1、12“ bewildered human race ” bewildered, confused. He is saying that all mankind, all people of the world are in a condition of confusion. 32. paralyze vt ( line 2, para. 1 ) 1) to shock 她惊得她惊得目瞪口呆。 Shock paralyzed her mind. 2) to make sth unable to operate normally 对失业的担忧在使经济对失业的担忧在使经济陷入瘫痪状态。 Fear o
2、f unemployment is paralysing the economy. 压力压力压压不不垮你,恐惧会。你,恐惧会。 Pressure doesnt paralyze you, fear does.4“ paralyzing fears ” Fears that prevent us from making any decisions, or taking any meaningful action. Not literally physically paralyzed.5Synonyms: cripple, deaden,desensitize, freeze, lame, imm
3、obilize, incapacitate, numb, perify,stun, anaesthetize63. harrow (line 2, para. 1) 1) vt to torment 我没有用这些事去我没有用这些事去折磨我们的女主人。我们的女主人。 I did not harrow our hostess with all that. 他饱尝了悲痛,他饱尝了悲痛,受尽受尽了恐惧了恐惧的的折磨。 He was harrowed with grief and fear. 伤某人的感情某人的感情:to harrow sbs feelings 72) n under the harro
4、w 受折磨;在苦恼中受折磨;在苦恼中 她备受她备受折磨。 She was kept under the harrow. 3) n a farming machine with sharp metal teeth used to break up the earth and make it smooth. 4) vt to break up (clods of earth) with a harrow 耙地耙地 to harrow the ground 8harrowed adj feeling or showing anxiety and suffering 你看上去很是你看上去很是忧伤。 Y
5、ou are looking rather harrowed. harrowing adj causing great suffering and anxiety in the mind 目睹他人遇难是目睹他人遇难是令人痛苦的经历。经历。 To see someone killed is very harrowing / is a very harrowing experience.9 4. haunt vt ( line 2, para. 1 ) 1) to make someone worry or make them sad 抛下孩子们的决定现在总抛下孩子们的决定现在总让她她不安。 Th
6、e decision to leave her children now haunts her. 他永远他永远无法摆脱那一幕。那一幕。 He would always be haunted by that scene . 102) n a place that someone likes to go to often 大学图书馆是人们喜欢的大学图书馆是人们喜欢的地方。 The college library is a favorite haunt. 这个地区是罪犯这个地区是罪犯经常出没的地方。方。 The area was a haunt of criminals.11Synonyms: ha
7、ng around, keep returning, loiter about, visit frequently125.“ world is sick with war ”( line 3, para. 1) To many, war can be viewed as a “sickness”, a disease of the human race, an abnormal unhealthy condition. King is saying that as humans, the world, we are suffering from the illness of war and t
8、roubled times. 136. ominous adj ( line 3, para. 1) threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments 看上去那些乌云对我们的野餐看上去那些乌云对我们的野餐不利。 Those black clouds look ominous for our picnic. 那晚有着那晚有着不祥的寂静。寂静。 That evening has an ominous silence. omen n 前兆,预兆,兆头前兆,预兆,兆头147. misuse n u c ( line 6, para. 1
9、) the use of sth in the wrong way or for the wrong purpose; abuse 你如此你如此滥用自己的才能,使我深感不安。自己的才能,使我深感不安。 It disturbs me profoundly that you so misuse your talents. 15在在滥用医院资金问题上,他采取公开的反对态度。医院资金问题上,他采取公开的反对态度。 He has taken a public stand on the issue of misuse of hospital funds.168. instruments n ( line
10、6, para. 1 ) It is referring to “tools and devises that are used for some purpose.” Some of the “instruments” he is referring to are tangible (weapons of war: guns, bombs, chemicals, etc.), and some intangible (treaties, policies for action, economic power, etc.) King is saying that governments of t
11、he world are incorrectly17 using (misusing) these instruments, and if people of the world do not change their thinking and actions, that we will destroy ourselves. - Considering where he is speaking in the suggestion is that this is particularly true of America. 1819be born to do/be sh to be very su
12、itable for a particular job, activity etc 他是他是天生的政治家。政治家。 He was born to be a politician.I wasnt born yesterday spoken used to tell someone you think is lying to you that you are not stupid enough to believe them208. obsolete adj ( line 7, para. 1 ) no longer used; completely out of date 过时的设计设计/ /机
13、器机器/ /思想思想/ /词语词语 obsolete design/machinery/ideas/words 这架打字机这架打字机老掉牙了。了。 The typewriter is obsolete. 电子银行服务也学会电子银行服务也学会淘汰柜台交易。柜台交易。 Electronic banking may make over-the-counter transactions obsolete.219. negative adj (line 8, para. 1) 1) harmful, unpleasant, or not wanted; positive 教练因战术教练因战术消极而受到了
14、批评。而受到了批评。 The coach was criticized for his negative tactics. 酗酒开始对我的工作产生酗酒开始对我的工作产生负面影响。影响。 My drinking was starting to have a negative effect on my work.222) considering only the bad qualities of a situation, person etc and not the good ones;not positive 他坚持说使用武力是必要的,但会产生他坚持说使用武力是必要的,但会产生消极影响。影响。
15、He insists on the use of force is necessary,but has a negative impact. 他的人生观是他的人生观是消极的。 He has a negative outlook on life.23“ negative good ” War is bad (negative): people die, much is destroyed, it consumes economic resources that could be used for positive purposes. On the other hand, it can be vi
16、ewed as a “necessary evil” bad, but leading to a positive, good outcome, particularly if it stops evil people. Here we often cite Germanys Hitler in World 24War II, Sadam Hussain in Iraq, Osama bin Laden, etc. - We humans seem good at identifying “evils” against which we use questionable means in or
17、der to bring about some “good”. MLK is posting (suggesting) that the instrument-weapons have become so powerful and so numerous (atomic and hydrogen bombs, chemical and 25germ warfare, and ability to use them quickly over broad areas of the globe) that we are in danger of destroying ourselves along
18、with the perceived evils we are trying to eliminate.26Synonyms: antagnistic, contradictory, destructive, dissenting, grudging, nullifying, obstructive, opposing, pessimistic, uncooperative, rejecting272811. philosophy n u (last line of para. 1) 1) the study of the nature and meaning of existence, tr
19、uth, good and evil 古希腊是智慧和古希腊是智慧和哲学的发源地。的发源地。 Ancient Greece was a fountain of wisdom and philosophy. 哲学课使学生们打开了新的视野。课使学生们打开了新的视野。 The course in philosophy opened up new horizons for the students. 292) n c the attitude or set of ideas that guides the behaviour of a person or organization 我无法用一句话来概括他
20、的全部我无法用一句话来概括他的全部人生观。 I cant sum up his whole philosophy in one sentence. 最好的最好的生活方式是改变饮食习惯,食用低糖、高是改变饮食习惯,食用低糖、高 纤维食品纤维食品。 The best philosophy is to change your food habits to a low-sugar, high-fibre diet. 30Synonyms: convictions, ideology, metaphysics, set of beliefs, values, wisdom3112. strategy n
21、 (last line of para. 1) a general plan or set of plans intended to achieve sth, especially over a long period 战术有别于战术有别于战略。 Tactics differs from strategy. 她精心她精心策划后,谈妥了大幅增加工资的事。后,谈妥了大幅增加工资的事。 By careful strategy she negotiated a substantial payrise.32Synonyms: approach, manoeuvre, method, plan, plot
22、, scheme, tactics, procedure, program3313.experiment with v prep ( line 1, para. 2) to try out; to try using various ideas, methods etc to find out how good or effective they are 我们在对高楼的生活我们在对高楼的生活进行实验。 We are experimenting with living in a high buiding. 他们他们试用了多种材料,最后才选中了一种合适的。了多种材料,最后才选中了一种合适的。 Th
23、ey experimented with many materials before they found a suitable one.342) n a scientific test done to find out how sth reacts under certain conditions, or to find out if a particular idea is true 很多人反对用动物做科学实验。 Many people are against performing scientific experi- ments on/ upon animals.3514. justic
24、e n (line 1, para. 2) 1) fairness in the way people are treated 正义得到伸张,罪犯受到惩罚。得到伸张,罪犯受到惩罚。 Justice has prevailed; the guilty man has been punished. 我们设法做到宽我们设法做到宽严严并济,恩并济,恩威威兼施。兼施。 We try to strike a balance between justice and mercy.362) do justice to somebody/sth or do somebody/sth justice: to tre
25、at or represent someone or sth good, beautiful etc in a way that is as good as they deserve 这张照片不这张照片不像她。 The photo doesnt do her justice. 说句公道话,他最后还是表示歉意了。,他最后还是表示歉意了。 To do him justice, he did apologize in the end. 37 这部影片这部影片太好看了,我们一定得再看一次。了,我们一定得再看一次。 We will see the film again to do it justice.
26、 3) do onesel justice: to do sth such as a test well enough to show your real ability 这次测验他没有这次测验他没有考出自己的水平。 He did not do himslef justice on the test.38她终于得到了一个可以她终于得到了一个可以充分施展自己演技的角色。的角色。 She finally got a role in which she could do herself justice as an actress. 39Synonyms: equity, fairness, hone
27、sty, impartiality, integrity, legality, right4015. scale n u ( line 3, para.2 ) the size or level of sth, or the amount that sth is happening 大公司从大公司从规模经济中受益。经济中受益。 Large firms benefit from economies of scale. =ways of saving money because they are big 法治一旦崩溃可能导致大肆杀戮。 The breakdown of law and order
28、could result in killing on a massive scale. 41污染会引起污染会引起全球天气模式的变化。天气模式的变化。 Pollution could cause changes to weather on a global scale. on a large/small/grand etc scale on a global/international/world scale42 16. ecumenical adj ( line 2, para.3) In its most literal use it refers to the bringing toget
29、her of different Christians religions for purposes of discussion, understanding and resolving of differences. In its broader application it means to bring together groups of widely differing opinions so that they can seek to understand each other. 43 MLK is saying that if there is to be true “peace
30、on earth” - (A phrase commonly used by Christians in the Christmas season.) - that we should come together, be ecumenical. 4417. perspective n ( line 3, para.3 ) a way of thinking about sth, especially one which is influenced by the type of person or by experiences; viewpoin 我们亟待从历史的角度审视一切问题。 We hav
31、e to look at everything from a much-needed historical perspective. 对青少年成长发育特点的有两种不同的观点。 There are two different perspectives on the nature of adolescent development.45 from a feminist/Christian/global etc perspective wider/broader perspective to get/keep sth in perspective : to judge the importance
32、of sth correctly 我们必须正确判断事情的重要性。 We must keep things in perspective.46 “ develop a world perspective ” - MLK believes that only when humans see themselves as part of something larger than their clan, tribe, ethnic group, country, or religion, only then will we be able to solve the worlds problems fo
33、r everyone. 47Synonyms: angle, outlook, point of view, view, viewpoint, slant4818. perish vi fml ( the last line of para.3) to die, especially in a terrible or sudden way 船沉后数百人丧生。 Hundreds perished when the ship went down. perish the thought! spoken used to say that you hope what someone has sugges
34、ted will never happen 我们没有电脑,死了心吧。 We dont have a computer . Perish the though!4919. beheld vt (line 8, para.4) to see or to look at sth, sometimes used humorously be a sight/joy/pleasure etc to behold 花园的美丽赏心悦目悦目。 The beauty of the garden was a pleasure to behold. 他跳到一块可以观望大海的岩石上。 He leapt on a roc
35、k, from whence he could behold the sea. 5020. surplus adj ( line 11, para.4 ) 1) more than what is needed or used 一些国家的制造商向国外倾销一些国家的制造商向国外倾销过剩产品。产品。 The manufacturers in some countries dumped their surplus commodities abroad. 这些因这些因超出需求而闲置着的房子正在出售。而闲置着的房子正在出售。 The houses are being sold because they
36、are surplus to requirements. 512) n u c an amount of sth that is more than what is needed or used ; excess 德国遭遇了教师德国遭遇了教师过剩的问题。的问题。 Germany suffers from a surplus of teachers. 3) If a country has a trade surplus, it exports more than it imports. 日本每年的贸易日本每年的贸易顺差额额在在 1,000 1,000 亿美元左右。亿美元左右。 Japans a
37、nnual trade surplus is in the region of 100 billion dollars. 52Synonyms: balance, excess, extra, remainder, residue, superfluity, surfeit5321. wrinkled stomachs ( last but 2nd line of para.4 ) Stomachs that are drawn tight from starvation and hunger. His use of the word “wrinkled” is more to imply“d
38、eformed”; it is a literary devise. 54 There is another form of starvation in which childrens bodies are wasted, extremely thin, from starvation, but their stomachs bulge outward. This link gives a picture that suggests both conditions.5522. boil down to v adv prep ( line 1, para. 5 ) the main point
39、or cause 所有这些都可以所有这些都可以归结为一点为一点人的天性。人的天性。 It all boils down to one thing human nature. 老师要学生们把课文老师要学生们把课文浓缩成几句话。几句话。 The teacher asked students to boil the text down to a few sentences.5623. interrelated adj ( line 1, para. 5) things that are are connected and have an effect on each other 失业和通货膨胀失业和
40、通货膨胀相互关联。 Unemployment and inflation are interrelated. 很多很多相互关联的因素在这里起作用。因素在这里起作用。 Many interrelated factors are at work here.57 24. a bar of ( line 6, para. 5) a small block of solid material that is longer than it is wide soap n the substance that you use to wash your body; detergentA bar of soap5
41、85926. cocoa n u ( line 10, para. 5) cocoa powder a brown powder made from cocoa beans, used to make chocolate and to give a chocolate taste to foods 60 27. toast n u ( line 11, para. 5 ) bread that has been heated so that it is brown on both sides and no longer soft61 28. baker n ( line 12, para. 5
42、 ) someone who bakes bread and cakes, especially in order to sell them in a shop6229. structructed adj (line 13, para. 5) carefully organized, planned, or arranged 我们已经推出了一门更我们已经推出了一门更系统的培训课程。培训课程。 We have introduced a more structured training programme. 63 30. means n c plural (line 2, para. 6) 1)m
43、ethod; a way of doing or achieving sth 间谍使用狡猾的间谍使用狡猾的手段获取机密。获取机密。 A spy used cunning means to find out secrets. 企业经理一心只想用尽企业经理一心只想用尽办法增加个人财富。增加个人财富。 Business managers are focused on increasing their personal wealth by any available means. 642) a means to an end: sth that you do only to achieve a res
44、ult, not because you want to do it or because it is important 这份工作是达到许多目的的这份工作是达到许多目的的手段。 This job was a means to several ends.3) n plural the money or income that you have 65得到的礼物越多,她的胃口就越大,直到我得到的礼物越多,她的胃口就越大,直到我捉襟见肘为止。为止。 The more gifts she received, the more she craved, until I was living beyond
45、my means.4) spending more money than they can afford. If someone is living within their means, they are not spending more money than they can afford.66Synonyms: affluence, capital, finance, funds, resources, riches, wealth67 31. cohere vi ( line 2, para. 6) if ideas, arguments, beliefs, statements e
46、tc cohere, they connected in a clear and reasonable way. 前后不前后不连贯的句子很难懂。的句子很难懂。 A sentence that does not cohere is hard to understand. 这是一个靠人际关系而不是规章制度这是一个靠人际关系而不是规章制度维系的团体。的团体。 This organization coheres through human connection rather than system of rules.68Synonyms: bind, cling together, coalesce,
47、 combine, fuse, hang together, hold together, join, stick together, unite6932. akin adj ( line 3, para.8 ) similar to sth 这里的政治情形更这里的政治情形更像是专制而非民主是专制而非民主。 The political situation here is more akin to dictatorship than democracy. 这些词形这些词形同同义异。义异。 These words are akin in form but different in meaning.
48、70 33. in the final analysis ( last but 2nd line of para. 8 ) used when giving the most basic or important facts about a situation 归根到底,利益是动力。,利益是动力。 In the final analysis, profit is the motive. 一切真正的教育一切真正的教育, , 归根结底, ,是自我教育。是自我教育。 All real education is, in the final analysis, self- education.7134.
49、 ideological adj ( line8 , para. 9) based on strong beliefs or ideas, especially political or economic ideas 政党之间的政党之间的意识形态界线并不总是泾渭分明的界线并不总是泾渭分明的。 The ideological divisions between the parties arent always obvious. 他总是把学习和自己的他总是把学习和自己的思想问题联系起来。联系起来。 He always tries to link his study with his ideological problems. 72 35. trample vi ( line14, para. 9 ) 1) to behave in a way that shows that one does not care about others rights or feelings 莫让人蔑视你。 Dont let people trample all over you. 他们的利益和权力被他们的利益和权力被忽视了。了。 Their interests and
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