1、.沪江BEC网 http:/ 述风格:两篇写作,篇是正式,篇是非正式。体裁:1)短篇:memo, note, email2)长篇:fax, proposal , letter(诉信、道歉信、邀请信、询价信、感谢信等), report (report on.、introduction、findings、conclusions、recommendations前面四个一个也不能少,至于最后的recommendations要看当时的题目要求)要 求the purpose of the HYPERLINK http:/ t _blank correspondencereferences to HYPER
2、LINK http:/ t _blank previous communicationfactual detailsthe feelings and attitude of the writerthe level of formalitythe opening sentencethe closing sentenceparagraphingthe desired outcome PART ONEYou work for a company which produces HYPERLINK http:/ t _blank laser printers. You are visiting anot
3、her company, Softcell, to buy some company software for your department. They have expressed an interest in your companys printers and you would like to take twenty HYPERLINK http:/ t _blank brochures and three sample printers with you.Write a short note to Mr. Jim Asano, the Sales Manager. Asking f
4、or his permission to take these items. Explaining why you want them. Mentioning the time and date when you want to collect them. 总体:这是一篇小作文,要求写一个MEMO,字数要求40-50字。本作文难度较大。1. 审题:本文审题会出现很大问题,大约有70%的考生或多或少对题目产生误解,30%的考生出现严重误读,导致分数不及格。请理清楚本文人物关系:你公司生产激光打印机(laser printers),Softcell是另一家生产软件的公司。You are visit
5、ing another company, Softcell, to buy some company software for your department. 本句中许多考生对are visiting理解错误,认为是已经访问过或正在访问。事实上高中语法中就学过be doing在某些时候表将来,也就是说你将要去Softcell公司买软件。而Softcell公司表示对你公司生产的打印机有兴趣,所以你要在买软件的同时带小册子和打印机的样品给Softcell公司。你现在要给你们公司的销售经理写信申请小册子和样品。许多考生容易产生误解,认为自己是给Softcell公司的经理写信,把自己的产品吹嘘了一通
6、,或是申请从别人公司拿小册子和打印机样品。需要提醒考生的是BEC中级中考到的MEMO一般是公司内部交流的信件,机会不会出现给公司外部的人写M2. 字数:字数要求是40-50字,一般要求写三句话,每句话讲明白一个信息即可,不需要展开太多的细节。太多或太少都不好。写作中需要充分利用题干中的信息。许多考生句子写的很短,许多小短句连在一起,这样的写作不符合英语的特点。例如:I would like to attend a seminar. It is about presentation skills. It will be held this Friday. 建议合句:I would like to
7、 attend a seminar on presentation skill this Friday. 也有些考生喜欢写长句,句子长了之后不好驾驭,容易出现问题,产生扣分。3. 错误:语法错误、词汇使用错误都会产生扣分。例如:I was asked to take twenty brochures and three sample printers out because of our products are interested by the Softcell Company.本句中出现because of和interest的使用错误。Because of 后面只能加名词或动名词,不能加
8、句子。Interest的用法:sb. is interested in sth./ sth. is interesting to sb./ sth. interest sb. 4. 范文:Model writing To: Mr. Jim AsanoFrom: Diana, Sales Dept.Date: April 7thSubject: Asking for brochures and sample printersI will visit Sfttcell Co. to buy the computer software for our department next Tuesday
9、April 15th. I want to gain your permission to take twenty brochures and three sample printers with me since they are quite interested in our products. If you can approve this, I would like to collect the items before next Monday.Thank youDiana 评析:本篇MEMO正确理解题目、覆盖所有要点、语言表达清晰流畅、无语法和词汇使用错误。可以得到BAND 5 EM
10、O。Part two You work in the Customer Services Department of a mail-order company. You have been asked to prepare a short report for your line manager about complaints.Look at the information below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes.Then, using all your handwritten notes, write you
11、r report.Write 120140 words.根据商务信函中提到的1事2人1材料5要点提示信息归纳,我们可分析出该题中的1事为报告顾客投诉情况;2人:你是邮购公司客服部的员工,阅读者是你的顶头上司,即line manager,直译为直线经理;1材料是1月至3月的顾客投诉统计图表和对三个月投诉原因的百分比分析。内容方面商务报告强调材料和手写要点缺一不可,比如报告中应当包括图表数据变化的特征,如2月投诉锐增,3月投诉减少,对应的手写要点和是对图表数据变化原因的分析,如2月投诉锐增是因为计算机系统崩溃,而3月投诉减少的原因是引入新的订货系统。又如报告中应提到顾客抱怨的主要原因是投递时间过长
12、,占总投诉的56%,而要点3、4和5是提出减少投诉的方法,如3月误投的减少;降低投递时间,内容可展开为增加投递员工或者更好地划分投递区域等;改进所投递产品的质量,重新选择产品生产公司等,这里需要一定的商务背景知识。其实读者不难发现,BEC写作题目体现了提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的思路,在潜移默化地传递着解决商业实际问题的思考过程。 形式方面商务报告一般需要标题,本题可采用Report on Customer Complaints (2002 Jan.Mar.)作为标题。主体部分通常采用大写的小标题理清结构:介绍(INTRODUCTION),概括写报告的目的,比如汇报顾客投诉情况,分析原因,并
13、提出解决办法。发现(FINDINGS),发现部分应根据内容进行分段,比如按照月份投诉情况和三个月投诉原因分析分成两大部分:首先概括图表特征,包括和两个要点,接下来整体分析1月到3月投诉原因的百分比并提出解决办法,包括、和三个要点。段落内部也可以采用商业报告中常用的项目符号标记要点。结论(CONCLUSIONS),对投诉情况和解决办法进行概括,比如针对顾客投诉问题,已经采取了有效的对策。 范文示例Report on Customer Complaints (2002 Jan.Mar.)INTRODUCTIONThis report has the purpose of presenting th
14、e reasons for customer complaints in 2002.FINDINGSThe customer complaints received in 2002 were 300 in January. Then they increased to 540 in February because of the computer systems HYPERLINK http:/ t _blank breakdown. In March they fell to 230 because an improved order system was introduced.The re
15、asons for complaints from January to March were analyzed:First, the company received complaints for incorrect orders delivered. Such errors were fewer in March.Second, the delivering time is too long, and the company has planned to HYPERLINK http:/ t _blank recruit new agents.Finally, customers complained about the poor prod
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