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1、。装。订。线。2011 年2012 年第一学期计算机服务外包英语二外 I 试卷 A 卷时间共 120 分钟Part Select the best choice from the given translations of the underlined words or phrases in each sentence.(10 pos)1. Loyalty to a team comesA. 付出.B. 团队意识C. 勤奋D. 忠诚2. When the harvest comes, everyonehe family pitches in.A. 忙碌B. 做贡献C. 耕种D. 焦点,焦距3.

2、 Americans are often on the move, and some famis change their homes every few years.A. 搬家B. 移动C. 不停走动n the people here.D. 旅游4. Were a lot more enthusiastic and spontaneousA. 热情的5. While sA. 本能的B.自然的,主动的C.D.l situations.D. 迷人的的d by so的may start as instinctive behavior, it is soon shB.有C. 神奇的properly

3、and appropria的6. Some children who fail to learn to splayground.yoften find themselves oasts on theA. 流浪者7. It gives you soA. 教育的B. 被C. 被冷落的人er.C. 学术的D. 无赖者l, economic, and academicB. 创新的D. 好学的8. As far as Dad was concerned, I was just another member of the team.A. 对来说B. 在.范围内C. 跟有关的D.所关心的9. Many yo

4、ung Americans do not live with their famis, but in apartment blocks of residential areas whereeveryone is more or less of the same age.A. 学生公寓B. 住宅区C. 青年旅社D. 街区10. Many nominees play it cool when they are waiting for the result. In fact, all of them feel restless.A. 绝望的B.忐忑不安的C. 精疲力尽的D. 无情的l group d

5、evelops its own system of11. Although the basic expresconversational signals.is universally recognised, eachsoA. 宇宙的12. Under traditional Japa be shown openly。A.B. 普遍地C. 绝对地D. 多方面地ch as anger, sadness, and disgust should notcodes of behaviour, negative emotionB. 多疑C. 厌恶D. 焦虑n those who are stony fac

6、ed.D. 冷酷的13. Whatever the reason, smiling people are considered more attractiveA. 专注的B. 石质的C.平静的14. I couldnt understand why I was getting so little reaction from people.A.B.保守C. 敌意D. 反应15. You know, holidays seem to be longer here, and people make the most ridiculous excuses not to go to work.A. 可怕

7、的16. Some live in speA. 环境B. 难以置信的C. 自嘲的D. 荒谬的l towns built for old people, where there are no young children and the atmosphere is quiet.B. 空气C. 风格D. 基调17. Big windows of the room give a wonderful view of the swimming pool and the sea.A. 视野This taught me协商It is wrong to a something healthier呈现B. 风景

8、C. 见解D. 介绍t when you negotiate, youd better know the other sides arguments as well as your own.B.t itsC. 转让D. 争吵mefor babies, children, and young adults to eat a poor diet and then change toiddle age.B.C. 假装D. 以为20. Even the course of infectious diseases which dont seem to have anything to do with f

9、ood can be affected by howwell-fed people are.A. 有B.C.D. 传染性的的的的题号1234567总分得分阅卷人Part Put the following express from the texthe bls, and write the answer on the answer sheet.(10 pos).Dad t it would be about $40 ak.The boy to reshine the shoes if the customer was not satisfied.Many British peop

10、le love old houses, and these are often more expensiven ones.Half of the fami s in Britain own homes. Millions of these “owner-” houses are the same, with two or three bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs, a sitting room, dining room and kitchen downstairs, and a small garden at the back and front of th

11、e house.-I take it you have a prettyopinion of England.5.- You would think so from thiserview, wouldnt you? No, in fact I really love it here..We all s-ban youl when someone elses sis the real thing or just a?Weather experts t thimmer will be unusually hot.The Englishman is cold and not very

12、open.American people start conversation with peoplehe street,he sub-ways; and a lot more enthusiastic and n English people.10.It is quite foroman to stay perfectly healthy by eating only half as much of the mineral asanother woman in similar health.Part Fillhe following bls according to theletter of

13、 the word, and write the answer on theanswer sheet. (15 pos)A.While smiling may start as instinctive behaviour, it is soon shd by sol situations. By the time we are fouryears old, it is no longer a s1 of openly expressed pleasure. Instead, it can be produced artifip2 others. According to Dr. Roger L

14、amb of Oxford University, Conversational signalslly toehabitual and just as a3as emotional express. It is very difficult for adults not to s4andnod their heads when listening to someones conversation.Many British people love old houses, and these are often more e5B.n modern ones. They also lovegarde

15、ning and you will see g 6everywhere you goown, villages, and outhe country. Some are very small, with just one tree and a few flowers. Others are e7, with plenty of flowers and enoughvegetables and fruit trees to f8a family.C.Once you have made a friend, its a friend for life, but it takes a very lo

16、ng time. Illl you somethingt Ithink is very important. An Englishman in America is r 9 . Everyone wants to talk to him. Were i 10 . We love his accent and his country. An American, though, in England is thought to be a little i 11 because of his behaviour and his language. One thing Ive learned its

17、funny now, but it wasnthe time I couldnt understand why when I was talking to someone he would move away, you know, movebackwards, and I thought smell? Am I boring him? The reason was, you see, Americans stand closerwhen theyre talking. Again, English people like a certain d12.D.For apparently healt

18、hy people there is no certain way ofipating who will have a heartack or s 13from high blood prere. So it makes sense to take as many p14measures assible to reduce ther15as much as you can.Part IV. Explahe following underlined phrases or words in English. Write the answer on the answer sheet.(10 pos)

19、..9.It is cleart the biggest difference is the people.As shops are always open, Americans dont go shopin a hurry.I take itt an inquisitiveis often annoying.No one can guaranteet he wont get any disease all his life.The health programme includes exercises, dieting, and regular medical e

20、xaminationsThe boy got a rise to captainhe U.S. Army.y fathers opinion, I was just one member of the team, not an officerhe U.S. Army.If you borrow money from the building society, do you return it litty little or in a lump sum?Many American famis move house once in a few years.10. The student kept

21、all his thoughts on a detective story he was reading.Part V.Reading Comprehen(25 pos)offeredfakemodernoccupiedspontaneousfigurednegativeaveragepredictsibleThere are five reading passageshis part. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each question there arefour suggested answers marked A,

22、B, C and D. You should choose the one best answer and write it on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage OneI found out one timetng a favor for someone could get you a lot of trouble. I washe eighth grade at thetime, and we were having a final test. During the test, the girl sitting next to me whispered something

23、, but I didntunderstand. So I leaned over her way and found outt she was trying to ask me if I had an extrn, she showedt hers was out of ink and would not write. I happened to have an extra one, so I took it out of my pocket and put iton her desk.Later, after the test prs had been turned in, the tea

24、cher asked me to stayhe room when all the other studentswere dismissed. As soon as we were alone she began to talk to me about what it meant to grow up; she mentionedhow important it was to stand on your own two feet and be responsible for your own acts. For a long time, she talks about honesty and

25、emphasized the fact the when people do something dishonest, they are really cheating themselves.She made me promiset I would think seriously about all the things she had said, she told me I could leave. Iwalked out if the room wondering she had chosen to talk to me about all those things.Later on, I

26、 found outt she thought I had cheated on the test. When she saw me lean over to talk to the girlnext to me, it looked as though I was copying answers from the girls test pr. I tried to explain about the pen, butall she could say was it seemed awfully strange to hert I hadnt mentioned anything about

27、the pen the day shetalked to me right after the test. Even though I tried to explahat I was justng the girl a favor by letting her usemy pen, I am sure she continued to bevet I had cheated on the test.As the boy didnt understand what the girl was whispering, he.tried to find out what it was all abou

28、twhispered back, meaning to silence herpaid no attention to herturned to the teacher for helpThe teacher saw all this, so she asked the boy .to go on writing his pto stop whisperingrC. to leave the room immediayD. to stay behind after the examThe thing(s) stressed in her talk was (were) .honestysens

29、e of dutyseriousnessall of the aboveThe teacher .asked him to explain why he was leaninerB. said whisperinghe exam was wrongC. told him not to do the same next time.D. emphasized the importance ofng the pr all by olfThe boy knew everything .the moment he was asked to stay behindwhen the teacher star

30、ted talking about honestyonly some time laterwhen he was walking out of the roomPassage TwoTo be a good teacher, you need some of the gifts of a good actor: you must be able to hold the attention and theerest of your audience; you must be a clear speaker wigood, strong, pleasing voice which is fully

31、 under yourcontrol; and you must be able to act what you are teaching, in order to make its meaning clear.Watch a good teacher, and you will seet he does not sit motionless before his class; he stands the whole timehe is teaching; he walks about, using his arms, hands and fingers to help him in his

32、explanations, and his face toexpress feelings. Listen to him, and you will hear the loudness, the quality and the musical note of his voice always changing according to what he is talking about.The factt a good teacher has some of the gifts of a good actor doesnt meant he willbe able to actwell on t

33、he stage, for there are very important differenbetn the teachers work and the actors. The actor hasto speak wordst he has learnt by heart; he has to repeat exactly the same words each time he plays a certain part,even his movements and the ways in which he uses his voice are usually fixed beforehand

34、. What he has tos tomake all these carefully learnt words and actions seem natural on the stage.A good teacher works in quite a different way. His audience takes an active part in his play: they ask and answer questions, they obey orders, and if they dont understand something, they say so. The teach

35、er therefore has to suit his act to the needs of his audience, which is his class. He cannot learn his part by heart, but must invent it as he goes along.I have known many teachers who were fine actors in class but were unable to take part in a stage play because their brains wouldnt keep discipline

36、: they could not keep strictly to what another had written.6. What is the text about?A. How toe a good teacher.B. What a good teacher should do outside the classroom.C. What teachers and actors could learn from each other.D. The similarities and differenbetn a teachers work and an actors.In what way

37、 is a teachers work different from an actors?The teacher must learn everything by heart.B. The teacher knows how to control his voice bettern an actor.C. The teacher has to deal witD. The teacher has to use more faexpected situation.l express.8. The main difference betn students in class and a theat

38、er audience ist .A. students can move aroundhe classB. students must keep silent while theater audience needntC. no memory work is needed for the studentsD. the students must take partheir teachers playA good teachers voice .should be clear and fully under this controlshould not be too loud or too l

39、owshould be fixed before he goes to classall of the aboveWhy does a good teacher make gestures while speaking?To make his meaning clearer.To draw the attention of his class.To express feelings.All of the above.Passage ThreeIn some ways the employmenterview is likersuasive speech because the applican

40、t (ervie) seeks topersuade the employer (erviewer) to employ him or her. Several suggestions might prove helpful to the applicantwhen he or she is preparing for the actualA job applicant should gather certaerview.ypes of information before theerview., the applicant should knowt the applicant be able

41、 towhat kind of job he wants and howt job relates to his career objective. It is importantse why he wishes to work for a particular company. Second, the applicant should seek as much information assible concerning the company, such as the location, the finanl situation of the company, plans for expa

42、n,and company philosophy. Information about most big corporations is available in reference books and periodicals.After gathering information concerning the company, the applicant is ready for theerview. Theerviewersimprescomes from theervies appearance. For mosterviews, the appropriate dress for a

43、man is aconservative(保守的) dark colored suit wilong sleeve white or light blue shirt and conservative tie.Although hairstyle and dress are matters ofal taste, manynel directors getimpress fromthese characteristics. For example, one recent college graduate, who felt himself qualified,erviewed for a pu

44、blicrelations job. However, thenel manager considered this young mans long hair, sloppy dress, and overlycasual manner unsuited for this particularition.11. For whom is the passage most likely written?A. An employee.B. An employer.C. Anervie.D. Anerviewer.As the author suggests, what the applicant s

45、hould know before thethe type of work he wants and his career expecionhis career objective a particular company will decidethe reasons why a particular company wants to employ himall of the aboveerview is .13. Before theerview, the applicant should obtain some information about .A. most big corporat

46、ionsthe company he wants to work forreference books and periodicalsbusiness and philosophy14. What the applicant wears, as the author suggests, can make hime .A. expressiveB. impressiveC. informativeD. conservativehe last paragraph?15. What does the passageA. The importance ofl us through the exampl

47、eal taste.B. The importance of public relations.C. The importance of self-confidence.D. The importance of aPassage Fourimpres.The good news about Britains National Health Service (NHS) ist it gives free medical help to everyhoneeds it. Sick people donve to pay to see the doctor, or to stay in hospit

48、al, and they only pay part of the cost oftheir medicines. The bad news ist the NHS is always running out of money. The Britishernment spends evenless on healthn the Americanernment. Andhe USA sick people also have to pay every time they see adoctor. The NHS has been admired and enjoyed by British pe

49、ople since 1946 when it started. The idea then was tolook afteople “from the cradle to the grave”. Free medicine was part of the “welfare se”, which gave freeeducation to the young, money to the unemployed, and penSlowly, as the years pass, problems have grown up.s to the old.ernments are findingt t

50、he bills are getting bigger andbigger. In 1982, 14,000 million was spent on health. One reason for this ist there are many more old people nown there were in 1946. Forty percent of NHS money goes to looking after the old. Some people sayt the NHS isa luxury Britain can not afford. They want to bring

51、 back more private medicine, for which people would pay. Freemedicine, they say, should be given only to the poor. Otheople, including many doctors, disagree. Everyone, theysay, has the right to the same medical help. In a two-part system, the rich would always get the best. This would not be fair.

52、People also disagree about how NHS money should be spent. Should 15,000 be spent on each hearttransplant operation, when there are not enough beds for thousands of old people in pain? Should abortions be paidfor by the NHS? Should more money be spent on the mentally ill? Shouldnt doctors and nurses

53、be bettaid?The questions go on and onbut so does the NHS. And millions of British people areIn Britain sick people have to pay some money to.see a doctorstay in a hospitalget some medicinehave an operationnkfult its there.17. In Britaore money is spent on healthn before because.more people get illth

54、ere are more old peopleC. medicinese more expensiveD. doctors and nurses are bettaidSome people want to have more private medicine in Britain because they.dont trust the NHSwant better medical treatmentdont think Britain can afford free medicine for allD. bevet everyone has the right to medical help

55、What is the biggest problem the NHS is facing?Shortage of money.Criticisms from the people.Arguments about its function.D. Prere from theernment.20. Which of the following is a controversial ie concerning the NHS?A. Whether its nesary or not to provide beds for old people in pain.B. Whether there sh

56、ould be free medical care for the mentally ill.C. Whetheople should ever be cared for from birth to death.D. Whether money should be spent on more critical cases.Passage FiveWhere is the university? is a question many visitors to Cambridge ask, but no one can give them a clear answer for there is no

57、 wall to be found around the university. The university is the city. You can find the classroom buildings,libraries, museums and offiof the university all over the city. And most of its members are the students andteachers or professors of the thirty-one colleges. Cambridge was already a develotown

58、long before thestudents and teachers arrived 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Granta, as the Cam was once called. A bridgewas built over the river as early as 875.he fourteennd fifteenth centuries more and more land was used forcollege buildings. The town grew much fasterCambridge became a cit

59、y in 1951 and now ihe nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845.s a population (人口) of over 100,000. Many young students want tostudy at Cambridge. Thousands of people from all over the world come to visit the university town. I famous place all around the world.Why do most visitor

60、s come to Cambridge?To see Cambridge University.se aB. To studyhe colleges in Cambridge.C. To use the libraries of the university.D. To visit the famous professors.What does its refer to (指的是) in . most of its members are .?The museum or office.The people in Cambridge.The University of CambridgeThe


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