



1、 2022海洋生物学个人留学申请书 在国外留学你将要面对不同的文化,不同的种族得人,你必须学会与这些不同文化背景的人打交道,并同时形成新的生活方式和思想观念,这对你来说人生的一次飞跃。这里给大家分享一些2022海洋生物学个人留学申请书,欢迎阅读! 2022海洋生物学个人留学申请书 Dear _, My choice of marine biology stms from a combination of interests, both academic and recreational. Biology has been one of my favourite subjects at scho

2、ol now for some years and studying geology has expanded my intrest further, showing links between how life on eatyh began nd how it evolved over time. geology has helped me to understand ow the oceans work, whilst biology has given me an understanding of how organisms function. These topics have bee

3、n of particular interest to me. Whilst on holiday abroad i have been scuba diving on numerous occassions, have completed thefirst three modules of my open water certificate and find the underwater worl to be one that fascinates me By combining my interests in biology and geology with my love of scub

4、a diving i know i have found, in marine scienec, the subject i wat to study to a higher level To furthe my education i plant to take advantage of a volnteer based scheme called Coral CAy Convservation next summer, whcih will involve three weeks in the bay islands of honduras collecting research data

5、 on the organisms that lie ona nd arund the reef there. Whilst in honduras i will gain my advanced open water certificate, learn al abou the corals and fish that live there and have a taste of what conservation work is about My responsibilities as company secretary and IT deputy for our young enterp

6、rise company, Isis, have taught me the importance of good orgnisation and efficient record keeping to ensure the company runsefectivly and smoothly. having to fill in forms such as memorandums and articles of association also taught me the importance of teamwork. At school i have had several respons

7、ibilities including canteen duty and stair duty which involved organising the younger members of the school to help the canteen staff and avoid accidents on the stairs Outsie school i enjoy trampolining andcurrently compete with the city of sheffield squad. i have also cmpeted for the school team. t

8、aking part in the duke of edinburgh award scheme was also something that has given e graet satisfaction. I have completed bronze and silver and am currently working towards the gol I also undertook the trident scheme which involves a work experience plcement, a persoanl challenge and community invol

9、vement I have also undertaken work experience at Greoside primary school where i spent two weeks working with aY1 class and a Y2 class, helping with reading writing and number. i was also responsible for a group of three chioldren on a schoo, trip to Cusworth Hall. i enjoyed working with both the st

10、aff and children as it increased my interpersonal skills and helpe me gain in confidence. other jobs i have undertaken have been at a restaurant whre i worked as a waitress, and in a pharmacy where i helped tae in prescriptions and get them ready as well as workin on the shop floor serving customers

11、 and helping with ny queries customers may have had. Both these jobs involve a lot of work with people which i enjoyed. Yours sincerely, 出国留学选校优先考虑的事项 1、你所申请的学校有奖学金吗? 众所周知,出国留学的学费一般都不便宜,并且国外的生活费用也会相对较高,很多家庭很难承受这样的经济负担,如果学生在申请学校时需要支付昂贵的学费,他们可能会考虑申请奖学金,所以如果你了解学校,我们可以提前询问是否有奖学金,申请标准是什么,如果你申请的是全额奖学金,你的家

12、庭原则上不需要支付学费,有些学生可能更愿意去工作,但陈默还是建议你尽量申请奖学金,因为国外的毕业压力很大,尤其是研究生和博士生。 2、你所申请的学校中当地学生的百分比 你应该知道,虽然不同学校的学费不同,但当地学生的学费都差不多,肯定会选择的学校,当地学生在学校的比率越高,学校就越好,这也提供了一个更好的语言学习环境。 3、专业的选择 我们都知道,中国的顶尖学校有不同的专业,国外也是如此,非常是对于那些申请研究生和博士生的学生来说,选择一所专业性强的学校很重要,这样你就有可能学到你所在领域的知识。 4、分数和语言要求 当我们申请国外学校时,我们通常会附上我们的成绩单和活动证明,重要的是,在申请

13、前要检查学校是否在成绩或其他方面有任何特殊要求,另外,建议你在国内提升你的语言能力,因为我们在国外的教学和日常交流将使用你所申请地区的母语。 5、宿舍或住所 许多外国大学的宿舍很拥挤,或者收费很高,因此许多国际学生在大学附近租房子住,建议提前与住宿地联系。 出国留学安全预警 1、事先了解每一个你要去的城市 每一座城市都有阳光的一面和阴暗的另一面,非常是大型城市。每去一个城市之前,应该先到网上了解一下该城市的治安情况,囊括哪些区域是应该尽量避免的。 2.需要记住重要电话 大家都需要记在手机里的就是当地的报警电话和该国中国使馆的联系方式,各个学校也都会有学生办公室,大家也应该存下自己学校的联系方式

14、。 3.生活低调 出门在外,一定要避免露富。国外移动支付没有国内方便,但刷卡支付还是特别普遍的。所以出门身上基本不需要带大面额的现金。另外就是平日的穿着和搭配。所谓生活低调,一方面是不要露富,另一方面就是穿着打扮不要太张扬。 4.尽量避免夜晚独自外出 建议大家尽量不要在夜晚独自外出。如果不得不,那一定要走灯光明亮,路人和车辆较多的大路。 5.结伴旅行 尽量劝说不要独自旅行。自然界的生存法则之一就是:柿子要挑软的捏。一群人在一起的时候自然而然会产生一种声势,让想要找茬的人避而远之。但当你一个人的时候,就要格外注意安全了。尽量避免一个人旅行,并且要找靠谱的同伴。 6.护照和居住卡要随身携带 有些国家会给留学生签发一张时效较长的居住卡来替代签证,同时法律要求出门必须随身携带身份证件。所以,建议每次外出的时候都把居住卡或护照贴身携带。所谓贴身携带,就是放在身上,而不是包里。同时家里常


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