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1、(1a-2e)Starter Unit 1Good morning!学习目标1.掌握课前英语口语对话2.能识别书中的八个人物3.学会八个人名的读音4.能够熟练地运用本节课出现的早上 见面的问候语5.学会正确朗读和书写A aH h 八个字母Class begins!Stand up, please. 上课前师生对话:Lead inGood morning, class!Good morning, Miss Wang!Sit down, please. Thank you! Say hello to our friends.(跟我们的朋友们问好吧。)Hello!Harry!Say hello to

2、 our friends.(跟我们的朋友们问好吧。)Hi! Tom!Say hello to our friends.(跟我们的朋友们问好吧。)Good morning,Jerry!Say hello to our friends.(跟我们的朋友们问好吧。) Michael Jordan!Lets meet some new friends. (让我们认识一些新朋友。)PresentationBobCindyDaleEricFrankGraceHelenGraceBobHelenDaleFrankCindyAliceEricGood morning , Helen!Hi, Bob!Good m

3、orning, Alice!Good morning, Cindy!Hello,Frank!Hello, Eric!Good morning,Dale!1a Write down the names in the picture.Boys names _Girls names _BobDaleEricFrankHelenGraceCindyAliceConsolidation1b Listen and repeat.Boys names _Girls names _BobDaleEricFrankHelenGraceCindyAlice1c Practice the conversations

4、 in the picture. Then greet your partner. PracticeGood morning, Helen!Good morning, Dale!Good morning “早上好”用于早上至中午12:00这段时间,是较为正式的问候语。它的答语仍为Good morning!Hello “您好”一般是熟人,朋友和同学之间打招呼用语。也可以用在打电话时,意为“喂”。Hi “嗨,喂”频率最高的问候语,用于非正式场合,意思同hello,比hello更为随意。Good afternoon, Eric!Good afternoon, Frank!Good evening,

5、Bob!Good evening, Alice!Hello, Mike.Hello, Linda.Hi, Li Mei.Hi, Wu Lei. 所有的人名第一个字母都要大写你知道在英语中如何写你自己的名字吗?注意:常用的英文名(男生):Kelvin Harry Jackie Owen Jim Lucas Ben Robert Alfred Chris Bruce Joe Bill JimmyCharles Henry Clark Peter Roy Mark Jack常用的英文名(女生):June Alice Susan Anna Gina Daisy DoraBetty Sandy Soph

6、ie Ann May Jean KarenLucy Nancy Sarah Rita Rose Tracy Sally你有英文名字吗?没有的话,可以选一个哦!252a Listen and repeat. 听录音并跟读。A/ei/B/ bi: /C/si:/D/di:/E/i:/F/ef/G/ di:/Habcdefgh/ ei /Presentationei i:/ e /2b Listen and number the letters you hear 1-8.听录音,按听到的顺序给下列字母编号1-8。 1423haegdbcf5678Consolidation2c Look and co

7、py. 字母的书写(注意笔顺笔画)Practice2c Look and copy. HBCDBBCGuess what they stand for: HB HB = hard black (铅笔芯)硬黑2e Talk about what these letters mean. CD = compact diskCD光盘2e Talk about what these letters mean. BBC = British Broadcasting CorporationBBC英国广播公司2e Talk about what these letters mean. 英语中有一些名称是由几个

8、词组成的,人们习惯上把这些词的第一个字母缩写在一起,叫缩略词。 (abbreviation) 缩略词 abbreviation一些常见的缩写词(abbreviation):AD BC 公元公元前CAACCBA中国民航中国篮球协会ABC基础知识;字母表Exercises1. 下列大写字母是由两笔写成的选项 _。 A. B B. H C. A2. 含有相同元音音素的选项是 _。 A. A, G B. B, C C. E, H3. 下列的缩略词中,表示“光盘”意思的是_。 A. HB B. BBC C. CD 一、选择填空。4. Good evening, Mr Chen. _, Alice. A. Good evening B. Good morning C. Good afternoon5. _? Im OK, thank you. A. How are you B. How do y


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