



1、Unit3 It was there!教案第一步:观看视频,总体复习本课内容。 HYPERLINK http:/ http:/ Day, watch a running race, take some photos, looking for, a moment ago, in my pocket, just now, pick up, on the ground, a video recorder, a mobile photo, a pair of glasses, a roll of film, a CD Walkman, in front of句型:Wheres your mobile

2、photo? Its next to the lamp.It isnt there now. It was there a moment ago.Where are your earphones? Theyre next to the books.They arent there now. They were there a moment ago.语法:一般过去时(be)型: 表示过去某一时间存在的状态.1. 动词be的过去式:is/amwas arewere2. 基本句型:a.肯定句:主语was/ were其他b.否定句:主语was/ were not其他c.一般疑问句: Was/ Were

3、主语其他 Yes, 主语 was/ were. No , 主语 was/ were not.d.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词was/ were主语其他第三步:学生自由复习,准备默写第四步:默写单词,句型。第五步:完成习题PPT补全句子1.五年前我是一名学生。 I _ a student five _ _ .2. 昨天你在家吗? _ you at home _ ?3.这本书刚刚在课桌上得。 This book _ on the desk _ _ .4.上周Kate 在哪? _ _ Kate _ week?5.他们片刻前是在地上吗?_ they _ the ground _ ?单项选择:1.The bo

4、ys are _ the running race in the playground. A. seeing B. looking C. watching2. Mike _ to play basketball now. A. wanted B.wants C. wanting 3.Today is _ . A. Sports day B. Sports Day C. Sport Day 4. Where were they a moment ago ? _ A. They were in the box B. They are in the box C. It was in the box5

5、.Can you pick up the rubber_ me? A. from B. To C. for6. Mike is looking _ his camera. A. up B. for C. after7. The running race is very _ and all the students are very_ .A. exciting;excited B. excited; exciting C. exciting; exciting 8. Lets_ football now. A. play B. Playing C. to play9. Can I have_ ,

6、 please? A. they B. their C. them10. Where _ your earphones? A. is B. are C. Were11. This pair of glasses _ you. A. is to B. is for C. are for12. What would you like ? _. A. I like some milk B. I like singing C. Some milk句型转换: 1. Id like a mask as my birthday present.(对划线提问) _ would _ like _ _ birth

7、day present? 2. The film were in the bag.(对划线提问) the film? 3. There were glasses on the desk just now.(变为单数) There _ _ _ of glasses on the desk just now. 4. Please give the camera to the man.(同义句) Please give the _ _ _.情境搭配: A B 1. Whens your birthday? A. Its the eighth of March. 2. What would you l

8、ike? B. Its on the 1st of July. 3. Whats the date? C . Hes watching TV. 4. What day is it ? D. A toy train. 5. Whats Mike doing? E. Yes, it does. 6. Does it mean “Danger”? F. Its Thursday.用方框中的短语的适当形式填空。fly kites , cook food, drink some juice, sing a song,go shopping1.Can you _ for me? 2. Would you like to _ ? Yes, please. 3.Did you _ with your parents last weekend? 4


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