



1、 2022读本科德国留学申请书 2022读本科德国留学申请书 Dear _, In order to help me to gain an insight into the world of dentistry, I spent three weeks observing a dentist in a general practice where I shadowed numerous procedures varying from routine check-ups, polishing, filings, and root canal treatment. Whilst shadowing

2、 I was lucky enough to assist the dentist by performing small tasks such as preparing alginate. I also engaged in a discussion with the dentist on what procedure is most appropriate for a patient with few remaining upper teeth. After a few suggestions the dentist came to the treatment plan involving

3、 construction of an upper metal partial denture to achieve optimal aesthetic and occlusal function at a financial level the patient could afford. This experience allowed me to gain a good impression of the day to day problems dentists must tackle. My responsibilities included booking appointments fo

4、r patients, which gave me the opportunity to communicate with and question patients about what they look for in a dentist. One aspect I really enjoyed was looking at radiographs and listening to the dentist as he explained what we are looking for and what the x-rays showed. I was astonished at how m

5、uch information can be discovered from these panoramic x-rays. In order to explore other fields of dentistry I am also awaiting placement into an oral & maxillofacial department in Charing Cross Hospital, where I will be observing major jaw reconstruction. My interest in Dentistry is backed up by my

6、 A-level subjects. I enjoy studying Chemistry specifically about optical isomers and their importance in medicines. Chemistry also sets the foundation needed to build on the human bodys biochemical reactions that I will be learning in dental school. Biology facilitates an understanding of the intric

7、ate details relating to human anatomy in particular with the nervous system. Economics teaches me the business aspect to running a dental surgery. Along with my A-levels, I will be resitting AS-level modular exams to strengthen the academic side to my application: my drive and commitment to becoming

8、 a dentist will aid me in achieving high grades. In my spare time I enjoy taking part in different sport activities. I am particularly interested in tennis, which I play on a regular basis at Ealing lawn tennis club, where I also volunteer to coach young children. I am also a keen body builder which

9、 requires patience, determination and dedication. My hobbies include producing stencil art using cardboard and exacto knives. This is very relaxing, and also provides a base from which to build the manual dexterity required to be a successful dentist. As a child, I had to travel and live in many dif

10、ferent countries. Not only did this give me a good all-round knowledge of languages and customs but also helped me develop vital social skills; I learnt to get along with many different people with different cultures and behaviours. I believe I can capitalise on these skills to help me communicate c

11、losely with my patients and understand what they require from me. Dentistry, without a doubt, is the profession for me. I believe I have the qualities that are essential to making a good dentist along with the academic motivation in order to replace my curiosity for dentistry with knowledge that wil

12、l help me provide quality oral care. Yours sincerely, 德国留学预科和本科申请规划 一、预科申请 1.资格限制 完成了高中的学习的学生,只要高考分数在本地二本分数线以上,就可以直接申请;而如果高考分数没有达到二本线,则需要参加德适考试,合格以后才有申请预科的资格。 在读的大学生如果想申请转专业的留学学习,也需要先读预科;专科毕业的学生也可以申请预科,不过需要通过APS的面谈以后,才有入学的资格,整体上范畴还是特别广的。 2.时间规划 八月份开始进行材料的整理和准备,而且预约APS的审核,或者准备的是考试;十一月可以进行初次的审核和考试,时间可

13、以延长到次年的四月,力求拿到一个优秀的成绩。 四月末可以正式提交自己的申请,一般会开放两到三个月的时间,七月开始陆续发放审核的结果,确认以后就可以办理签证,九月份就可以前往德国参加预科的考试而且开始学习。 二、本科申请 1.资格限制 由于教学的差异,目前德国的本科还暂时不经受高中毕业生的申请,入学必须要先读预科,或者以国内本科在读学生的身份提交申请,专业类似可以申请转学分缩短学习时间。 如果是985211的学生,最短只需要完成一个学期的学习就有提出申请的资格;如果是双非学生,则需要完成至少三个学期的课程学习,才能够提出正式的申请。 2.时间规划 八月开始准备德语的考试,如果基础不牢固的话,建议

14、先经受专业的培训;十月份可以进行APS的材料准备而且经受审核,同步进行德适考试的准备,要求大家拿到比较优秀的成绩。 五月份开放正式的申请渠道,大家需要抓紧时间进行材料的提交,会开放简略两个月左右的时间;在八月份开始录取公布结果,需要尽快确认而且办理出国的签证。 在德国留学如何省钱 一、积分换购 德国有独特的payback制度,即购物积分,积分积累到一定的数量以后,可以进行换购或者抵扣现金。 类似于国内的很多店铺都设立有会员卡积分,在德国,这类积分是通用的,即只需要办理一张卡,可以在不同的店铺进行购物积分,然后积分可以在不同的店铺使用。 在德国很多的大型商场内,都会有payback的宣传栏,大家

15、可以随意拿取一张宣传单,然后回家注册,注册成功以后对优惠券进行激活,然后绑定银行卡和手机卡,这样在下次购物的时候就能够直接进行积分了。 商场内经常会有多倍积分的活动分数积累到一定的数额以后,可以直接去商场内的Payback机器上打印现金券,直接在店铺内进行使用。 二、瞄准打折 德国大型折扣活动主要有两次,一次是年中折扣,一次是年末折扣,基本上是换季清仓活动,这是一年中折扣力度的两次。 如果你刚好赶上,那么就不要迟疑,放开手来买买买吧,错过了就不会再有这样优惠的价格了。 此外,平时各个商场和店铺,也会时不时的进行打折,这样的折扣完全是靠运气的,逛街的时候刚好遇到了,那么就特别幸运了。 不过很多大商场和


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