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1、Introduction to MATLABCheng-Hsiung ChiangDepartment of Computer ScienceHsuan Chuang University1.OutlineThe history of MATLABThe toolboxes of MATLABHow to use MATLAB software?Programming using MATLABBasic commandsWrite a function of MATLABArrays and matrixesOperations of arrays and matrixesMatlab fun

2、ctionsControl proceduresInput and outputPlottingExamples of MATLAB programs2The History of MATLABMATLAB ( Matrix Laboratory) is developed by The MathWorks, Inc., 1984.MATLAB最早的發展理念是提供一套非常完善的矩陣運算指令,但隨著數值運算需求的演變,matlab已成為系統模擬,數位訊號處理,科學目視的標準語言3MATLAB is the leading computational software forProduct des

3、ign and developmentResearch in industry and academiaTechnical education Over 400,000 MATLAB users worldwideUsed in over 100 countries4How powerful the MATLAB can be?“For the purposes of an engineer or scientist, MATLAB has the most features and is the best developed program in its class. -IEEE Spect

4、rum, Software Review, February 1997“I have been amazed at how MATLAB can boost ones productivity. Anything from simple analysis to complex modeling and simulation can be done in a fraction of the time it would take to write your own code.Gregory E. Chamitoff, Ph.D.NASA, Johnson Space Center5The Tool

5、boxes of MATLABCommunications ToolboxControl System ToolboxData Acquisition ToolboxDatabase ToolboxDatafeed ToolboxFilter Design ToolboxFinancial Derivatives ToolboxFinancial Derivatives ToolboxFinancial ToolboxFuzzy Logic ToolboxGARCH ToolboxImage Processing ToolboxInstrument Control ToolboxModel P

6、redictive Control ToolboxMapping ToolboxMu Analysis And Synthesis ToolboxNeural Network ToolboxOptimization ToolboxPartial Differential Equations (PDE) ToolboxRobust Control ToolboxSignal Processing ToolboxSpline ToolboxStatistics Toolbox Symbolic Math ToolboxSystem Identification ToolboxWavelet Too

7、lbox6How to use MATLAB?Install MATLABExecute MATLABThe MATLAB windowsDemos of MATLAB7Programming Using MATLABFile types of MATLAB.m file.fig files.mat filesBasic Commands in command windowsave load help whoclearclcexit/quit8Mathematical OperationsDeclaring a variableA = 5;% the “; is for not display

8、B = 6;MATLAB Math & Assignment OperatorsPoweror.abor a.bMultiplication* or.*a*bora.*bDivision/or./a/bora./b oror.baorb.aNOTE: 56/8 856Addition+ a + bSubtraction- a - b9Write a Function of MATLABHow to edit a function for MATLAB?An example of a MATLAB functionfunction total = sum(n) % This program is

9、 to calculate the summationsum = 0; for i = 1 : 10,sum = sum + I;end;% end of for loopend;% end of functionHow to call a function?10Arrays and MatrixesArray: ex. 1x6 arrayA = 1 2 3 4 5 6;orA = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;Matrix: ex. 2x3 matrixB = 1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9; orB = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;A(1) = ? A (6) = ?

10、B(1,2) = ? B (1,:) = ? B(:,1) = ?Examples:11Operations of Arrays and MatrixesThe mathematical operations of array and matrix12Matlab FunctionsThe MATLAB functions13Flow control - selectionThe if-elseif-else constructionif elseif else endif height170 disp(tall)elseif height150 disp(small)else disp(av

11、erage)end14Logical expressionsRelational operators (compare arrays of same sizes)= =(equal to)= (not equal) (less than)(greater than)= (greater than or equal to)Logical operators (combinations of relational operators)&(and)|(or)(not)Logical functionsxorisemptyanyallif (x=0) & (x=10) disp(x is in ran

12、ge 0,10)else disp(x is out of range)end15Flow control - repetitionRepeats a code segment a fixed number of timesfor index= endThe are executed repeatedly.At each iteration, the variable index is assigneda new value from .for k=1:12 kfac=prod(1:k); disp(num2str(k), ,num2str(kfac)end16Example selectio

13、n and repetitionfunction y=fact(n)% FACT Display factorials of integers 1.nif nargin 1 error(No input argument assigned)elseif n eps error(Input must be an integer)endfor k=1:n kfac=prod(1:k); disp(num2str(k), ,num2str(kfac) y(k)=kfac;end;17Repetition: Animation demoThe function movie replays a sequ

14、ence of captured framesConstruct a movie of a 360 tour around the Matlab logo% logomovie make movie of 360 degree logo tour logo;no_frames=40;dtheta=360/no_frames;for frame = 1:no_frames, camorbit(dtheta,0) M(frame) = getframe(gcf);end% now display captured moviemovie(gcf,M);18Flow control condition

15、al repetitionwhile-loops are executed repeatedly as long as the evaluates to truewhile endk=1;while prod(1:k)=Inf, k=k+1; enddisp(Largest factorial in Matlab:,num2str(k-1);19Input and OutputX = input(enter your name,s)Y = input(enter your age,a)Disp(X)fprintf(fid,%6.2f n,y)20PlottingPolar plot: t=0:.01:2*pi; polar(t,abs(sin(2*t).*cos(2*t);Line plot:x=0:0.05:5;,y=sin(x.2);,plot(x,y); Stem plot: x = 0:0.1:4;, y = sin(x.2).*exp(-x); stem(x,y)


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