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1、Locomotor System运动系统Department of anatomyLuzhou medical college椎骨:24块骶骨:1块尾骨:1块胸骨:1块肋:12对躯干骨一、椎骨 颈椎:7块 胸椎:12块腰椎:5块骶骨1块(骶椎5)尾骨1(尾椎34)1椎骨的一般形态 椎体Vertebral body 椎弓:突起Vertebral arch 棘突Spinous process 横突Transverse process 关节突Articular process 椎孔椎管 椎间孔 Vertebral foramen/canal, Intervertebral foramen椎体椎弓根上

2、关节突椎孔横突椎弓板棘突棘突横突椎体上关节突下关节突Vertebrae2各部椎骨的主要特征 上关节突横突棘突棘突横突上肋凹下肋凹上关节突横突肋凹下关节突 (1)胸椎Thoracic vertebrae 肋凹costal foveae (facets) 椎体肋凹与肋头相关节。 横突肋凹与肋结节相关节。棘突较长,向后下方倾斜,呈叠瓦状排列。横突孔椎体上关节突椎弓椎孔棘突(2)颈椎Cervical vertebrae 颈椎有横突孔Transverse foramen 椎体较小第26颈椎棘突短而分叉前结节横突孔上关节凹后弓前弓后结节椎孔第1颈椎寰椎Atlas 椎动脉沟前弓后弓侧块齿突凹椎动脉沟 齿突凹

3、棘突齿突上关节面横突孔椎弓椎孔第2颈椎枢椎Axis齿突Dens第7颈椎隆椎 下关节突椎体椎弓根上关节突横突椎体钩棘突Cervical Vertebrae上关节突 椎体 横突 椎弓根 椎弓板 棘突 椎孔 椎体 棘突 下关节突 上关节突 横突 (3)腰椎Lumbar vertebrae椎体大棘突短,呈宽板状,水平方向后伸。棘突间隙较宽,可作腰椎穿刺术。无横突孔、无肋凹骶前孔岬横线尾骨骶后孔尾骨骶管骶角耳状面骶管裂孔上关节突(4)骶骨Sacrum 岬 骶前孔骶后孔骶管骶角 骶管裂孔 (5)尾骨Coccyx 由34块退化的尾椎长合而成。上接骶骨,下端游离为尾骨尖。 Sacral cornu胸骨柄胸骨体

4、 剑突 二 胸骨Sternum 胸骨角:是胸骨柄与胸骨体连接处形成的微向前突的横行隆起,其两侧平对第二肋,是计数肋骨序数的重要标志。它还平对第4胸椎体下缘。胸骨柄颈静脉切迹胸骨角第二肋切迹胸骨角胸骨体剑突锁切迹The manubrium posteriorly-angled joints with the body and forms the sternal angle, which is a major surface landmark used by clinicians in performing physical examinations of the thorax. Sternum

5、consists of the manubrium, body and xiphoid process. 三 肋rib数目:共12对17对 真肋 810对 假肋 1112对 浮肋构成: 肋骨+肋软骨第一肋:上面有斜角肌结节和锁骨下动、静脉沟。肋骨的形态特点肋头、肋颈和肋结节内、外侧面和肋沟Anteriorly, the costal cartilages of ribs I to VII articulate with the sternum.The costal cartilages of ribs VIII to X articulate with the inferior margins

6、 of the costal cartilages above them. Ribs XI and XII are called floating ribs because they do not articulate with other ribs, costal cartilages, or with sternum. Their costal cartilages are small, only covering their tips. 躯干骨的连结脊 柱胸 廓椎间盘棘上韧带棘间韧带前纵韧带椎弓根后纵韧带棘突椎间孔1.椎骨间的连结2.脊柱的整体观(一)脊柱vertebral column

7、The articulation of the bones of the trunkVertebral column1.椎骨间的连结 (1)椎体间的连结 1)椎间盘Intervertebral disc 纤维环 髓核椎间盘髓核纤维环椎弓根椎间孔髓核纤维环Intervertebral discs椎间盘突出椎间盘前纵韧带后纵韧带前纵韧带后纵韧带2)韧带前纵韧带防止脊柱过度后伸和椎间盘向前脱出后纵韧带限制脊柱过度前屈棘上韧带棘间韧带椎弓根棘突关节突关节韧带关节(2)椎弓间的连结 椎弓根黄韧带Ligamenta Flava 黄韧带Ligmentum of flava 围成椎管,限脊柱过屈棘间韧带 棘上

8、韧带:颈部称项韧带横突间韧带 关节突关节黄韧带项韧带横突关节突关节The joint of articular processInterspinous ligamentIntertransverse ligamentAnterior longit. lig.Interspinous ligamentPosterior longit. lig.Supraspinous ligament(3)寰椎与枕骨及枢椎的关节1)寰枕关节Atlantooccipital joint 2)寰枢关节:Atlantoaxial joint 寰枢外侧关节 寰枢正中关节 寰枢关节韧带:齿突尖韧带 翼状韧带寰椎横韧带覆膜

9、 2.脊柱整体观及其功能(1)脊柱的整体观 1)脊柱前面观 2)脊柱后面观 3)脊柱侧面观:有4个生理性弯曲(颈曲、胸曲、腰曲和骶曲)。(2)脊柱的功能1)支持、保护功能 2)运动功能:可作屈、伸、侧屈、旋转和环转运动。 Vertebral column as a whole Four curvesThe movements of the vertebral columnFlexion & extension; Lateral flexions; Rotation; Circumduction(二) 胸廓 Thoracic cage 胸椎12 、肋12对、胸骨11.肋椎关节Costoverte

10、bral joint (1)肋头关节(2)肋横突关节 肋头关节肋横突关节肋骨Synchondrosisby hyaline2.胸肋关节 胸廓上口Inlet 3.胸廓的整体观及其运动胸廓上口较小 胸骨柄上缘 第1对肋 第1胸椎椎体Superior thoracic aperture (Inlet)It consists of the body of vertebra TI posteriorly, the medial margin of rib I on each side, and the superior border of the manubrium anteriorly. The po

11、sterior margin of the superior thoracic aperture is superior to the anterior margin. Consequently, the plane of the superior thoracic aperture is at an oblique angle, facing somewhat anteriorly. 胸廓下口宽而不整 第12胸椎 第12及第11对肋前端 左、右肋弓 剑突 胸廓下口Outlet 胸肋关节The inferior thoracic aperture (Outlet)The body of T. vertebra XII posteriorly; The rib XII and the distal end of rib XI posterolaterally; The distal cartilaginous ends of ribs VII to X, which unite to form the costal arches


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