1、 2022德国艺术专业留学申请书格式 2022德国艺术专业留学申请书 Dear _, To me, art is like a mystery which is to be solved. I see an artwork as the concentration of an idea or concept into a physical entity. The idea or concept is rarely evident through just looking at piece; it requires analysis or scrutiny to interpret it. Th
2、is is why I am rarely happy with a piece of art unless I can see some meaning behind it. Whether it is my own or another persons, I feel a great satisfaction when I discover an underlying theme or message; deliberate or not. It is like poring over a cryptic riddle or a puzzle for time until all at o
3、nce it falls into place. Perhaps it is my obsession with problem-inducing things: cryptic crosswords, chess, Rubiks cubes, poker, cribbage and scrabble that have induced this vision of art. It is the same either way. If I am looking at a Mark Rothko painting, Rothko has set the puzzle to be decipher
4、ed and I am attempting to solve it, even if the answer is as simple as, a perfect combination of colour. If I create an artwork, it will have hidden parameters evident only by scrutiny. It may be easy to interpret or it may be difficult, it doesnt matter. I dont mind if people dont interpret it the
5、way I intended; only that it makes sense in their own minds and that it gives them that same sense of satisfaction that I get when I solve a puzzle. You could say that that is the ultimate motivation for the art that I produce. This theme has also played a strong role in the work that I have been do
6、ing over the past year in my Art Foundation course. In the last self-orientated project I focussed on my fascination with playing cards and chess combined with the physical aspects of my life. This has developed into my current project that concentrates on aspects of chance (chess, playing cards) co
7、mbined, symbolically, with aspects of purpose (religion, gods, fate, strategy) through many different mediums, including customised board games and sculptures. I am intrigued with hidden meanings, so I am looking at artists such as Joseph Beuys and Leonardo Da Vinci who are known to use a lot of sym
8、bolism in their work. My current work has developed from many of the foundation course projects I have done since the beginning of the year. I feel that this year has been a significant indication of what path I want to follow in the future. I initially enrolled with the mindset of trying it out and
9、 deciding what to do later on in the year. I have worked hard at keeping up with work and have enjoyed being able to develop my own ideas creatively over the last two terms. The foundation course has already taught me how to be broad-minded about what art can be, and the learning process has been so
10、mewhat enlightening. Ultimately I have enjoyed the course; whether it is experimenting with interesting ideas in my own space, sharing ideas with my peers about what we are doing or constructing sculptures in the workshops. Upon having wandered around the degree students areas a few times just to lo
11、ok at the work that is being produced I feel a connection to what they are doing and what I am currently learning about and it makes me want to go further with my work. This is why I wish to continue on at the degree course. I believe it will challenge me and help me to evolve the art that I do to a
12、n even further level. Since October 2022, I have had a Saturday job working as an assistant in a butchers. This job requires me to make deliveries, clean the shop, serve customers, prepare meat and I often help out at the hog roast functions that the shop hires out. I have done my best to work hard
13、at this, as it is the only proper job I have had apart from a paper round. Alongside attending the foundation course I feel that it has made me a much more organised and confident person in terms of arranging my life. I have definitely enjoyed working there as much as I have worked hard at it. To re
14、sound the work I have done I have been offered more work at the shop and at supervising hog roasts during the summer. Yours sincerely, 德国留学艺术专业申请要求 一、音乐类专业 推荐院校:汉诺威音乐和戏剧学院 推荐理由:欧洲音乐学院联合会会员。 院校介绍:汉诺威音乐和戏剧学院是德国的一所的艺术与科学大学。汉诺威音乐和戏剧学院成立于1897年。汉诺威的手风琴、弦乐、管乐等专业都享有世界声誉。键盘专业在世界上享有盛名,我国钢琴家李云迪也毕业于这所学院,他在获得肖邦国
15、际钢琴大赛金奖后选择在这所学院继续深造。 汉诺威音乐和戏剧学院开设有15个本科和硕士专业,如指挥专业、摇滚乐、歌曲学、教会音乐、钢琴专业、作曲专业、艺术家培养专业、艺术教育专业、传媒管理、流行音乐、室内音乐、儿童教育、高中音乐教师专业、传媒与音乐学、音乐研究、戏剧学、音乐理论、独唱专业和早期音乐教育专业。 申请要求: 1、具有或相当于德国高中学历, 来自中国的申请人为音乐学院正式学生或艺术类中学生,如音乐学院附中普通初.高中生,但有国内相关专业比赛获奖证书者; 2、年龄一般在16-30岁之间或有天才者, 通过入学考试(一般音乐知识考试主修专业知识考试); 3、具有较好的德语能力 二、 设计类专
16、业 推荐院校:柏林白湖艺术学院 推荐理由:产学合作,使学生兼具理论知识和实作能力 院校介绍:位于德国柏林的白湖艺术学院(Wei?ensee Kunsthochschule Berlin),是德国的公立艺术大学,成立于1946 年,学科设置涵盖各类艺术及设计专业,其设计专业包含:工业设计、视觉传达、时尚设计、织品设计与舞台暨服饰设计;艺术专业包含:绘画、雕塑与空间艺术策略。 柏林白湖艺术学院学院通过其独特的课程设计,使学生兼具理论知识和实作能力。白湖艺术学院的工业设计专业普遍受到业界欢迎,也是许多设计人士对于工业设计学校的优先选择,每年该系会与不同产业共同合作,研发新产品或是服务,这样的产学合作
17、让许多优良的学生作品可实际应用到产品上,也使得学生有机会在业界崭露头角。 申请要求: 高中,中专在读,或者毕业生。对于有非常艺术天赋的,有等级证书或者获奖证明的学生可免高中毕业证书。大学在读或者毕业生,具有艺术天赋。 三、舞蹈类专业 推荐院校:富克旺根艺术大学 推荐理由:从1929年起便成为德国舞蹈教育的领头羊 院校介绍:1927年,歌剧院院长鲁道夫.舒尔茨-德恩贝格及芭蕾舞舞蹈动作设计家科特尤思建立了富克旺学校,致力于在音乐、舞蹈及演说方面多学科跨领域的教育。 在鲁道夫.冯.拉班及约斯的共同努力下,该专业学校从1929年起便成为德国舞蹈教育的领头羊。1963年富克旺学院正式组建成为综合性艺术
18、大学。在钢琴演奏和作曲方面富克旺根艺术大学一直享有盛誉。 申请要求: 1、高中毕业或中专毕业,有从艺经历,并提供相关证明。 2、高中或中专在读,还不满18周岁的艺术学生,必须专业方面是特别突出,才可以接收。 3、一般德语B1,B2证书或者DSH1或者以上。 德国艺术留学院校推荐 1、奥芬巴 赫设计学院 奥芬巴 赫设计学院是德国一所的的艺术大学,成立于1832年,设有视觉交流学院和产品设计学院。奥芬巴 赫设计学院针对教学方面设计了艺术相关的学科,开设有6个德国本国设计学硕士专业,如艺术、通讯设计、媒体、舞台设计、服装造型和产品设计专业。综合了理论以及设计,经验以及生产,新兴造型技术及传统造型艺术知识。学生可以根据自身的学科以及条件去申请相关专业。 2、柏林艺术大学 柏林艺术大学是世界上特别的一所艺术类大学,学习艺术的同学大多数应该都有所了解,柏林艺术大学简称UDK,至今已有300多年的历史
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