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1、第 PAGE43 页 共 NUMPAGES43 页2022五年级英语寒假作业答案参考最最新文档五年级英语寒假作业答案1第一页Read,match and write1.How many desks are there?2.Is there a pen on the desk?3.What colour is the board?4.Put your book in your schoolbag.Study happilyT T F F F第三页read and write1-5 eraser brown in front of curtain twoStudy happilyA three s

2、even are four fiveB A eight B A B第五页Warn upshirt shorts sweater dress cardiganblouse tie skirt shoes trainers jeansStudy happilyAThis is Bob.He can swim and play football.He cant play the piano.This is Sue.She can ride a horse and ski.She cant roller blade.This is Ted.He can roller blade and play ta

3、ble tennis.He cant ski.B第一排 第二个 ; 第二排 第三个 打。Know moreA B A A A第七页Warn upfloor curtains light door window board desk chairStudy happilyA1.Its half past eleven.2.Its half past two.3.Its one twelve.4.Its half past seven.Know morepoliceman; a hat ,a coat,trousers and shoes; nice/ugly ;like/dontlike.cook

4、; a hat, a shirt,trousers and shoes; nice/ugly ;like/dont.第九页read and write1-4 thirty ; ten ; twenty ; a hundred; 5-8 si_ty ; thirty-five; four ;fifty-one。Study happilyA1-5 yellow turn books is here 6-10 Is an are classroom PutB read and writeA: Good morning.B: Good morning.A: One milk.B: Its 43P.A:

5、 Two cakes, please.B: They are 64p.A: Here you are.B:Thank you.A: Goodbye.B: Bye-bye.Know more1-5 si_ty; twenty-four; four year; seven; twelve.第十一页read and writeplay table tennis; play the piano; stand on your head; play football.swim; roller blade;ski;ride a horse.Study happilyAC EB AB1.What colour

6、 is your shirt?2.Put on your jeans.3.Is this Toms tie?4.What a beautiful cap!5.Do you like the blue shoes?第十三页Look and writesi_teen, twemty-eight; thirty; fifty, eighty; si_teen,fourteen;si_teen.Study happilyA1.Tom cant roller blade.2.Can you plau football?3.Lisa can ski well.BThere is a blackboard

7、in my classroom.There is a puter in my classroom.There are 26 desks in my classroom.There are 26 chairs in my classroom.I like my classroom.第十五页Warn updoor; chair; window; floorboard; desk; curtians; light1.door 2.light 3.floor 4.desk.Study happilyA1.Do you like my new uniform?2.Peter is wearing a b

8、rown cap.3.I like chocolate very much.4.I am wearing a white shirt.5.Andy is 4 years old.BI can play table tennis, play football, roller blade, swim, play the pianoand ride a horse.I cant stand on my head, ride a horse, ski.Know moreA B B A第十七页read and writebehind; curtains; desk; eraser; floor ; on

9、 ; purple; shoes; twelve;under.Study happilyA1.Put the schoolbag behind the curtains.2.Put the book on the desk.3.Put it on the board.BFBA DECKnow morec b d a第二十一页Look and writeplay the piano; play football; swimski; play table tennis ;ride a bike.Study happilyA1.Can you play table tennis?2.How many

10、 boys are there in your class?3.Have you got a blue cap?4.What colour is your sweater?5.Do you like roller blading?BBKnow more第1.4.6题 打第二十三页1-5 shirt ; socks ; tie ; trainers ; sweater.shirtStudy happilyASandy; class one; 26;11;15; English; Mrs Lopes; the songsBAmerica; apples and oranges; bananas;A

11、ustralia; rabbit and hamster;cat.第二十五页read and write the wordstwenty; eighty; thirtyeleven; si_ty; fortyseventy; hundred;niy;fiftyStudy happilyA1.I watch TV at half past nine.2.I go to bed at half past ten.BMrs white; Little Andy; Miss Jane; Mrs John; Mr Black.Miss Jane is the thief.第二十七页1-5 pencil;

12、 short; sweater; chair; cap.Study happilyAcurtains; forty; sweater; behind; light.fifteen; tie; cardigan; thirty; board.B1-5 C D A B D第二十九页Study happilyAa pink floor; a brown hair; a green curtain;a yellow window; a red door; a purple desk.BB B A B B智慧之冠cat; rat; hat; bat; boat; coat; great.第三十一页Stu

13、dy happilyA1-5 behind; windows; three; front; under.第三十三页warn up1.are; chairs; the.2.is; mouse; the.3.are; books; the.4.pens; 5.some;pencil; 6.any; pens; the.Study happilyA18 eighteen 27 twenty-seven 36 thirty-si_ 45 forty-five54 fifty-four 63 si_ty-three 72 seventy-two 81 eighty-oneB1.thirty-one po

14、int si_ 2.ten 3.one, two, three第三十五页warn up1.How many desks are there?2.There is a blue bag on the desk.3.How much is it?Study happilyBlive; year; sport; music; swim; piano; April; colour; Saturday; eight;milk; dog; name; love.第三十七页warn up1-4 Have; colour; in front of ; behind5-8 many; live; much; t

15、hirty-fiveStudy happilyA2651437 3614752Bthe songs best; Toby best; song; Butterfly; clever; active.第三十九页Study happilyB1.Theyre green.2.Its in front of the window.3.Its in the book.4.Pit is behind the door, and he is sleeping under the tree.第四十一页warn up He can ride a bike. Yes, he can.Study happilyB1

16、.I can play table tennis.2.I can roller blade.3.I cant play football.4.I cant stand on my head.know more新年 Jan.1 妇女节Mar.8 愚人节Apr.1 劳动节 May 1第四十三页warn up1.Mike can play football.He cant swim.He cant play the piano.2.Lisa can play table tennis.She can roller blade.She cant swim.3.Peter can ski.He cant

17、 play football.He cant play table tennis.Study happilyB1.arrow, drive, green, head, horse, play, ride, swim.2.apple, bike, duck, football, jeans, new, tea, schoolbag.C1-3 head; he; play.五年级英语寒假作业答案2一、 B A A B C二、 A B A A B三、 2 1 5 4 3一、 D C B A D二、 have was about and in三、 go ffice ragon ist mail四、 A

18、 B C B A五、 1.Its too big for you .2.She had sausages and eggs .(sausages和eggs可换位置)3.Where are you going to go ?4.Its in the north of China .5.Sam ate si_ hamburgers .六、E C B D A七、 15 ABCAA(A)610 BCCAA (B) 1115 ACBAA(A) 1620 FFTFT (B) 2125 CBCEA(A) 3135 CBAED(C) 41.打排球 42.听音乐 43.在那边 44.in the classro

19、om 45.go to school4650 CCBAC 5155 CCCAB(A) 5660 ACBCB (B) 6165 DBFAC66.(A) 7175 TFTFF(B) 76.Barby is a dog.77.They live in a small flat.78.No,he doesnt.79.Three./There are three people in Michaels family.80.Barby can play tennis and football with him.五年级英语寒假作业答案3P1II.short new small short fat happy

20、oldP2IV.D E H G B A C FP3.II.B D C C D CP4V.D E C B AP5II.A B B A C AIII.1.Where are from 2.Is she 3.is notP6IV.B B B BP7I1.这张照片是来自我们家庭的2.一个快乐的家庭3.收拾起你的东西4.一个好主意5.今天的报纸6.做一个工作服给我7.看着很伟大8.他的工作是帮助人们9.来自10.在未来P8IV.E I F D C G B H A JP9III.C E A B DP10IV.B A A C CP11II.B G L H E D C I F J K AIII.1.P12V.

21、1.There are four2.They are both students3.She is eleven4.He is an English teacher5.She is a nurse6.Yes,they do7.Yes,she doesP13II.D B C D C DIII.2 3 4 1IV.C C C A B B CP14VI.1.Yes,she does.2.She is a reportor.3.She likes dancing.4.Lucys cup.5.No,it isnt.P15I.III.A B C BP16快乐知识吧1、 玩游戏2、 踢足球3、 弹钢琴4、 播

22、放CD 足球运动员 操场 游戏室 剧场 游戏时间P17II.A A B C A C C A B C A BIII.P18IV.B B A B BP19I.B C A C C A C C C CII.C B B A C A A C B B B A C C BP20III.G A H E J B F I C DIV.5 2 4 3 1V.1、错 2、错 3、对 4、错 5、对P21VI.E I A H C D B G J FP22VII.1、错 2、错 3、错 4、对 5、对P23I.E A F H B I C J D GII.B A C B C B C A C AP24III.D I A F G

23、 B H E J CIV.1、9、10、2、3、7、5、8、6、4V.1.elephant 2.peaches 3.watermelon 4.workerP25VI.noseVII.1.E G A F D C B H2.F B A G C E DP27II.A C A B B C C A B CIII.A组:B C E A D B组:I F J H GIV.A组:C B A D E B组:I F H G JP28V.C A E B DVI.B D C AP29VIII.B E F C D A H J I GI_.Twelve England postman pany motherP301、对

24、2、错 3、错 4、对 5、对五年级英语寒假作业答案4Module1Unit 11.F T F T F2.swing slide duck pond3.N B B B B N4.A B C B B B B5.1)You were in China for two years.2) There werent any swings herebefore.3) Do you like the park now? 4) Lets go to feed the ducks.5) Does London look different now?6.1)Yes, it does.2) No, there we

25、rent.3)Yes,there was.4) Yes,there is.5)Yes, there are.6) Yes, they can.7)Yes, she does.7.(A) a pear(B) a ball ( B) two kites(C) a teddy bear (C) a toy carUnit 21.1)Yes, there were.2)No, there werent.3)Yes, there are.4) Yes, there was.5) No,there wasnt.6)Yes, there is.2.1)there were 2)There are 3) Th

26、ere is 4)There was 5)There wasnt6)There is 7) There is 8) There werent3.1) There is a big playground now.2)There were lots of little flowers here before.3)There weret any trees in the park.4)There were small desks in the classroom before.4.at are is on was your desks5.2) There is a bed in Room B now

27、.3)There werent pencils in room C before.There are some pencils in Room C now.6.1)You werent in China for two years.2)Is this park different?3) Yes, we do.4) Is there a big playground?Module2Unit 11.FFFTT T2 AAAAA3.ABBBABCA4.1) We are going to go to the supermarket.2) There are many sweets overthere

28、.3)Is this one heavy? 4) Let me help you.5) What a big supermarket.5.2) The car is new.3) The boy is naughty.4) What a cute panda.5) What a clean classroom.6) What helpful children!Unit 21.heavy country sometimes restaurants different2.(略)3.big different from CDs restaurants people4.2 4 3 6 1 55.cit

29、ies babies libraries candies stories factories6.1) She is doing shopping with Mum.2)She is helpful.3) The supermarket is big.4) No, she isnt.5) She wants some sweets and cakes.6) They are going to buy a T-shirt for Dad.7.there many rice seat near tallModule 3Unit1.Halloween autumn clothes hats house

30、s sweets2 .1)万圣节 2)真正的 3)节日4)吓人的 5)面具 6)糖果3.B C C A B A4.1) Children wear scary clothes.2) Look at the hats and the masks.3)Then the people give them sweets.4) Children wear scary clothes5.scary clothes peoples houses people Whooooo sweets6.1) Yes, it is.2)No,it isnt.3)Yes,they do.4) No, they arent.

31、5) Yes, I do.Unit 21.复活节 万圣节 圣诞节 母亲节新年 教师节 儿童节2.H E E H H E3.2) There are flowers on the hat.3) Those eggs are big.4) They are Easter hats.4.TTTF5.1) When 2) Where 3) What4) What 5) How many 6) WhatModule4Unit11.F T T F T2.together birthday cakedance invitation tidy3.B A C B A4.Its an invitation to

32、my birthday party.What are you going to do?Were going to have lunch together.Then were going to play with Amysnew toys.5.going have birthday forplay toys help me6.He is going to play the flute.He is going to dance.Whats Lucy going to do at the party?What are you going to do at theparty?Unit 21.4 2 1

33、 8 5 7 6 32.来 路 回复 十月 星期六3.February March April MayAugust September October November4.根据自己情况写October September June6.Lingling is going to be twelve.Please e to her party.At: (West Lake Road), BeijingOn: Wednesday, 3rd of NovemberFrom two oclockTo four oclockPlease reply.聚沙成塔: I am a monkey.Module 5U

34、nit 11.matter wear hers minethere wet whose mine1.youryours herhers hishis our ours3.wantswantT-shirtshersherWhose4.A B C C B5. This T-shirt is mine. This hat is hers. That dog is his. These pencils are yours.6.Its Amys.Its hers. Its Amys.Its hers. Whose yoyo is it? -Whose doll is it?-Its Amys.Its h

35、ers.Unit 21.AmydresswetSamshoesdirty, wetLinglingshirtdirty2.rain home dirty skirt laugh dress3.Dashans shoes arent dirty._iaoyongs shirt isnt short.The man isnt young.The bo_es arent small.The policeman isntshort.4.A C B A B5.T T F F T期中自我测试1.4 6 2 3 5 12.b b b a b a3.mine lift countries crying duc

36、ks pond4.B B B C B D5.C C A B B C A C B B6.his; mine; hers; yours; hersThere was; There are; There are; There werebig; sell; from; also; Sometimes7. Then people give them sweets.Sam wants to wear my pants . Does London look different?/ What a tall boy! Please help me put the bags in the car.8.C D B

37、A E9.Christmas-A C G Easter-B E I Halloween-D F H10.F T T F T五年级英语寒假作业答案5一、Listen and choose(听录音, 选出跟录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里 )(每小题1分,共10分)B1、My favourite food is potatoes.A 2、My puter is tall and smart.A 3、My brother can water the flowers.A 4、Can you cook the meals? Yes, I can.A 5、I cant make the b

38、ed, but Id like to have a try.A 6、Whats your music teacher like?Shes tall and strong.C 7、Whats in your bedroom?There is a bed and an air-conditioner.B 8、What do you have on Tuesday?We have Chinese, English and music.C 9、What would you like for dinner today?Id like fish, pork and cabbage.C 10、What do

39、 you often do in the afternoon?I often play the piano in the afternoon.二、Listen and judge 听录音, 判断句子或图片的是否与录音内容相符, 相符的在相应题号下的括号内 打“” , 不相符的打“”(每小题1分,共10分) 1.I can wash the clothes.2.My grandma is old but kind.3.Look at my music teacher.Hes short and strong.4.My like bananas best.5.There is a lake in the park.6.Waht can you do at home?I can empty the trash at home.7.What do you have for lunc


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