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1、.;B3G网络联合无线资源管理的研究1、前言 传统无线资源管理的目标是在有限带宽的条件下,为网络内无线用户终端提供业务质量保障,其基本出发点是在网络话务量分布不均匀、信道特性因信道衰弱和干扰而起伏变化等情况下,灵活分配和动态调整无线传输部分和网络的可用资源,最大程度地提高无线频谱利用率,防止网络拥塞和保持尽可能小的信令负荷。传统意义上的无线资源管理包括接入允许控制、切换、负载均衡、分组调度、功率控制、信道分配等。而联合无线资源管理则是一组网络的控制机制的集合。它能够支持智能的呼叫和会话接纳控制,业务、功率的分布式处理,从而实现无线资源的优化使用和达到系统容量最大化的目标。这些机制同时应用多种接

2、入技术,并需要可重配置或者多模终端的支持。就功能而言,联合无线资源管理涵盖了原有无线资源管理的各项功能。 相比传统的无线资源,未来的异构无线资源并不仅仅指无线频谱,还包括无线网络中的其他资源,如移动用户的接入权限、用户的激活时间、信道编码、发射功率、连接模式等1,2。可以看出未来的异构无线资源在以下两个方面进行扩展:首先,资源构成有所扩展。这主要表现在资源的取值范围以及资源之间的耦合关系有所扩展。其次,资源的变化情况有所扩展。由于终端接入环境所呈现的异构性,一维随机变量不再能够反映异构无线资源中多种元素的共同变化。为了反映未来网络无线资源的异构性,可能需要二维或多维随机变量来表征无线资源的构成

3、。 相比传统的典型意义的蜂窝网络的无线资源管理的方式,未来的联合无线资源管理的模式不再局限于单一的集中式管理,而是可以采用集中式、分布式以及介于两者之间的分级式的管理方式,这几种方式各有优缺点。 2、研究现状2.1通用无线资源管理 当前,异构的联合无线资源管理的研究已经吸引了广泛的关注。3GPP在制订规范的时候就已经考虑了多种无线接入技术共存的融合网络场景,并在参考文献3,4中提出了通用无线资源管理(CRRM)的概念,通过CRRM服务器对融合WCDMA、GSM/EDGE等多种接入技术的异构网络进行全面统一的资源管理。CRRM作为融合网络中无线资源接入的策略管理者,其主要任务是在切换和呼叫建立过


5、择进行分流,从而能够降低业务时延以提高系统的平均吞吐量。 然而,CRRM也存在一定的局限性,这主要体现在:一方面,无论是呼叫建立还是系统间切换,接入网络选择仅考虑了负载因素,而没有考虑其他因素,例如信号强度、覆盖范围、用户移动速度;另一方面,CRRM仅针对UMTS、GERAN等蜂窝网络,而不包括其他类型的网络,例如无线局域网、无线个域网等。 2.2联合无线资源管理 参考文献6-8提出了一种基于紧耦合的联合无线资源管理(JRRM)的新模式。JRRM的主要设计原则是不同的无线接入技术采用紧耦合的方式进行统一管理,在不同的无线接入网络上有一个集中的联合控制实体进行联合的接纳控制、资源调度和负载控制。

6、JRRM在设计的时候就提出了主要目标是在不同的接入技术下实现智能的互操作;最优化频谱的使用效率:有效地处理各种载体的类型;有效地满足不同用户所要求的不同业务的QoS要求。同时,JRRM以WCDMA和HIPERLAN/2的互通为例,探讨了如何在这个互通的场景下实现联合的无线资源管理。可以预见的是它将以此为一个参考模型扩展到支持未来的其他无线接入技术。 JRRM另一个主要的创新在于它提出的可以将业务进行分流的思想,并认为一种业务可以分为基本部分和增强部分。其基本部分是被认为再现这种业务所必须的,所以这种基本部分只能承载在具有大范围覆盖的网络(如UMTS),而增强部分认为是可以提高用户QoS所要求的

7、。这种增强的部分一般承载在具有较高比特速率的无线载体上,例如在JRRM中承载在HIPERLAN/2上。在JRRM中,所谓的动态就是体现在对业务流的区分上,即可以根据实际的网络质量在业务源处灵活地对业务进行分流,这样在网络侧可以根据不同的要求将分流后的业务承载在不同的无线接入网络中。 但是对JRRM来说,初步尝试所选取的异构网络有其特殊性。对于HIPERLAN/2而言,它是基于一种集中控制的工作方式,AP(接入点)对其范围内的STA(移动台)具有很强的控制能力,这和现有的802.11中大多数的无线局域网的工作方式不同。在现有的IEEE 802.11系列中,虽然定义了PCF(点协调功能)这种集中控

8、制的方式,但目前并没有采用,只是在竞争信道的基础上提供best-effort的服务,这就造成了对于WLAN资源基本处于一种不管理的状态。所以在JRRM中这种异构网络的融合其实并不能很好地代表未来的异构网络的融合方向,它选择的这种无线互通模型并不具有广泛的代表性,在具体的资源分配策略上面,它也只是采用了一种简单的算法,即传输速率高的业务分配到带宽高的无线网络中,传输速率低的业务分配到带宽低的无线网络中,并且在业务的调度上,也只是基于简单的round-robin算法,并没有提出一个完整的调度算法。 3、联合无线资源管理模式 依据参考文献9,异构的联合无线资源管理按照管理的方式不同可以分为:集中式、

9、分布式和分级式。 3.1集中式联合无线资源管理3.1.1结构 如图1所示,集中式无线资源管理适用于紧耦合的融合架构。所谓集中式是指在各无线接入网络之上有一个集中控制的实体。这个集中控制的实体能测量它所管辖范围内的多个网络的无线资源的使用情况,并且能够对这些无线资源进行统一的分配和管理。 图1集中式无线资源管理架构 3.1.2功能 如图2所示,集中式的联合无线资源管理的功能模块可以分为两个部分:联合管理实体和独立执行实体。联合管理实体独立于各种无线接入技术(RAT),是联合无线资源管理的执行点。主要执行联合接纳控制、联合切换控制、联合资源分配以及联合时间调度。独立执行实体是原来各无线接入网络内部

10、已有的无线资源管理实体,主要完成用户业务具体无线传输中所使用的无线资源分配并进行传输执行,即传统的无线资源管理在这部分执行。从这个意义上来看,联合无线资源管理是对资源的一种宏观控制,具体细粒度的、传统的无线资源管理还是由各无线接入网络中的管理和控制实体来操作。无线网络侧的独立执行实体向联合管理实体上报无线状态信息和负载信息以便联合管理实体执行统一的无线资源估计和分配,进而联合管理实体会把分配的方案下发到无线侧的各个独立执行实体中。 图2集中式联合无线资源管理功能的实现 3.1.3数学方法和理论 一般来说,集中式的联合无线资源分配算法以最大异构系统资源利用率为目标,对同时可获多种网络连接的所有用


12、成部分,然后把这些组成部分按属性分为不同组,以形成不同的层次,其中主要包括目标层、准则层和方案层。这些层次之间具有自顶而下的支配关系。因此,为了把联合无线资源分配问题条理化、层次化,需要构造出一个有层次的结构模型。一般而言,紧耦合的集中式无线资源管理可以以系统资源利用率为目标层,然后考察影响此目标的多个因素,例如信号强度、覆盖范围、网络负载、吞吐量和用户偏好等。将这些影响因素作为准则层。而方案层不敷出则是最终可能的所有分配结果或选择结果。这样一个自顶而下的层次结构能反映出所要解决问题的清晰思路。 灰度关联法11是分析离散事件关联程度的一种有效的方法,其核心思想是将其中的一种最优情况作为参考,然

13、后将其他情况与这种最优情况进行比较并计算灰色关联系数。如果两者的相似程度越大,则灰色关联系数越大,最终,灰色关联系数最大的那个方案就是要选择的最优方案。一般而言,层次分析法和灰度关联法会一起使用进行多因素的问题分析。 模糊逻辑方法12的核心思想是通过隶属函数的计算,将量上没有确切边界的事物量化进而进行比较。一般而言,模糊逻辑的方法有以下三个步骤:模糊化、模糊推理和去模糊化。模糊化是把输入变量通过隶属度函数转化为合适的语言值。模糊推理是基于模糊逻辑中蕴含关系和推理规则进行的,是模糊控制的核心。去模糊化则是将模糊推理得到的结果变换成用于实际控制的清晰量。 以上三种数学理论在集中式的联合无线资源管理

14、中已经用于解决异构网络的选择和异构网络的资源分配。其中参考文献13-15以UMTS和WLAN的耦合网络为例。采用了层次分析法和灰度关联法分析了异构网络选择。参考文献16,17以WLAN、UMTS和GERAN为例,采用了模糊逻辑算法分析了无线资源的可获性、信号强度和终端的移动速度对无线网络选择的影响。 3.2分布式联合无线资源管理 3.2.1结构 如图3所示,相比于集中式的无线资源管理模式,分布式的无线资源管理模式没有一个集中的管理实体来统一协调各种无线接入技术。在这种模式下,统一的协调功能分散在各个地位对等的无线接入网络中18,19,即分布式管理能够在基于同一目标的前提下,将管理和计算功能分配

15、给各个分布式节点,从而一方面能够降低各个节点的计算复杂度,另一方面增加了系统的冗余度。冗余度的增加意味着在某些节点发生故障的情况下,不会对分布式节点的计算和管理产生破坏性影响。 图3分布式无线资源管理架构 3.2.2功能 参考文献20对分布式节点内部的功能结构进行了探讨,文中提出了一种混合多无线环境的管理系统(management system for composite radio environments,MS-CRE),如图4所示。这种系统综合考虑了B3G网络的分布式管理的特点,所以针对未来的分布式管理而言,这种结构的设计并不失一般性。下面针对图4讨论未来分布式网络的节点的内部架构。 图

16、4分布式网络节点功能 从图4可以看出,监控模块和配置模块是与无线接入技术相关的两个模块,它们可以看作是已有的管理模块的一种增强。而会话管理、资源代理和签约信息模块则是为了符合下一代分布式网络特点和未来商业模式而新设计的模块。其中,监控模块收集其下无线接入技术的状态信息并检验已经建立的服务水平协议(SLA)是否仍然有效。签约信息模块则提供用户信息、业务提供商信息和网络运营商的信息。资源代理模块负责在异构网络中与其他运营商进行交互。配置模块依据要求的容量和QoS等级对无线资源进行配置。会话管理模块与用户进行交互,从而在进行资源管理时也考虑到用户侧因素的影响。3.2.3算法和机制 相比集中式的联合无

17、线资源管理算法,当前针对分布式的异构网络的联合无线资源管理算法或机制的研究相对较少。但分布式无线资源管理的算法和机制目前已经逐渐成为学者关注的领域,参考文献2l是这方面研究中一个有代表性的成果。 然而分布式管理机制不具备集中管理实体,不能针对所有所管理实体进行统一调整以及针对某些目标进行统一计算,从而在高效地获得系统全局最优方案方面具有一定难度。因此。在分布式联合无线资源管理机制的设计中,必须在充分发挥分布式计算优势的前提下,设计一定的措施来弥补分布式计算在搜索全局最优分配方案能力上的缺陷。依据此设计原则,分布式的联合无线资源管理可以采用以下方式来达到系统的全局最优方案。首先,定义各个分布式节

18、点上的目标函数,由各个分布式节点分别执行本节点目标函数的计算,通过调节本节点上的各个参数从而达到本节点上局部目标函数的最优;其次,在上述达到分布式节点局部目标函数最优的过程中,节点参数的调整可能造成相邻节点参数的变化,因此需要节点之间交互调控结果,再次分别进行迭代寻优计算;最后,在定义满足全局最优的条件为各个节点目标函数之和的基础上,通过一定的数学方法推导出。 此外,在分布式的联合无线资源管理中,博弈论也是一种重要的研究方法。参考文献20首次将博弈论的思想引入到分布式联合无线资源管理中用于解决不同运营商之间的价格竞争。 3.3分级式联合无线资源管理 在很多情况下,异构无线资源管理可以采取如图5

19、所示的分级无线资源管理架构。 图5分级式无线资源管理架构 分级式的联合无线资源管理架构的性能是集中式和分布式的一种折中。未来的异构网络最有可能采用这种分级联合无线资源管理架构。 3.4比较 集中式的无线资源管理架构能够对所管辖范围内的无线资源进行统一的管理,这就使得这种模式最容易达到全局资源最优使用和最大化系统容量的目标。但是这种方式的灵活性比较差,即如果新引入一种新的无线接入技术,对原有的管理体系改动较大。 分布式无线资源管理架构可以很好地解决可扩展性的问题。同时,分布式管理模式下各种无线网络的对等地位也符合未来网络的实际运营情况,但是还是应该看到这种管理模式所固有的缺点。首先是这种模式很难

20、达到资源的最优使用,虽然可以通过信息交互以提高系统的总体性能。但是和集中式的方式相比还是在总体性能上有所差距。此外,如果无线网络过多,分布式无线网络所要交互的信息将以指数形式上升,这也是分布式管理所面对的不利因素。 集中式联合无线资源管理与分布式联合无线资源管理相比各有利弊。总体来说,集中式的无线资源管理具有联合管理实体,能够对异构无线资源进行统一管理和分配,以达到异构系统的全局资源最优使用。分布式无线资源管理具有很高的灵活性,可以根据网络的实际部署情况,扩展分布式管理节点。 具体可以从以下几个方面描述两者的区别: 管理执行点:集中式联合无线资源管理的算法执行点位于能够和所管理的多种无线接入网

21、络通信的联合管理实体上。要求该管理实体具有较高的计算能力;而分布式联合无线资源管理的算法执行点位于各个分布式节点上,仅需要管理和计算本网的资源分配。 管理所需信息:集中式联合无线资源管理需要从所管理的多种无线接入网络上获取进行资源分配所需的所有信息,包括当前的用户业务统计、无线接口参数等;而分布式联合无线资源管理仅需要本无线网络中进行资源分配所需的信息以及一些反映邻网响应的信息。 管理方式适用范围:集中式联合无线资源管理需要网络结构的支持,适用于紧耦合和更紧耦合的异构网络互通模式;而分布式联合无线资源管理对网络结构的要求相对宽松,适用于松耦合的异构网络互通模式。 管理的评价标准:集中式联合无线

22、资源管理应当以全局最优的资源使用率为衡量标准,综合考察异构网络中所有用户的资源使用情况;而分布式联合无线资源管理的评估标准可能是在不影响其他网络运营的情况下,仅考察本网的资源使用情况4. Self-x techniques for the optimization of radio access networksE3 has developed “self-x” techniques for the optimization of radio access networks and has focused on cognitive networks, through enriching the

23、 developed algorithms with cognition techniques. The indicative results prove so far the benefits deriving there from. In general, self-organizing behavior is a phenomenon observed in nature as well as in different sciences. Consequently, different algorithms describing and performing self-organizin

24、g behavior exist. A self-organizing network (SON) is a communication network which supports self-x functionalities, e.g. self-configuration or self-optimization. The SON functionality includes all possible technical functions that a network manages in an autonomous way. SON follows the paradigm chan

25、ge where now the focus is fixed on the following two aspects, right from the start: excellent network performance and operational efficiency. This new mindset is a natural consequence because complexity and heterogeneity of future radio access networks will dramatically increase, and simultaneously

26、also operational tasks such as network planning, deployment, OAM (Operation, Administration and Maintenance) functionalities, network optimization etc.Self-x enables the automation of operational tasks, and thus minimizes human involvement. Hence, the operational expenditure (OPEX) is reduced. Gener

27、ally self-x functionalities are based on a loop (self-x cycle) of gathering input data, processing these data and deriving optimized parameterization (see Figure 5). Furthermore, self-x effectuates the improvement of the usability of future wireless access solutions (“plug&play”), and accelerates th

28、e introduction and deployment of new wireless services. In addition, self-organizing approaches may contribute to further increasing spectral efficiency, since they can be used to allocate capacity where it is needed.(a)(b)Figure 5: (a) self-x cycle, (b) self-optimization in future wireless networks

29、Generally self-x functionalities are based on a loop of gathering input data, processing these data and deriving optimized parameterization (self-x cycle). This is also shown in Figure 5(a).In future wireless world, there are a large number of reconfigurable network elements in access networks resul

30、ting to the high complexity of network management. In order to adapt to the complex and dynamic network environment and maintain network performances, self-optimization is necessary to enable the automatic reconfiguration of network elements. To achieve the purpose, a network optimization functional

31、 module (NOFM) shown in Figure 5(b) is deployed in heterogeneous access network as a core optimization manager which is responsible of a) Monitoring and aggregating radio access networks information, b) Modeling and analyzing network optimization problem, c) Planning and deciding optimization strate

32、gy on network reconfiguration, d) Directing and guaranteeing the network element reconfiguration execution and e) Storing knowledge learned from the self-optimization. To catch up the dynamic change of wireless environment, the network optimization module keeps monitoring on network environment. Con

33、sequently, the self-optimization is operated as a closed control loop. The input of the self-optimization loop is the dynamic environment information, while the output is network element reconfiguration strategy. The input information could be aggregated from the network elements measurement reporti

34、ng, involving the serving base stations attributes and terminal distribution, QoS demand etc. Based on the information, the network optimization module makes appropriate reconfiguration decision which maximizes the network performances. Since the principle of reconfiguration decision is to match the

35、 network capabilities and user demands, the decision should involve both network parameter adjustment and terminal parameter adjustment. By executing the self-optimization during the whole operational process, it could overcome the heterogeneity and complexity of network management and optimize netw

36、ork performances.In the E3 scope, the following basic use cases for self-organizing networks have been identified: Cell self-reconfiguration, Handover and load balancing, Cell outage compensation, HBS (Home Base Station) parameter optimization, Interference coordination.Concepts and self-x algorithm

37、s for such use cases were developed in order to apply them for legacy networks and new air interfaces/systems, and also for their interworking. E3 has analyzed these concepts and required functional components, by means of analytical and simulative assessment with respect to E3 system architecture,

38、in terms of an efficient end-to-end performance from both the end users and the operators point of view. In general, E3 has identified self-x algorithms, divided according to their implementation into local, distributed and central algorithms. The different implementations have different characteris

39、tics and different advantages. Some algorithms can be implemented in a distributed manner as well as in a central one, some algorithms are inherently distributed or locally implemented algorithms, and again others are from their nature bound for central implementation. Furthermore, E3 gives a brief

40、overview of the different implementations and types of self-x algorithms (this means (1) local, (2) distributed and (3) central algorithms), and classifies the introduced algorithms according to their complexity.As an example of SON functionality, Dynamic, Self-Organizing Network Planning and Manage

41、ment (DSNPM), has the objective to provide the medium (and long) term decision upon the reconfiguration actions a network segment should take, by considering certain input information, and by applying optimization functionality, enhanced with learning attributes. Figure 6 depicts its overall descrip

42、tion as well as some indicative results which evidence the exploitation of knowledge gained during the optimization procedures.Figure 6: (a) DSNPM functionality as a SON example, (b) DSNPM learning procedure, (c) indicative scenario results, (d) optimization delay comparison for cognitive and legacy

43、 optimization procedures, (e) successful context matching probability, (f) mean optimization delayRegarding the DSNPM decisions, they are targeted at producing a feasible network reconfiguration, (i) at the application layer referring to the guaranteed QoS levels assignment to applications, (ii) at

44、the network layer referring to traffic distribution to specific transceivers and corresponding RATs as well as network entities interconnection, and finally (iii) at the lower/PHY layer, referring to the number of network element transceivers involved in decisions, RATs to be activated, spectrum sel

45、ection and radio parameters configuration per RAT. DSNPM is also enhanced with learning attributes that will yield knowledge and experience and may help to predict problems and act proactively to solve them. Through this learning procedure DSNPM is capable to achieve the following targets (training)

46、:Remember encountered contexts and corresponding solutions, Remember contexts temporal info like topological aspects and behavior in time, Estimation of contexts transition probability, Estimation of solutions suitability. Given the contexts transition probabilities, DSNPM is capable to predict cont

47、exts and act proactively in order to avoid certain problems in the network. The results of this process are shown on Figure 6 (c), (d), (e) and (f) and show significant gains, since exploiting past contexts enables the DSNPM algorithm not to run if not needed. In particular, during the first context

48、s captured by the cognitive management system, there was no successful matching because they were unknown to the system. However, the contexts parameters and their corresponding solutions were stored and during the next contexts the successful matching probability was increased due to the fact that

49、these contexts were already addressed in the past and the system was able to identify them. For each context not identified, the optimization procedure is necessary to be executed in order the appropriate decisions to be provided. On the other hand, when the system identifies successfully each conte

50、xt the decision is retrieved and provided directly to the service area to be implemented, skipping the optimization procedure. Thus, the mean system response time is constantly decreasing for each context. 5. Dynamic spectrum management exploiting cognition techniquesE3 has developed Dynamic Spectru

51、m Management (DSM) functionality, exploiting cognition techniques, so as to optimally assign spectrum in the context of cognitive infrastructures. The regulatory perspective on how the spectrum should be allocated and utilized in a composite technology scenario is evolving towards a cautious introdu

52、ction of more flexibility in spectrum management together with economic considerations on spectrum trading. In this respect, DSM techniques developed within E3 try to achieve an efficient utilization of the scarce and valuable spectral resources, targeted at maximizing spectrum reuse amongst users,

53、cells, Radio Access Networks (RAN) and systems, while ensuring that mutual interference between them remains at acceptable levels. The main DSM responsibilities are:Evaluation of spectrum occupancy; Detection of long-term available spectrum bands for reassignment and sharing/trading of spectrum; Der

54、ivation of economical parameters for spectrum trading; Provision of a spectrum framework (available amount of spectrum) to RATs, based on evaluation of spectrum occupancy and system-level parameters. The envisaged functions that are in line with the aforementioned DSM responsibilities (see also Figu

55、re 7(a) include (i) the measurement collecting entity, responsible of collecting the measurements from the different nodes (i.e. terminals and cells) and existing in the heterogeneous environment, (ii) the DSM trigger entity, responsible of detecting the relevant changes in the traffic distribution

56、and to decide the instant when the allocation algorithm should be executed, and finally (iii) the spectrum assignment entity, responsible of deciding on the spectrum framework to be suggested to the various RATs during the reconfiguration process. In this respect, the DSM functionality developed wit

57、hin E3 has the structure depicted on Figure 7(a).Figure 7: (a) DSM functionality, (b) average cell spectral efficiency, (c) performance results in heterogeneous spatial distribution, (d) optimality of a RL-DSA strategy for 10, 20 and 30 users distributed over a two-cell scenario.DSM can be implement

58、ed by providing the network with the proper self-organization mechanisms to automatically react to the different temporal and spatial load demands. Thus, functionalities such as network observation and analysis of the network status are required to detect the instants when current spectrum assignmen

59、t is no longer valid and then automatically trigger the self-management spectrum strategies. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are used to observe the status of the network for a given assignment and to take the appropriate decisions. Some KPIs can be the spectral efficiency, the spatial spectrum us

60、age, or Quality of service indicators. Identified optimization methodologies cover machine learning, genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, heuristics, etc.Furthermore, in the framework of E3, different strategies have been studied in the context of OFDMA networks, to decide the appropriate assign


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