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1、World Bank 世界银行 Ministry of Construction PRC 中国建立部Component B 部分Wastewater Utility Performance Study污水行业投资与运转研讨Wastewater Study Team污水工程组2005/06/21North China Water Quality Study Program中国北方城市水管理研讨工程.Wastewater Utility Performance Study污水行业投资与运转研讨Objectives 目的 - Improving Investment & Operation Effi

2、ciencies 提高投资和运转效率Approach 研讨方法 - General Investment Survey and Forecasting 总体投资分析和预测 - Identify Key Issues and Constraints 确认关键问题与制约要素 - Initiate Benchmarking System for WW Utilities 建立污水行业绩效评价系统Outputs 研讨成果 - Recommend Practical Options for Improvement 引荐实践可行的方案以提高投资和运转效率.Wastewater Utility Perfor

3、mance Study污水行业投资与运转研讨Study Geographic Area 研讨区域 - Northern China cities in 14 provinces / municipalities above Yangtze River 长江以北中国北方14个省/市Study Tasks 研讨义务 - Investment Survey and Forecasting 投资调研与预测 - Case Studies 案例分析 - Initiate Benchmarking System 建立绩效评价系统.Investment Survey & Forecasting 投资分析与预测

4、中国人民大学环境学院School of Environment and Natural ResourcesRenmin University of China马中 Ma ZhongJune 21,2005.Investment Survey & Forecasting 投资分析与预测Data Sources 资料来源:China Urban Construction Statistics YearbookIndexes 投资目的:Sewerage Fixed-asset Investment 排水固定资产投资Concentrated Sewage Treatment Rate 污水集中处置率

5、.Total Investment 投资总量:19982003Sewerage fixed-asset Investment in 14 Provinces: 49.05 Billion RMB北方十四省排水固定资产投资总额: 490.5亿元.2003年14省平均污水集中处置率:29.71% Average Concentrated Sewage Treatment Rate 2003 in 14 Provinces: 29.71%.14省污水处置投资与人均GDP: 2003Investment vs GDP per capita: 2003.污水处置投资和流域地理位置Investment v

6、s Location of Riverbasin.投资研讨发现Main Findings投资总量稳步增长 Steady Growth of Investment处置率不断提高 Increased Treatment rate有些城市超方案完成义务 Some cities over comply with the target.投资研讨发现Main Findings地域、城市间差别很大 Big Gaps between Cities投资相对集中在经济兴隆地域、大城市和流域下游 Capitals concentrate in developed regions, large cities and

7、down streams城市污水处置投资任重道远 Huge demands for the future.2021年投资预测Investment Forecasting: 2021新增污水处置才干: 亿元New Treatment Capacity:100 M RMB 目标实现程度低中高污水集中处理率(%)556065污水处理厂建设投资额(亿元)173.699226.599279.5.2021年新增污水管网投资: 亿元New Sewers upto 2021:100 M RMB 目标达到程度低中高污水集中处理率(%)556065污水管网投资额139.89 178.02216.27 .2004-

8、2021年污泥投资预测Sludge Treatment年份污泥处理投资(亿元)200479.39200581.69200683.99200786.29200888.59200990.89201093.19总计604.04.建议Recommendations基于各地十五的实践程度和十一五目的规划投资:如黑龙江和北京 Planning investments based on both the local reality in 2005 and targets in 2021根据商业资金、财政资金和国际资金的不同功能和性质规划投资 Planning investment in accordance

9、 with various roles & purposes of commercial, international and financial capitals.建议Recommendations以同时提高运转才干和处置才干为目的规划投资 Planning investments to promote both operational & treatment capacities结合价钱、税收、财政政策改革规划投资 Planning investment in association with ongoing pricing, taxation and fiscal policy refo

10、rm.建议Recommendations 国家的城市污水处置投资规划应充分思索各地经济开展程度、城市规模和流域上下游差别 More attention on the differences in economic development, citys size and locations of riverbasin.建议Recommendations城市污水处置投资规划该当与流域综合治理规划、污染控制规划相结合,特别留意同流域城市的投资和建立进度的同步,尤其是上下游城市污水处置设备投资和建立的协调 Integration in riverbasin planning and coordinat

11、ion with cities in same riverbasin十一五投资规划该当立足当地,照顾邻居,统筹流域,改善全国 Local base, neighbor care, watershed planning, country target.北方主要河流水质情况:类及以下水质Water Quality in Main North Rivers:IV and Worse黄河 Yellow River:2000年:28.6%2003年:69.2%,其中劣类水添加了13.6%淮河 Huai River:1998年:72%2003年:81.4% 海河 Hai River:1999年:58.5%

12、,类及劣类水一共为49.7%2003年:类及以下水质上升到了78.5%,仅劣类水就占到53.9%。 注:数据来源:,1999-2004年。.污水处置投资与城市规模Investment vs Cities Size城市类别超大城市特大城市大城市中等城市小城市污水集中处理率(%)42.6241.7719.3618.0715.66.Wastewater Utility Performance Study污水行业投资与运转研讨Case Study案例分析(1/12) Objectives 目的To identify the key issues and constraints inhibiting i

13、nvestment and operation efficiencies through detailed case studies 经过详细的案例分析识别制约投资和运转效率的关键问题和限制要素Case Study Cities 案例分析城市 9 cities with 11 WWTPs selected at different locations and populations in Hai & Huai River Basins 淮河流域和海河流域不同地域和人口规模的9 个城市的11个污水处置厂 Tianjin (天津), Shijiazhuang (石家庄) ( 2 million 百

14、万) Handan (邯郸), Huainan (淮南), Tangshan (唐山) (1 2 million 百万) Bengbu (蚌埠), Fuyang (阜阳) (0.5-1.0 million 百万) Luan (六安) (0.2 0.5 million百万) Guoyang (涡阳) (0.2 million) .Wastewater Utility Performance Study污水行业投资与运转研讨Case Study案例分析(2/12) Case Studies in 2001 2001年研讨案例分析9 cities with 16 WWTPs selected cou

15、ntrywide 在全国范围内调研了9个城市的16个污水处置厂 .Wastewater Utility Performance Study污水行业投资与运转研讨Case Study 案例分析 (3/12) 11WWTPs visited in 2005 2005年调研的11个污水处置厂8 OXD 100 to 150 kcu m/d2 AS 160-260 kcu m/d 1 CASS 100 kcu m/day 16 WWTPs visited in 2001 2001年研讨案例分析3 OXD 100 to 150kcu m/d4 A/O 100 to 200 kcu m/d2 A2/O 1

16、00 to 300 kcu m/d1 A/B 80 kcu m/d1 SBR 150 kcu m/d1 BIO 120 kcu m/d 8 个氧化沟工艺 10万- 15万 m3/天 2 个活性污泥法 16万-26万 m3/天 1 个CASS工艺 10万 m3/天 3 个氧化沟工艺 10万- 15万 m3/天 4 个A/O工艺 10万- 20万 m3/天 2 个A2/O工艺 10万- 30万 m3/天 1 个A/B工艺 8万 m3/天 1 个SBR工艺 15万 m3/天 1 个BIO工艺 12万 m3/天.Wastewater Utility Performance Study污水行业投资与运转

17、研讨Case Study 案例分析 (4/12) Methodology of Case Study 研讨方法Questionnaires distributed and collected 分发调查询询表Interviews and site visits conducted 现场调研Performance Indicators (PI) used for assessment of WWTP and WWC performance 运用绩效目的分析污水公司和污水处置厂的运转.Wastewater Utility Performance Study污水行业投资与运转研讨Case Study

18、案例分析 (5/12) Findings 调查结果Nutrient removal problematic at 5 of 23 WWTPs, 3 WWTPs in non-compliance for class II discharge standards 23个污水处置厂之中有5个氮磷去除尚未达标,3个污水处置厂尚未到达国家二级排放规范Average hydraulic loading for 23 WWTPs at 70% of design capacity nonworking capital USD100-200m 23个污水处置厂的水力负荷约为设计才干的70%-闲置固定资产约为

19、1-2亿美圆Nearly all sludge dewatered and sent to landfill 污泥处置工艺根本采用脱水后填埋处置.Wastewater Utility Performance Study污水行业投资与运转研讨Case Study 案例分析 (6/12) Findings (continued) 调查结果续30% or 7 of 23 WWTPs receiving low strength influent with BOD80mg/l as low as 30mg/l 30% 或23个污水处置厂中的7个进水水质浓度低于设计规范,BOD or average超越

20、平均值2倍的规范偏向较好.Wastewater Utility Performance Study污水行业投资与运转研讨Benchmarking System 绩效评价系统 (3/14)Performance Indicator绩效指标City/WWC城市/污水公司WWTP污水处理厂Environmental PI 环境指标Personnel PI 人员指标Physical PI 物理指标Operational PI 运行指标Quality of Service PI 服务质量指标Financial PI 财务指标Total 总计4 6 114593955616.Wastewater Util

21、ity Performance Study污水行业投资与运转研讨Benchmarking System 绩效评价系统 (4/14)Key PI Comparisons主要绩效目的比较 PI 11.6 - WW Operating Costs PI 11.6 单位营业费用.Wastewater Utility Performance Study污水行业投资与运转研讨Benchmarking System 绩效评价系统 (5/14)Key PI Comparisons主要绩效目的比较PI 12.6 Staff WW Pop Served PI 12.6 任务人员/排水效力人口 .Wastewate

22、r Utility Performance Study污水行业投资与运转研讨Benchmarking System 绩效评价系统 (6/14)Key PI Comparisons主要绩效目的比较PI wPh3 Treatment Utilization (%/year) PI wPh3 二级污水处置厂利用率 (%/年).Wastewater Utility Performance Study污水行业投资与运转研讨Benchmarking System 绩效评价系统 (7/14)Key PI Comparisons主要绩效目的比较PI wEn6 Sludge Production (KgDS/1

23、000 p e) PI wEn6 人均污泥产量 (Kg干重/1000 p.e).Wastewater Utility Performance Study污水行业投资与运转研讨Benchmarking System 绩效评价系统 (8/14)Key PI Comparisons主要绩效目的比较PI wOp44 WW Quality Tests (#/month) PI wOp44 水质检测频率 (#/月).Wastewater Utility Performance Study污水行业投资与运转研讨Benchmarking System 绩效评价系统 (9/14)Key PI Compariso

24、ns主要绩效目的比较PI 24.1 Working RatioPI 24.1 运营资金比率.Wastewater Utility Performance Study污水行业投资与运转研讨Benchmarking System 绩效评价系统 (10/14)Key PI International Comparisons绩效目的国际比较PI 2.1 Sewage Coverage PI 2.1 排水普及率.Wastewater Utility Performance Study污水行业投资与运转研讨Benchmarking System 绩效评价系统 (11/14)Key PI International Comparisons绩效目的国际比较 PI 17.1 Wastewater Treatment PI 17.1 污水处置.Wastewater Utility Performance Study污水行业投资与运转研讨Benchmarking System 绩效评价系统 (12/14)Key PI International Comparisons绩效目的国际比较 PI 24.1 Working Ratio PI 24.1 运营资金比率.Wastewater Utility Performance Study污


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