外研版(一起)英语六年级下册 Module7 Unit 1 My father flew into space in Shenzhou V. (2)教案_第1页
外研版(一起)英语六年级下册 Module7 Unit 1 My father flew into space in Shenzhou V. (2)教案_第2页
外研版(一起)英语六年级下册 Module7 Unit 1 My father flew into space in Shenzhou V. (2)教案_第3页
外研版(一起)英语六年级下册 Module7 Unit 1 My father flew into space in Shenzhou V. (2)教案_第4页




1、新标准英语一年级起点六年级下册Module? Unitl My father flew into space in Shenzhou V.教学设计内容单元标题Module 7 Unit 1课时标题My father flew into space in Shenzhou V.教学 要素学标 教目Understand and read the text of Module 7, Unit 1.Grasp the drills: words(spend, excited, video, proud) and sentences(In October2003,Shenzhou flew into s

2、pace. He wanted to go into space. Then his dream came true. He spent about 21 hours in space.)Grasp the verb words and talk about them.重点Listen, say, read and write: spend, excited, video, proudGrasp the verb words and sentences:InOctober2003,Shenzhou flew into space. He wanted to go into space. The

3、n his dream came true. He spent about 21 hours in space.难点Talk about the simple past tense with the main verb words.课型方式要素组合方式课时one lesson教学 步骤作点方策 操要与法略时段操作流程Warm Up 艺术导入听说3 minSing a song and greetings. Here is a present for you.T: Ive got a present for you. Listen and guess. What is it?It can fly

4、 very high. It can fly into space.Ss: Ifs a spaceship.Presentation小组学习 分享互动 导学提升想看 听说 做20 minT: ( Draw a spaceship )Today were going to learn M7 UI.Ifs about spaceship. Spell: spaceshipT: P38.1. Lefs watch the cartoon about spaceship.Then tell me: What can you see / hear?Is it their first spaceship?

5、 Where did he fly to?Ss: Answer and read the dialogue.(3)T: Now Til introduce a famous man to you.Hes a hero. He flew into space in 2003.Guess! Whos he?Ss: Hes Yang Liwei.T: ( Show Yang Liwei) Can you say sth about Yang Liwei? Whats he like? What did he do?Ss: He5s from Liaoning. Hes 168 cm tall.Fir

6、st he became a polite. Then he became a taikonaut.He made a video. Its about his space travel.He worked very hard at school.T: P38.2. Today lefs learn more about Yang Liwei.Lefs watch the cartoon. Then tell me.What can you see / hear?Who are in the story? How do they feel?Were they happy? Was the bo

7、y proud of his father?Answer the questions.T: ( Show questions ) Read and underline the keywords.When did Yang Liwei fly into space?How long did he spend in space?What did he do there?Find the answers. Then share.T: Listen and repeat. Read the text.Fve got two tasks for you.Read and dub the story in

8、 four.Retell the story.You can use the keywords on the board.T: Take out your paper. Exercise 1.Write a story about Yang Liwei.Share in pairs. Then show.T: Lefs watch the video about Shenzhou V.How do you feel? Do you want to go into space?Ss: Yes.T: Study hard, maybe one day your dreams will come t

9、rue.Consolidation and extension 实践运用看听 说做15 minT: Write about your dream. Ss: Write, share and show.HomeworkFor todays homework.1. Read and copy M7 UI. 2. Tell the story about Yang Liwei. 3. Talk about your dreams with your friends.At last, Ive got a proverb for you. Study hard. My dream will come true.Bl


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