1、 量子三维常数理论 解析能量最低原理的内涵之一 胡 良深圳市宏源清实业有限公司摘要:能量最低原理的内涵是指能势最低;从另一个角度来看,就是对周围的引力最大,因此,也可称为引力最大原理。物质为了保持稳定,就会自动降低其能量,来保持平衡。由于,能量最低的状态比较稳定,体现为能量最低原理。能量最低原理与最小作用量具有相似性。关键词:能量,动量,量子,杠杆,质量,万有引力,质量场,作用力,反作用力,杠杆平衡,背景空间,光子,电子,质子,中子作者:总工,高工,硕士,副董事长 ,2320051422物理学研究物质,能量,空间及时间等的内涵。1能量最低原理的逻辑能量最低原理的内涵是指势能最低;从另一个角度来
3、(1)T(0)L(1)T(-1)L(0)T(1)。值得注意的是,能量最低原理体现了广义惯性定理的本质。广义惯性定理的定义:一切物体都具有保持原来运动状态(包括周期运动)的内禀属性;即,物体保持原来运动状态不变的属性就称为惯性。显然,惯性定理是广义惯性定理的一种特殊情况,即,一切物体在没有受到外力的作用时,总保持静止(或匀速直线运动)状态。根据惯性定理,一个物体从A点到B点,物体总是优先选择用时最短路径,该路径也是最佳的路径。值得注意的,最佳的路径并不一定从A点到B点的直线。Strange symbols of dreamsHu LiangThe strange symbols in the d
4、ream may have meaning, at least to me; they are permanently recorded for later interpretation. This may be a legendary story.Part I, IntroductionAs a child, I was able to understand the importance of three things.The first thing, the importance of dimensions;One pound of oil and two pounds of salt c
5、an only be equal to one pound of oil and two pounds of salt. This means that dimensions are extremely important.The second thing, the importance of aspectsWhen the sun rises in the east and sets in the west every day, it is only the position of the earth relative to the sun that is different; and th
6、e phases are expressed in imaginary numbers. This means that the phase is extremely important.The third thing, the connection between intrinsic properties and background spaceEach person has its own properties (particle properties), and must also be connected with the outside world (wave properties)
7、; and the sum of a persons connections with the outside world is always embodied in a limited quantity (quantization).In short, all matter is in an infinite container. Matter is composed of charge and corresponding field; the charge of matter is solid (with rigidity), which is reflected in the signa
8、l speed (causality); the field of matter is entangled (extra-distance), which reflects the interconnection between matter.Photons are the most basic elementary particles; photons collide with each other to form other elementary particles (electrons, protons, neutrons, etc.). All other matter is then
9、 made up of elementary particles. The universe has a nuclear structure.It is worth mentioning that the first generation of physicists was represented by Newton; the second generation of physicists was represented by Einstein;The third generation of physicists is represented by the quantum three-dime
10、nsional constant theory. The quantum three-dimensional constant theory is the ultimate theorem of the universe.The truth must be simple, and the truth also shows richness. The universe (nuclear structure) is infinite, and human beings will live in the universe forever.I am lucky, human beings are lu
11、cky, the universe is lucky, and everything is lucky.Matter is eternal, and at the same time, it has various forms. Matter is always in constant motion, and the motion of matter is the most basic property. The energy of matter is a measure of the transformation of matter motion; energy can express th
12、e ability (measure) of a physical system to do work.Symmetry refers to the invariance that is embodied after some operation is performed. Symmetry is an extremely important property for physics. For example, mirror symmetry (chiral symmetry) means that it remains unchanged after a spatial reversal o
13、peration. This means that the objects in the mirror are identical except for the left and right. Each symmetry corresponds to a conserved quantity, for example, the invariance of space translation corresponds to the conservation of momentum; the invariance of time translation corresponds to the cons
14、ervation of energy; the invariance of space rotation corresponds to the conservation of angular momentum, etc.Potential well means that the potential energy function curve has the smallest potential energy in a certain space (in a limited range); it is similar to a particle encountering a trap when
15、moving in a force field. In other words, a potential well is an image of an electrons potential energy embodied in the shape of a wave; when an electron is in a valley, it is difficult for the electron to escape. For quantum mechanics, electrons have a certain probability to escape through the poten
16、tial well, which can be called tunneling effect. This means that the particle is in a bound state, that is, the movement of the particle is restricted to a small spatial range.The mass of cosmic celestial bodies is an important physical quantity. When a low-mass celestial body encounters a large-mas
17、s celestial body, it can only be in a subordinate position. Satellites are less massive than planets, so satellites orbit planets; planets are less massive than stars, so planets orbit stars. Obviously, when a low-mass celestial body encounters a large-mass celestial body, it will be captured by its
18、 gravitational force as its subsidiary celestial body.What is the origin of all things, what are the basic laws of the operation of all things, where did all things come from, and what are the origins of fundamental particles?Why the existing physical theories are all approximate theories and cannot
19、 really explain the origin of elementary particles etc. Why is the quantum three-dimensional constant theory the principle of everything (the true grand unified theory), can it fully explain these problems, and can fully explain these problems from both quantitative and qualitative aspects. The quan
20、tum three-dimensional constant theory can unify general relativity, universal gravitation and elementary particles through quantum structure.According to the different ways of transforming the reference frame, it can be divided into the following space-time, Galilean space-time, Minkowski space-time
21、 and Euclidean space-time.The reference frame transformation of Galileos space-time is a rotation along a straight line, so the horizontal axis time (t) remains unchanged, and the time and distance between events have nothing to do with the reference frame. The core of the Galilean transformation is
22、 the assumption that time and space are absolute; time and space are completely independent of each other; time remains uniform, and space is uniformly distributed (with isotropy). Galileo transformation is the core logic of classical mechanics. The theory holds that space is independent, independen
23、t of the motion of objects in it, while time passes uniformly (linearly). The so-called absolute means that the measure of length and the measure of time are independent of the motion of the reference frame (or the choice of the reference frame).According to the quantum three-dimensional constant th
24、eory, for two isolated quantum systems, if the two isolated quantum systems manifest relative longitudinal wave properties to each other, they belong to Galilean space-time.According to the quantum three-dimensional constant theory, for two isolated quantum systems, if the two isolated quantum syste
25、ms have partial relative shear wave properties and partial relative longitudinal wave properties, they belong to Minkowski space-time.According to the quantum three-dimensional constant theory, for two isolated quantum systems, if the two isolated quantum systems manifest relative shear wave propert
26、ies to each other, they belong to Euclidean space (Hilbert space).In short,All three space-times have their own reference frame invariants (geometers use this invariant as the definition of distance); obviously, the geometric analysis based on distance has nothing to do with the reference frame.It i
27、s worth noting that the Lorentz transformation (related to gravity) and the Galileo transformation (not related to gravity) are completely different; because, the logic of the two is completely different.That is to say, no matter at high speed or low speed, the two are completely different.Standard
28、Model theory, the Standard Model is only an approximate theory; the theory of universal gravitation (an approximate theory) unifies the laws of celestial motion and the motion of objects on the ground (the main mathematical tool is calculus). Maxwells equations (the theory of approximations), establ
29、ishing the connections between electricity, magnetism, and light (the main mathematical tool is calculus). General relativity (an approximate theory), which unifies the curvature of time and space and the effects of gravity (the main mathematical tool is Riemannian geometry). Quantum mechanics (the
30、theory of approximation), which proposes the concept of quantization and the concept of wave function (the main mathematical tool is linear algebra).The quantum three-dimensional constant theory believes that all matter is quantized; the most basic elementary particle is the photon, which is compose
31、d of charge (space charge, mass charge, etc.) and corresponding fields (energy momentum field, mass field, etc.) Then, photons collide with each other to form elementary particles such as electrons, positrons, protons, negative protons, neutrons and neutrinos.Electrons are composed of charges (negat
32、ive charges) and corresponding fields (electric fields); electrons with intrinsic spin are composed of charges (electron magnetic charges) and corresponding fields (electron magnetic fields);Protons are composed of charges (positive charges) and corresponding fields (electric fields); protons with i
33、ntrinsic spin are composed of charges (proton magnetic charges) and corresponding fields (proton magnetic fields).It is worth mentioning that bosons are composed of charges (space charge, mass charge) and corresponding fields (energy-momentum field, mass field). Fermions are composed of charges (ele
34、ctric charges, magnetic charges) and corresponding fields (electric fields, magnetic fields). For many-body systems, elementary particles are entangled together by corresponding fields. Quantum entanglement (extreme distance) is the source of gravity.Elementary particles (similar to qubits) are comp
35、osed of charges and corresponding fields. The intrinsic properties of elementary particles depend on the structure of the charge (similar to the organizational structure of qubits), which is reflected in the speed of signals;The underlying logic of condensed matter physics is to study the quantum en
36、tanglement of many-body systems. Since matter is quantized, the study of quantum entanglement in many-body systems (the study of topological states of matter) also belongs to quantum field theory (macro).Quantum entanglement (over-distance) of qubits is entanglement through mass fields (or energy-mo
37、mentum fields). It is worth mentioning that the vortices of qubits are entangled by electric (or magnetic) fields.The theory of quantum three-dimensional constants explains the origin of elementary particles and the corresponding unification; matter is composed of charges and corresponding fields. F
38、rom a qubit perspective, this means that matter and information are equivalent; matter (information) is the charge and the corresponding field. It can be seen that the quantum three-dimensional constant theory can specifically explain the origin and unity of elementary particles, and can unify all e
39、lementary particles and interactions (including universal gravitation).Physics is simple, everything comes from photons; matter is composed of charges and corresponding fields; charges have signal speed, and fields have super-distance effects; matter is quantized, and energy is continuously changing
40、; the universe and particles are both It has wave-particle duality; the quantum three-dimensional constant theory is a real grand unified theory.The Big Bang Theory is wrong, the universe is infinite and has a nuclear structure; gravitational waves are macroscopic sound waves; dark matter and dark e
41、nergy do not exist; magnetic monopoles do not exist; photons are the most basic elementary particles , everything is evolved from photons; the equivalence principle is flawed (the conclusion of the Leaning Tower of Pisa experiment is wrong); under certain boundary conditions, the principle of entrop
42、y increase can be established. Neutrons also belong to bosons; the principle of least action is basically correct; in short, the existing physical theories need to be further improved; the theory of quantum three-dimensional constants is the principle of everything.From another point of view, elemen
43、tary particles are composed of charges and corresponding fields. The charge has a solid space, and there is a distance between the charge and the charge; the field does not have a solid space, and the field and the field are super-distance (entangled). It is worth noting that the charge and the char
44、ge must be connected by the corresponding field. Part II, Photons and Elementary ParticlesPhotons are the source of all things, matter is composed of photons, and many photons constitute colorful matter. Specifically, photons collide with each other to form elementary particles such as electrons, pr
45、otons and neutrons; then, everything is formed from elementary particles.1 Dimension and Dimensional Analysis of Matter1.1 Dimensions of elementary particlesAccording to the de Broglie wavelength formula, the relationship between the momentum of the electron and the wavelength of the electron can be
46、 expressed as: p=e;or , =pe=meVe;Obviously,C=pCe=me(VC)e=meVe(2)e;in,p, electron momentum, dimension, *L(1)T(-1);, Plancks constant, dimension, *L(2)T(-2)L(1)T(0)L(1)T(-1);me, the mass of the electron, dimension, ;V, the relative velocity of electrons, dimension, L(1)T(-1)L(1)T(-1);C, quantum three-
47、dimensional constant, dimension, *L(3)T(-3).For photons, it can be expressed as: C=(f)=(fC2)C2=(EC2)C2=mC2.in,,Plancks constant, dimension, *L(2)T(-2)L(1)T(-1);m, relative mass of photon, dimension, *L(0)T(-1)L(1)T(0)L(0)T(-1);E, the energy of photon, dimension, *L(2)T(-2).Analyze, the expression of
48、 electron and the expression of photon, it can be found that the two have the same dimension.This means that C, is a more fundamental fundamental constant of physics, and that constant is the photon.In other words, C, is the photon constant (quantum three-dimensional constant).From another point of
49、view, the energy (E)of a photon can be expressed as: E=f=mC2;Obviously, E=f=C=mC2。This means, C, is a fundamental physical constant (quantum three-dimensional constant).Since photons are the most basic elementary particles, for example, a pair of photons can form an electron and a negative electron
50、through collision.In addition, other elementary particles (protons, neutrons, etc.) are formed by the collision of photons. Then, atoms (or molecules) are formed from these elementary particles, and everything is formed by atoms (or molecules).Obviously, since elementary particles are quantized, any
51、 matter is quantized.This means that the dimensions of matter and photons should also be exactly the same. For an isolated quantum system, its intrinsic physical properties are independent of the reference frame.Because matter is quantized, from the dimension of matter, it can be expressed as: L(6)T
52、(3)=LnT(3+m);in,, express charge (for example, space charge, mass charge, electric charge and magnetic charge), embodied as signal velocity (causality);LnT(3+m), Express the corresponding fields (eg, energy-momentum fields, mass fields, electric and magnetic fields), manifesting as super-distance ef
53、fects (entangled states).1.2 Dimensions of objectsFrom the perspective of macroscopic objects, for an isolated quantum system (object) composed of N elementary particles, it can be expressed as: VnVn(3)=Vn(Vnfn)(Vnn)=(Vnfn)Vn(2)n =(mnfn)Vn(2)n=(Vnfnp)Vn(2)np =mnpVn(2)np =NVpC3;in,Vn,the space charge
54、 of the object, dimension, ;Vn, the signal speed of the object, dimension, L(1)T(-1)L(0)T(-1)L(1)T(0);mn, the relative mass of the object (coupled mass), dimension, *L(0)T(-1)L(0)T(-1)L(1)T(0);mnp, the intrinsic mass of the object, dimension, ;N, the total number of elementary particles contained in
55、 the object, dimension, L(0)T(0);Vp, the smallest space charge (Planck space), dimension, ;C , the maximum signal speed (the speed of light in vacuum), dimension, L(1)T(-1)L(1)T(-1)L(3)T(-3).Second reason: Planck spacesPlanck space (Vp ) is the smallest three-dimensional space (space charge), and it
56、s dimension is, .The third reason is that photons have a Planck length and a Planck frequencyFor photons, the minimum wavelength of a photon is the Planck length (P); the maximum frequency of a photon is the Planck frequency (fP);and, C=pfp. The photon (quantum three-dimensional constant) can be exp
57、ressed as:Hu=VpC3=(Vpf)C2=(Vpfp)*C2p=(Vpfp)f(Cp)=(Vpfp)fpCp(2)=(Vpfp)fpfp(2)=(Vpfp)fpfpp(3)=(Vpfp)fpfpp(3)=(+Vpfp)fpfpp(3)=(+Vpfp)(fp)fpp(3) =(Vpfp)(+fp)fpp(3) =VpC2C=C=(f)=(f)=(/t)=(Vpf)C2=mC2=E=(mC)C=PC=(Vpfp)C2p=mpC2p=Epp =(mpC)Cp=PpCp =VpC2C=Vp*(fC)()=Vp(2/)()=Vp*(2/f)(f)=Vp*(fpC)(p)=Vp(2/p)(p)=
58、Vp*(2/fp)(fp)=(Vpf)C2/2(2)=mC2/2(2) =(Vpfp)C2/2(2)p=mpC2/2(2)p =(Vp)C2f=(Vp)T=(Vpp)C2fp=(Vpp)Tp=VpT=kBC3=kB(C3/)=kBT=(Vpf)(C2/)(2)=(Vpf)(C2/)/44(2)=(Vpf)(C2/)/4S=m(C2/)/4S=(Vpf)(fbb)=m(fbb)=mfb(b)=Fb(b) =(Vpf)(fb(2)b(2)=m(fb(2)b(2)=Fbbb(2)=(Vpfp)C2/(p)=mpC2/(p) =Fp(p)=(Vpfp)C2/pp(2)=mpC2/pp(2)= Fppp
59、(2)=mpfp(Cp(2)=mp(fp/4)4(Cp(2)=mp(1/40)4(Cp(2)=(Vpfp)Cx2+Cy2p=mpCx2p+mpCy2/y(p*y)=(Vpfp)Cx2+Cy2+Cz2p =mpCx2+Cy2+Cz2p=mpCx2p+mpCy2/y(py)+(mpfp)(Cz/fp)p*Cz=Vp(Cf)*(C)=(Vpf)C(C)=(mC)(C)=(VpC)/(1/C2) =(VpC)/(00)=(VpC)/(0tp)=(Vpfp)C/0=(Vs Vs)/1/Vs(2)=(Vs Vs)/()=(Vs Vs)/(t)=(Vs f) *Vs/=Vs*Vs(3)=VsVs(2)Vs=
60、sVs=(Vsfs)Vs(2)s=msVs(2)s=(Vsfs)C2=msC2 =11/(VpC3)=1(x,y,z,t)=(VpC4)/C=(VpC4)/fp1p=(VpC4)/fp(m/p)m =(VpC4)/fp(Vpf)/pm=(VpC4)/fp(pf)pm =(VpC4)/fpCbm =i(i)VpC3=i(i)VpC2C=i(i)C=i(i)(Vpf)C2=i(i)mC2 =i(i)E=i(i)PC =i(i)(Vpfp)C2p=i(i)mpC2 =i(i)Ep=i(i)ppCp .in,Vp, Planck space (space charge), dimension, ;,
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