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1、PAGE Book 5_U3_资源库_词汇PAGE PAGE 10牛津高中资源库之词汇设计单元:Unit 3 Science Versus Nature板块:词汇1. Science is developing so fast that it is beyond our imagination. 科学发展迅速,超乎人的想象。beyond1) 超出的范围,不可能He survived the accident, but his car was damaged beyond repair. 他从事故中幸存了下来,但他的车坏得不能修了。His thoughtlessness is just beyo

2、nd belief. 他自私得令人难以置信。Im afraid physics is totally beyond me (meaning that something is too difficult). 恐怕我根本学不好物理。2)在(时间、地点)之外In the distance, beyond the river, was a small town. 在远处,河对岸,有一个小城。The ban has been extended beyond 2006. 这条禁令已经延长到了2006年后。3)其它相关词组beyond ones understanding 超出某人的理解能力,不能理解be

3、yond ones reach=out of ones reach 够不着 2. On the one hand, some scientists point out that . On the other hand, a real-life Frankensteins monster. 一方面,一些科学家指出,如果你克隆了胚胎,你就可以制造出有价值的组织和器官,挽救人类生命。另一方面,包括一些科学家在内的许多人担心,如果人类以这样的方式干涉自然,也许在不久的将来会制造出正式版的佛兰肯斯坦的魔鬼。1)on the one handon the other hand 一方面 另一方面,一方面而,

4、常用来引出两种不同的观点,重点常在后一种观点。On the one hand Id like a job which pays more, but on the other hand I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment. 一方面我希望得到报酬高的工作,但另一方面我又很喜欢手头这件工作。Id like to eat out, but on the other hand I should be trying to save money. 我想出去吃,可(另一方面)我又该努力省钱。2)point out 指出,后接名词或宾语从句He was always

5、very keen to point out my mistakes.他总是迫不及待要指出我的错误。Some economists have pointed out that low inflation is not necessarily a good thing. 一些经济学家指出低通涨不一定就是好事。I feel I should point out how dangerous it is. 我觉得我应该指出(情况)是多么危险。3)fear 害怕,担心 Police fear that there may be further terrorist attacks. 警方担心还会有新的恐怖

6、袭击。I fear that theres little more we can do. 恐怕我们无能为力了。I fear so / not. 恐怕如此(并非如此)4)on their way to producing a real-life Frankensteins monster (他们也许)接近造出真实版的佛兰肯斯坦怪物了on ones/the way to something 快要,将 (close to doing something)Im well on the way to completing the report. 我就快把报告写好了。More changes are on

7、 the way. 更多的变化就要发生了。 3. However, in general the scientists were praised for their wonderful scientific breakthrough. 但是总的来说科学家们还是因为他们的科学突破而受到赞扬。1)in general 一般,总的来说(usually,in most situations);总体上(considering things as a whole),例如:In general men are taller than women. 一般来说男人比女人高。I dont particularly

8、 hate anything. I just have a feeling of dissatisfaction with life in general. 我并不特别恨什么。我只是对生活总体上有(点)不满的感觉。2)praise 表扬,赞扬,常和介词for连用The mayor praised the rescue team for their courage. 市长赞扬了救援队的勇气。He was highly praised for his research on cloning. 他因为在克隆方面的研究受到高度赞扬。4. Although he researches cloning,

9、his intention has never been to create copies of humans. 尽管他研究克隆,但从没打算克隆人。Some people consider that cloning human embryos with the intention of destroying them shows no respect for human life. 有些人认为,为了最终摧毁的目的而克隆人体胚胎是对生命的不尊重。1) 上两句都用到名词intention,Intention(intend的名词形式)后面常用动词不定式做表语或定语。类似用法的词还有:aim, amb

10、ition, duty, hope, idea, intention, mistake, plan, purpose, suggestion等。例如:His aim is to create new tissues and organs. 他的目的是造出新的(人体)组织和器官。Your mistake was not to write that letter. 你的错是没有写那封信。2) with the intention of 带着(怀着)的意图,为了,例如:He decided to find a host family with the intention of improving h

11、is English. 他决定找一家寄养家庭住,以提高自己的英语。注意:不可以说with the intention to do something,同样,也不可以说have the intention to do something.3) show respect for 尊重,也可以说:have respect for,例如:She complained that young people today show / have no respect for law. 她抱怨说现在的年轻人对不尊重法律。The boy showed a complete lack of respect for

12、authority. 这位男孩对权威缺乏最起码的尊重。5. He thinks research efforts should concentrate on creating new tissues and organs that could eventually be used to cure diseases like cancer. 他认为研究应该专注于制造新的组织和器官,最终用以治疗像癌症那样的疾病。concentrate集中(精神、注意、努力等),常与介词on连用I cant concentrate on my work with all that noise. 这么吵,我根本不能专

13、注于工作。The company is concentrating (its resources) on developing new products. 这家公司正集中其资源于开发新产品。6. I am desperate to have a child of my own. 我渴望有自己的孩子。1) desperate 不顾后果的,亡命的,孤注一掷的;严重的;渴望的。本句中是“渴望的”意思,后接介词for或动词不定式。例如:He is desperate for a job. (=He is desperate to get a job.) 他渴望获得一份工作。其它意思举例如下:The s

14、ituation is desperatewe have no food, little water and no medical supplies. 情况是绝望的:我们没有食物,只剩一点点水,也没有药品。(绝望)They are making a desperate effort to save the child. 他们在为挽救那个小孩尽最后的努力。(孤注一掷)2)of ones own(某人)自己的ones owna place of my own=my own place 自己的地方(家)注意比较:(all) on ones own 单独地,独力地The old man lives o

15、n his own. 那老人独自住。7. I dont want to adopt someone elses child. 我不愿意领养别人的孩子。1)adopt 除了“领养”外,还有“采用”的意思。如:I adopted their method of making the machine. 我采用了他们制造机器的方法。The new approach of teaching has been adopted in many schools. 这种新的教学方法已经被许多学校采用。2)someone elses 注意“-s ”要加在else上!This is not mine. It mus

16、t be someone elses.Who elses can it be?8. China has succeeded in producing clones of cows and goats, and continues to research ways in which cloning can benefit mankind. 中国已经成功地克隆了牛和羊,并在继续研究能使克隆造福人类的方法。1) succeed 成功,常与“in”连用,名词形式是success,形容词successful。China has succeeded in launching a new positioni

17、ng satellite. 中国成功发射了一颗新的定位卫星。Success results from hard work.成功来自勤奋。The film was a great success. 这部电影大获成功。2) benefit(使)受益a) vt, 有益于,造福于This invention will surely benefit the world. 这个发明必将造福全世界。They are working together to benefit the whole community. 他们在共同努力造福全社区。b) vi, 获益,得益,常跟from/byMany thousand

18、s have benefited from the new treatment. 成千上万的人得益于这种新的治疗(手段)。比较:The new treatment has benefited many thousands.Many manufacturers will benefit by cutting their taxes. 许多制造商将从减税中获益。c) 也可以作名词,利益,好处。The low-income households will get benefit from the new policy. 低收入家庭将从新政策中获益。常见搭配有:do benefit to 对有益be

19、of benefit to somebody 对有益或有帮助for the benefit of 为了的利益9. If we interfere with nature, we will have to deal with the consequences. 如果我们干扰自然,我们将不得不承担后果。1) interferea)interfere with(短语动词)干扰,影响(指不利影响)Even a low level of noise will interfere with my concentration.哪怕很小的噪音也会干扰我的注意。b)interfere (in) 干涉,干预 Th

20、is is their problem and Im not going to interfere. 这是他们的问题,我不想干预。Interfering in other peoples relationships is always a mistake. 干涉别人的关系总是错误的。2) consequence (常指不利的)影响,后果Many believe that poverty is a direct consequence of overpopulation. 许多人认为贫穷是人口过多的直接后果。If you insist on eating so much sweet food,

21、youll have to suffer the consequences. 如果你坚持吃这么多甜食,你就得承担后果。Many species have died out as a consequence of mans activities. 由于人类的活动,许多物种已经灭绝了。常见搭配如:take / suffer / face / deal with the consequences 承担后果as a consequence of(正式)as a result of10. The human race is using up Earths resources. 人类正在耗尽地球的资源。1

22、)use up 用完,耗尽,例如:Dont use up all the milk. We need some for breakfast. 不要把牛奶都用完,我们还需要一些当早饭。介词up表示“完”、“尽”、“结束”“完成”之义,类似的还有:eat up 吃完drink up 喝完;干杯end up 结束,以告终2)“结束性”动词的进行时并不是表示“正在进行”,而是表示“就要”“快要”的意思。一些表示“位置移动(go, come, leave)”的动词也有类似用法:The old goat is dying. 那头老山羊快要断气了。Im finishing off soon. 我快完工了。另

23、外,表示“变化(become, get, grow)”的动词的进行时则常常表示“逐渐”之意:Its getting dark. 天渐渐黑了。11. I am in complete agreement with human cloning. 我完全同意克隆人。agreement 同意,赞同;一致;协议;in agreement with 同意,赞同come to / reach an agreement 达成协议12. After all, scientists have been challenging questions of morality for centuries. 毕竟,科学家很

24、多世纪以来就一直在挑战(质疑)道德问题。1) after alla)毕竟(重要的句间连接词,用来陈述理由,解释上文)I like her. She is my sister after all. 我喜欢她,她是我妹妹啊。He should have paid. After all, he suggested it. 他该付账,毕竟是他提议的。b)终究, 毕竟(表示尽管有困难或问题,还是)So you made it after all. 你毕竟还是成功了。The rain has stopped, so the game will go ahead after all. 雨已经停了,所以比赛终

25、究还是要进行的。2) challenge n.& vt. 挑战;鞭策,考验;盘问;质疑,质问本句中是“质问,质疑”的意思 (question whether something is true or legal),在汉语中有时也说“挑战”。This discovery challenges traditional beliefs. 这个发现对传统的信仰提出了挑战(质疑)。Children today challenge parents authority far more than those in the past. 今天的孩子比过去更多地质疑父母的权威。又如:Mike challenged

26、 me to a game of chess.(invite somebody into a competition)麦克激我跟他赛盘棋。The job doesnt challenge me much. 这件工作对我并没有什么挑战。(=The job isnt much (of) a challenge to me.)13. On a personal note, cloning would totally change my life. 从我个人感情上说,克隆将会彻底改变我的生活。on a note 从角度来说,以口气说 (speaking in a way)On a personal n

27、ote, Im truly grateful to the writers of those publications. 从我个人的角度来说,我真诚地感谢那些刊物的作者们。She ended her speech on a personal note. 她以私人的口气结束了讲话。 14. The first mammal to be cloned successful from an adult cell was Dolly the sheep. 第一只从成体细胞中克隆成功的哺乳动物是多莉羊。to be cloned successfully from an adult cell 动词不定式的

28、被动结构作定语,修饰名词词组the first mammal,此处也可用不定式的完成被动式,或直接用过去分词,一下例句引自维基百科等网站的科学论文。Dolly was the first mammal to have been cloned from an adult cell. 多莉羊是用成体细胞克隆的第一头哺乳动物。She was the first mammal to be cloned successful from an adult cell.(译文同上。)Dolly was the first mammal cloned from an adult cell. (译文同上。)注意:

29、此处之所以三者可以互换,是由于被修饰的名词(mammal)前带有序数词the first的缘故。再如:The first textbook to be published / to have been published / published for teaching English in China appeared in the late 19th century. 为在中国教授英语而出版的的一本教科书出现在19世纪末期。下文中“(Line 32)stem cells to be used in medical research”,此处划线的动词不定式作定语,表示“将”,不可象上例中那样

30、改写。试比较:a bridge to be built over the river 即将兴建的桥 (将来) a bridge built over the river 3 years ago 建于3年前的桥(过去,已经) a bridge being built 正在新建的桥 (正在)15. Some scientists are now considering cloning human beings.consider doing something 考虑(打算)做某事。后面常常用“ing”形式。例如:I considered changing my job. 我曾经想换个工作。The C

31、hinese government is seriously considering bidding to host the 2018 FIFA World Cup. 中国政府正在认真考虑申办2018年世界杯足球赛。这些动词常见的有:admit(承认), appreciate(欣赏,感谢), avoid(避免), consider(考虑,打算), delay(推迟), dislike(讨厌), enjoy(喜欢), escape(逃脱), feel like(想要), finish, forgive(宽恕,原谅), cant help(忍不住), imagine(设想,想象), involve

32、s(涉及,包括), (not) mind(介意), miss(逃脱,避免), practice(训练), prevent, resist(抵制), risk(冒险), suggest, etc. 例如:Can you imagine settling on the moon someday? 你能想象有一天能住到月球上去吗?The operation involves putting a small tube into the patients heart. 这个手术包括把一根小导管植入病人的心脏。另外,consider还可以是“认为(是)”的意思,常用复合宾语结构:I consider it

33、 a great honour to be invited. 承蒙邀请我倍感荣幸。They considered themselves (to be) Europeans. 他们认为自己是欧洲人。 16. While, some scientists are already pushing ahead with research so as to deliver a cloned human baby. 尽管克隆人类胚胎在许多国家是非法的,但是有些科学家已经在推动这项研究,以克隆出人类的婴儿。1)while在本句中是“虽然, 尽管”之意。例如:While there was no conclu

34、sive evidence, most people thought he was guilty. 虽然没有肯定的证据,多数人还是认为他有罪。While (he was) never a big eater, he did snack a lot. 尽管他算不上饕餮,不过吃的零食可不算少。School in the south are better equipped, while those in the north are relatively poor. 南方的学校设备较好,而北方的则相对差一些。2)aheada) (时间或空间)在前方,在前面;向前方,向前面(of)The clinic

35、is some way straight ahead. 诊所就在正前方不远处。Unless we plan ahead, we are going to be in a mess. 除非我们事先计划,否则一切将会一团糟。b) ahead of 在之前,在前面;优于,胜过We completed the task 3 days head of the schedule. 我们比计划提前三天完成了任务。Sophie is far ahead of other children in class. Sophie的成绩远比班上其他孩子好。c)push ahead (with) 努力推进They hav

36、e decided to push ahead with Project Hope. 他们决定努力推进“希望工程”。The government is pushing on with the education reform across the country. 政府正在全国范围内大力推进教育改革。d) go ahead 进行,进展;(作为回答)开始吧,好的,行e) ahead of time / schedule 提前3)so as to 为了in order to。区别在于后者可以置于句首,而前者不能。He went to night schools to learn English s

37、o as to / in order to get promoted. 他上夜校补习英语以便获得提升。In order to (NOT so as to) get promoted, he went to night school to learn English. 4)deliver 在本句中是“生(小孩),分娩”的意思,但更常用于以下义项:a) 投递(邮件、货物等),送货(名词形式delivery)The morning mail has just been delivered. 今早的邮件刚送来。The helicopter set off to deliver supplies to

38、people trapped on the lonely island. 直升飞机出发给困在孤岛上的人送给养。b) 发表(讲话等)The president delivered a speech to the whole country after the attack. (遭到)袭击后总统向全国发表了讲话。17. We could produce a monster or even a superhuman race that could one day end up replacing us. 我们也许会制造出一个怪物,甚或一个最终会取代我们的超人族。1) end up 以告终,终于,最后

39、 (to be finally in a particular situation which you didnt expect or intend to be in),后接-ing形式,形容词或介词短语。She ended up teaching English in a high school. 最后她只得在一所中学教英语。The writer ended up in debt. 最后那位作家负债累累。If he carries on driving like this, he will end up dead. 如果他还是这样开车,早晚要死于非命。2) 本句中两处could可能,也许,相

40、当于“may,might,常用来表示对现在或将来情况的猜测语气,但做此意解的could不可以用在否定句中。A child could develop an addiction to the Internet if they spend too much time on it. 如果在因特网上花太多时间,儿童可能会染上网瘾。 18. I think cutting down trees should be made illegal and tighter laws should be introduced. 我认为砍伐树木应该被定为非法,应该制定更严格的法律。introduce,在本句中是“提出

41、”的意思(to present a new law for discussion),另外,除了大家较为熟知的“介绍”之外,introduce还有“引进,引入”、“使知道,使了解”的意思。例如:Tomato was first introduced into Europe by Columbus. 西红柿是由哥伦布引入欧洲的。Korea-Japan World Cup introduced me to the joy of football. 韩日世界杯让我领略了足球的快乐。19. I think some things are best left the way they are. 我认为有些

42、东西最好还是让它(们)保持原状。1)be best left最好是(留着)Some things onscreen are best left unseen. 电视上有些东西最好还是不看。She is best left alone for the time being. 最好暂时让她一个人待会儿。2)the way 表示“事物所处的状态”(a particular state or condition)The chicken is nicejust the way I like it. 鸡肉很好吃这是我喜欢的那样。Its worth thinking how you improve the

43、way things are. 值得思考你怎样改善目前的状况。 20. He is always in his lab, trying to figure out all the mysteriesfigure out 理解,弄明白,演算出,用名词或wh从句作宾语。If I have a map, I can figure out the distance. 如果我有地图我就能算出距离。Scientists attempted to figure out how the cancel cells reproduce themselves. 科学家们决心弄明白癌细胞是怎样自我复制的。21. I

44、think we should be cautious and use good judgement when making decisions about cloning. 我认为我们在做出有关克隆的决定时应当谨慎,应当多用脑子。1)cautious谨慎 (careful not to take risk),例如:He was cautious when he was riding the bicycle. 他骑自行车的时候很小心。当要表示“对某事/某人谨慎”时,常用结构:be cautious about sb./sth. 如:He is very cautious about me. 他

45、对我很谨慎。注意:careful和cautious都含“小心的”、“谨慎的”意思。careful 一般指“对工作、 责任等非常谨慎、周密的,以免粗枝大叶而出错”,尤指“态度积极,在细节上不出差错”,如:He was very careful with the coffee (so as not to spilt it). 他小心翼翼的端着咖啡(以免洒了)。cautious 指“小心、谨慎地从事,以防备可能出现的危险或差错”,含有“提防”之意,如:He was cautious about his work. 他对工作非常谨慎。2)judgment此指“对事物的判断力”,use ones(goo

46、d)judgment (指作决定时)用脑子,做出理智的判断Use your good judgment before you decide. 作决定前动脑子想想。make a judgment about 对做出判断3)make a decision about 作出的决定 22. Then I noticed that he was wearing shoes that did not match. 这时我注意到他穿的鞋不是一双。match在本句中是“(与)成一双”的意思,再如:Your socks dont match. 你的袜子不是一双。另外还有:1)(指颜色、样式等)相配Does th

47、is shirt match the trousers? 这件衬衫与裤子相配吗?2)与相一致Their actions do not match their words. 他们言行不一。Teaching materials should match individual students needs. 教学材料应当与个体的学生的需求一致。3)与配对,把和联系起来Can you match the animals with the countries that each stands for? 你能把这些动物与它们每个所代表的国家配起来吗?4)般配,比得上Few cities in Europe

48、 can match the cultural richness of Berlin. 几乎没有哪个欧洲城市能比得上罗马的丰富文化。23. Although it involves some cost on your part, you will definitely agree its worth it. 尽管你得花点钱,但你一定会同一这个钱花得值。1) involve 包括,涉及;牵涉;使卷入;使参与Cloning human not only involves science. 克隆人不仅仅涉及科学(问题)。Every argument involves assumption. 每个论点

49、都包含了假设。The teacher tried to involve as many children as possible in the discussion in class. 教师努力让更多的学生参与课堂讨论。2)on your part 就你而言,在你这一方面It was probably just a mistake on her part. 就她的角度看这也许是个错误。There has never been any jealousy on my part. 就我这一方面而言从没有过嫉妒。 24. I am writing to complain about your plan

50、s to start cloning human beings in the UK. 我现在给您写信,抗议您在英国开始克隆人类的计划。complain 抱怨,埋怨;投诉,申诉,控诉(about)Mary is always complaining about something. Mary老是抱怨这,抱怨那的。The neighbor said hed complain to the police if they made any more noise at night. 邻居说如果他们再在夜里吵吵闹闹就会向警方投诉他们。25. but this does not mean that we s

51、hould follow in their footsteps. 但是这并不意味着我们就得亦步亦趋。follow (in) ones footsteps 步某人的后尘,继承某人的事业或传统He is a doctor and expects his son to follow (in) his footsteps. 他是个医生所以希望他儿子继承他的事业。26. Im sure that if you conducted a survey among UK citizens, it would show that the majority of people would not advocate

52、 this type of scientific research. 我敢肯定,假如你调查一下英国国民,你会发现大多数人不会拥护这种科学研究。1) 该句使用了虚拟语气,表示写信者对这点并不抱希望。2) conduct 进行;引导;(音乐)指挥;(正式)行为;(物理)传导(热,电等)conduct (=carry out) a/an survey (experiment, test, interview, etc) 进行调查(实验,考试,面试等)3) majority 大多数(人、物),常用复数的谓语动词。 The majority of students find it hard to acc

53、ept the new theory. 多数学生觉得很难接受这个新理论。4) advocate vt 拥护,支持,提倡;n 提倡者,拥护者Do you advocate banning cars in the city centre? 你支持禁止汽车在市中心通行这一主张吗?Extremists openly advocate violence. 极端主义者公开提倡暴力。He is an advocate of vegetarianism. 他是个倡导素食的人。27. To conclude, I urge you to seek the opinions of the people of th

54、e UK on this matter so we can end this immoral practice immediately. 最后,我奉劝您征求一下英国人民对这个问题的看法, 以便我们能立刻终止这种不道德的做法。1) conclude 得出结论,完成,结束(名词形式:conclusion)He concluded that cloning human is immoral. 他得出结论,克隆人类是不道德的。They planned to conclude the investigation at the end of the month. 他们计划在月底完成调查。Each chap

55、ter concluded with a short summary. 每一章都以简短的小结结尾。to conclude 最后,作为列举的最后一项,相当于“finally”2) urge 敦促,力劝;强力推荐,注意:跟从句时用“should动词原形”,should可以省略。He urged them to give up the idea. 他敦促他们放弃那个主张。The report urged that all children (should) be taught to swim. 这份报告呼吁所有儿童教授游泳。3) seek 寻找;寻求,谋求,争取;征求Drivers are advi

56、sed to seek alternative routes. 请驾驶者另寻其它路线。They sought for somewhere to shelter. 他们找一个藏身处。“Are you really seeking jobs?” asked she. “你们真的在找工作吗?”她问道。She called the embassy to seek help. 她打电话到大使馆求助。Many farmers went to big cities to seek their fortune. 许多农民去大城市寻求发财的机会。seeksoughtsoughthide-and-seek 捉迷藏

57、28. Scientists admit that few tests have been performed on GM food. 科学家承认对基因食品还没有进行什么测试。perform vt, vi1)perform在本文中是“实施、进行(carry out)”,与上面所列的conduct同义。如:perform a survey / study / experiment / operation / analysis 进行(实施)调查(研究、实验、手术、分析)。另外,2)表演 vi & vtThe band will perform at the City Music Hall. 乐队将

58、在城市音乐厅表演。The children perform two plays each school year. 孩子们每学年表演两出戏。3)表现The national football team performed poorly. 国足表现不佳。The engine performs well. 发动机表现(运转)良好。4)performance n. 表演,表现29. We further damage Earth by constructing new water channels for shipping, building new factories and creating p

59、ollution with industrial waste. 由于开挖新的航运水道,兴建新工厂,因为工业垃圾而产生污染,我们进一步的破坏地球。1) constructingwaste 动名词作介词by的宾语。2) further adj & adva) =farther,(指距离)更远The table stands at the further end of the room. 桌子放在房间的远端。b) (指程度)更,进一步,另外,还Visit our website for further details. 请访问我们网站了解进一步的细节。We will further study th

60、e problem soon. 我们将进一步研究这个问题。30. Would anyone say that economic development should be stopped in favour of nature? 有谁会说为了自然而经济发展应当停止?1) in favour of意思是“赞同,支持”,后面接名词、代词或动词的-ing形式,如:The Council voted in favour of a 200 million housing development. 议会投票通过了一个2亿欧元的住房发展计划。I talked to Sue about the travel


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