2022年七级英语下册导学案:. 2_第1页
2022年七级英语下册导学案:. 2_第2页
2022年七级英语下册导学案:. 2_第3页
2022年七级英语下册导学案:. 2_第4页




1、名师精编 优秀教案Section B 【学习目标】1.掌握本节课的单词和短语。2.理解本课短文,学会书写自我或者推荐他人当任班长等干部的小短文。3.熟读课文。【学习重点】 :重点短语: 1.want to be+ 职业 (想成为一名 )2.get on well with sb.( 与某人相处融洽 ) 3.work/study hard (努力工作 /学习)4. be ready to do sth (乐于助人 ) 5. promise to do sth ( 许诺 )6. just like ( 正如 ) 【课前预习 】:1. 默读课文一遍,理解课文含义 ,在文中标记下列短语(用红色笔 )(

2、1).与每个人相处融洽 get on well with everyone (2).努力工作 work hard (3).准备帮助别人 be ready to help others (4).许诺做某事 promise to do (5).擅长做某事 be good at sth (6).取得最好的分数 get the best score (7).使得我们的教室漂亮 make our classroom beautiful. (8).我确信 Im sure 名师精编 优秀教案2 根据文中的范例,写一篇小短文【课堂导学 】:学习任务一 : 小组讨论30 字左右,推荐自己想成为班上的某个的职位干

3、部。1.各小组自读短文一段,并且翻译成中文。同时,找出该段的重点内容及语法知识点进行讲 解,整理到笔记本或者是练习本上。Group 1&2: P1 Group 3&4: P2 Group5&6 :P3 2.小组合作 , 翻译短文。3.学生质疑,师生共同解惑。学习任务二:小组探究1.Ican t speak Chinese. He says the party to me. He is talking with our English teacher about the exam. 观察以上句子总结归纳下列短语:speak+语言意为 _, “ 对某人说某事”交谈关于某事”_. 2. I m ki

4、nd and Im always ready to help others. I m ready for the match. We are getting ready for the party. 观察以上句子,总结下列短语的意思:_. “ 和某人be ready to do_, be/get ready for _. 3.I promise to help you. 我承诺帮助你。翻 译 : 承 诺 做 某 事 _. 你 还 能 用 这 个 短 语 造 个 句 子 么?_. 4.I often help my mother do cleaning at home and I like cl

5、ean and tidy house. 此处 do cleaning 意为 _. 拓展:你能想到“do some +doing” 结构的短语还有那些么?(至少举3 个例子)_ 学习任务三 :复述短文It 名师精编优秀教案re choosing our new monitors.s the _of the new term and weLingling would like to be_. She_ everyone, classmates and teachers. She _at school. She is kind and always ready to_. Choose _as the

6、 class monitor and she _help you. Daming _the PE monitor 。 He enjoys _,and he can run really_. He_ most ball games well. But he is really good at _and _.Choose _for PE monitor and we can get_ score too. Tony would like to be _.He often _his mother_ at home and he likes a_ and _house. He is sure ever

7、ybody would like a_ classroom, just like home. Choose_ and we can _ our classroom _. 【自主检测】1. English is my favourite subject, and I am good _it. A. for B. to C. at D. of ( )2.Jim,can you_ this in English? Yes, I can _a little Chinese. A. speak, say B. say, speak C. tell, speak D. talk, say ( )3.His words make me _to cry. A .to want B. want C. wanting D. want ( )4.He is kind and he is always ready _other. A. helping B. helps C to help D. help ( )5.He promises_ me when he comes back. A. to call B. call C. calls D. cal


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