



1、牛津深圳版英语七年级下册Unit 5 WaterPeriod 2 Reading II & Listening 教学设计课题Unit 5 Period 2单元 Unit 5学科English年级7学习 目标Language knowledgeConsolidate the use of core vocabulary in the main reading chapter.In depth understanding of the details of the main reading chapter.Learn the article The journey of a coin.Langua

2、ge skillsListen to the tape repeatedly, understand the story and practice listening skills.Take the story text as the carrier, learn and remember the core words and phrases.Learning strategiesbe able to make reasonable inference based on the information in the text. Emotional attitudeEnhance the awa

3、reness of water conservation.重点Listen to the tape repeatedly, understand the story and practice listening skills.Take the story text as the carrier, learn and remember the core words and phrases.难点Learn the article The journey of a coin.教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图词汇复习Step 1. ReviewSay the words and phrases

4、 quickly.Fill the following table.Role-Play!Step 2. ComprehensionRead the story on page 59 and write the names of the different places.Read the story again and complete the answers to the questions below.Step 3. ActivityDiscuss: Do you think water is valuable? Why?Discuss it with your classmates.复习课

5、文所 学过的词汇 和对水的基 本认识。小组讨论。巩固核心单词和 短语,掌握水的 基本知识。深入理解课文内 容。提高合作能力, 增强对爱好与职 业关系的理解。讲授新课Step 1. Pre-listening1. Watch the video and talk about it.Water Cycle process:First, heat turns water into vapor (水蒸气).Second, a gas that rises through the air.Then, cold makes vapor condense to liquid.And, fall back d

6、own everywhere.Step 2. While-listeningOne day, Doras mother gave her a coin. It was a bit dirty, so Dora washed it. Then it started talking to Dora.Listen to the coins story. Then put the pictures in the correct order. Write the numbers 1-6 in the boxes.Listen to the recording again and answer the f

7、ollowing questions in short sentences.Dora wrote down the coins story in her diary. Listen to the story again and complete Doras diary below. Write one word in each blank.What does the coin look like when it was made?What happened before the coin was gave to the man?Where was the coin lost?Step 3. P

8、ost-listeningRead after the tapescript.Step 4. Activity.Choose T (true) or F (false).观看视频并 提出相关问 题,开展讨 论。反复听录音。朗读原文。随堂练习。用看视频的方式 吸引住学生的注 意力,激发他们 的兴趣并过渡到 新课。掌握听力技巧, 提高听力能力。深化学习文章内 容。加深印象,更加 理解听力内容。练习巩固Step 1. Practice1. Choose the correct answers.1 No more waiting for the bomb to.完成习题。日积月累掌握做题技巧。. dr

9、opsB. dropping C. dropMany people do not like the idea of onanimals.A. experiments B. experiment C. experimenter 3 water is much more conductive than freshwater is.A. AcidB.SaltC. SweetI could hearin the next room.A. voicesB.soundsC. noiseA large quantity of water is stored in the.A. reservoirsB.res

10、ervoirC. reserveThe raw sewage istreated.A. chemicalsB. chemical C. chemicallyStep 2. Homework.模仿录音的语音、语调,朗读补充阅读篇章。.背诵62页的文章。.以 uWater is valuable为题,写一篇短文 (不少于100字)。完成家庭作业。课后巩固。课堂小结Key points:.深入理解文章Water talks;.学习水循环的过程。. 学习文章 The journey of a coin。总结本课重 点。让学生系统地掌 握本课内容。版权声明21世纪教育网 (以下简称“本网站”)系属深圳市

11、二一教育 股份(以下简称“本公司”)旗下网站,为维护本公司合法权益,现依 据相关法律法规作出如下郑重声明:一、本网站上所有原创内容,由本公司依据相关法律法规,安排专项经费, 运营规划,组织名校名师创作完成,著作权归属本公司所有。二、经由网站用户上传至本网站的试卷、教案、课件、学案等内容,由本公 司独家享有信息网络传播权,其作品仅代表作者本人观点,本网站不保证其内容 的有效性,凡因本作品引发的任何法律纠纷,均由上传用户承当法律责任,本网 站仅有义务协助司法机关了解事实情况。三、任何个人、企事业单位(含教育网站)或者其他组织,未经本公司许可, 不得使用本网站任何作品及作品的组成局部(包括但不限于复制、发行、表演、 广播、信息网络传播、改编 汇编、翻译等方式),一旦发现侵权,本公司将联 合


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