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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业视译单位类意群一、技巧讲解断句是译出语语序关键,断句基本方法是以类意群为单位。以类意群为视译单位是断句基础和译员基本功。2类意群特征相对独立意义概念;在一目可及范围之内;能通过连接语灵活与前后视译单位结合。3相对独立概念:可以被独立翻译出来,不会产生意义的上的误会或不完整 May I ask you to attend the meeting? 两个相对独立概念:1May I ask you; 2to attend the meeting. 1我可以请你; 2出席会议吗

2、.4在一目可及的范围内:有时一个独立概念很长,难以迅速看完,只能再度划断。 The moment when all the people in the organization became angry and began to agree with one another as to who should take the responsibility was exactly the time when an even more serious event took place. The moment当时,when all the people in the organization组织的所

3、有成员became angry都愤怒了,and began to argue with one another他们争执不休,as to who should take the responsibility试图辩明谁要对此负责任。was exactly the time恰在这时,When an even more serious event take place一个更加严重的事件发生了。The moment /when all the people in the organization/ became angry/ and began to agree with one another/ as

4、 to who should take the responsibility/ was exactly the time/ when an even more serious event took place5能够通过连接语较灵活与前后的视译单位结合:增加一个连接词之后,可以比较顺畅完整表达一个句子的意思。 Indeed, we hope to intensify work with China that not only adjusts to the international rules developed over the last century, but also joins us

5、and others to address the challenges of the new century.Indeed,的确,we hope to intensify work with China我们希望加强与中国合作,that not only adjusts to the international rules希望中国不仅能适应国际规则,developed over the last century,适应上个世纪发展起来的国际规则,but also joins us and others而且希望中国能与我们和其他国家一道to address the challenges of th

6、e new century迎接新世纪的挑战。6.总结: 1)关于类意群特征:相对独立概念,可以从大处保持原文语序,给断句提供方便,使译文口语化,易译易懂; 一目可及范围,使译员在一个单位内迅速语序调整,防止译文支离破碎; 灵活与前的视译单位结合,可以使较完整内容信息流畅传达。2)关于类意群: 类意群,近似意群,但比意群灵活;基于词组,不拘泥于词组。使用类意群断句,可以保证“信”和“顺”的同时,保证视译速度。二、示范1 The General Assembly recognized the importance of international cooperation in devising m

7、easures effectively to prevent their terrorist acts occurrence and of studying their underlying causes with view to finding just and peaceful solutions as quickly as possible. 断句,每个视译单位是相对独立概念,长度一目可及:The General Assembly recognized联合国大会认识到the importance of 重要性international cooperation国际合作in devising

8、 measures effectively制定有效的措施to prevent their terrorist acts occurrence防止国际恐怖主义行为的发生and of studying their underlying causes研究其根本原因的重要性with a view to finding just and peaceful solutions为了找出公正、和平的解决方法as quickly as possible越快越好使用连接语将视译单位连接起来:The General Assembly recognized联合国大会认识到,the importance of 重要的是

9、international cooperation要进行国际合作in devising measures effectively制定有效的措施to prevent their terrorist acts occurrence以防止国际恐怖主义行为的发生and of studying their underlying causes同样重要的是研究其根本原因的重要性with a view to finding just and peaceful solutions为了找出公正、和平的解决方法as quickly as possible越快越好The moment when the United

10、States took its place as a leader and a permanent actor on the stage of international politicsat the end of the Second Warcoincided with the dawn of the nuclear age.断句,每个视译单位是相对独立概念,长度一目可及The moment当时when the United States took its place美国开始作为as a leader and a permanent actor领导者和长期活跃的角色on the stage

11、of international politics在国际政治的舞台上at the end of the Second World War第二次世界大战结束之际Coincided with the dawn of the nuclear age.恰逢核时代的开始使用连接语将视译单位连接起来The moment当时when the United States took its place美国开始作为as a leader and a permanent actor领导者和长期活跃的角色on the stage of international politics出现在在国际政治的舞台上at the

12、end of the Second World War那正是第二次世界大战结束之际Coincided with the dawn of the nuclear age.恰逢核时代的开始That government leaders and finance ministers from economies representing about 85% of global GDP could agree to assemble in Washington on only a few weeks advance notice has no precedent.That government lead

13、ers and finance ministers这些政府领导人与财政部长from economies representing about 85% of global GDP来自占全球国民生产总值的各个经济体could agree to assemble in Washington他们能够同意聚首华盛顿on only a few weeks advance notice尽管几个星期前才得到通知has no precedent这堪称史无前例。4 Thus, actions to be taken by emerging economy authorities to bolster confid

14、ence in the appropriateness of their policies, as well as efforts by the international community to provide necessary financial support in this moment of crisis, will be critical in order to attain the hope-for revival of global growth by 2012.Thus, actions to be taken因此,将要采取行动,by emerging economy a

15、uthorities也就是新兴经济体的行动,to bolster confidence in the appropriateness of their policies是为了加强人们对其政策合理性的信心。as well as efforts by the international community国际社会也将做出努力,to provide necessary financial support提供必要资金支持,in this moment of crisis应对这一危机时刻。will be critical这些措施举足轻重,in order to attain the hope-for r

16、evival of global growth关系到大家盼望的全球经济复苏by 2012到年是否能实现。三、练习In this context, it is important to examine how different groups will be affected by rising food prices. It is also important to investigate what would be the net impact of food price increase on poverty. We now have much stronger evidence of t

17、he impacts of climate change in relation to increases in average surface temperature. It is estimated that the 57.5% increase in world food prices in the first quarter of 201 will be maintained through the fourth quarter of the year. It is essential to address the challenges and opportunities posed

18、by biofuels, in view of the worlds food security, energy and sustainable development needs. 5 Part-time and life-long learning have a crucial role to play in a modern economy, where global competition and technological change mean that skills and knowledge have constantly to be refreshed and upgrade

19、d throughout the working life.6 We are convinced that in-depth studies are necessary to ensure that production and use of biofuels are sustainable in accordance with the three pillars of sustainable development and take into account the need to achieve and maintain global food security.7 We are here

20、 to address the challenges of bioenergy and climate change, and the current situation of soaring food prices that is having adverse impacts on food security, particularly in developing countries and countries in transition, all the more because the indications are that food prices will remain high in the years to come.8 Evidence over th


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