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1、 2022出国读英语专业留学申请书 2022出国读英语专业留学申请书 Dear _, Two of my main influences during the past few years have been from both English and History, and this is why I wish to study them as a Joint Honours degree. Throughout Secondary School my interest and curiosity about English has stretched beyond the A level

2、 syllabus. Reading a wide range of books from classics like Great Expectations to contemporary novels such as Monica Alis Brick Lane has allowed English to become more than just a sixth form subject, and transformed it into something which I find both intense and exhilarating. The role English plays

3、 in communication is something I also find deeply fascinating as both a reader and a writer, as its impact on society is colossal. In a world where both the media and politics use language tools to their advantage there appears to be no limit to Englishs influence, and no limit to what remains to be

4、 discovered. Outside of my academic studies, I have had time to enjoy English in the form of plays and theatre texts through taking part amateur dramatic productions. This has helped develop my understanding, as it has allowed me an alternative perspective of literary pieces. Although I have enjoyed

5、 both my English Literature and English Language A Level courses, I would not feel satisfied to end my study of English here, as I have only just begun to uncover some of the many things further study would reveal. History is also something I find engrossing, as its foundations have influenced our s

6、ocietys outlook. Although History is learning about the past, I find it relevant to where we are today as previous events determine our future. Although clich, the phrase history repeats itself is often quite accurate as old events can give a greater insight into current debate and reforms in societ

7、y, something which I find extremely absorbing. Trips to places abroad have also fuelled my want for more historical knowledge. After visiting the First World War Battlefields I realised there were areas I had already studied which I would like to go into in greater depth. Studying English and Histor

8、y as a degree would give me the opportunity to do more developed independent studies in specific areas. Whilst Historians use English to portray a positive or negative view of a series of events and analyse sources, those interested in English Language and Literature seek a greater depth of insight

9、and understanding of context through Historical events. This is why studying both English and History as a Joint Honours degree would certainly be beneficial to my understanding of both subjects. Both English and History have allowed me to develop my ability to form an argument and have strengthened

10、 my analytical thinking, skills which are both vital in Secondary Education, a career I wish to pursue. Outside of school I have been able to develop my personal skills through working as a volunteer within the local community. For the past 5 years I have been a Young Leader with children aged 5-7 a

11、s part of Girlguiding UK. In 2022 I also completed 200 Millennium Volunteer hours working with young people from less advantaged backgrounds as part of Forest Day Camps, a scheme set up by the YMCA. Within school I have been part of the Senior Students team, which included helping younger students i

12、n the school library. I have also been an active member of the Redbridge Youth Theatre Workshop, and enjoy horse riding; both of which have helped me develop confidence and independence through extracurricular activities. I relish the challenge Higher Education represents. As the first member of my

13、family to have this opportunity, I feel university is something which just cannot be missed. Yours sincerely, 留学奥地利这些东西不要带 一、烟草制品 雪茄、烟草等东西,海关没有严格禁止入境,但是可携带的数量是有着限制的,有一定的免税的数量,并且只有满了17岁的人才可以允许携带,不同的国家的学生入境限制还会有不同。 二、酒精饮料 含有酒精的饮品携带同样受到限制,基本的要求和烟草累差不多,同样属于比较敏感的东西,留学生的求学身份是相对单纯的,大家不要带上这些东西,一方面没有必要,另一方会可

14、能影响行程。 三、文化产品 这部分可能会被很多人忽视,因为有些东西我们觉得很平常,但是却有可能是包含着一定文化含义的东西,大家在准备的时候可以查一查,这样可以有效地减少自己可能会遇到的麻烦。 四、植物动物 为了防止可能会带来的生态入侵,海关对各类植物的入境也是有着严格的管控的,不仅新鲜的植株入境需要受到检查,各类种子也会进行严格的检查,例如瓜子必须要是熟的。 动物也同样要谨慎携带和托运,一般是大家的宠物,需要出示合格的检疫证明,保证是健康的状态,不会带来其他的病菌或者细菌,海关是会进行二次检查的。 五、药品 常备药应该是很多攻略里告诉大家需要带上的东西,但是大家要注意谨慎携带,每年在这方面受到

15、影响的学生数量是不少的,因为大家只想着准备要却忘了看成分。 海关的检查是会具体到成分上的,只要有一项不符合,就会影响到大家的入境,如果一定要带的话,记得重复检查成分,可以直接咨询专业人员进行确认。 挪威自费留学费用清单 一、学杂费 1.语言 挪威高校授课目前采用的大部分是英语,可以更好地接轨国际的需求,对国内的学生来说,是比较有优势的,但是要想应对学校的专业学习需求,还是需要经受培训和晋升学习的,费用简略需要2-3万元。 2.专业 正式入学以后,如果大家选择的是公立学校,不论专业是什么,都只需要统一交2500-4500元的注册费;私立院校的专业就读需要考虑到专业的影响,一般来说一学年需要4-8万元。 3.教材 大家还需要自己购买教材,这部分取决于大家买新书还是买二手,纸质书在挪威的价格是比较贵的,但是二手会便宜不少,并且完全可以在二手市场中淘到,一年的教材需要1000元左右。 二、生活费 挪威不算大,城市之间的经济发展水平,也是比较平均的,所以大家的生活开销会比较稳定,一般一年吃住加上出行和购物,以及社交的开销,都在5万元左右,当然预算多做一点可以生活得更舒适。 1.住宿 学校就会有宿舍,新生可以无条件申请入住,每个月只需要2000元左右,就可以享受15平带独力卫浴的环境,并且房租中还囊括大家日常使用的水电的费用,之后续住只需要保证成绩优异即可。 2.吃饭 大家餐椅可以去食


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