.How many plays did he write in his life ? 3. What was his two famous plays ?Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet .Thirty-eight .A. A writer . B. A teacher . C. A doctor .Careful ReadingParagraph 2.1. (T or F) Shakespeare was born in 1964.2. His parents learned to read and write .(否

6、定句)3. He decided to be an actor when he finished school at fourteen .(划线短语的意思)Fbe born in 生于毕业决定干某事 decide to do sth. 我决定帮助你。I decide _(help) you .to helpHis parents didnt learn to read or write . 学习干某事 learn to do sth.他正在学习骑自行车。He is learning_(ride) a bike .to rideParagraph 3.1. Shakespeare went to

7、 London and _(加入) a theatre company in about 1592 .2. 从文中找出本句子的同义句。He became an actor and was successful .joinedHe became a successful actor .Paragraph 4.The company built the Globe Theatre on the River Thames in 1599. (划线提问)2. What happened to the Globe Theatre? 环球剧院怎么了?When did the company build t

8、he Globe Theatre on the River Thames ?There was a fire in the old theatre .Paragraph 5.You can still see his plays in English and () many other languages . 说出画线短语的汉语意思:_ 在括号内填上合适的介词:_看戏剧inin +语言用英语 in English用汉语 in Chinese用许多别的语言in many other languagesjoin a theatre company in his lifebe born in 生于学

9、习干某事 learn to do sth.决定干某事 decide to do sth. 看戏剧see a play用英语 in English 用汉语 in Chinese用许多别的语言in many other languagesLanguage points小组比拼啦!1.决定成为2.在他的一生3.学习识字4.(中学)毕业5.一名成功的演员6.看他的戏剧7.许多其他语言1.decide to be2.in his life3.learn to read or write4.finish school5.a successful actor6.see his plays7.many oth

10、er languagesBeautiful phrases用括号内动词的适当形式填空 1.Lucy wants to learn _ (swim) . 2.I decided _ (go) to Qingdao. 3.He became a _ (success) writer after writing the novel. to swimto goCome on !successful1. Sima Qian wrote a lot of works_, especially the historical works. A. on his lifeB. for his life C. in

11、 his lifeD. all his life2. There _ a big fire here last year. Many trees died in this fire. A. isB. was C. has D. had3. There are lots of plays _ English _the world. A. with; aroundB. in; around C. by; overD. use; all overListen and Complete the timeline for Shakespeare.be born build die finish scho

12、ol go to London marry156415781582159215991616was bornfinished schoolmarrieddiedwent toLondon built theglobetheatre William Shakespeare was born in 1564 . In 1578 he finished school and he decided to be an actor . He married in 1582 and had three children . Shakespeare went to London in about 1592 .

13、He joined a theatre company and became successful . In 1599 , the company built the Globe Theatre . William Shakespeare died in 1616 . How to write about a person?a basketball player1980年出生于上海1985年,喜欢篮球1989年,学习打篮球1998年,加入国家队2002年,进入休斯敦火箭队 2008年,结婚并且有一个女儿2011年,决定退役(retire)National TeamHouston Rockets

14、successfulWritingThe life of YaomingWhat have we learned in this class ?Unit 2 He decided to be an actor.情感love writerlove literature词汇play,poem,marry,successful,work,build,die,rich,languagedecide to do, be born in,finish,school ,in his life , around the world. 句子He decided to be an actor.You can still see his pl


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