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1、PAGE 中考复习8A Unit 1词形变化1. 比较级、最高级1)tall-taller-tallest smart-smarter-smartest 2)nice-nicer-nicest larger-larger-largest 3)happy-happier-happiest heavy-heavier-heaviest hungry-hungrier hungriest 4)hot-hotter-hottest big-bigger-biggest sadsaddersaddest slimslimmerslimmest 5)interesting-more interesting

2、-most interesting6)far farther/further-farthest/furthest little -lessleastmany/much more-most good/ well better-best ill/bad/badly worse-worst 2. 过去式、过去分词:run ranrun wear woreworn fall- fell- fallen3. smile adj. smilinghigh heightcorrectadv. correctlyfit-fitted-fittedfitting runrunnersadn.sadness ad

3、v. Sadlypleasantunpleasantadvice-advisewear-wore-worntruetruthtrulyhonestdishonest comfortableuncomfortable-comfortably二、读背下列词组,自默过关,准备检查。an honest boy/ a true friend (feel truly sorry)keep secretsWhat makes your friend so special?Do you believe what she says?She is willing to share joy with her fri

4、ends. She helps me with my homework.give a seat to someone in needShe wants to become a famous singer when she grows around the worldHe is almost 1.75 metres tall./in heightHe has poor eyesight because of working on the computer too much.feel bored feel really uncomfortablemake me laugh /

5、make him look smartwalk past the desks / pass the desksknock our books off the desks/knock sth. overWhen something worries me, I can always go to her.She never says a bad word about anyone. in the drawing competitionOutdoor activities are not dangerous if we are careful.help people solve problemswea

6、r/with a smile on ones faceIm a reader of your magazine. have problems with sth/ (in) doing sth一个诚实的男孩/一个真诚的朋友(真的感到抱歉)保守秘密什么使你的朋友如此特别?你相信她所说的吗?她愿意与朋友分享快乐。她帮助我做家庭作业。给需要的人让座她长大后想成为一个著名的歌手。环游世界他几乎有1.75米高。他由于操作电脑太多而视力不好感到无聊 感到很不舒服使我大笑/使他看上去聪明走过桌旁把我们的书撞落下桌子/ 撞翻某物当有什么事令我担忧时,我总是能向她求助。她从不说任何人的坏话。在绘画比赛中如果我们小

7、心的话, 户外活动就不危险。帮助人们解决问题面带微笑 我是你们杂志的读者。.做某事有问题give me some adviceClimbing is as exciting as camping.vote for /against sb.27. Whats the height of /How high/tall is?28. Whats the weight of?How much doesweigh? How heavy is ?给我一些建议爬山和露营一样令人兴奋。投票支持/反对某人有多高?有多重?Language points:1.强调状态用wear 和be in, 强调动作用 put

8、on,宾语是人只能用dress eg: He always_ (带着一副眼镜)._ red can make it easier for you to take action. Linda _her new hat and went to the party. You are so beautiful _ the red skirt.The child _ himself every morning. She _ _ in black all the time. She _ _ in a red coat at yesterdays party. 区别:dress up like a ghos

9、t打扮成鬼的样子 dress up in a red coat 穿上一件红外套2. fit 合适、合身 Your clothes fit you well. 你的衣服很合身。 The coat doesnt fit me. 这件大衣我穿不合身。The key matches the lock nicely. 这钥匙很配这把锁。 归纳:物配人用sth. fits sb.,物配物用sth. matches sth.。3. worry sb = make sb. worried 使某人担心 worry about sb. = be worried about 为某人担心4. both and 既又

10、谓语动词用复数 not only but (also)不仅而且 谓语动词和靠近的主语的人称和数一致(就近原则) Both Millie and Mike is flying kites in the field now. Not only Millie but also Mike are flying kites in the field now.5.When I passed the post office, I met my friend.= When I walked past the post office, I met a friend of mine.6. a true frien

11、d 一个真实的朋友 tell .the truth 讲实话Im truly sorry. 我真的抱歉。This is a real flower.(这是一个真花)What you said is true.(你说的是真的)7.What about playing football?=Why not play football?= Why dont you play football?= Lets play football, shall we?8. When something worries me, I can always go to her.= When I feel worried a

12、bout something, I always turn to her for help.9. be become feel get grow keep grow keep look seem smell sound taste turn是系动词,后接形容词作表语。Grammar几个固定用法:as.as 和一样,not as/so as . 不如,不及。 表示“A是B 的倍”时,用A+is+倍数+as+B”结构Our school is twice as large as theirs我们学校是他们的两倍大。the +比较级+ of the two。表示“两者之间较的一个” Jack is

13、the clever of the twins. 杰克是双胞胎中更聪明的那个。比较级+ and+ 比较级 越来越。 如:Look! He is running farther and farther(越来越远).Our city is becoming more and more beautiful. (越来越漂亮).The +比较级,the +比较级 越就越。 如: The more careful we are, the fewer mistakes we will make.我们越细心犯的错就越少。 The sooner, the better. 越快越好。 表示“越来越”时,用 “比较

14、级+and+比较级” The weather is becoming colder and colder. the second/third/fourth+最高级 表示“第几” (序数词可以修饰最高级)Huanghe is the second longest river in China. 黄河是中国的第二长河。注意点:比较级前后的比较对象必须一致。如:I think the life in the country is more comfortable than that in the city.我认为农村的生活比城里的更舒适The girls in your class are more

15、 active than those in our class.你们班的女生比我们班的更活跃比较结构不同句型之间的转换。如:(1) John is older than Tom. = Tom is not as old as John. John 比Tom 年龄大。 (2) Shanghai is the largest city in China. 上海是中国最大的城市。 = Shanghai is larger than any other city in China. = Shanghai is larger than the other cities in China. (3) I d

16、ont think swimming is as interesting as hiking.= I think swimming is less interesting than hiking.= I think hiking is more interesting than swimming.(4).Skiing and cycling are not as dangerous as diving.= Skiing and cycling are less dangerous than diving.=Diving is more dangerous than Skiing and cyc

17、ling. 比较:New York is larger than any city in China.纽约比中国的任何一个城市都大。修饰比较级的词有:a little,a bit,a lot,much,even, still,far等。Very,so,too,quite等修饰形容词原级不能用来修饰。四、交际用语1.Can I have something to drink, please? What about some milk? Yes, please./No, thank you. Can I have some more food too? Sorry. There is nothin

18、g else in the fridge.2.I think he looks sporty. Yes, I agree.3. What is sb. like ?问某人的长相或品格What does sb. look like?仅询问某人的长相What does sb. like?问某人喜欢什么. 中考复习8A Unit 1一、单词默写与词形变化著名的 _微笑的,带着笑容的 _令人愉快的,舒适的 _正方形的 _危险的 _高度 _正确地 _大体的,笼统的 _紧张不安的 _未来,将来的 _打印机 _12. 杂志 _13. 相信 _14. 特别的,特殊的_15. 社会的_16. 无聊的 _ 令人感

19、到无聊的_17. 激动的 _ 令人激动的 _18.解决,解答 _1. sad- n. _ high n. _ run n. _2. 比较级、最高级:sad- _-_ slim-_-_ thin-_-_ fat- _-_ ill/bad/badly-_ -_ little-_-_3. 过去式、过去分词:run -_-_ wear -_-_ fit_-_ wear-_-_4. smile adj._high _ correctadv. _run _sadn. _ adv. _pleasant_ advicev._ true_ honest_ comfortable_-_二、词组翻译 PAGE 一个

20、诚实的男孩 _保守秘密_你相信她所说的吗?_她愿意与朋友分享快乐。_给需要的人让座_她长大后想成为一个著名的歌手。_感到很不舒服_使他看上去聪明_走过桌旁(两种)_把我们的书撞落下桌子_当有什么事令我担忧时,我总是能向她求助。_在绘画比赛中_如果我们小心的话, 户外活动就不危险。_帮助人们解决问题_对于我新学校我有一些问题。_给我一些建议 _有多高?(两种) _ _做某事有问题 _ Exercises:一、根据所给提示完成句子。1. I have a _( 真正的 )friend. He always helps me a lot. 2.The play wasnt interesting a

21、t all. We all felt very _(not interesting).3.My father likes reading _(杂志) about cars when he is free.4The girl with long hair is the _ ( 苗条的) of the three.5.As we all know, Yao Ming is 2.26 metres in _(高度).二、词形变化1.The trip to Shanghai was really _(please), It was raining heavily, what was worse, th

22、e bue broke down on the way back. 2.The little girl is very frightened and she is sitting on the chair _(comfortable).3.Mrs Scott was worried about both her sons, especially the _(young) one. 4.China became the second _(large)movie market in the world,behind the USA.5.The students have problems _(wo

23、rk) out the maths problem.6.The magazine is one of the _(read).三、单项选择 ( )1. I know this plan is far from perfect,but I just cant think of _one. (2013无锡) A. a betterB. the betterC. a bestD. the best( )2.There isnt an airport near where I live. The _one is about 90 miles away. (2013盐城) A. busiestB. fa

24、rthestC. newestD. nearest( )3.The cake _decilious. I cant wait to eat it. (2013宿迁) A. feelsB. soundsC. becomesD. smells( )4.Which province is the _ one in winter? (10荆州) It should be Hainan Province, I think. A. coldestB. hotterC. warmest D. cooler( )5. Is this a photo of your daughter? She looks _

25、in the pink dress! (10 上海) A. lovelyB. quietlyC. politelyD. happily( )6. Li Lei, my best friend, is a little _ outgoing than any other student in his class. (10日照) A. muchB. manyC. moreD. very( )7. What a nice picture of a house! It would be _ with some green trees around it. (10 成都) A. goodB. bette

26、rC. worstD. best( )8. It is _ to teach a kid the way to solve a problem than tell him the solution directly.(10 山西) A. helpful B. more helpfulC. the most helpful D. unhelpful( )9. Dont just believe the advertisement. That medicine is _ it says. (10 齐齐哈尔) A. as good asB. not as good asC. not as well

27、asD. as well as( )10. _ all the students in his class, Xiao Ming writes _. (10 三亚) A. Of; more carefully B. In; the most carefully C. Of; very carefully D. In; much more carefully( )11. Our monitor takes more exercises every day, for he believes the _ he does, _ hell be.三亚)A. the less; the stronger

28、B. the more; the thinnerC. the more; the stronger D. more; stronger( )12.Lily didnt make any mistakes in the Maths exam . She is _ than any other student.(10黄石) A. the more careful B. more careless C. more careful D. much careful( )13.Now the air in our city is _than it used to be. Something must be

29、 done to stop it. A. very good B. much better C. rather bad D. even worse (2011 河北)( )14.There are _people in China than in India. That means the population of China is _than that of India. A. much,smallerB.more,largeC. Bigger,moreD. more, larger(2013江苏无锡)( )15.What do you think of the play ?I enjoy it very much. Its the _one I have ever seen. A. worseB. betterC. worstD. best( )16.Can you tell me something about Chinese tradition ?Yes, in this animal year people in China like _thems


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