外研版(一起)英语一年级下册 Module 4 Unit 1 This is my head. 教案_第1页
外研版(一起)英语一年级下册 Module 4 Unit 1 This is my head. 教案_第2页
外研版(一起)英语一年级下册 Module 4 Unit 1 This is my head. 教案_第3页
外研版(一起)英语一年级下册 Module 4 Unit 1 This is my head. 教案_第4页




1、新标准一起第二册Module4 UnitlThis is my head.教学内容This is my/your head.head mouth nose face eye ear教学目标能用英语谈论身体部位。能够听懂:This is my(your) headfacenosemoutheyeear.能够按指令做出反应。能用This is 介绍自己或他人的身体部位,如:This is my head.That is your face.教学重难点重点:1.身体部位的单词 head, face, ear, eye, nose, mouth2.描述身体的句子:This is my/your 难点:

2、对于物主代词my, your的理解和应用。Free talkLets begin our class. Good morning, children!How are you?Whats this? What color is it?How many?Point to the window please.Whats this? Where is the .?MY & YOURChildren, Km going to show you one thing.(神秘):Its in my box. Whats this? Can you guess?Ss: Is it a .?T: Look, it

3、s a ball. What color is it?It/s orange.T: Children, this is a ball. Its my ball. So I say (BB:)This is my ball.And your thing? Would you like to show me, and tell me: This is my.This is my .This is my.T: Oh, this is your.This is my .T: Children, I said: This is your.Whats the meaning of your?(你的)Fol

4、low me: my yourThis is my.This is your.T: Now, let/s go on! This is my ball. And your thing?This is my .T 对全体:Lets say: This is your.Go on: S5, S6New lessonNow its draw time. Km going to draw something on the blackboard, and youre going to guess: Is it a .?Its a head, (ppt-BBreadchant)(2)T: Children

5、, this is a head, this is a face, (show the card-Point to your face-. Face-Head-Face-Head-BB.)(3)T: Its only a face, theres nothing on the face. Can you help me to draw something on the face? Eye-nose-mouth-earMouth:超链接Eye&ear区别:超链接Nose: 折叠卡片:no, se pronounce z,not s练习:Look at this face, this is .Lo

6、ok at the words: Can you read?Play the flyswatterheadfaceThis is myeyeThis is yournosemouthGuide into the dialoguelLook at the screen, Sam and Darning are playing a game. What does the Ss say? Lets watch.Touch your nose.BB: Touch your nose.(3)T 发布命令:Now, show me your hand, touch your nose, touch you

7、r.Now lets play this game like Sam and Darning. Who wants to come here and play? Ill show you a card, then you say: touch the .Guide into the dialogue2Look ,who is he? (Panpan)Is Panpan a dog? Is he a cat? No, he is a panda.How many pandas? Two.This is little panda.What does Panpan say? Listen.This

8、is my head.And now?This is my eye and this is your eye.Panpan is a teacher now. He is teaching little panda head, eye, and what else? Lets watch the cartoon. And please circle the words.PPT1: What did you circle? Who will tell us?(学生一边说教师一边 把黑板上的单词圈圈)You did very well. And now lets read after little

9、 panda. (My .)T: And one more. ( And this is my body.可能学生会说出)Read : body, this is my body, (Ss: This is your body.) This ismy/yourr.PPT3: Chant: my yourNow please listen to the dialogue, try to imitate ,and find my and your(生边读边圈,可以不反馈。)Listen, read and circle my and your.PracticeNow children, look

10、at me! Im Panpan.(戴头饰)Who wants to be little panda? Teacher act the dialogue with a student.Practice in pairs and show.Now play this game with your partner. Show one pair.(4)教师指着黑板上的脸:look, this is a head. Do you want to draw your head on the blackboard and introduce it? 上来位同学,教 师为他蒙上眼睛,师生一起指挥他画出自己的脸。然后请他来 介绍。Play this game with your friend.SummaryWhat have you learned this class?(2)德育渗透:Children, someone has big face, someone h


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