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1、应用型大学英语综合教程上海交通大学出版社 应用型大学英语系列教材Book Application-oriented college English Course教书育人Whats the matter with you?feel dizzyhave a runny nosecoughingstomachache toothache(ankle) twistbleedinghave a feversore throat2教书育人What can we do with the symptoms?pillscapsulessyrupdissolved medicinesbandageointment

2、3教书育人Probably ProbablyProbablyQ1: When you get ill, what will you do?you will take some .you will have a good rest.you will go to see a doctor.pills/medicineLead-in Questions4教书育人Q2: When and why did you go to see the doctor last time? Q3: What did the doctor do with your problem? How much did you s

3、pend on your visit to the doctor? Was it effective? a satisfactory experiencea painful experienceVS5教书育人take the pills according to the prescriptionAfter you see the doctor, the doctor will ask you totake an X-rayhave an ultrasonic diagnosis (超声检查)be hospitalizedhave a surgery6教书育人wardHow do you nam

4、e these places in English in a hospital? Registration officelaboratoryin-patient departmentoutpatient departmentEmergency roomdispensaryConsulting room7教书育人Some people say that it is usually a painful experience to visit a doctor esp. in big hospitals in China nowadays? Do you agree with it? Some ex

5、amples:You have to wait for hours only to be dismissed after a few minutes exam by the doctor.You come across an irresponsible or ill-mannered doctorYour doctor may prescribe you lots of expensive pills. It may cost you hundreds of money simply for a bad cold or something.Your condition get worse as

6、 a result of misdiagnosis or medical errors due to the doctors poor qualifications, lack of skill or professional ethics. You received the bad services and mismanagement of the hospital such as indifference, negligence, etc. Group DiscussionHave you ever had a painful visit to the doctor?What can be

7、 painful experiences when seeing a doctor?Now lets appreciate the video clip Seeing a Doctor.8教书育人9教书育人Focus1interpreting上海交通大学出版社 BackNext1. Which part of the patient hurts? ( ) A. His left hand.B. His right hand. C. Both of his hands. D. His back.2. Which of the following is NOT true? ( ) A. The d

8、octor is sure what it is inside the patients right hand. B. The doctor will know what it is inside the patients right hand after an operation. C. If the patient had an operation, it would take him about half a year to recover. D. The patient has to prepare about ten thousand yuan for the operation a

9、ll together.3. Finally the patient _. ( ) A. decided to take the operation B. would have to prepare about ten thousand yuan C. would visit a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine D. would go home without treatment1. StarterB. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer for each question you h

10、ear.CBA10教书育人Focus1interpreting上海交通大学出版社 To be continuedBackNextDoctor:Take a seat. Whats wrong with you?Patient:Doctor, my right hand hurts so badly all the time that I have trouble even using chopsticks for a meal or a pen for writing.Doctor:Pity you are not left-handed. Show me you hand. (taking

11、the patients right hand in his hands, pressing the back of it with his thumbs) Does it hurt here?Patient:Ouch, it is killing me! Doctor, what is wrong with my hand?Doctor:(scratching the back of his head) Well OK, take some X-rays first, then come to me.Patient:(with four X-rays) Doctor, here are th

12、e X-rays.Doctor:Well, there seems to be something foreign inside. Do you want to have it removed through an operation?Patient:Do I want? Why? You are a doctor and you should make sure what exactly it is in my hand and whether the surgery is necessary.1. StarterTapescript 11教书育人Focus1interpreting上海交通

13、大学出版社 1. StarterBackNextDoctor:Well see what it is when it is removed through an operation. You can rest assured since there will be no problem with such a small operation.Patient:How long will it take for me to recover?Doctor:No one can tell exactly. Maybe a month at least or half a year at most.Pa

14、tient:How much will the operation cost me all together?Doctor:Lets see. The operation will cost about four thousand yuan, then rehabilitation about two thousand, hospital, medicine. Im afraid that you would have to prepare about ten thousand yuan.Patient:Thank you, doctor. I might as well go to see

15、a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.12教书育人TextA Painful VisitOf Situations, memories or experiences which are difficult and unpleasant to deal with and often make you feel sad and upsete.g. painful memories painful lessons13教书育人What is a painful experience in your life?Breaking up with your boy

16、friend/girlfriendGetting a failure in the examinationBeing cut off the networkUsing up the living expensesSeeing the doctor14教书育人TextA Painful VisitWhat was the story like?Why was it a painful visit to the doctor?15教书育人physician 内科医师1surgeon 外科医师2 pediatrician/ pediatrist儿科医师3dentist 牙医4gynecologist

17、 妇科医师5oculist 眼科医生6orthopedist 整形外科医生7psychiatrist 精神病医生8There are so many doctors in a hospital.Which doctor should you go to see? 16教书育人Part (the beginning)Part (the first painful visit)Part (after the first visit)Part (the end)The authors waiting for the doctor at the clinic.Text OrganizationPara

18、s. 1-6The authors refusal of the doctors proposal for an operation and his anger over the high medical cost.Paras. 7-30The authors Polish friends treatment, his failure to get a new prescription and his solution to the problem.The authors comments: he was more sick after his visit to the doctor in A

19、merica.Paras. 31-48Paras. 49-50A painful visitEvidence 1Evidence 217教书育人3. Why was the author unhappy about waiting for more than “a minute”?2. What did the author see while waiting for the doctor?1. What was the doctor doing by the time the author went to the hospital in time? The doctor was with a

20、nother patient. Because his appointment was scheduled a week ago, and the doctor was obviously unpunctual.Listen to Part I(Paras.1-6) of the text, and think about the following questions.A painful visitEvidence 118教书育人 A window overlooking the yard covered with some kind of green bush. A thin spider

21、s web in the corner between the ceiling and the wall.What does this description imply?2.What did the author see while waiting for the doctor?poor health environment of the hospitalthe American medical systemThe writer is entrapped in this hospital. The medical system in the U.S is a big, big trap an

22、d poor people like him are its victims.19教书育人2. Text: A Painful Visit 1 “Have you been here before?” asked the receptionist when I showed up at the doctors office. 2 “No.” 3 “Please be seated,” she pointed to a chair, “fill out the form and bring it back to me. The doctor will be with you in a minut

23、e.” 4 At first I didnt pay any attention to the room I was in but “the doctor will be with you in a minute” appeared to be longer than sixty seconds so I looked around. On the other wall there was a window overlooking the yard covered with some kind of green bush. In the corner between the ceiling a

24、nd the wall I noticed a thin spiders web.20教书育人2. Text: A Painful Visit 5 “Are you all right?” the nurse peeked through the door. “The doctor is with another patient right now,” she smiled with an excuse. “But hell be right with you,” she disappeared behind the door.6 I didnt understand why I had to

25、 wait so long. The appointment was scheduled at a certain day and a certain hour a week ago. And I was ready. 21教书育人receptionist: n. C 接待员e.g. She has a good temper as a receptionist at the hotel and a hot temper as a wife at home. Vocabulary Development: receivereception接线员迎宾员记者招待会v. 接收,接待n. 接待; 欢迎

26、; 招待会; 接待处 n. operatorreception; press/news conferencen. usher22教书育人show up: 出现,露面;露出e.g. She felt uneasy when she saw her husbands ex-girlfriend show up at her wedding. Similar expressions: appearariseturn upcome outOther collocations of “show”:show offshow oneselfshow in / into show ones cards sho

27、w ones teeth 炫耀露面领进客人摊牌张牙露齿,作威吓姿态23教书育人overlook: 1. vt. To have or give a view of sth. or sb. from abovee.g. I wish one day I could afford a house of that kind overlooking the beautiful sea. 2. vt. not notice or realize how important a fact or a problem ise.g. How stupid to overlook such an obvious

28、mistake!The prefix “over-”:表示“在之上”: 表示“过度,过分,超过”: = neglect, ignore, disregardoverhead 架空overcome克服overbridge 天桥overtake超车overestimate高估oversleep睡过头overtime加班overcrowded挤满的 24教书育人peek: vi. 偷看,窥视cf. peek, glance, stare, peerglance: (+at/over) 匆匆地或粗略地一看,侧重心不在焉、匆忙stare: 因惊奇、好奇、粗鲁无礼等而睁大眼睛看。peer: 凝视;盯着看M

29、ore practiceHe glanced over(浏览) his watch and decided to leave.He stared at the visitor up and down.peek: (+at/through)偷看,窥视She peered at the tag to read the price.They caught him peeking in through the keyhole. 25教书育人Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessa

30、ry.He _ the boy into silence. Some students tend to _ at their neighbors paper on the exam. He _ over the bookshelf and picked up the book he wanted. She was angry and _ me down. She _ at her wedding photo for a long time. staredpeekglancedstared peek, glance, stare, peerpeered stare down: 瞪眼使(某人)不敢

31、抬眼看26教书育人appointment: n. C 预约;任命;职务e.g. I have an appointment with my dentist this afternoon. Cf: appointmentdateAppointment refers to a meeting arranged in advance which is formal and businesslike. A date is an appointment to meet someone, especially someone with whom you are having a romantic rela

32、tionship.v. appoint: 任命; 约定 Collocation: e.g. It made sense to appoint a banker to this job. 指派一位银行家做这份工作是明智之举。appoint sb. to a post27教书育人Part II: The first painful visit (Paras.7-30)The authors refusal of the doctors proposal for an operation and his anger over the high medical cost.Read Part II qu

33、ickly and find the answers to the following two questions. Q1: Why did the author refuse the doctors proposal for an operation?Q2: How much did it cost the author for the first visit?Para. 26: I couldnt afford not to work for such a long time. Where could I find that kind of money? Could the problem

34、 be solved differently? Was the operation necessary? Para.27: Three hundred and eighty dollars.28教书育人Listen to Part II and find out the patients cynical description of the doctor. Para. 8: Para. 10: Para. 11: Para. 16-17: “Good morning. Im fine. Thank you.” I lied because I was at the doctors office

35、 so it meant that I wasnt fine.“I seem to have a problem with my left foot,” I helped him to read.“Well.,” he scratched his forehead, “we have to take some X-rays,” he decided.he looked at the X-ray against the light. “I can remove it if you like.”“What do you mean if I like? Is it necessary?”The pa

36、tient believed that it was meaningless and foolish for the doctor to ask this question.In the patients opinion, it was a waste of time for the doctor to ask about malady while it had been recorded on the clipboard. Usually, the action of scratching ones forehead indicates his/her troubles or confusi

37、on. This sentence presents an affected(装腔作势的) manner with which the doctor diagnosed the patients disease.The doctor can not give the patient a clear and explicit treatment prescription. 29教书育人Read Part II carefully and find out some evidence suggesting the authors painful visit. 1. Para. 11: The do

38、ctor decided to take four X-rays,which cost the author_. (Para.27)2. Para. 16: The doctor said “I can remove it if you like.” Para. 18: “I can perform an operation and everything should be all right.”3. Para. 22: “ Its up to you. For now I can give you some pills that will ease the pain.”The operati

39、on would cost him_.He couldnt go to work_. The nearest drug store sold him the medicine for_ so he spent _all together. High medical cost & overtreatmentone hundred and eightyeight thousandabout three monthsforty dollarsfour hundred and twenty dollarsEvidence 2Part II: The first painful visit (Paras

40、.7-30)30教书育人 Doctor Patient7. “Good morning. How are you?”8. “Good morning. Im fine. Thank you.”9. “Whats wrong with you?” 10. I seem to have a problem with my left foot.11. “Let me see.Well, we have to take some x-rays. The nurse will do it and Ill see you in a moment.”He scratched his forehead .Wh

41、en the patient was waiting to take the X-rays, what did he find? a white coat interrupted my thoughts.he asked, looking at the clipboard where it is stated in black and white what was wrong with me. I lied because I was at the doctors office so it meant that I wasnt fine.31教书育人It presents a vivid pi

42、cture of the affected (装腔作势的) manner with which the doctor diagnosed the patients disease. Can you guess why the doctor put on such affected airs? By scratching his forehead, the doctor pretended to be worried and confused about the patients symptoms. In this way, the patient might fall into the tra

43、p and believe he had a serious problem with his foot. When do people scratch their forehead?Why did the doctor scratch his forehead?32教书育人a doctorHollywood US cinemaThe White House US government朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨33a white coat ?Metonymy 借代 A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for a

44、nother with which it is closely associated . Metonymy is also the rhetorical strategy of describing something indirectly by referring to things around it, as in describing someones clothing to characterize the individual. 33教书育人This is the second description of the hospital by the patient, from whic

45、h we can see that the hospital is low in efficiency so that the patient had to look around to kill time. From another angle, a blue carpet stands for the hospital, while mountains and trees, stands for the nature. This description reveals the patients dislike towards the hospital and his eagerness t

46、o escape from the hospital. What did this description imply?12. The floor was covered with a blue carpet. I didnt like that color at all. The pictures on the wall were very nice a landscape of mountains and trees.34教书育人13. “Please, come with me.” Nurse Patient14. Four X-rays had to be taken two of t

47、he front of my foot and one of each side of it.T15. “They will be ready in a moment. You may go back now. ”take an X-ray:照X光片 35教书育人 Doctor Patient18. “Well, I can perform an operation and everything should be all right.”19. “How much will it cost me to have surgery?”20. “Lets see. The operation wil

48、l cost about three thousand dollars, then rehabilitation about two thousand, hospital, medicine. I think that you would have to spend about eight thousand.”21. “Wow, thats a lot of money!”22. “Its up to you. For now I can give you some pills that will ease the pain.”23. “If I make a decision to have

49、 this operation, how much time will it take for me to be able to walk and work again?”24. “About three months, I think.”25 “Thank you, doctor. I have to think it over.”THe didnt sound convincing to me so I changed the subject of our conversation.16. “Ive got your X-rays. There is a small bone here t

50、hat is causing the problem. I can remove it if you like.”17. “What do you mean if I like? Is it necessary?”What would the patient feel when he heard this?It seems the doctor would not like to say more details or give any explanations about the operation. Why?36教书育人convincing: adj. causing one to bel

51、ieve the truth of something令人相信的; 有说服力的e.g. Her explanation sounded very convincing to me. Synonyms:convince: v. promise, persuade convinced: adj. persuaded of; very suree.g. I am convinced of her innocence. forcefuldecisive37教书育人rehabilitation: n. 康复;修复; 复兴; 复职rehabilitation centrerehabilitation ps

52、ychologyrehabilitation shop康复心理学康复中心修理间,修复所,修理厂 vt. rehabilitate使康复; 修复; 使恢复原状38教书育人Part II My anger over the high medical costGoing back to the front desk, I was thinking feverishly. I couldnt afford not to work for such a long time. Where could I find that kind of money? Could the problem be solve

53、d differently? Was the operation necessary? Paraphrase:I couldnt manage without working for three months.T39教书育人feverishly: adv. very actively or with great excitement; having a fever 兴奋地;发烧地e.g. And then her hand closed on his and pressed feverishly.Synonyms: marked by intense agitation or emotion

54、兴奋的,活跃的2. having or affected by a fever发烧的兴奋的: intense enthusiastic passionate zealous 发烧的: hectic burning fevered hot feverish: adj.fever: n. a rise in the temperature of the bodyintense nervous anticipationThe suffix “-ish” usually changes nouns into adjectives:childchildishselfselfishfoolfoolishr

55、edreddish 40教书育人Part II My anger over the high medical cost“It will be two hundred for the first visit, one hundred and eighty for the X-rays so it makes three hundred and eighty all together,” said the receptionist.28 “Oh, la, la!” I exclaimed.“The first visit costs so much,” explained the receptio

56、nist, “but the next will cost you less,” she consoled me seeing a painful grimace on my face. “Heres your prescription. Have a nice day!” 30 If I had known how much the doctor would spoil my day, I wouldnt have gone to see him at all. But what could I do? The pain was the pain and I had to get rid o

57、f it somehow. The nearest drug store sold me the medicine for forty dollars so I spent four hundred and twenty dollars all together just to know that if I like I can have a surgery.T41教书育人oh la la: The words oh la la /oh l l, originally in French, are used in a slightly negative way to express surpr

58、ise or disapproval 略带否定意味, 表示惊奇或不满. 42教书育人console: vt. 安慰,慰藉e.g. Nothing could console him when his wife died. 他妻子去世后,什么事情也不能使他感到宽慰。n. consolation e.g. consolation prizeconsolation moneyThe prefix “con-” 共同The root “-sole” 太阳console:共同给人太阳 安慰奖 / 鼓励奖抚慰金43教书育人spoil: 1. v. make a mess of, destroy or ru

59、in 损坏,破坏e.g. He is a man who will spoil rather than accomplish things. be spoilt for choiceSynonyms: 2. v. treat with excessive indulgence 溺爱,宠坏 e.g. Spare the rod, spoil the child.damage; destroy; injure; decay; ruin 44教书育人surgery: n. the branch of medical science that treats disease or injury by o

60、perative procedures 外科学;外科手术Translation: 整形手术微创手术激光手术变性手术surgeon: n. a physician who specializes in surgery外科医生minimally invasive surgery laser surgeryplastic/cosmetic surgerytranssexual surgery45教书育人a painful grimace on ones face?46教书育人Review Useful Expressions of Paras. 1-30出现,露面填写表格一层薄薄的蜘蛛网从门缝里看着


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