1、密谍伙伴 前情提要Previously on X Company.尤利 他的情况Ulli. His condition.他唯一不完美的地方就是His only imperfection was that he could一次只能有一种感觉only feel one thing at a time.E大调是什么味道的What does it taste like? E flat major?是蓝色的 蓝色是家的味道Shades of blue, and blue smells like home.- 让你觉得安心 - 我真正的责任- Makes you feel safe. - My true
2、duty就是分辨是非分明is to know what is right and what is wrong,不管代价如何 都要坚持正义and to follow what is right no matter what the cost为了所有人for the sake of all the souls watching us right now.沃特教授会在哪儿Where will Professor Voigt be?颁奖仪式戒备森严 七点半开始In a secure side ceremony beginning at 7:30.我们用它来运一点炸♥药♥进去
3、Well use the art to smuggle in a bit of explosive还有这根铅笔保险丝as well as a pencil fuse.画会挂在图书馆里The painting will hang in the library.我们就用那幅画偷偷运氯化钾We use that to smuggle in the potassium chloride.插入保险丝 折断它Insert the fuse, crack it,就会发生化学反应 你们大概有四十秒撤退the chemicals react, you have about 40 seconds to get a
4、way.这场爆♥炸♥只是为了分散注意力The explosion is just a distraction.费伯会带沃特到下面的图书馆 我就在那等他Faber takes Voigt to the library down the hall where Ill be waiting for him.金盏花行动也随之失败了And Operation Marigold dies with him.你作为一个三重间谍的具体计划到底是什么What are your specific plans as a triple agent?我会用他的儿子来对付他 无论我们要求什么I
5、 will use his son against him. Duncan Sinclair邓肯辛克莱都会照做will do anything we ask.他帮了德意志帝国一个大忙He has done the Reich a great service.围剿一群间谍还是什么Rounding up a nest of spies or something?很有可能明年接受表彰的就是Perhaps next year it will be Franz receiving弗朗兹了a medal.施密特的车很快会到酒店了Schmidts car will be at the hotel soon.
6、走吧 我去把炸♥药♥弄完Go. Ill finish with the painting.- 别回头 - 我不会的- Dont look back. - I wont.他们会当着我的面折磨我儿子Theyre gonna torture my son in front of me,尼尔 他们这样的时候我会谈 但这不能发生Neil. And when they do, I will talk. And that cant happen.你得把奥罗拉带到终点 求你了 尼尔 快走You gotta get Aurora to the finish line. Please,
7、 Neil. Go!阻止金盏花行动Stopping Operation Marigold比你我都更重要is more important than you or me.密谍伙伴 第三季第十集柏林 盖世太保总部解救盟军英雄的英勇营救奥罗拉露芙特 哈利詹姆斯Aurora Luft. Harry James.汤姆 卡明斯 阿尔弗雷德 格雷夫斯Tom Cummings. Alfred Graves.我在巴黎和波兰看到他了I saw him in Paris and Poland.- 他们留你负责了吗 - 他现在在哪- They left you in charge? - Where is he now
8、?- 在柏林吗 - 其他人- Here in Berlin? - Everyone else都去聚会了吗 独留你一人off to the big party? Left you on your own?你和你同事们和费伯少将配合得很好啊You and your colleagues gave Brigadefuhrer Faber a good run.不就炸了座桥 毁了一两台坦克吗Just blew up a bridge. Knocked off a tank or two.跟你们比起来根本不算什么Nothing compared to what you lot get up to.那是对
9、你已故上级的赞美 辛克莱上校Thats a compliment to your late leader, Colonel Sinclair.是对你们的智谋The resourcefulness.你们的适应力做出的称赞the resilience you had.反正你们大部分Most of you, anyway.或者说一半的人已经死了Half of you are dead.雷瓦利埃 不久前他告诉了我们Ren?Vallieres, not before he gave us details你们训练营的各种细节on your training camp,哈利詹姆斯和汤姆卡明斯在行动中牺牲了H
10、arry James and Tom Cummings died in action,只剩下露芙特小姐which leaves Miss Luft和格雷夫斯先生and Mr. Graves.我们想知道他们在哪We want to know where they are.- 我好几个月没见过他们了 - 我个人- Havent seen them for months. - I dont take并不喜欢用刑pleasure in brutality,但是我收到的命令是该狠就狠but my orders are to do what is necessary.他们在哪Where are they?
11、这会儿很可能回到巴黎了Probably back in Paris by now.你听到的不是真的Its not what it sounds like.他说你帮了德意志一个大忙He said youve done the Reich a great service.那是因为我得让他这么相信What I needed him to believe!他说你要围捕间谍了 这是真的吗That youre rounding up a group of spies. Is that true?在我们看到波兰发生的一切后After everything weve seen in Poland,在我们不得不
12、做的一切后everything weve had to do.在他差点只因为我们不想留她就杀了她之后He was ready to have her killed because we didnt want her,在这一切以后 你现在反而和他一条心了吗just like that, and now youre taking his side?萨宾娜 没那么简单 Sabine, its not that simple. 我觉得就这么简单Actually, I think it is.我刚被上级审问了一番Ive just been interrogated by my superiors他们已经
13、开始严重怀疑我的忠诚了who have serious suspicions about my loyalty.说错一个字 迈错一步One wrong word, one wrong move,我们都得死 你明白吗and we can both be shot. Do you understand?唯一能解释我和盟军间谍联络的方法The only way I could explain my contact就是告诉他们with the Allied spies was to tell them我一直在玩弄他们 当三重间谍that I was fooling them the whole tim
14、e. A triple agent.三重间谍A triple agent?你现在都学会同时撒三个谎了So now youve learned to tell three lies at once?你知道我没有其他选择 不是吗You see that I had no choice, dont you?那又怎样 你就对他们言听计从了So now what? You do what they want?我只做我需要做的 为了保护你I do what I need to in order to protect you也保护我自己and to protect myself.我做了个决定 我.Ive c
15、ome to a decision. I.我们得低调We need to lay low.- 我们得小心行事 - 小心行事- We need to behave. - Behave?只要一段时间 不会很久For a while, not much longer.时机成熟 我们就离开And when the time is right, well get out.这些都不管了 我们去西班牙We leave all this behind, and we go to Spain.所以 我们要小心行事So, we behave一晚上 一星期one more night? A week?一个月 直到胜
16、利 A month? Up until victory? 我现在还不知道 重点是I dont know yet. The point is- 我们能保证安全 - 看着她- we stay safe. - How can we look知道她的家人发生了什么that girl in the eyes knowing whats happened to her family?知道我们都脱不了干系 我们还怎么走Knowing we are part of it.我们每天都小心行事 也没能阻止这一切We make this possible every day we behave!你当真认为一切都那么
17、简单吗Do you really think ITS THAT SIMPLE?你觉得你有更好的办法吗 那你告诉我You think you know better? Then go on, tell me.我该做什么 你想让我做什么What should I do? What would YOU have ME do?没事的 安妮娅Its all right, Ania.没事的Its all right.我们去坐下吧Lets go sit down.来Come on.我不能迟到I cant be late.- 等我回来再说 - 说自保的事吗- Well talk more when Im ba
18、ck. - About keeping us safe?说坚持的事About holding on.也许你只是想的太狭窄了Maybe youre just thinking a little small.安妮娅这是树上摘下来的樱桃Ania, thats some cherries right from the tree.注射器和爆♥炸♥物都已布置完毕The syringe and the explosives are loaded up.空袭开始的时候 我们就处于被动了We were pinned down when the air raid started.我回来
19、的路上看到有些损毁I saw some damage on the way back.看起来 他们正要往国家电台去Looks like they were going for the National radio.我有种好的预感.Ive got a good feeling.抱歉Sorry.尼尔和辛克莱呢Where are Neil and Sinclair?- 还没回来 - 他们不是应该回来了吗- They didnt come back. - Shouldnt they have?是啊 几小时前就该和威廉一起回来了 Yes. Hours ago. With William. 我给营地传了消
20、息 还有所有在这里的特工Ive sent notice back to the Camp. Any agents operating in the area,我们要知道发生了什么 有没有人看见他们we need to know what happened. If theyve been seen,他们有没有事 if theyre safe.我们离开之前 我和他说过 I told him. Before we left, I said, You dont even你都没法自保 何必冒这个险呢have proof of life, why would you take this risk?现在奥罗
21、拉又要朝着费伯自投罗网了And now Aurora is heading into Fabers hands.- 我去酒店找她 - 我在这守着无线电- Ill go to her hotel. - Ill stay by the radio.我们嘱咐她卧床休息 以.Lets confined her to her bed, so.弗朗兹 很荣幸向你介绍Franz. Its my pleasure to introduce you哈拉德沃特教授 教授先生to Professor Harald Voigt. Herr Professor,这是弗朗兹 费伯少将 今晚由他保护您Brigadefuhr
22、er Franz Faber. You are in his care tonight.教授先生 我很荣幸Herr Professor, it is a true privilege.好 如果这些煎熬早日结束的话 我会更荣幸Yes, yes. Id be more privileged if this entire ordeal were over.不用担心You neednt be concerned;他会保护好您you are perfectly safe in his hands.我只需要回去工作 这时间挑得太不合适了I just need to be back at work. It
23、is the worst possible time.您不在的时候没人接替您的工作吗There is no one to continue your work in your absence?- 当然没有 - 为安全起见- Of course not! - The Professor教授没留下任何书面文件leaves nothing written. For security.当然 明智之举Of course. Very prudent.您将被隔离至七点半为止You will be kept sequestered until the last moment, at 7:30.您的颁奖应该不会
24、超过十分钟Your award should take no more than 10 minutes.然后我会护送您回实验室Ill escort you back to your laboratory,- 然后您的煎熬就结束了 - 多谢- and your ordeal is over. - Thank you.党卫军在外面 请跟我来I have the Reichssicherheitsdienst outside if youd care to come with me.谢谢你 弗朗兹 待会见Thank you, Franz. Ill see you both shortly.鲍尔小姐
25、车已经到了Frau Bauer, your car is early.了Coming!连你的上司也自寻一死避免受这种苦Even your leader tried to spare himself this.你也该学学他You might follow his example.当然不是通过自杀Not by suicide.而是更文明的方式Something more civilized,比如 和我开始对话like a conversation.我见过你Ive seen you before.在Terre-du-FilsAt Terre-du-Fils.那个村庄的所有人都遭到报复性屠&heart
26、s;杀♥All the men in that village slaughtered in reprisals.那你更应该知道我们的厉害Then you know what were capable of.我看见了你和你上司I saw you. I saw your boss.那种工作That kind of work?不是你的专长Not your cup of tea.那你就错了Youre wrong.继续Keep going.谢谢Thank you.真美Its beautiful.尤利Ulli.她真华贵 是吧Isnt she magnificent?简直精妙绝伦Absolu
27、tely exquisite.这里的每一尊塑像都展现了女性的完美之处Each of these statues expresses female perfection.柔美 生育能力The gentleness, the fertility.晚上好Good evening.- 上将先生 - 少将- Herr Oberguppenfuhrer. - Brigadefuhrer.最近好吗鲍尔小姐 很高兴见到你How are you, Frau Bauer? Lovely to see you.我也是And you.- 下午过得好吗 - 除了一次小空袭- How was your afternoon
28、? - Other than a minor air raid,其他都好everything was satisfactory.- 真好 - 上将先生- Wonderful. - Herr Oberguppenfuhrer!你好莱恩哈特 近来好吗Oh, hello, Reinhardt. How are you?- 很好 长官 - 容我介绍海伦鲍尔- Splendid, sir. - May I introduce Helene Bauer?- 很高兴见到你 - 很高兴见到你- Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you.别打了Enough.- 你说什么 - 别打
29、了- Whats that? - Its enough.你准备好了Youre ready?- 对 - 放他下来- Yes. - Take him down.其他间谍在哪The other spies, where are they?别让我当着他们的面说Dont make me do it in front of them.我们被训练的唯一内容Everything were trained to do就是保密is not to talk.我不想当着好几个人的面被羞辱I wont be humiliated in front of more than one man.把他椅子拖到这来Bring h
30、is chair here.确保他的手铐铐好了Make sure his cuffs are secure.我可以让你私下说 但是卫兵得留下来I will give you privacy, but the guard stays.你先出去吧Give us some room.说吧Talk.注射器不见了Its gone. The syringe.我知道I know.一个安保员在帆布衬里发现了注射器A member of the security staff found it in the canvas lining然后交给了我 我告诉他我会亲自处理and brought it to me. I
31、 told him Id handle it personally,我们接到的命令是and that our orders are典礼仍要按计划进行that the ceremony should still unfold as planned.- 你掩盖过去了 - 没 我让他别提这事- You covered it up? - No. I told him to keep quiet,在这样一个日子 保持士气很重要that its important morale is maintained on a day like this.我需要你的枪Ill need your gun.- 什么 -
32、把手♥枪♥皮套扣好- What?! - Keep your holster closed没人会知道你的枪不见了 给我就好and no one will know its missing. Just give it to me.任何东西都不能和我有关Nothing can trace back to me.这是我们唯一的机会 就快没时间了This is our one chance. And were out of time.把枪给我Just give me your gun.我带沃特去图书馆Ill bring Voigt to the library.你自己找武器Y
33、ou need to find a weapon on your own.你上次见奥罗拉露芙特是什么时候When did you last see Aurora Luft?在法国之后 我就没见过他们了I havent seen either of them since I was in France.- 你来柏林干什么 - 我上司想见他儿子- Why are you in Berlin? - My boss wanted to see his son,- 我是来保护他的 - 你怎么进到国内的- and I was here to protect him. - How did you enter
34、 the country?直接切入正题吧 好吗Lets cut to the chase, alright?我已经和X营失去联♥系♥很久了Ive been out of touch with Camp X a long time.从我这里你什么消息也得不到Youre not going to get much out of me.真可惜啊 我是不是应该把我的人叫进来Thats a shame. Shall I call my man back?等等Wait, wait.我说过 将军死的那一天 我看见你了I said I saw you. the day the ge
35、neral was killedTerre-Du-Fils被选中作为施展报复的地点and Terre-Du-Fils was selected for reprisals.我们的人就在旁边注视着这一切My team and I, we were watching.这跟我说的有什么关系吗What does that have to do with.我们收到可靠消息We know from reliable sources你的上司本来要杀光整个村庄的人that your boss was supposed to execute the entire village,但我们看见他放了女人和孩子们bu
36、t we saw him spare women and children.说得没错Thats right.费伯有他自己的原则Faber makes his own rules.就像我的上司有他的原则Just like my boss made his own rules.只要你不参与其中 玩他们的把戏You dont get to be them, playing this game,你就不会成为这样的杀戮之人unless you do that.你会不计一切代价You do what it takes.赢得一场战争有两种方法There are two ways to win a war:一
37、是通过暴♥力♥残酷的手段one is violent and merciless,另外一种是运用策略the other is strategic.你继续说Go on.我们的上司Our bosses,他们做了一场交易they made a deal.我们也可以做个交易We can make a deal.尤利Ullie!你去哪儿了Ah. Where have you been?- 谢谢你 - 为什么谢我- Thank you. - For what?感谢你邀请了我 和我分享这一切Inviting me. Sharing this with me.我知道我会被伟大的人和
38、领袖包围I knew that I would be surrounded by great minds但是我没想到and leaders, but I had no idea这里有这么多艺术作品there would be so much art.即便在国家博物馆工作的时候I. Ive never seen pieces like these,我也从没见过这样的作品even when I was working at the Reichsmuseum.请跟我来Please come with me.有件东西 我想让你看Theres something I want you to see.这幅
39、画This one.我在书上看见过 但我从没想过Ive seen in it books, but I never thought会面对面看到它Id see it in person.看看她Look at her.她的轮廓The silhouette.皮肤的曲线The curve of her skin.她的头发The hair.好像可以触碰到她一样You can almost touch it.在近处看她 越发地美丽So much more beautiful up close.海伦Helene.抱歉 我太心急了Im sorry. That was so forward.不 你没必要这么想O
40、h, no. There is no need.我很钦佩你的勇气 Your forwardness, I admire it.一直以来都是这样I always have.你令我心醉You are intoxicating.看着你 I look at you and.我已经沉醉Im lost.那就请继续Then keep looking.费伯是怎么看待辛克莱的What did Faber have in mind for Sinclair?在这里 应该由囚犯来回答问题 Over here, its the prisoners who answer the questions.辛克莱人已经死了 所
41、以没什么Sinclairs no longer in the picture so theres no harm.你需要他的一样东西You needed something from him.或许我可以帮你Maybe I can help.我们本来计划留下他的儿子己用We were going to keep his son with us as leverage.我们打算把他送回加拿大We were going to send him back to Canada让他作为一个双面间谍 为我们工作 and make him work for us as a double agent.这是个好主
42、意Thats a good plan.计划本应该成功的It would have worked.现在依然可以It still can.利用我Use me.用我的命换取新情报My life in exchange for new intelligence.我们的上级希望审讯辛克莱Our superiors wanted Sinclair并把他处决了 以提振我们的士气interrogated and executed as a morale victory.他们也想这么对你Theyd want the same for you.如果一个人仍有利用价值Why kill a man为什么要杀了他呢wh
43、en he can become an asset?情报会加速战争的结束 挽救人们的生命Intelligence speeds the war, saves lives.- 我们意见一致 - 我们- We dont disagree. - We?- 少将和我 - 你效忠于谁- The Brigadefuhrer and I. - Who has your loyalty?费伯还是你的上级Faber or your superiors?我效忠于他He does.送我回去Send me back.他会为你感到骄傲的Youll make him proud.我有一个小侄女I have a young
44、 niece.她是我唯一的亲人了Shes all the family I have left.- 我也是她唯一的亲人 - 我不相信- Im all shes got. - No, I dont believe you.在我夹克里In my jacket,左边口袋里有一封信the pocket left front, theres a letter.你看一下Take it.假如我也死了 我无法想象她会怎样I cant stand to think what will happen to her if I die too.让我活下来Let me live;我会满足你上司的要求Ill give y
45、ou what your boss wants.又或者 你可以继续折磨我Or you can carry on但是你不会有什么收获torturing me, but youd be no further ahead.在这场游戏中 你可以得到最有用的价值In this game, youre only as good as your strongest asset.我就是那个价值I can be that asset.我的上级没有准许少将的安排My superiors didnt approve that arrangement他凭什么同意我的提议呢from the Brigadefuhrer;
46、 why would they approve it from me?你真的不明白自己在做什么 对吧You lot really dont know what youre doing, do you?这也就解释了This is why weve got我们的网络遍布法国 而你们却什么也得不到networks all over France; youve got nothing.你不明白You dont know.别说了 伙计 就这么办吧Forget it about it, mate. Go on, just get on with it.敬礼 继续 照别人告诉你的去做Salute, marc
47、h, do as youre told.我错把你当成了间谍 而非士兵I mistook you for a spy, not a soldier.倘若我允许你逃跑了If I allow you责任就落在我头上了to escape, I will be blamed.费伯会怎么做呢What would Faber do?他会做他应该做的He would do what he needed to do,然后他会保护好自己and then he would protect himself.有办法推掉责任There are ways you can shift the blame然后当情报开始从加拿大
48、传来时and then take the credit when intelligence你就是最后那个受到嘉奖的人starts coming in from Canada.可能. 是有个办法There. there might be a way.不过我有一个条件I have one condition.条件Condition?一个请求A request作为一名绅士的请求as a gentleman.这不是去主牢房♥的路This isnt the way to the main cells.打开门Unlock this door.这条是去接收区 过了之后就是工作闸门This go
49、es into receiving area. After that is a service gate.- 这是接收区 - 应该是没障碍的- This receiving area? - It should be clear.只是以防万一Just in case its not.把手表扔掉 他们会想知道你是怎样Drop your watch. Theyll want to know how you got free of打开这些手铐的 你用了皮带扣 - 聪明the cuffs. You used the buckle. - Good thinking.一周一次 我们约定好了Once a we
50、ek, as we agreed.- 在报纸上找广♥告♥ - 我会告诉你时间- Look for the advert in DerSturmer, - Ill tell you what time.我会把发报机留在安全屋里Ill leave the radio in the safe house.用上周字谜里的那五个横排作为你的密♥码♥Use 5 across from last weeks crossword as the encryption key.- 准备好了吗 - 威廉- Ready? - William?放下你的武器Drop
51、 your weapons!快做Do it.快走Ugh! Go!- 走吧 - 警卫- Come on. - GUARDS!你有看到海伦吗Have you seen Helene?没有No.她不会想错过这个的She wouldnt want to miss this.盟军几个小时前攻击了我们的首都This Allied attack on our capital a few hours ago.如果你们刚刚错过了Well, I apologize那我替他们向大家道歉on their behalf if you missed it.这就好像一只狮子被蚊子威胁了As a lion is threat
52、ened我们也一样by a mosquito, so are we.但是我们并不是来这里讨论蚊子的But we are not here to discuss mosquitoes.我们来到这里是为了庆祝We are here to celebrate the man那些愿意为帝国大业who will put blood into the veins献出生命的勇士们of our Panzers and our aircraft,他们就是我们打胜仗的主力军the man who will help us win this war.- 威廉 - 怎么回事- William! - What happ
53、ened?- 来这里 - 帮我一把- Come here. - Help me.- 慢点 - 好的好的- Easy. - Alright. Alright.躺下吧Here you go.他在哪里Where is he?我们被出♥卖♥♥♥了It was a double cross.费伯本来要当着他的面折磨威廉Faber was going to torture William in front of him.辛克莱料到了Sinclair knew.他为了救儿子放弃了自己的生命He gave his life to save his son
54、.我给你找些吃的Ill find you something to eat.我还以为他是站在我们这边的I thought we had him.我以为我们能够信任他 I thought he could be trusted. 这本来就是冒险 我们都清楚It was a risk. We knew that.辛克莱也知道Sinclair knew that.- 奥罗拉在哪 - 她离开了- Wheres Aurora? - Shes gone.她在参加那个活动 她在他们手上Shes at the event. Shes in their hands.我们需要去救她We have to get her.沃特教授Herr Professor Voigt,您的研究突破your breakthrough您研制的具有改革性的创新的合成石油in the revolutionary discipline of syntheti
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