1、Yacht Insurance 游艇保险讲演人 Presented by:Tommy Ho (Aon HK)Steve Huang (Aon China Mainland)Apr/ 20211.2内容 Content 引见 Introduction 关于怡安 About Aon 为什么我们需求游艇保险?Why we need Yacht Insurance? 什么是游艇保险 What is Yacht Insurance? 保险条款 Policy Wording 保险索偿/理赔 Claims 个案研讨 Case Studies 问答时间 Questions and Answers.3.Aon
2、Corporation怡安集团Business:Headquarter:Aon Listing:Aon Offices:Aon Operates in:No. of Staff:Aon is #1 in:Fortune 500 Ranking(2021):Aon Center, ChicagoLeading global provider of risk managementconsulting, insurance & reinsurance brokerage, andhuman capital consulting servicesChicago, USNew York Stock Ex
3、change (Trading Symbol: AON)500120 countries60,000 worldwideRetail broking and Risk ConsultingReinsurance brokingCaptive managementHuman capital consultancy2984.关于怡安保险 / About Us中怡保险经纪有限责任公司 / 怡安保险顾问Aon-COFCO Insurance Brokers Co., Ltd / Aon HongKong Ltd怡安公司总部设在美国芝加哥,是世界上领先的集风险管理咨询、保险经纪和再保险经纪、人力资源咨询
4、与外包效力为一体的综合性集团公司。我们的关键优势是对影响当今世界经济情势最重要的两大中心要素风险与人才,具有深化的认识。怡安在全球120多个国家设有500多个办事机构,员工总数59,000余人,基于此,使得我们可以预见一个地域的变化对其它地域的影响。Our key advantage is our broad view of two of the most important issues in our economy today:risk and people. With an employee base of 59,000 people working in over 500 office
5、s in more than120 countries, we can anticipate how changes in one sector impact another.5.关于怡安保险 / About Us (cont) 中怡保险经纪有限责任公司(Aon-COFCO Insurance Brokers Co., Ltd.)成立于2003年11月,是首家获准在中国境内从事保险、再保险经纪和风险管理咨询业务的中外合资保险经纪公司。合资双方为美国怡安保险(集团)公司(简称“怡安集团:全球最大的保险经纪公司和再保险经纪公司)和中粮集团(简称“中粮集团:中国政府直接纳理的国有重要骨干企业之一,世
6、界500强)。中怡目前拥有上海、北京、广州、南京、成都五家分公司,超越300名雇员,具备完善的全国效力网络 Aon-COFCO Insurance Brokers Co., Ltd was established in November, 2003. We are the firstlicensed international insurance and reinsurance broking and risk management consultingcompany in China. Our two investors are Aon Corporation, the largest in
7、surance broker, andreinsurance broking company in the world, and China National Cereals, Oils & FoodstuffsCorporation (COFCO), one of the state-owned backbone enterprises under the directadministration of the Chinese central government, Fortune 500 Company since 1994. Aon-COFCO now has 5 branches in
8、 Shanghai, , Guangzhou, Nanjing, and Chengdu. Over300 employees are serving our clients and provide a nation-wide service network6.关于怡安保险 / About Us (cont) 游艇风险团队Yacht Division我們的遊艇專家遍佈香港、倫敦、鹿特丹、紐約及佛罗里达州,通過這些地點,本團隊得以打入全球一切的保險市場,體貼地關注客戶在不同地方的服務需求。With yacht specialists in Hong Kong, London, Rotterdam
9、, New York and Fort Lauderdale, wehave a global reach that allows us to access all insurance markets to ensure we are offering aglobal approach with local service to our clients.在怡安香港,我们曾经安排超越1,000船只的游艇保险We arranged insurance cover for over 1,000 units of yacht by Aon HK.同时,我们还为皇家香港游艇会,白沙湾游艇会,香港航海训练
10、学校,和香港帆船运动总会安排保险事宜包括了财富险,责任保险,活动取消保险。We also arranged insurance cover for Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, Hebe Haven Yacht Club,Hong Kong Sea School and Hong Kong Sailing Federation.7.为什么游艇需求保险? Why does the yacht needs insurance?8.为什么游艇需求保险? Why does the yacht needs insurance?9.10为什么游艇需求保险? Why does th
11、e yacht needs insurance? 法律要求 Required by law Mandatory Third Party Liability Insurance强迫性第三者责任保险 Requested by port authority & marina港口当局或者游艇会的要求.为什么游艇需求保险? Why does the yacht needs insurance?11.12为什么游艇需求保险? Why does the yacht needs insurance? 贵重资产保证 Valuable asset protection.为什么游艇需求保险? Why does th
12、e yacht needs insurance?13.14什么是游艇保险What is Yacht Insurance? 游艇建造期 From the build of the yacht 游艇建造保险 Builders Risks Insurance 游艇从船厂运给船主 From Shipyard to Owner 游艇运输保险 Yacht Cargo Insurance 船主本人掌控下的风险 The owners risk 船壳和机械上的风险 Hull and Machinery Insurance 扩展保证 Additional Cover 竞赛风险Racing Risk 个人不测 Pe
13、rsonal Accident 个人财物 Personal Effects 租船( 连船长) Skipper Charter 第三者责任保险 Third Party Liability Insurance 规范保单 Standard 船东协会保赔保险 P&I 船员保险 Crew Insurance. 主要保证 Main Coverage: 物质损失和建造期间的第三者责任 Property damage and liability cover during yachtconstruction.15游艇建造期保险 Yacht Builders Risks Insurance.游艇建造期保险 Yac
14、ht Builders Risks Insurance16.游艇建造期保险Yacht Builders Risks Insurance17. 主要保证 Main Coverage: 运送游艇过程(包括海陆空方式) 发生的游艇的物质损失Physical damage to, or loss of yachtwhilst in transit by land, sea or air. 保险期间从航程启程开场不断延续到游艇到达目的地放进水中,包括在原产地和目的地国家的装卸,拖带,仓储(如有需求) From time of commencement of voyage to time of disch
15、arge intothe water at the destination, including loading / unloading and tow / storage in the country oforigin and destination, if required.18游艇运输保险Yacht Cargo Insurance.游艇运输保险Yacht Cargo Insurance19.游艇运输保险Yacht Cargo Insurance20.21第三者责任保险Third Party Liability Insurance Coverage 保证范围Coverage : 游艇或船主
16、或船员对第三者的法律责任,这个责任包含人员损伤和财富损失Legal liability ofthe yacht and/or owner and/or crew to third parties. This include personal injury and/orproperty.保证USD500,000,000污染Pollutions船员Crew罚款和罚金 Fine and Penalties22船东互保协会保赔保险P & I Clubs P. & I. Clubs 船东互保协会SHIPOWNERS MUTUAL ASSURANCEASSOCIATION。船东互保协会规定承保范围,它由船
17、东组成,意图为能够承担的责任范围提供金融保证.船壳和机械设备保险 Hull & Machinery Insurance 主要保证Main Coverage :船壳和机械Hull and Machinery附属小艇及设备Tender and equipment电子和导航设备Electrical and Navigational偷窃Theft 救助费用Cost of the salvage of the yacht 去除游艇残骸费用Cost of removing the wreck of the yacht 第三者责任Third Party Liability23.Collision 碰撞Sin
18、king 下沉Fire 火灾Theft 盗窃Accident Damage 不测损毁Typhoon Damage 台风损毁Lightning 雷电击中Third Party Liability Included 已包括第三者责任保险Etc其他24综合保险(全保) Comprehensive Cover.25普通除外责任Common Exclusions 不适航 Failure to maintain the yacht in seaworthy condition 恶意破坏或者正常损耗Loss caused by malicious act, wear and tear 船尾机,船上器具被盗,
19、 除非该物品安顿在锁好的柜子或储物室内Theft of any outboard motor,vessels gear / equipment unless at the time of the theft it was inside a locked cabin / storagecompartment 帆被风吹烂Sails split by the wind 损失由竞赛/速试/试航呵斥 Cause in racing / speed tests / trials in connection 没有在发动机舱/发动机位置安装自动灭火系统情况下的船上着火或者爆炸 Fire or explosio
20、n onboard if the engine room / engine space without fire extinguish system.26船壳和机械设备保险Hull & Machinery Insurance Coverage Cont 扩展条款Additional Cover: 战争险War Risks 竞赛险Racing Risks 个人物品Personal Effects 带船长的租船Skipper Charter.27船员保险Crew Insurance 主要保证Main Coverage : 死亡Death 截肢或是眼睛失明Loss of limb /eye 永久性残
21、废Permanent total disablement 医疗费用Medical Expenses 紧急救助 Emergency Services.船员保险Crew Insurance28.29保单种类 Policy Forms 协会游艇保险条款1985年11月1日 Institute Yacht Clauses (1/11/85) All Risks - Underwriters Standard Wording (Tailor Made) R12 All Risks Cover.30协会游艇保险条款1985年11月1日 Institute Yacht Clauses (1/11/85)Na
22、med Perils Wording (指定保险单) PERILS 危险条款 Subject always to the exclusions in this insurance 本保险受制于以下除外条件 This insurance covers loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured caused by 本保险承保以下缘由呵斥的保险标的损失或损害 Perils of the seas rivers lakes or other navigable waters 海上、江河、湖泊或其它可航水域的危险 Fire 火灾.31协会游艇保险条款
23、1985年11月1日 Institute Yacht Clauses (1/11/85)Named Perils Wording (指定保险单) Jettison 丢弃 Piracy 海盗 Contact with dock or harbour equipment or installation, land conveyance, aircraft or similarobjects or objects falling therefore 与码头、港口设备或安装、陆上运输工具、航空器或类似安装及从其上跌落的物体的接触 Earthquake volcanic eruption or ligh
24、ting 地震、火山迸发或闪电.协会游艇保险条款1985年11月1日 Institute Yacht Clauses (1/11/85)Named Perils Wording (指定保险单) and, provided such loss or damage has not resulted from want of due diligence by the AssuredOwners or Managers, the insurance covers 假设此种灭失或损害并非由于被保险人、船东、或管理人未谨慎处置所致,本保险承保: Loss of or damage to the subje
25、ct-matter insured caused by 由于以下缘由引起的保险标的的灭或损害: Accidents in loading, discharging or moving stores, gear, equipment, machinery or fuel 在装卸或挪动备用品、船具、设备机器或燃料过程中的不测事故 Explosions 爆炸 Malicious acts 恶意行为32.协会游艇保险条款1985年11月1日 Institute Yacht Clauses (1/11/85)Named Perils Wording (指定保险单) Theft of the entire
26、 Vessel or her boats, or outboard motors provided it is securely locked to theVessel or her boats by an anti-theft device in addition to its normal method of attachment, or,following upon forcible entry into the Vessel or place of storage or repair ,theft of machineryincluding outboard motors, gear
27、or equipment 偷窃整艘船舶或其救生艇、或其舷外挂机,假设其在通常的衔接方式之外,经过某种防盗安装平安地锁定在船上或其救生艇上,或经强行进入船内或积载或检修场所,偷窃机器设备包括舷外挂机、船具或设备 Loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured, excepting motor and connections (but not strutshaft or propeller) electrical equipment and batteries and connections, caused by 除了发动机及其接纳但不包括轴架或推进
28、器电器设备及电池接线之外,由于以下缘由所致的保险标的的灭失或损害 Latent defects in hull or machinery, breakage of shafts or bursting of boilers (excluding the costand expense of replacing or repairing the defective part broken shaft or burst boiler) 船壳或机器的潜在缺陷,尾轴断裂或锅炉破裂不包括改换或修缮有缺陷的零部件,断裂的尾轴,破裂的锅炉本身的费用或破费33.协会游艇保险条款1985年11月1日 Insti
29、tute Yacht Clauses (1/11/85)Named Perils Wording (指定保险单) The negligence of any person whatsoever, but excluding the cost of making good any defectresulting from either negligence or breach of contract in respect of any repair or alteration workcarried out for the account of the Assured and / or the
30、Owners or in respect of the maintenanceof the Vessel. 无论任何人的过失,但不包括修复任何缺陷的费用此种缺陷是由于对有关被保险人或船东履行其任何修缮或改换任务或有关船舶保养维修任务的过失或违约所致34.35.保单种类 Policy Forms All Risks Policy (一切险) 一切险保单保证一切除外责任以外的风险,列明风险的保单只是保证列明的风险Allrisks will pay any claim unless it is specifically EXCLUDED in the policy whereasthe named perils wording will only pay a claim unless it is specifically covered inpolicy wording. 船底检查Bottom inspections 紧急救助费用Emergency Expenses 对方未买保险的船只Uninsured Boaters 预防措施Precautionary Measures 法律诉讼费用Defense Coverage
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