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1、何第五次讲义内容:1. 科技环境:现代科技对于生活的影响;App ; sol network; sol media;2. 社会道德:合作(cooperation);诚信(honesty)3. 个人成长:自信(self-confidence);选择(the ability to make the advisable deci)4. 文化教育(读书): the importance of reading议!用你能写的正确的英文表达你想表达的内容!哪怕最简单的也无所谓!只有在字数不够的时候才用议的语言补充字数!1.书信2.3.:Ihave a computer. I love my computer

2、 very much. I have used it for two years. It is still under the goodcondition. It helps me a lot. But now I need a more advanced one to finish mygiven by mydesigning courses, so I have to sell it. If you haveention to buy a computer to handle the average task, thisone is a good choice. I am the stud

3、ent of this university, so you can trust me. The brand of the computer isLenovo. The type is 2100T. You can learn the detailed information on any websites, such as JD,andthe like.I am available during thekend. You can visit my dorm and have a look of my computer. Myphone number is 1333333330. Call m

4、e!Iwill give you a good price!4.告示5.导游词形式:1应用文:(放飞自我!)好好说话!议!开头:1.图画:开头简单描述;(1)As is shown above , this picture demonstrates an illuminating(正面的)/ a ridiculous(的)/ aneresting scene, in which (谁在做什么?)(可选句式)学历和能力As is shown above, this picture demonstrates aneresting scene, in which a manting the job

5、isrejected by the employer for his lack of PhD degree but not for his lack of real ability.(1) (This picture arouses wide attention and even triggers the heated discusamong teral public.) (2)(This carton really reflects a thought-provoking sol phenomenon: which would be more important? Thedegree or

6、the ability?)From myal, it is hard to say which is more important. We should value the both. Thereal ability is the fundamental factor of onesal advancement. Steve Jobs, the founder of Applecompany, a man without the college degree, serves as a shining and fitting example here. The real abilityplays

7、 an indispensable role in hisalplishmentWere there no true talent,he would hardlyestablish the Apple company or fulfill his dream to change the world.Meanwhile, thcturels ust the degree is also important, which can give us the opportunity to finda good place for our future and dream. So, if we have

8、the chance, we should cultivate our ability and gain agood degree at the same time.(2)The inspiring drawing mirrors a common sol scenetnowadays many young people daydreamabout being sucsful without taking immediate action.简单描述The/line/ bar/ table chart above presents the change/ the trend ofThe/line

9、/ bar/ table chart above presents the change/ the trend ofThe bar chart above presents the importance of college and higher education. The individuals holding thehigher degree usually tend to get highay, as is reflected by the title of this graph- Education pays. Thischart arouses wide attention and

10、 even triggers the heated discusamong teral public.From myal, the good education plays an indispensable role in onesal22.图表:plishment.any dispute, the college educationis the part and parcel to the fabulousaladvancement, espelly in this competitive modern society which is radically reshd by the newt

11、echnology and inventions.The college education provides us with more opportunities to develop ourersonal communication skills, whiay put us in a favorableitionhe job market. Jack Ma,the founder of Alibaba, serves as a good example here. The experience of studying in Hangzhou NormalUniversity is alwa

12、ys counted as one of the essential factors to hics, as he has put in his speech.Atthe day, onecshe good education. There is no exaggeration tosayt it is the steelt fes the supporting structure of onesal growth. If wecan get good college education and put adequate efforts to our study and work, the s

13、ucnot be far away from us.s will简单1.Just as an old proverb says, . ,which is also mentionedhe direction.2.An old saying has itt, ,which is also mentionedhe direction.3.“” is a proverb full of logic, which has been generally accepted.4.As the old saying goes, “”. Itls ust.5.Just as the remark goes, “

14、To an optimist, every change is a change for better.”6. As an old saying has itt,“.”7. As the saying goes, “There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is beingsuperior to your former self.”Self-improvement is the key to a sucsful and rewarding life, for it meansendles

15、s progress and permanent life pursuit. Self-improvement is an endless journey. To sum up,self-improvement is a fantastic way to a fruitful life. Accumulating on a daily basis, even asmallimprovement will have astonishinglyaler over life.8. As an old saying goes, “well begun is half done.”In order to

16、 realize our fantastic dreams, we should takeimmediate action.背景句引入On the Importance of Self-confidenceAsweallknow,theplaysanindispensable roleinonesal3self-importance4.命题:3.引言:plishment.The absence ofwill definiy lead to ones lower achievement andinadequateal growth, which isany dispute.From myal,

17、if there were no,we would never taste the realhappiness of sucs. Elon Musk, the founder of Space-X and Tesla,a great innovator of our age, servesas a shining andfitting example here. Theis the fundamental factor for his gloriousal sucs.It i f-confidencet helps him create enormous values to teral pub

18、lic andfulfill the greatal ambition.Atthe day, onecshe spirit of. There is no exaggeration tosayt it is the steelt fes the supporting structure of onesal growth. If we areenough and put adequate efforts to our study and work, the sucs will not be far away from us.开门见山亮观点!个人确定举例子!再次确认看未来!背景句The topic

19、 has captured wide media attention, occupying newspr headlines and sparkingheateddiscuson the web.论点+论据1.论点:重要/有害2.论据:举例子/多角度展开/科学论据4中间:5.提纲:抄写引言或观点!描述图画或图表!confidentself-confidenceself-confidenceself-confidenceself-confidence重申论点;建议;展望;Universal language material : 通用的!Specific language material :具

20、体的!阅读的意义Reading is one of the most essential and effective ways for us to improve ourselves and to ensurecontinued sucs in our career.是自我提高和事业持续成功的最根本、最有效的方法。But from time to time, we question this truism(真理) and wonder why reading is important, when thereseem so many other things to do with our tim

21、e, say, a meaningful trip, a friendly conversation,eresting movies and thrillinseries?但时不时地,会质疑这个真理,想知道为什么阅读很重要,尤其是现在看似有那么多可以做的事,例意义的行程、友好的谈话、有趣的和的电视剧?可替换一:Reading is irreplaceabecause it develops the mind.阅读锻炼思维,故而无可取代。Human brain is a musclet needs constant exercise.人的大脑是一块需要不断历练的肌肉。It grows its a

22、bilities for better judgment and forward-thinking by understanding the written words, same way as physical exercise strengthens our body.he通过理解纸上的文字,大脑会形成更好的判断力和前瞻思维,就像体育运动强健体魄一样。By reading books, we gain insights on the enormous wealth of human wisdom and develop skills ofcritical thinking, which e

23、nables us to come up with novel ideashe face of complex new5阅读范文一:呼应:challenges.通过阅读书籍,可以见识到人类智慧的巨大宝库,发展理解抽象概念的重要能力。这种能力可以确保在面对复杂的新时,想出新的点子。可替换二:Reading also enriches our imagination.阅读也可以丰富想象力。TV and computer games play their role in our relaxation, but they appeal largely to ouruition andbring us

24、temporary superfil pleasures instead of long-lasting happiness.电视和电脑可以让放松,但它们仅仅触及了的带给暂时肤浅的而不是持续的幸福。By contrast, reading grants our mind an opportunity to go anywherehe world, from swimming withdolphinhe deep blue sea to walking on barren deserts along the ancient silk road.相对比,阅读让的思维有机会去到世界上任何一个地方,可

25、以在蓝色的深海里与海豚同游,也可以沿着古老的丝绸行走在大漠。Its a joy and pleasure on a more sophisticated level.这是一种更深刻的喜悦和享受。个人品质:(同时适用于心理健康!乐观的心理!)第一段:Life is always full of sucs and setback.生命总是充满着成功和挫折。When confronted widversity, some escfrom it while others face it witwavering/constantstruggle.当面对挫折的时候。有些人选择了逃离而另外一些人一直在奋斗在

26、面对这些。Those whoe these difficulties will gainense enthusiasm and tremendousconfidence,6范文二:finding their ways to the prosperity.那些克服这些的人。将会获得极大的热情和巨大的信心。找到通往人生成功的道路第二段:Lijiachengis a good case in poto illustratet adversity often leads to prosperity.就是一个很好的例子能够证明苦难往往能带来成功。Li Ka-shing, who is said to b

27、e the wealthiest in Asia, had suffered a lot before he made his fortune.亚洲首富在他获得成功之前他曾经过很多苦难。He also sayshe mediaerviewt his life sucs grows out of the experience of adversity inhis early years.同时在采访中他也说到他的成功正源自于他早年的那些苦难。, the unexpected setbacks and detours are the fertile soil of sucs.确实,那些未知和未知的曲

28、折正是成功的肥沃的土壤。On the contrary, the comfortable and easy life cannot bring our potentialo full play. Actually, theopportunity and sucs never favor those being content with the sus quo.相反,一种很舒适的这种生活方式并不能让完全的实现潜能。实际上机会和成功从来就不会青睐那些满足现状的人。第三段:We should bearindt(adversity reveals genius and fortune conceals

29、 it), which will give ussome enlightenment and encouragement when we are suffering from the twist ote.应该记住只有苦难才能真正展现出才华,而幸运只能掩藏住这样的才华。当面对着命运的曲折的时候。这句话是可以给到启发和鼓励的。Anyone who aspires to embrace the glorious future must commit efforts tofight anysible7challenge without any hesiion.任何想要去拥抱辉煌未来的人,都必须毫不犹豫

30、地必须付出努力,去面对任何可能的。And he must beitive and brave enough to make the short term sacrifice forthe long termsucs.而且他必须足够的和足够的积极。为了长期的成功而做出短期的牺牲。补充一:Take Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba and, the largestmerl platformhe world, forexample.就以阿里巴巴和淘宝的创始人为例子吧。阿里巴巴和淘宝是全球最大的。It is the glorious ambition and instan

31、t actiont help this man establish a hugely sucsfulcompany and bring great value to both shareholders and society.正是这种雄心壮志和立即的行动帮助他建立了非常成功的公司。也为股东和社会带来了价值。Steve Jobs, the late founder of the Apple company and a great innovator of our age, serves as ashining and fitting example here.已故苹果公司创始人,这个时代伟大的创

32、新者,他就是一个非常闪亮且恰当的例子。He perfectly fuses the ambition and action together and creates the greatest company ever, fulfillinghis dream to change the world.他完美地将理想和行动连在一起创造了迄今为止最伟大的公司。实现了他改变世界的梦想。科技对生活的影响替换一:Its an indisputable factt almost all aspects of our daily lives have been touched or even transfor

33、medby the marching force of technology.8范文三:这是一个毋庸置疑的事实:科技这股前进力量影响甚至是了几乎生活的每个方面。替换二:Technology is evolving at a pace and scales never been experienced before and we are strugglingt they create.to keep up with the sol and moral implications科技的发展速度和规模都前所未见。正在努力应对它们所造成的社会和问题。好处一:On the one hand, we are

34、 living in an exciting age, where our hands are being reved of the boring andt used to take a considerable share of our time. 一方面,一个令人兴repetitive daily trivial,奋的年代,的双手从那些原来占用相当大一部份时间的无聊且繁琐的日常事务中被出来。好处二:Smart appoment applications and computer-assisted medical diagnosis have brought about a moreeffi

35、cient health care system and reduced the tenpatients.betn overwrought hospital staff and anxious智能的预约应用和计算机辅助医疗令医疗系统更加高效,减少了疲惫的医务和焦虑的之间的。好处三:Online shopand fast delivery have been madesible by automation, robot and advancedalgorithm(算法),whichhave enabled wives to keep a better balance betn career an

36、d family.自动化、机器人及高端算法令网上购物和快速递送成为可能,让女性可以更好地平衡事业和家庭。害处一:On the other hand, the unstoppable and pervasive technological advancemen and anxietyin equal measures. s aroused our concern势不可挡且无所不在的科技对于中的大多数人来说同样令人担忧。害处二:We are increasingly afraid of family.ing redundant and unable to secure a stable finan

37、l future of our愈来愈担心自己变得冗余,未来无法为家人提供稳定的经济来源。9害处三:And adding oil to the fire, all thoseal data collected from our digital footprby bigernetcompanies are making us easy game to advertisement.更火上浇油的是,互联网巨头从数字痕迹中收集了的个人信息,让成为了易于捕食的猎物.乐观的第一段:It goes without saying because optimists conveyt we love to solize with people who see the world with rose-colored glasses,itive thoughts and energyt makes everything less stressful.喜欢与拥有积极世界观的人社交,这点自不待言。因为乐观者表


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