1、2021年高一英语期末考试试题考前须知:1、本试题全部为笔答题,共10页,总分值100 分,考试时间90分钟。2、答卷前将密封线内的工程填写清楚,密封线内禁止答题。3、用钢笔或签字笔直接答在试卷(或答题纸上),选择题涂答题卡。4、本试题为闭卷考试,请考生勿将课本进入考场。第一局部阅读理解(总分值30分) 第一节(共15小题;每题2分,总分值30分)It started as a speci a I day forIt started as a speci a I day forWes Iey Autrey, a 50-year-oId construct i onworker in New Y
2、ork City. 11 was aboutworker in New York City. 11 was about12:45 P. M.,and he was waiting on a subwaypIatform (月 台)to take hi s daughtershome beforehe went to work. He sudden Iynoticed a man nearby have convuIsions(抽搐)andfa I I down sudden Iy. Mr. AutreyCameron Hollopeter, managed toand two women we
3、nt to he Ip the stranger. The man, get to his feet, but then stumbIed ( 绊 侄)at the edge of the pIatform and feI I onto the subway tracks. Mr. Autrey Iooked up and saw the I ights of the subway tra in i ng near through the tunneI.Mr. Autrey jumped onto the track immed i ate Iy. He reaIi zed that he d
4、idnthave time to get Mr. Ho I Iopeter and h imseIf back up on the pIatform before the tra i n arr i ved, so he I ay on top of the man and pressed down as hard as he couId. 实用文档From the fi rst two paragraphs, we can i nfer thatA、the authors grandparents Ii ked snowB、the authors grandparents didnt I i
5、ke chattingC、the author i s worr ied about the i ssue of honesty in todays societyD、Honesty is the most important standard for judging ones behaviorThe nurse i ns i sted there was still a sponge becauseA、 she saw the doctor hide the tweIfth spongeB、she be Ii eved she was r i ghtC she thought the doc
6、tor was not respons i bIeD、she knew the pat i ent we I IWhat does the under Iined word “yield” mean in the text?A、 admitB、give inC、 stopD、 look forwardHow does the text mainly develop?A、By providing an examp Ie of honesty.B、By making a par ison between honesty and dishonesty.C、By exp I a i n i ng th
7、e authors grandparents be Iief i n deta i I. 实用文档D、 By fol lowing the order of importance.第二局部 英语知识运用(共两节,总分值45)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,总分值30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的 最正确选项。My father enjoys bike riding. Ever s i nee I was I i tt I e, I have a I waysIoved going biking with my dad.16 ,
8、as I became a teenager, otherthings began to draw my 17 It became important to do things withf r i ends18 I saw my dad every even i ng at home. Why d i d I have to19 my Sundays to a I I-day bike tr ips with him, too? If my indifference 篌的)hrtlip 叩冠&依 2), but he would always lemte know when he was pI
9、anning abike trip 21 I wanted to e with him.It was a Sunday morning, and I was in low 22, Two of myfr iends had gone to the movies without inviting me. Just then my father 23my room. It is a beautiful day. Want to go for a 24, today, Beck?” “Leave me alone!” I impatiently 25. Those were the Iast wor
10、ds I sa id to him before he I eft the house that 26.Severa I hours I ater, the po I ice ca I I ed us, i nformi ng (告知)us that Dad had a traff i c 27. My father s i njur i es were ser i ous. 11 28实用文档severaI days before he couId eventuaI Iy(最后)speak. Beside his bed I held hishand gent I y, 29 of hurt
11、 in. him. Daddy I am sorry” “ 11 , s okay,my dear, Ill be okay.“No, I said, I 30 what I said to you that day. You know,that morn i ng?“My dear, I dont 31 anything about that day, not before,dur ing or after the accident. I remember kissing you good night the night before,though. He 32 a weak sei Ie.
12、I felt regretfu I for my thought I ess remark (亍舌语), for I 33wanted h im to I eave me a I one i n my heart. My teacher once told me that 34have immeasurabIe power. They can hurt or they can heaI. And we a I I have the35 to choose our words. I i ntend to do that very carefuI Iy from now on.A.Therefor
13、eC.B. I nsteadBes i desD. HoweverA.B. s i ght attent i onC. effortD. energyA. onceB.a I I ofD.on oneC. in timeaga i nsuddenhand实用文档A. startA. si lentA. un I essA. spiritsA. leftA. rideA.wh i speredA. momentA. jamA.B.saveC.devoteD.wasteB.busyC. as I eepD.awakeB. i n caseC. sothatD.as i fB.conditionsC
14、.emot i onsD.hopesB.checkedC. enteredD.knockedB.wa I kC. picnicD.gameB.warnedC.announcedD.shoutedB.morn i ngC.afternoonD.even i ngB.troubIeC.accidentD.prob IemB.spentC. costD.pa i d实用文档tooksorry29. A.awareD.tiredB.afra i dC.30. A.B.thinkC.careD.d i scuss31.A. hateB.forgetC.rememberD.meanI i keC.32.
15、A. gotB. expressedexchangedD.managed33. A.C. even D.onceB. neveroften34. A.B.promi seC. smi I esD.apo Iogi es35. A.C.expens i veB.honorpowerD.wordsdes i re实用文档 第二节语法填空(共10小题;每题1.5分,总分值15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Everyone has hobbies. It is hobbies 36 make our I ife more37 (enjoy) and co
16、IorfuI.My bobby is singing Engl ish songs. When I was a chi Id. I I iked to sing very much. I remembered my mother 38 (teach) mea nursery rhyme (儿歌)one day,“Twinkle, twinkIe, I itt Ie star, how I wonder what you are” . 391 didnt quite understand the meaning, I remembered the words quickly because40i
17、ts end rhyme. Sinee then, I 41 (faI I) in Iove with Engl ish songs.I spend a lot of my pocket money 42(hunt) for English tapes.Whenever I am free, I wiI I turn to my recorder and Ii sten to my favor ite songs. I even sing out with the recorder, 43 (make) me forget my troubles for a while. At the sam
18、e time I remembered a lot of cI ass i caI songs,44 he Ips me to improve my Engl i sh studies.So I benefit 45 (great) from my hobb i es. What about you?第三局部:书面表达(总分值25分)第一节:短文改错(总分值10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的作文。文中共有10 处错误。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。实用文档增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(/),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()花掉。修改:在
19、错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1) 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。2)只允许修改10处,多者(从11处起)不计分。Dear Mr. Chen,Im very de I i ght to have you as our Eng I i sh teacher. As the wor I d i s being a gIobaI viI I age, Engl i sh i s gett ing more and more important. Therefore, master Eng Ii sh means we can see the worId through a ne
20、w window.To be honesty my Eng Ii sh i s just OK. There are two mainly prob Iems i n my Engli sh study. Fi rst, I fee I it difficult to I earn words by the heart. Bes i des, I often fee I nervous when spoken Eng I i sh. I d appreciate i f you cou I d give me some good adv i ces on how to memor i ze n
21、ew words. Another suggest i on i s to give us more chance to pract i ce speak i ng Eng I i sh i n cI ass. Im certa i n that we can make much progress in Engl i sh under your he Ip. Im dreaming that you wi I I be more than our English teacher.Thank you.Li hua实用文档第二节:写作(总分值15分)假如你是拉姆,你的朋友Li Hua爱吃甜食,她现
22、在很胖,走路都很困难,请你给她写一封建议书,告诉她:.少吃甜食,因为甜食易引发心脏病;.多吃水果和蔬菜;.多进行体育锻炼;.要求:语音连贯,词数在100字左右。实用文档高一期末考试答案阅读理解(共15小题;每题2分,总分值30分)15 CDABA610 BBBBC 1115 ACBBA完形填空(共20小题;每题1分,总分值20分)1620 DABCA2125BACAD 2630 BCABD 3135 CDBDC语法填空(共10小题;每题1.5分,总分值15分)36 that 37 enjoyabIe38 taught 39AIthough/Though 40 of41 have fa I Ie
23、n42 hunti ng43 mak i ng44 which 45 great Iy短文改错(10分)46deI i ghtde I i ghted47 mastermaster i ng 48 honesty一 honest49 ma i n I yma i n50 by the heart 去掉 the 51 spoken speak i ng52appr iciate 后加 it53 advicesadvice 54 chance-一 chances实用文档55underwith书面表达(25分)Dear Li Hua,I haven? t wr itten to you for a
24、long time. How are you getting on with your study? And what about your health?I heard that you are too fat now. Is it true? I th ink I d better give you some advice. It must be usefuI for you.Fi rst, you shou I d eat I ess meat and sweet food, for example, cream, chocolate, cakes, ect. Please eat mo
25、re fruit and vegetables. Do more exercise, such as waIking to schooI, riding a bike, pI ay i ngbasketbaI I.You shouId exercise thi rty minutes three times a day.PI ease keep on! I think you I I be thinner and healthier.Yours,La Mu实用文档Although the dr i ver tr ied to stop the train before it reached t
26、hem, he couIdnt.Five cars passed over them before the train finally stopped. The cars had passed on Iy i nches from h i s head.New York Ioves a hero. Mr. Autrey became an overnight hero and was namedthe “Subway Superman” . New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg gave him the BronzeMedaI Iion, the city
27、s highest honor. He was asked to appear on severaI TV taIk shows. He was a I so rewarded w i th money and g i fts, such as $10, 000 from Dona I d Trump, a $5,000 gift card from the Gap cIothing store, a new Jeep, and Beyonce concert tickets.How d i d Autrey react (反响)to all this? He sa i d, “I dont
28、fee I I i ke Idid anything great; I just saw someone who needed he Ip. I d i d what I felt was right” .1. WhenMr. Autrey saw Cameron Ho I Iopeter, heA、A、wasleavingfor workB、wastalkingwith two womenC、waswaitingfor the tra i nhomeD、wasgettingready to p i ckup hi s daughters2. Wh i ch of thefol lowing
29、canbest descr i be Mr. Autrey?A、 Smart.实用文档B、Shy.Strong.Brave.Facing the prai se and rewards, Mr. Autrey was.quite calmvery proudrather satisfiedD、reaI Iy surpr i sedWhat would be the best title for the text?A good fatherA subway supermanA Beyonce super fanD、A construction workerBCheating can happen
30、 in a lot of different ways. When peopIe cheat, its not fair to other peopIe, Iike the kids who studied for the test or who were the true winners of a game.Many peopIe I ike the action of cheating. It makes difficult things seem easy, I i ke gett i ng a I I the r i ght answers on the test. But it do
31、esnt so Ive the 实用文档prob I em of not knowing the mater i a I and itwon t he I p on the next testun I essthe person cheats agai n.Some peop I e I ose respect for cheaters and th i nk I ess of them. The cheatersthemseIves may fee I badbecause they know they are not reaI Iy earning that goodgrade. And,
32、 i f they getcaught cheating, they wiI I be in troubIe at schooI, andmaybe at home, too.Some k i ds cheatbecause theyre busy or Iazy and they want to get goodgrades without spendingthe time studying. Other kids might fee I Ii ke they cantpass the test without cheating. Even when there seems to be a
33、“good reasonforcheat i ng, cheat i ng isnt a good i dea.If you were sick or upset about something the night before and couldntstudy, it wouId be better to taIk with the teacher about this. And if you donthave enough time to study for a test because of swim practice, you need to taIkwith your parents
34、 about how to ba Iance swimming and schooI.A kid who th i nks cheat i ng i s the on Iy way to pass a test needs to taIkwith the teacher and hi s or her parents so they can f i nd some so I ut i ons together.Talking about these prob I ems and work i ng them out wi I I fee I better than cheat i ng.5.
35、Some students I i ke cheat i ng mainly becauseA、the mater i a I i n the test i s very difficult 实用文档B、 they want to do better than the othersC、cheat ing can make hard th i ngs seem very easyD、they have I ittIe time to study thei r IessonsThe fourth paragraph mainly tells usA、cheating isnt a good ide
36、aB、why kids cheat in the testC、some kids cant pass the test without cheatingD、some kids dont spend the time studyingWe can I earn from the passagecheaters are often thought highly ofpeopIe show no respect for those who cheatC、parents whose kids cheat are often i n troubIeD、kids cheat in the test bec
37、ause of swim practiceIn the passage those cheaters are adv i sed toA、 spend more time on schooI than on sportsB、find good so Iut i ons i nstead of cheat i ngC try hard to be i nteI Iigent rather than IazyD、 ask thei r cI assmates for good methods of study实用文档In add i t i on to the off i c i a I bask
38、etbaI I worId, var i ous other types ofbasketbaI I are pract iced around the worId.WheeIcha ir BasketbaI IWheeIcha i r basketba I I was i nvented i n 1946 by former Amer i can basketbaI IpIayers, who, after wartime injury, wanted once again to exper ience the excitement of a highly athletic sport wi
39、thin a team envi ronment. It is now pIayed in more than 80 countr ies by over 25, 000 men, women and chi Idren with a phys ica I disabi I ity wh i ch prevents them from playing pet i t i ve basketbaI I on the i r feet.iwbf. orgBeach BasketbaI IBeach basketbaII is an exciting, non-stop action game pI
40、ayed in the sand.The game was born more than forty years ago on the phys icaI education fields ofGuIf Shores School. This kind of basketbaI I, invented by Philip Bryant, has grown from an extreme Iy effect i ve skill improvementgame to a very popuI ar, widespread pet itive sport.beachbasketbaI IStre
41、et BasketbaI IStreet BasketbaI I or streetbaI I i s mainly pIayed as a Iei sure game, butstreetbaI I pIayers can a I so pete aga i nst each other. There are no spec i f i c 实用文档streetbaI I ruIes and the game i s pIayed outdoors; the pIayers make up thei r own ru I es to p I ay. Streetba I I i s very
42、 popu I ar among younger p I ayers and a I I ows players to pub I i cIy show the i r own i nd i v i duaI skills.streetbaI IDeaf BasketbaI IBasketba I I for the deaf (unab I e to hear i n one or both ears) men and womenhas been pIayed s i nee the ear Iy 1920s. The game today has exact Iy the same ruI
43、es as Fl BA (International BasketbaI I Federation).d i bf. orgBankshot BasketbaI IBankshot is a new game of ski I I and chaI Ienge that is often descr ibed as“mini go If, but with a basketbaI I. Bankshot i s the on Iy sports system that a I Iows the able-bodied and athIetes with a disabi I ity to pl
44、ay together at the same time. Th i s game i s about no runn i ng, jump i ng, or body contacMO and relies on the shooting skill.bankshotWhich of the fol lowing types of basketbaI I has the Iongest history?A、Bankshot BasketbaI IB、Deaf BasketbaI I实用文档C、WheeIcha i r BasketbaI ID、Beach BasketbaI IWhich o
45、f the fol lowing types of basketbaI I a I Iows physicaI Iy strong and d i sab Ied pIayers to pI ay together?A、Street BasketbaI I?B、Beach BasketbaI IC、Bankshot BasketbaI I?D、WheeIcha i r BasketbaI IWhat do we know from the text?A、Beach basketbaI I was original Iy designed to improve ones skills.B、Disabled players can pI ay i n two of the five types of basketbaI I.C WheeIcha i r basketbaI I was i nvented by Philip Bryant.D、StreetbaI I ruIes are very str i ct.DMy grandparents be I ieved that you were either honest or you were not. They had a simple say i ng hanging on the i r
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