已阅读5页,还剩5页未读 继续免费阅读




1、【原创】小升初英语模拟试卷16【附答案、详细解释、排版清晰可直接使用、可随意编辑】五、从II栏中选出与I栏相对应的答句.(每题1分,共10分)1.从口栏中选出与I栏相时应的答句i n(i)_How is the weather today? A. Its my brothers.(2) _Whens Dragon Boat Festival? B. In May or June.(3) _Can we have a rest?C.Shes a nurse.(4) _Does he have a healthy diet? D. Sorry, Miss Chen.(5)Whose bedroom

2、 is this? _ E. Thank you.(6)Dont litter in the classroom.F. No, he doesnt.(7) _Lets have a picnic tomorrow. G. Yes, 1 was.(8)Your dress is very beautiful. H. Good idea.(9) _Were you ill last week?1. Yes you can.(10) _Whats your mother? .J. Its windy.六、单项选择.(每题1分,共10分)- - What would you like? - - Id

3、like bread.()A.to eat: a fewB.eating: some C.to eat; a littleyou stay at home yesterday? ()A.AreB.DidC.wereMy mother gave me yuan yesterday.()A.fourtyB.nintyC.nineteenThere any tomatoes on the table. But there some tomato juice in thefridge.()A.are: areB.arent; isC.arent; areShe talked about the pla

4、ns with his friends.()A.excitedB.excitedlyC.excitingId like a book animals and a cake lots of grapes.()A.about; with B.to; withC.about; forNancy is going to a film this Sunday.()A.watchB.watchesC.watchingHe lost his bike. He felt.()A.excitedlyB.sadC.happilyThe children are carefully, but they cant a

5、nything.()A.listening: listenB.listening; hearC.hearing; hear- - Where can you find Niagara Falls? - - .()A.In Australia B.ln the UK C.ln Canada七、翻译短语.(每题1分,共10分)(1)在儿童节(2)将垃圾放进垃圾箱(3)从那时起(4)找到斑马线(5)看杂志(6)遵守规那么(7)走得慢(8)上演一场戏剧(9)世界各地一个有趣的国家八、用所给词的正确形式完成句子.(每题1分,共10分)Her mother is a (write).Its (she) t

6、urn to play the piano.You cant eat too (much) sweets.My mother (wake) me up this morning.To keep (safe), you can wait on the pavement.She is looking at the bird (happy).W川 you (help) me with English?The sign means *No (smoke)Its (nine) of November. Its my mothers birthday.What can we do (make) our c

7、ity clean?九、句型转换.(每空1分,共10分)My brother likes playing basketball after school.(改为否认句)My brother playing basketball after school.She is buying some snacks now. (用 an hour ago 改写句子)She some snacks an hour ago.Mike went to school by bus.Mike a bus school.I am going to stay in Shanghai.(对画线局部提问) you goin

8、g to stay in Shanghai?(合成一句)You must not run on the road. You must not play football on the road.You run play football on the road.十、根据中文提示完成以下句子.(每空1分,共10分)海伦想要在将来成为一名艺术家.Helen wants to be an in the.他从不安静地读书.He reads books.- 你将在六月返回英国吗?-是的.-you go to the UK in June? - - Yes, I.你必须要留神汽车和自行车.You must

9、 cars and bikes.十一、阅读理解.(每题1分,共10分)根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F).One day, Mr. Smith went to a dinner party. He was wearing very old clothes. When he came into the room, people didnt look at him. He wasnt happy. Mr. Smith went home quickly and put on his best clothes. He went back to the party. Everyone stood up

10、 and looked at him. They gave him good food to eat. Mr. Smith took off his coat, and put it on the food and said, Eat some food, my coat! The other people were very surprised and asked. What are you doing? Mr. Smith answered, I am asking my coat to eat food. When I was wearing old clothes, you didnt

11、 look at me. Now I am wearing these nice clothes, and you give me good food. So you give the food to my coat, not to me.Mr. Smith was at a dinner party that day. At first, people didnt look at Mr. Smith because he was late for the party. When Mr. Smith was wearing nice clothes, people gave him good

12、food to eat. The word surprised means赞同Mr. Smiths clothes can eat some food. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案.December 25th is Christmas Day. In most Western countries, it is the most important day in the year. All the people come back to their homes. On Christmas Day, bells ring everywhere. The ringing bells tell peop

13、le Christmas is coming. People sing and dance day and night. They have a good time.Most families buy a Christmas tree for their children. And there are some presents in the tree here and there. People also put presents in childrens stockings. In many places, Father Christmas brings presents to them.

14、 He is a kind man and in red clothes. There is a big bag on his back. In it, there are a lot of presents.On Christmas Day, people enjoy a lot of nice food. But some poor people have no houses to live, and have no food to eat. They die of cold and hunger on Christmas Day.In most Western countries. is

15、 the most important day in the year.A. Christmas DayB. May DayC. Childrens DayD. Teachers Day.Which sentence is not true? On Christmas Day. all the people come back to their homes.On Christmas Day. bells ring everywhere.People sing and dance day and night.Only children have a good time.What do most

16、families buy for their children? B.D. Both A andA. A Christmas treeC. New clothesIn Father Christmass bag, there are a lot of.A. foodB. booksC. presentsD. bells.People also put presents in childrens.A. bagsB. desksC. stockingsD. shoes.十二、书面表达.(5分)同学们,暑假就要到了,你一定做好自己的打算了吧.快写下来和大家提供一下 吧.要求:条理清晰,意思连贯,语句

17、通顺,标点正确,书写规范,不少于50个单词.参考答案与试题解析五、从II栏中选出与I栏相对应的答句.(每题1分,共10分)1.【答案】【解答】(1)J.考森特殊疑问句.问句意思为:今天天气如何?答语应该回答天气情况. J 选项意为:今天刮风.符合题意,应选:J.B.考查特殊疑问句.问句意思为:端午节是什么时候? when用来提问时间, 答语回答时间一类的单词.B选项意为:在五月或者六月.端午节为农历的节日,大 约在五六月,符合题意,应选:B.I.考查情态动词引导的一般疑问句.can来提问,肯定回答为:Yes, youcan.问句意思为:我们能休息一下吗? I选项意为:是的,你们能.符合题意,应

18、选: I.F.考查一般疑问句.问句意思为:他有健康的饮食习惯吗? he是主语does来 提问,否认回答是:No, he doesnt F选项意为:不,他没有.符合题意,应选:F.A.考查特殊疑问句.问句意思为:这是谁的卧室? whose用来询问所有格,答 语应该回答是谁的.A选项意为:这是我哥哥的.符合题意,应选:A.D.考查祈使句.句子意思为:在教室别乱丢垃圾.由常识可知,做错事应该道 歉.D选项意为:抱歉,陈老师.符合题意,应选:D.H.考资建议用语.句子意思为:让我们明天野餐吧.提出意见,如果赞同,可 用good idea来作答.H选项意为:好主意.符合题意,应选:H.E.考查表扬用语.

19、句子意思为:你的裙子很漂亮.表扬你的东西,应该道谢.E选项意为:谢谢.符合题意,应选:E.G.考查一般过去时的一般疑问句.问句意为:上周你生病了吗? were来提问, 主语为you,是第二人称,答语变为第一人称,肯定答语为:是的,我生病了.即: Yes, I was. G选项符合题意,应选:G.C.考查特殊疑问句.问句意思为:你妈妈是干什么的?询问职业,用职业做 回答.C选项意为:她是一名护士.符合题意,应选:C.六、单项选择.(每题1分,共10分).【答案】C【解答】考查不定式及形容词.A. to eat不定式:a few一点,修饰可数名词复数B. eating 动名词/现在分词;some

20、一些.C. to eat不定式;a little一点,修饰不可数名 词.第一个空,would like to do sth想要做某事.固定搭配.用不定式to eat吃.B不 正确.第二个空,根据bread面包,不可数名词,可知,用a little. A不正确.应选:C.【答案】 B【解答】考查助动词.A. Are是.B. Did助动词,过去式.C. were是,are的过去式.根 据yesterday昨天,可知,一般过去时态,含义实意动词stay,变一般疑问句在句首用 助动词Did.应选:B.【答案】C【解答】考查基数词.forty四十,答案书写错误:ninety九十,答案书写错误.ninet

21、een |- 九.题干My mother gave me yuan yesterday. yuan前面应该用基数词.表达我母亲昨天给了我19元.应选:C.【答案】B【解答】案子上没有西红柿.但是冰箱里有一些果汁.any用在否认或疑问句中,由此看出此 句是否认句,there be的否认句是在be后加no3 tomatoes是复数,因此要用be要 用复数形式arenk第二个句子的juice是不可数名词,因此be要用单数形式is. 应选:B.【答案】B【解答】考查副词的用法.A. excited兴奋的.B. excitedly兴奋地.C. exciting令人兴奋 的.根据talked (谈论)可知

22、,修饰动词用副词excitedly.应选:B.【答案】A【解答】考查介词.A. about关于;with和.B. to到;with和.C. about关于;for为 了.第一个空,根据a book一本书,及animals动物,可知,应该是关于”动物的一 本书,用介词about.第二个空,根据a cake一个蛋糕,及lots of grapes很多葡萄, 可知,应该是带有很多葡萄的蛋糕.应选:A.8【答案】A【解答】考查动词原形.A. watch观看,动词原形.B. watches第三人称单数.C. watching 动名词/现在分词.根据is going to可知,不定式to后用动词原形wat

23、ch.应选:A.9.【答案】B【解答】考查形容词的用法.A. excitedly兴奋地.B. sad难过的.C. happily开心地.结合 上句他丢了他的自行车可知他感到很难过,felt在这里是系动词,系表结构,应填 形容词sad (难过的).应选;B.1。答案LB【解答】考查动词.A. listening HJf,动名词/现在分词;listen听,动词原形.B. listening听, 动名词/现在分词;hear听到.C. hearing听到,动名词/现在分词;hear听到,动 词原形.第一个空,结合语境“孩子们在仔细可知,表示听的动作,用listen.这里 是现在进行时态,用现在分词li

24、stening. C不正确.第二个空,结合语境但什么也不 能可知,表示听的结果用动词hear听到.A不正确.应选:B.11:【答案】C【解答】此题考杳英文常识.由句意可知:你在哪里可以发现尼亚加拉瀑布?尼亚加拉瀑布是 世界第一大跨国瀑布,位于加拿大安大概省和美国纽约州的尼亚加拉河上,是北美东 北部尼亚加拉河上的大瀑布,也是美洲大陆最著名的奇景之一.所以在加拿大.A选 项In Australia意为在澳大利亚:B选项In the UK意为在英国;C选项In Canada意为 在加拿大.应选:C.七、翻译短语.(每题1分,共10分)12磊工onChildrensDay,put garbage in

25、 the dustbin,since thenjind zebra crosses,readmagazines,obey the rules,walk slowly,put on a play,all over the world,an interesting country 【解答】(1)在儿童节译为:on Childrens Day.故答案为:on Childrens Day.(2)将垃圾放进垃圾箱译为:put garbage in the dustbin.故答案为:put garbage in the dustbin.(3)从那时起译为:since then.故答案为:since the

26、n.(4)找到斑马线译为:find zebra crosses.故答案为:find zebra crosses.(5)看杂志译为:read magazines.故答案为:read magazines.(6)遵守规那么译为:obey the rules.故答案为:obey the rules.(7)走得慢译为:walk slowly.故答案为:walk slowly.(8)上演一场戏剧译为:put on a play.故答案为:put on a play.(9)世界各地译为:all over the world.故答案为:all over the world.(10) 一个有趣的国家译为:an

27、interesting country.故答案为:an interesting country.八、用所给词的正确形式完成句子.(每题1分,共10分)13聋案JLwriter【解答】考杳单词填空.句意:她母亲是作家.这里放在a后面跟名词单数形式,write的名词是 writer.故填:writer.【答案】her【解答】考查单词填空.句意:轮到她弹钢琴了.句子考查心。ne,sturn tod。sth表示轮到某 人做某事,这里用形容词性物主代词.故填:her.【答案】many【解答】考查单词填空.句意:你不能吃太多的糖果.句子中sweets是可数名词复数,用 many修饰.故填:many.【答案

28、rwoke【解答】考查单词填空.句意:今天早上我妈妈叫醒了我.从this morning”判断句子使用一般 过去时,wake的过去式是woke.故填:woke.JSMLsafe【解答】考查单词填空.句意:为了保证平安,你可以在人行道上等候.这里keep后面一般 跟形容词形式.safe,形容词,平安的.故填:safe.【答案】happily【解答】考杳单词填空.句意:她高兴地看着那只鸟,这里look是一个动词,修饰动词用副词 形式.happy的副词是happily.故填:happily.【答案】help【解答】考查单词填空.句意:你能帮我学英语吗,这里放在will后面跟动词原形.故填:help.

29、【答案】smoking【解答】考查单词填空.根据句意:禁止吸烟,是否认的祈使句,No+动名词.故答案是:smoking.【答案rninth【解答】考查单词填空.根据句意;11月9 口.是我妈妈的生口.要用nine的序数同ninth. 故答案是:ninth.【答案】to make【解答】考杳单词填空.根据句意:我们能做些什么使我们的城市干净?要用不定式做目的状 语.故答案是:to make.九、句型转换.(每空1分,共10分).【答案】doesntlike【解答】考查肯定句转否认句.根据实义动词likes,可知时态是一般现在时.主语是第三人称 单数形式,否认句需要加助动词doesnt,后面要用动

30、词原形like.故答案是:doesnt: like.24Lbought【解答】此题考查谓语动词的时态.根据句中时间状语an hour ago可知,动作buy发生在一 小时之前,应用一般过去时;buy是不规那么动词,其过去式为bought.故答案为:bought.【答案】took,to【解答】该题考杳同义句转换.went to school是go to school的过去式,说明句了是一般过 去时;by bus”乘公共汽车,介词词组;take a bus to school乘公共汽车去学校,是动 词词组,take的过去式是took,转换后的句子是:Mike took a bus to schoo

31、l.故填:took, to.【答案】for a month,Howlongare【解答】考查划线局部提问.根据for a month 一个月,可知,对一段时间提问用疑问词组 How long多长时间.后跟一般疑问句.be going to 一般将来时态的结构,主语you, 因此be动词用are.故答案为:How long are.【答案rmust neither,nor【解答】考查合并句子.根据You must not run on the road. You must not play football on the road. “可知,这是两个否认简单句,主语是一致的.neither.no

32、r既不.也不可以把 两个主语一致的否认简单句合并成一个简单句.两个句子中的not分别用neither和 nor代替.第二句中的you must承前省掉.故填:must neither, nor.十、根据中文提示完成以下句子.(每空1分,共10分)28.11gartist,future【解答】此题考查汉语词汇的英语表达.艺术家artist,将来future,根据题干中文表达,可知 此句是一般现在时,将题干进行英汉比照海伦想要在将来成为一名艺术家.与 Helen wants to be an in the.可知空格处应填艺术家的英文表达artist和将来”的英文表达future.故答案为:arti

33、st; future.【答案】never,quietly【解答】此题考查汉语词汇的英语表达.从不never,安静地quietly:根据题干中文表达的意 思,可知此句是一般现在时,将题F进行英汉比照他从不安静地读书.与He reads books.可知空格处应填从不”的中文表达never和”安静地中文表达 quietly.故答案为:never: quietly.【答案】Wilbwill【解答】此题考查汉语词汇的英语表达.根据题干中文表达,可知此句为一般将来时,其结构 为:will+动词原形;将题干进行英汉比照”你将在六月返回英国吗?-是的.“与 you go to the UK in June?

34、 - Yes. I.且首字母大写,可知问句是Will来引 导的一般疑问句,答句的空格处填will.故答案为:Will, will.【答案r be careful of【解答】此题考杳汉语词汇的英语表达.留神be careful of,将题干进行英汉比照”你必须要当 心汽车和自行车.与You must carsand bikes.可知空格处应填留神的英文表达be careful of 故答案为:be careful of.十一、阅读理解.(每题1分,共10分).【答案rT,F,T,F,F【解答】考杳细节理解.T.由原文:One day Mr. Smith went to a dinner par

35、ty.可知那天,史密斯 先生参加一个晚宴.故答案为:T.F. 由原文:He was wearing very old clothes. When he came into the room, people didnt look at him.可知人们没有看史密先生是因为他穿了旧衣服,而不是因 为他迟到.故答案为:F.T. 由原文:Mr. Smith went home quickly and put on his best clothes. He went back to the party. Everyone stood up and looked at him. They gave him

36、 good food to eat. ”可知当史密先生穿着漂亮的衣服时,人们都看他并给他端来食物.故答案为: T.F.由原文:The other people were very surprised.可知surprised”是惊讶的, 而不是“赞同故答案为:F.F.由原文:So, you give the food to my coat, not to me.可知此处史密先生 是在挖苦那些因为他穿了漂亮的衣服就对他改变态度的人,而不是因为他的外套可以 吃东西.故答案为:F.【答案】ADDCC【解答】A.细节理解题,根据文中关键句December 25th is Christmas Day. In most Western countries, it is the most important day in the year.可知圣诞节在多数西方国 家是一年中最重要的日子,应选:A.D.细节理解题,根据文中


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