2021-2022学年新人教版高中英语必修三: Unit1 Festivals and celebrations Reading and Thinking 教案_第1页
2021-2022学年新人教版高中英语必修三: Unit1 Festivals and celebrations Reading and Thinking 教案_第2页
2021-2022学年新人教版高中英语必修三: Unit1 Festivals and celebrations Reading and Thinking 教案_第3页
2021-2022学年新人教版高中英语必修三: Unit1 Festivals and celebrations Reading and Thinking 教案_第4页




1、Unitl Festivals and celebrations Reading and Thinking 教案 一:教学目标Teaching goal: To discover the topic sentence of each paragraph and make out the structure of the whole passage.learning goal:To develop reading skills in different ways and know the reasons for festivals and celebrations.Emotional goal:

2、 To appreciate our own culture,and respect other cultures.设计二:教学步骤Step l:Leading-in教师运用中国传统元宵节小视频导入,带着学生通过英语介绍 的元宵节对中国传统节日进一步了解,又引出其他中国传统节日,顺利代入本 单元话题。设计意图:激发学生对各国不同节日文化的好奇,从而引发对世界各国节日文 化的兴趣。Step 2: Fast-reading切入主题后,教师教授学生浏览全文把握文章大意的方法,然后帮助学生,在浏 览全文的基础上找出各段段落大意。Tips: Identify the “topic sentence of

3、 each paragraph. It is a good idea to place topic sentences at the beginning of paragraphs. It is a good idea to place topic sentences at the beginning of paragraphs.设计意图:本环节主要训练学生速读掌握文章主旨大意的能力。Step 3: Intensive-reading通过快读掌握文章基本结构和大意后,教师带着学生去 深入研读文章内容。在这一步骤中,需要引导学生找出支撑各段大意的各个细 节。课堂操作方法主要是任务型学习法,合作探

4、究法。.Time:The important agricultural festival takes place after the crops have been gathered in.Reason: People celebrate to show that they are grateful for the years supply of food. Activities:Egypt : it featured a parade, a great feast with music, dancing and sports.European countries: people decora

5、te churches and town halls with. get together to celebrate over a meal.China: Mid-Autumn Festival: families gather to admire the shinning moon and enjoy delicious mooncakes.Why do some traditions possibly fade away?Because of the development of modern society and the spread of new ideas.How does the

6、 author support his topic sentence,and why?A.By giving examples.B.By making comparison.C.By making experiment.D.By stating arguments.设计意图:本环节重点考察学生寻找到信息后整合,归纳的能力。Step 4:Summary在本环节的设置上,教师会鼓励学生用英语来总结概括全文的结构和内容,将 课堂充分交给学生。(para 1) 一 common spirit of festivals(para.2-4)一 the harvest festival ;Changes o

7、f customs; Commercialisation(para.5)一 Importance设计意图:本环节的设计充分表达了以学生为主体,引发学生深度思考,和作 者意图到达共鸣,加深对情感目标的落实。Step5 Discussion在这一环节中,教师先给学生放几张图片,然后让学生根据图 片所呈现的内容来进行拓展式讨论。这一环节要求学生进行组内合作探究,将 自己的想法写下来,并进行课堂展示。According to the pictures, how do you feel about the phenomena about the old traditions fading away?Po

8、ssible tips:With social development and human progress, it is common for many old customs to be abandoned (抛弃,遗弃). Although they brought us joy, they are no longer suitable for modern life. Take Kongming lanterns for example. In the past, flying them was one of the celebrations, but it caused many f

9、ires and huge losses. Because of peoples awareness of environmental protection, the custom has gradually become a good memory. In my opinion, no matter how the customs change, the significance of the festivals is to remind us to love and be loved! And we should learn to cherish our families and frie

10、nds in the festival. Celebration is for better progress!设计意图:教师引导学生逐步理解节日文化规象,鉴别文化现象中反映的价值 取向,促进他们对文化差异和融通的理解和思考,探究产生异同的历史文化原 因,领悟文化多样性和丰富性,形成人类命运共同体的意识,加深对情感目标的 落实。Step6 : Assignment课后作业时对课堂内容输入的检验和升华,本环节设 计的课后作业是写一篇关于节日的文章,探究产生异同的历史文化原因,领悟 文化多样性和丰富性,形成人类命运共同体的意识。Try to write a passage about a festival that


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