



1、 2022年外国德国留学申请书万能格式 2022年外国德国留学申请书 Dear _, I find one of the most attractive parts of physics is how complex situations can be explained with simple theories. I enjoy the logical aspects of the subject and love the challenge of breaking a problem down to its basic components to arrive at an explanat

2、ion. This can be seen in the analysis of circular motion where thinking of the problem simply, in terms of Newtons laws, allows me to derive equations completely describing the motion. My enthusiasm for science extends beyond the classroom. My particular interest is reading about new developments an

3、d I especially enjoy reading about particle physics in publications such as New Scientist and through articles on the internet. I relish finding how our understanding of the smallest pieces of matter has lead to groundbreaking discoveries in the largest fields such as cosmology and how this may lead

4、 to a unified field theory. I am particularly following the developments at CERN in regards to this and am excited by the work at the LHC to find the Higgs Boson and confirm the standard model. I have read books by Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking and also find Richard Feynmans lectures on physic

5、s an invaluable extension to my current studies. I have referred to them on various occasions, particularly when working on the kinetic theory of an ideal gas, extending the sophistication of my knowledge and understanding to a higher level. I am keen to continue this at university and beyond with m

6、y ambition for a career in research. I am maintaining breadth as well as depth in my studies by taking four A2 subjects. My decision to take on a further AS in Further Maths this year as a self-taught subject was to ensure that I could extend my mathematical skill set enabling me to more fully study

7、 science subjects at A-level and beyond. I feel a sound mathematical background is vital in any scientific endeavour. I am competing in the Chemistry Olympiad this year and also taking the AEA in this subject and in physics. In preparing for these I know I have strengthened my understanding greatly

8、and I have embraced the challenge that it brings. I have developed a presentation on protein synthesis which is now used at my college to teach AS Biology students. Work experience at my local hospitals audiology department demonstrated to me that physics is not just a theoretical subject but also h

9、as many practical applications as well. Seeing physics in action shows me the real value of fundamental research for its myriad uses in the real world. I contribute to the life of my college by helping out regularly at the schools open evenings and other events as well as performing other duties as

10、a prefect. I played rugby for the college for four years, in doing which I gained an understanding of the importance of team-work which I hope to apply to work later on in my education and life. Outside of college I have volunteered in my local Oxfam shop and I take pride in giving something back to

11、 the community. To relax outside of college work I enjoy playing the bass guitar, hill walking and the theatre. I have every intention of carrying on my studies of science post university and I would love to continue on into research. I feel that my genuine passion for the subject combined with my f

12、ocused attitude towards work and learning will allow me to pursue this path. I am excited by the challenge of work at a higher and deeper level and am confident I possess the requisite skills, motivation and knowledge to succeed. Yours sincerely, 德国留学申请步骤 一、明确学校 一般的准备都需要提前至少一年,至少需要先确认留学的目标,给自己留够时间,对

13、学校和专业进行了解,应该成为大家获取正规信息的来源,了解学校的硬件实力和提供的服务。 而看排名则是大家参考的内容,要联同专业一起进行了解,此外他人的评价也是获取信息的重要来源,但是大家需要进行筛选,对于个人的评价只需要参考不要被过分的影响,要主观与客观结合。 二、准备语言 德语是大家需要额外花时间准备的部分,因为这是大家没有接触过的新语言,不论大家是想拿到合格成绩进行直接入学的申请,还是先打基础再去德国经受培训,都需要认真准备。 国内就有不错的培训机构,能够帮助留学生进行不同程度的训练,如果可以晋升能力到参加德福考试的水平更好,直接提交材料即可,没合格的学生也不用着急,德国会为大家提供语言课程

14、。 三、整理材料 申请是需要留学生提交证明的材料的,这部分需要大家非常注意要求,既要保证所有材料的齐全,又要确保自己准备的内容是符合要求的,所以要非常用心遵照标准来。 硬件学术需要由官方开证明,囊括学校的毕业证和德语的成绩单,而软件中比较重要的自然就是简历和推荐信这类文书,能够通过中介进行整理和修改会对申请更有利。 四、提交申请 等到学校开放了申请以后直接将自己的申请表和材料进行提交,要确认相关部门受到了自己的申请,而且进入审核,可以直接在上追踪自己的材料审核进度,要和学校保持联系。 一个月以后就应该可以陆续的收到学校的审核结果了,进行对比选择自己最满意的一所,确认了录取以后一般还需要缴纳学费

15、或者留位费,后续办签证的时候需要出示。 德国留学申请要求 一、学历要求 专业的正式入学,目前只经受毕业生及以上学历的学生的申请,并且考虑到语言能力和教学体制的差异,一般会建议学生留学生,先进入预科或者语言班经受过过渡的培训。 需要保证完成了基础的课程学习,至少要出示官方出示的结业证明;如果是阶段同等学历的学生的在读生,只需要出示所在学校出示的在读证明就可以了,有机会直接转学进入相应的阶段。 而GPA的成绩,则是进行筛选审核的统一标准,不论大家是在那一个阶段的申请,都需要确认自己有合格的平均成绩,需要由学校的相关部门进行出示,基础要求是3.0-3.5分。 二、语言要求 除了参加特殊项目和挑选英语授课的学生,所有的海外留学生,都是需要满足德语的要求的,囊括完成500个课时的德语培训学习,以及合格的TestDaF或者DSH考试成绩。 需要大家在国内就进行认真的准备,专业的德语培训目在国内也是比较容易获取的,要想保证效率,就要进行连续的学习,确认自己得进


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