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1、国外文化风俗1*England*Britain *Great Britain*The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland* British Isles2 The United Kingdom is that part of the British Isles ruled over by the Queen. It consists of Scotland, Wales and England (i.e. the whole of Britain), and also about one-sixth of Ireland, t

2、he Northern part. The rest of Ireland is self-governingThe difference?The British Isles consists of two large islands: one is called Ireland and the other Britain, and also 5,000 small islands Britain, or Great Britain, is the larger of these two islands, and it is divided into three parts: Scotland

3、, Wales and England. England is the largest, most populous, the richest section. 3 Made up from the flags of England (the Cross of Saint George), Scotland (the Cross of Saint Andrew) and Ireland (the Cross of Saint Patrick). St. GeorgeSt. AndrewSt. Patrick4How the Union Flag came into being?(1606)(1

4、801)5The Welsh Dragon Wales also has its own flag, but it is not represented in Union Jack. This is because when the first Union Flag was created in 1606, the Principality of Wales by that time was already united with England and was no longer a separate principality.6British family life7Love affair

5、s in different periodsUnder 16 Between 16 and 18 After 188GentlemanSense of timeOccupationSense of proprietySense of traditionVisit and gifttaboos9Gentleman Because of its earlier economy development, in the eyes of most aliens, the British are kind of arrogant and hard to deal with. However, in fac

6、t, its not really, the British are good at mutual understanding, and they are considerate too. No matter what they do, they usually make efforts not to leave bad impression on others. In UK, gentleman can be found everywhere. They know well how to create a coordinated atmosphere for others to have a

7、 harmonious and pleasant life. The British are very courteous and polite, they love to use “Thank you” and “please”. So when you talk to British, whether they are attendants or drivers, please be polite. If you want to ask them for help, please speak in a mild tone, never make others feel a tone of

8、command, otherwise, youll get nothing.10 Sense of Time: The British have a great strong sense of time. Making an appointment is very necessary when you want to pay a visit to some one or do business with a certain British. Of course, you must be punctual, if possible, youd better arrive several minu

9、tes earlier in advance. The British are always keeping time and promise. Occupation: The British have a strong sense of occupation. On business, the British think highly of friendship. Sense of propriety: 掌握分寸是一种受珍视的理念,对英国人来说意义非同一般。英国人对这一理念的尊重反映在他们对“太过分”的人共有的厌恶之情。主要表现在:情绪的过分显露、喝得烂醉或讲下流笑话及对此哄笑。英国人不喜欢

10、当中吵闹,吵吵闹闹、小题大做是失礼的。对英国人来说,不管在哪儿,几乎对一切都表现出一种懒洋洋的无所谓的态度才算是举止得当,尽管有的人内心可能很愤怒。即使在爱情方面,也只能关起门来表露感情,否则就有伤大雅了。即使关着门,也还要有分寸。 11 Sense of tradition: 英国式非常怀旧的民族,几乎视传统和习俗高于一切。对于英国人来说,传统代表延续,必须不惜一切代价去保护。一般家庭喜爱以前几代传下来的的旧家具、旧摆设、旧钟表而炫耀于人。首都伦敦有许多“百年老店”,而且越是注明的商店,越对原有的式样或布置保持得越完整。12TOWER BRIDGE13HOUSE OF PARLIMENT14


12、ITH35VIVIENNE WESTWOOD36FRENCH CONNECTIONUNITED KINGDOM37TOPSHOP38MARKS AND SPENCER39LEE COOPER40FRED PERRY41Visit and gift: 若请你到人家里作客,需要注意,如果是一种社交场合,不是公事,早到是不礼貌的,女主人要为你做准备,你去早了,她还没有准备好,会使她难堪。最好是晚到10分钟。去英国人家里作客,最好带点价值较低的礼品,因为花费不多就不会有行贿之嫌。礼品一般有:高级巧克力、名酒、鲜花,特别是我国具有民族特色的民间工艺美术品,他们格外欣赏。而对客人公司标记的纪念品不敢兴趣。

13、在英国,服饰和香皂之类的物品未免太涉及个人私生活,故一般不用来送人。42禁忌菊花在任何欧洲国家都只用于万圣节或葬礼,一般不宜送人。白色的百合花在英国象征死亡,也不宜送人。“英国”的表达还是遵循传统的习惯,宜避免老用“English”一字来表示“英国的”。英国人忌谈个人私事、家事、婚丧、年龄、职业、收入、宗教问题。由于宗教原因,他们非常忌讳“13”这个数字,认为其不详。用餐时不准13人同桌,如果13又是星期五的话,则认为这是双倍的不详。不能手背朝外,用手指表示“二”,这种“V”形手势是蔑视别人的一种敌意做法。43Educational System1.Primary Education (5-1

14、1)2.Secondary Education(11-16)3.Further Education(16-18)4.Higher Education(18- )44Implement two-tier school system in the UK: public schools provide free education; private schools generally pay school fees by parents. ETON COLLEGEWELLINGTON COLLEGE45Higher EducationA total number of 170 higher educ

15、ation institutions:UniversitiesUniversity sector collegesTeacher-training colleges46UniversitiesLegally independent and enjoy complete academic freedom.Councils chancellor vice chancellorThere is no national entrance examination of any sort in Britain. (grades, school reference, an interview)Now the

16、re are more than 100 universities.47DegreesIn British universities and colleges, students usually spend 3 years of full-time studying for the first degree, BA or BSC.If they want to obtain a master degree in art (MA) or in science (MSC), they will need another one year of full-time or two years part

17、-time study. To obtain a doctoral degree requires from 3 to 5 years of study and research.48Top British UniversitiesCambridge University 剑桥大学Oxford University 牛津大学London School of Economics and Political Science伦敦政治经济学院London University 伦敦大学York University 约克大学Imperial College, London University 伦敦大

18、学帝国理工学院Nottingham University 诺丁汉大学Warwick University 华威大学Kings College 国王学院49外国文化习俗之美国50 In God We Trust51National Flag We take the stars from heaven, the red from our mother country, separating it by white stripes, thus showing that we have separated from her, and the white stripes shall go down to

19、 posterity representing liberty. - George Washington52Uncle Sam5354 美利坚合众国The United States of America 简称美国,本土东濒大西洋,西临太平洋,北靠加拿大,南接墨西哥及墨西哥湾。首都为华盛顿。美国源自于1776年脱离英国统治的北美殖民地。美国庞大的经济、文化、科技、和军事影响力贯穿了整个20世纪。在第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战中,美国分别与协约国和同盟国一同获得胜利,并经历数十年的冷战后终于拖垮苏联,成为世界上唯一的超级大国。55国歌:星条旗永不落国鸟:白头海雕(秃鹰)国花:玫瑰花所属洲:北美

20、洲国庆日:1776年7月4日政体:总统共和制执政党:民主党现任领导人:巴拉克奥巴马面积:9,629,091平方公里人口:301,610,970人(2007年统计)主要宗教:天主教 基督新教常用语言:英语官方语言:英语56美国人的思维 美国人的思维方式与我们有很大的区别。英文是这样表达的:1)Like to be different;独行特立2)Agree to disagree;尊重不同声音3)Everything is above board光明磊落 57美国人的眼光 “忘记过去等于背叛”是许多民族的信条。但是美国人的信条是“忘记过去展望未来”。认为过去了的事情已经没有实在意义,只有目前和将

21、来的事情才值得花时间去做。个人之间没有剪不断的恩恩怨怨,他们不赞成“君子报仇十年不晚”、“躲得过初一躲不过十五”的说法。美国人的眼光是建立在现实和实惠基础之上的。他们不喜欢听你谈论小到你个人大到你国家的历史。 58美国人好争论的习惯 美国人喜欢争论、不喜欢沉默:凡人凡事必先争论的习惯。通过争论达成共识,达不成共识,通过举手或投票表决,多数服从少数,这也就是所谓的民主。个人价值比什么都重要。个人价值能否实现被看作是成功与否的重要标致。美国人所津津乐道的自由与民主就是个人价值发展的必然结果。好争论的习惯使美国人好冒险、好挑战、富 于创造性的性格。 59美国人的工作观念 视工作为生命的部分: 再富裕

22、,都要有自己的一份工作。 对工作很敬业,工作效率很高。 认为浪费时间、闲着不干事是有罪的。 工作时间和娱乐时间泾渭分明。 喜欢谈论“工作尊严”,工作是人的能力、人的价 值观念的体现。 公司的老总等一类的领导随时都可能参加体力劳动,会得到别人的尊重而不是看轻。 60美国人的婚姻观念 价值观念是平等和自由。平等、互相尊重、保留隐私权是婚姻赖于生存的基础: 美国人在结婚以前可以有自己的多个异性朋友,但是在结婚以后彼此都不希望对方有异性朋友的插足,一旦发现,离婚势不可免。凡是重要的社交活动、参加宴会或者朋友之间举行的派对,夫妇一同参加。美国夫妇都出双入对,非常恩爱的。但是美国人的离婚率很高,大约60,

23、是世界上离婚率最高的国家。他们在离婚以后,又各自去找心仪的人。有人把美国人的婚姻概括成二十个字:浪漫的少年,激情的青年,忠实的中年,凄楚的晚年。白领阶层的婚姻是相对比较稳定的。 61美国人性格四个特点:一、看重别人对自己的印象推崇那种受大家喜欢、具有吸引力的人。希望能同别人无拘无束地接触,并结识更多的朋友。互相交往时,不喜欢服从于别人,也不喜欢别人过分客气地恭维自己。担心的是被别人视为不易亲近的入而受到孤立,这对平民百姓来说,意味着寂寞;对政客们来说,则意味着竞选的失败。美国人交朋友的特点是交情泛泛他们同大家的关系都十分融洽,希望给别人一个好印象,但是却往往缺乏那种可以推心置腹的知交。 “美国



26、看准目标、孜孜以求。死要面子意味着一事无成,耽于幻想则意味着一无所有。钦佩精明强干的人。喜欢一切都自己动手,大小事情都能自己解决。多数美国人都懂得怎样使用机器、修理电气设备、油漆家具和粉刷墙壁。认为做生活中的粗活理所当然,绝对无损体面。相反,那些书呆子、假绅士,健谈短行才会被人取笑。 64第四个特点:看重成功的价值美国人的性格是在激烈竞争的环境中形成的。生活在这样一个充满角逐的社会中,只有强者方能出头,只有打败所有的对手,才是成功者。在美国人眼里重要的不是一个人的家庭背景,而是他本人的才华和能力。哪怕是个小孩子也要竭力在学校中出类拔萃,才可讨得父母的欢心。受父母之爱并不是天生的权利,而是经过自

27、己努力所获致的战利品。65Education66Education is a National concernState responsibilityLocal function672. Educational SystemElementary and Secondary EducationHigher Education Famous Universities2. Educational System68 Kindergartenhalf-day sessionsthe child becomes accustomed to being separated from Mommy, playi

28、ng and sharing with other children, and following the directions of a teacheralso introduced to skills and information that will help him later with academic workEarly Childhood Education69Nursery school Nursery schools accept children form three to five years old half-day sessions ranging from twic

29、e a week to five days a week.well-equipped classroom(dolls, toy furniture, building blocks, books, etc.) and playgroundNursery schools usually charge tuition, though some are subsidized and some offer scholarships.70Day care (日托)center Day care centers provide care for pre-school children of working

30、 mothers who need a place to leave their children all day, five days a week.Some day care centers accept pre-schoolers from infancy on.Day care has been maligned by those who believe that children belong with their mothers and that a womans place is in the home.71Compulsory educationElementary and s

31、econdary education covers 12 years from age 6 through 18.72Elementary educationIn spite of the shift in emphasis on the goal of a sense of responsibility to that of autonomous individuals, both teachers and students have before them the four sets of general goals, namely academic, vocational, social

32、 and personal.73Elementary educationCoursesreading, arithmetic, language arts, science, social studies, music, art, and physical educationClass size20 to 30 students2.1 Elementary and Secondary Education74Secondary educationIt takes place in a variety of junior and senior high school, which can be distinguished as vocational, technical and academic high schools.75Secondary educationTwo stages: junior high school and senior high schoolCourses: more specializedEnglish, social studies, alge


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