



1、一鼓作气(课中强化类训练)Exercises for new words(生词专练) .Write down the right word form according to the requirement in the parentheses.(根据括号内的要求,写出单词的适当形式。)1.medicine(形容词) 2.wolf(复数) 3.farmer(动词) 4.protect(名词) 5.hunt(名词) 6.action(动词) 7.writer(动词) 8.mice(单数) 9.peaceful(名词) 10.loss(动词) 答案:1.tection5.hunter6.act7.

2、write8.mouse9.peace10.lost.Translate Chinese into English.(把括号中的中文译成英语。)1.It seems that most girls are afraid of (蛇).提示:此处用名词的复数形式表示“一种”。答案:snakes2.We should make wild animal (保护区) bigger and bigger.提示:reserve在这里用作(可数)名词,前面没有冠词a修饰,所以要用其复数形式。表示数量不惟一。答案:reserves 3.When my little sister was born,she (重

3、) just 2000 grams.提示:从句用一般过去时,主句也要用相应的过去时态,由题意可判断应用一般过去时,weigh后面直接跟数字,表示“重(多少)”。答案:weighed4.Three years ago,I went to see Xi Wang,she likes eating (竹笋) very much.答案:bamboo shoots5.It is said that a (乌龟) can live up to 500 years.提示:可数名词前加定冠词也可以表示“一种(类)”。答案:tortoiseExercises for phrases(短语专练).Fill in

4、the blank with the proper preposition in the box.(用方框里适当的介词填空。)afterforofonindownliketo1.When did she start to look herself?2.Hunters should not kill giant panda their fur.3.If I see a snake in front me,will run the other way.4.Some snakes spit poison if you step them.5.A bear is danger.6.People cut

5、 forests.7.Giant pandas are beautiful black and white animals.They look bears.8.We should write newspaper about the elephants in China.1.提示:look after意为“照顾;照料”。答案:after2.提示:猎人不应该为了得到大熊猫的毛而杀它们,介词for有“为了”的意思。答案:for3.提示:如果我看到自己前面有条蛇,我会往另一条路跑。固定搭配in front of,表示“在的前面”,另外in the front of也表示“在的前面”,但不同的是,它表示

6、在一个封闭空间里的前面。答案:of4.提示:有些蛇,如果你踩到它身上,它会喷射毒液。表示“在之上“用介词on(接触表面)。答案:on5.提示:in danger意为“处于危险中”。答案:in6.提示:cut down意为“砍倒”。答案:down7.提示:大熊猫是漂亮的黑白色动物,它们长得像熊。look like意为“看起来像”。答案:like8.提示:write to 意思是“向写”。答案:to.Rewrite the following sentences to make their meanings consistent with former.(改写下列句子,使其与原句意思保持一致。)1

7、.I think you are wrong.I think you are .提示:think意为“认为”,表否定的话,要在其前用dont,表示“我认为你是错的”,也就是“我认为你是不对的”。答案:dont;right 2.When Xi Wang was born,she weighed just 100 grams.Xi Wang weighed just 100 grams .提示:at birth意为“在出生的时候”。答案:at birth3.Simon is putting down some notes.He can write about bears later.Simon i

8、s putting down some notes he can write about bears later.提示:so that意为“为了”,后接从句。答案:so that4.What a beautiful dress you are wearing!This dress beautiful you.提示:look在此处作连系动词,意为“看起来”;on表示“穿着”。答案:looks;on 5.Daniel learns the most English words in his class.Daniel learns more English words than in his cla

9、ss.提示:丹尼尔是全班学英语单词最多的人,意思也就是丹尼尔比班上任何其他人学的单词都多;else意为“其他的”,放于代词anyone后面,表示“任何其他人”。答案:anyone elseSentence structure training(句子结构专练) .Rewrite the following sentences according to the request.(按照要求,改写句子。)1.If you go to a desert in Africa,you will see a lot of camels.(对画线部分提问) you see,if you go to a dese

10、rt in Africa?提示:对a lot of camels提问,用what,后面跟一般疑问句,will要提前。答案:What will2.The lady weighs 40 kilograms.(用when she was 18 years old 改写句子)The lady 40 kilograms when she was 18 years old.提示:因为整个句子是过去时,所以谓语weigh要用过去时。答案:weighed 3.Many wild animals lose their lives,because people buy their fur.(对画线部分提问) ma

11、ny wild animals lose their lives?提示:对原因提问,要用why;谓语是lose,所以要借助动词do,提前表示疑问。答案:Why do4.My mother weighed 45 kilograms when she was 25 years old.(对画线部分提问) your mother when she was 25 years old.提示:对体重提问,用how much;又句子是过去时态,所以助动词提前,且要用过去时态did,构成疑问句。答案:How much did;weigh 5.Kitty wants to be a dancer when sh

12、e grows up.(对画线部分提问)What does Kitty want to when she grows up?提示:want to do 是固定搭配,意为“想做”。答案:doExercises for function items(交际用语专练).Complete the dialogue.(补全下面的对话。)Lily:Hi,Mary!What are you going to do tomorrow?Mary:I 1 no 2.What do you think?Lily:3 we go to the zoo?Mary:Good idea.Are there many kind

13、s of animals there?Lily:Yes.There are elephants,monkeys,pandas and tigers.4 animal do you like 5?Mary:I like monkeys best.I want to go there very much.When and 6 shall we 7?Lily:What about half past seven at the school gate?Mary:Lets 8 9 a little earlier.What about seven oclock?Lily:10.Goodbye!Mary:

14、Goodbye!答案:1.have2.plans3.Shall4.Which5.best6.where7.meet8.make9.it10.OKExercises for grammar(语法专练).Fill in the blank with the right verb form.(用动词的适当形式填空。)1.Who (tell) you that story?Id like to meet him.提示:代词who接第三人称单数。答案:tells2.They (wear) a lot of warm clothes on that cold winter day.提示:从时间状语that

15、 cold winter day,可判断此句为一般过去时。答案:wore 3.Show me the license,or I (take) you to the police station.提示:根据句意,or意为“否则”。答案:will take 4.After (watch) such a wonderful film,I (advise) him to see it himself,too.提示:介词after接动名词,构成介宾短语。答案:watching;advise5.What you like (sound) strange!提示:本题考查主谓一致问题,what后接动词单数。答

16、案:sounds 6.Tigers run very fast and they are good at (hunt).提示:be good at 后接相当于名词的词,意为“擅长于”。答案:hunting7.Millie visited the zoo with her classmates and they (see) many animals yesterday.提示:此题是并列谓语形式,前面是过去时态,所以后面也应该用see的过去式saw。答案:saw8.Our school (have) a sports meeting next week if the weather is fine

17、.提示:从时间状语next week,可知须填一般将来时态。答案:will have9.You must (say) sorry to your teacher if you speak in class.提示:情态动词must接动词原形。答案:say10.If people cut down bamboos,giant pandas (die).提示:此句为if引导的条件状语从句,主句用将来时。答案:will die.Rewrite the following sentences into conditional sentences.(将下列句子改写成if从句。)1.Stop cutting

18、 down trees,or wild animals will have no homes. 答案:If you dont stop cutting down trees,wild animals will have no homes.2.Love wild animals,and theyll be our friends. 答案:If we love wild animals,they will be our friends.3.Many wild animals cant live without forests. 答案:Many wild animals cant live,if there is no forest.4.A mother panda die


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