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1、The Gentlemen of the Jungle1后殖民主义理论后殖民主义,“殖民主义”前加了一个“后”“后殖民主义是指世界上那些在20世纪中叶以后,摆脱了欧洲帝国主义控制的国家所处的历史阶段,随着帝国主义的瓦解,亚洲、非洲和加勒比需要修复它们在被帝国统治之前的文化,估价殖民体系所遗留的文化、语言、法律和经济影响,建立新的政府和民族身份。”2后殖民批评是一种从文学批评或历史、哲学等经典著作切入,进而扩展到政治、经济、社会、宗教等领域的文化批评。后殖民地文学指的是被殖民国家在结束殖民统治获得独立主权后产生的文学。3故事梗概作者:乔莫肯亚塔(Jomo Kenyatta),肯尼亚第一位总统,“

2、肯尼亚国父”。他为反对英国殖民和争取民族独立呕心沥血。人物:原住民(被殖民国家人民) 一系列动物如大象、狮子、犀牛、狐狸、水牛等(帝国主义侵略者)地点:丛林丛林里,原住民和大象友好相处。但是一场突如其来的冰雹给了大象可乘之机,它借机霸占了原住民的小屋。就在原住民与大象争执之时,狮子出现了。它认为自己作为丛林之王,有责任替他们裁决此事。丛林里动物组成了一个“调查委员会”,但没有人站在原住民一边,它们也不允许其他原住民加入这场裁决。4结果显而易见,原住民的小屋被判决归大象所有。它们命令原住民到别的地方重新盖起自己的小屋。但只要原住民将自己的小屋盖好,便接二连三的被其它的动物霸占。忍无可忍的原住民终

3、于决心反抗。他盖了一间比以前都好都大的小屋,引得动物们互相争夺这间小屋的所有权,就在此时,原住民点了一把火,将小屋和里面的动物烧了个精光。结尾他说:“Peace is costly,but its worth the expense.”并从此幸福的生活下去。5文本分析一、自我与他者由于地理环境、文化差异的因素,东西方人民彼此之间不够了解,因此就形成了东西方互为“他者”的现象,即在西方眼中,东方是“他者”;在东方眼中,西方是“他者”。西方帝国主义侵略者认为自己的文化是“优等的”,他们是“上帝的选民”,是智慧的化身。而在他们眼中,东方或是被殖民民族则是愚昧、粗野、未开化的。西方人面对被殖民民族有一

4、种文化优越感。6第一自然段Elephant: “My good friend, your skin is harder than mine, ,you can afford to remain in the rain while I am protecting my delicate skin from the hailstorm.”殖民者认为原住民野蛮,自己高贵第二自然段Lion: “Dont you know that I am the King of the Jungle! How dare any one disturb the peace of my kingdom?”殖民者以“王者

5、”自称7第三自然段On seeing the personnel, the man protested and asked if it was not necessary to include in this Commission a member from his side.But he was told that it was impossible, since no one from his side was well enough educated to understand the intricacy of jungle law.在殖民者眼中,殖民地人民是未开化的,反应了他们的文化优

6、越感8第三自然段 the members of the Commission were all men of repute for their impartiality in justice,they were gentlemen chosen by God to look after the interests of races less adequately endowed with teeth and claws.殖民者高傲的心态讽刺:它们是拥有“锋利的牙齿、强壮的爪子”的“上帝的选民”,它们自称为“绅士”,实际上它们不过是一群野兽而已9第五自然段The man began to giv

7、e his own account of the dispute. But the Commission cut him short, saying: “My good man, please confine yourself to relevant issues. ”The man began to say: “No, but-” But at this point the Commission declared that they had heard sufficient evidence from both sides and retired to consider their deci

8、sion.殖民者标榜自己公正10我们可以看出,作者运用了讽刺的手法。作者选用了野兽的形象来代表殖民国家的绅士们,他们自私贪婪、狡猾蛮横。与他们形成鲜明对比的是原住民的形象:热情友好、善于忍让、有勇有谋。这样便颠覆了传统意义上东方学中的“他者”形象,证明第三世界人民并不是愚昧、贪婪、未开化的,第三世界人民与帝国主义国家人民一样优秀。11二、话语权力第三自然段On seeing the personnel, the man protested and asked if it was not necessary to include in this Commission a member from

9、his side.But he was told that it was impossible, since no one from his side was well enough educated to understand the intricacy of jungle law.殖民者不允许来自原住民一方的任何人加入调查委员会,原住民在殖民者面前没有话语权12第五自然段The man began to give his own account of the dispute. But the Commission cut him short, saying: “My good man, p

10、lease confine yourself to relevant issues. ”The man began to say: “No, but-” But at this point the Commission declared that they had heard sufficient evidence from both sides and retired to consider their decision.原住民被殖民者剥夺了话语权13第五自然段:In our opinion this dispute has arisen through a regrettable misu

11、nderstanding due to the backwardness of your ideas. . Mr.Elephant shall continue his occupation of your hut, but we give you permission to look for a site where you can build another hut more suited to your needs. 原住民无法运用话语来捍卫自己的权利,只能一味任殖民者摆布原住民失去了话语权,就等于失去了决定自己命运的能力14三、暴力革命阿尔及利亚的后殖民主义文化批评先驱法侬认为,被殖民

12、者需要用暴力反抗殖民者的统治。第六自然段:Then the man decided that he must adopt an effective method of protection,since Commissions of Enquiry did not seem to be of any use to him.He sat down and said, there is nothing that treads on the earth that cannot be trapped, or in other words, you can fool people for a time,

13、but not for ever.15Early one morning, when the huts already occupied by the jungle lords were all beginning to decay and fall to pieces, he went out and built a bigger and better hut a little distance away. No sooner had Mr.Rhinoceros seen it than he came rushing in, only to find that Mr.Elephant wa

14、s already inside, sound asleep. Mr.Leopard next came to the window, Mr.Lion, Mr.Fox and Mr.Buffalo entered the doors, while Mr.Hyena howled for a place in the shade and Mr.Alligator basked on the roof.16Presently they all began disputing, and while they were all embroiled together the man set the hut on fire and burnt it to the ground, jungle lords and all.原住民一把火烧掉了小屋以及里面所有的殖民者。原住民必须采取暴力行动反抗殖民者,以此来结束殖民者的统治法侬认为,殖民者与被殖民之间真正的平等对话是天方夜谭,他拒绝交谈,认为必须通过暴力斗争取得政治和经济的独立。暴力革命对于帝国主义不仅是公正的,而且也是必要的。17四、建设民族文化文章结尾:Then the man went home, saying: Peace is costly, but its worth the expense, and li


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