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1、Previously on "The Unit".上集秘密行动组剧情回顾.This is our daughter betsy. I have with drawn from college.这是我们女儿贝特西 我在学校时比较自闭You made us a deal. I made my choice, mom.你的事情我们商量过了 妈 我已经决定了She's enlisted. She's not ready.她已经被招募了 但是她还没有准备好She isn't, or you aren't? There's a big disco

2、nnection是她没有还是你没有? 妻子接受丈夫入伍between military wife and mother和母亲接受自己的孩子入伍不一样of a kid who just signed up.孩子才刚刚被招募Did you find what you were looking for?你找到你要的了吗?Where do you think you're going? To a trial and execution.你以为你要去哪里? 去审判和行刑You take this to the team.你要带着这个去队里An officer sleeps with a shoo

3、ter's wife, and he's executed.有个军官搞了射击手的老婆 他就被行刑That's the unit code.这就是行动组的规矩And if he is found guilty, we will honor that code.如果他查出来他是有罪的 我们会尊重这个规矩There will be a trial.一定会有审判I did cheat. I know.我说慌了 我知道Can you forgive me? Yes.你会原谅我吗? 会Can you forgive tom ryan? Never in this life.那你能原

4、谅汤姆·赖安吗? 这辈子都不可能Either it's unanimous, or you don't act at all.如果毫无异议 你就不要轻举妄动It isn't just mack's problem.这不仅仅是马克的问题Colonel's been found guilty.上校被判有罪It's our problem.这是我们大家的事了Well, the question still stands.当然还是有个问题What's the punishment? He knew the punishment处罚是什么

5、? 在他和我老婆上♥床♥的时候就应该知道the moment he chose to sleep with my wife.他会得到应有的惩罚How does that differ from vigilante justice?这和警♥察♥的公正审判有不同吗?We're not the first to stand in judgment of an officer who's betrayed his men.当正义判官审判背叛下属的长官 我们并不是第一个It's the cod

6、e.这是规矩A warrior joins the unit, he swears to live by the code.一个战士要加入组织就要一生遵守这个规矩It holds true for an operator or an officer.对工作者和长官都是一样We could turn him in? And?我们可以举报他 然后呢?If we turn him in, the army will strip him of his rank,如果我们举报他的话 军队就会撤了他的军衔and he'll lose his command.他就会失去指挥权了Would that

7、be sufficient?那够了吗?This was an on going, planned, premeditated violation.这是个进行中 有计划的 有预谋的背叛You asked for this vote.你要求投票We're walking down a one-way path.我们只有一条路And if it was your wife he was sleeping with?那如果和他上♥床♥的是你的妻子呢?He'd be dead already.那他早就已经断气了I want the vote.我

8、要求投票The punishment is death.惩罚就是死Receiving new details now on the ambush in western iraq收到最新消息显示在西伊♥拉♥克♥埋伏的on an army medical convoy.军队医疗护卫队.4 soldiers captured, presumed kidnapped.4名士兵被俘 据推测是被绑♥架♥All were members of the 505th transportation sup

9、ply corps.全部都是来自505运输补给团Molly, it might not be her. They're just saying it's her company.莫莉 可能不是她 他们只说是她所属的团Their names are being with held pending notification of their family.他们的名字还在商量是否要通知家属And no one's contacted you.还没有人来通知你No, not yet. Then it's no use worrying yet.只是还没有 那现在担心也是

10、么有用的Have you ever known a bad omen to be wrong?你们有见到过坏事的预兆吗?Colonel.上校It's your daughter.是你的女儿How bad? She's mia.有多糟? 她在战斗中消失We don't know where they took her or who took her.我们不知道她被抓去哪里或这谁抓了她It was an ambush outside of mosul.这是场在摩苏尔城外的埋伏Betsy and 3 other troops were kidnapped.贝特西和其他3个士兵

11、被绑♥架♥了When do we leave? Wheels up in 20.我们什么时候出发? 20点准时开车You got the full resources of the unit behind you.整个行动组都在后面支持你And i'm going with you.我会和你一起去的She's my family, too.我们也都是一家人She's gonna be all right.她一定回没事的You bring my daughter home.你一定要把我女儿安全带回家Or i won't

12、come home at all.不然我也不回来了Molly said ryan's going with you.莫莉说赖安要和你一起去It's none of your concern.这个和你无关You're gonna frag him, aren't you? Is that what i'm gonna do?你要伤害他不是吗? 我是要那么做吗?We've got a chance here, mack, to be a family again.马克 我们刚刚才有机会重新开始If you kill him, we're gi

13、ving up on that chance.如果你杀了他 那我们就再没有机会了Your daughters need you.你的女儿们需要你啊I need you.我也需要你You can choose to do the right thing.你可以选择做对的事情If you kill him, you'll never see me or the girls again.如果你杀了他 你就再也见不到我和女儿们了Tom, if you get on that plane,汤姆 如果你上了飞机You're not coming back. Mrs. Gerhardt, i

14、 don't understand. 你就回不来了 杰哈德女士 我不懂你说什么Mack knows. He knows about us. He knows everything.马克知道我们的事了 他什么都知道了I got to go.我要走了You go, he'll kill you. They'll kill you.你去的话他就会杀了你 他们会杀了你的Doesn't alter the case.这也改变不了已经决定的事Mission first, then the colonel.任务第一 接下来才是上校The Unit Team秘密行动组is th

15、ere an eta on ryan?赖安什么时候会到?They should be coming. There they are, sir.他们已经在路上了 长官 他们到了Heard you had a personal interest in this, colonel.上校 听说你对这个案子有私人原因General, sergeant major blane of my command.还好 由一级军士长布莱恩来替我指挥He's the father of. Second lieutenant betsy blane.他是当事人的父亲. 少尉贝特西·布莱恩Your da

16、ughter's kidnapping is the army's highest priority.军队非常重视您女儿被绑♥架♥的事件Thank you, sir. What do we got?谢谢长官 我们现在掌握了些什么?Kidnappers uploaded this onto the internet.绑♥架♥者把这传到网上It's a video of the ambush.这是这次伏击的录象That's her convoy entering the kill

17、 zone.那是她护送进入杀戮区Red cap, you getting this on your screens?红帽 你把这些传到你的屏幕上了吗?Their screens are our screens, sir.他们的屏幕就和我们的屏幕一样 长官That's her.那就是她Shotgun. First humvee.霰弹枪 第一辆车That's the ied.那是简易爆♥炸♥装置Looks command initiated.看来开始攻击了Took out the.50 cal.干掉了台50cal的机&hearts

18、;枪♥It's a coordinated attack. They knew what they were after.这是协同作战 他们知道自己的目标Hostages. Yeah.人♥质♥ 对That's betsy.那是贝特西The video ends there.录象到这里就没有了We're trying to shut down the web site.我们正在想办法关闭网页I don't want my wife to see this.我不希望我妻子看到这段Red cap, go

19、 ahead with the containment team.红帽 跟着牵制部队先走Roger that.收到Word of the day is "oriole."今天的口令是"金莺鸟"Authorization code 5-8-0.授权码是 5-8-0This is red cap. Containment is a go.这里是红帽 牵制部队已经出发Subject molly blane.目标莫莉·布莱恩Sir, what was her convoy doing in that ao?长官 她的护卫队在那里做什么?Routine

20、resupply to a local medical clinic here,给当地医院进行日常补给but insurgents took out a bridge yesterday here,但是叛军昨天在那已经毁了一座桥了so the convoy had to take route seattle,所以护卫队只好走其他路a 6-mile detour through here.穿过这里的一条6英里长的弯路It funneled them through a kill zone. That's right.那条路把他们引到杀戮区 是的Why were they there wi

21、thout air support?他们为什么在那里却没有空中支援We've got 150 resupply convoys on the road at any given time,我们随时都有150队补给护卫队在那条路上all drawing from the same air camp.都是同一个空军基地的编制Now we know that a black van was seen heading south here.我们知道有辆黑色蓬车朝南方开 在这里We've got checkpoints at all the main intersections我们在主要

22、十字路口都设检察点and cordiant search teams working every town from mosul to fallujah.搜寻组也在地毯式搜查从摩苏尔到fullujah(伊♥拉♥克♥中心的一个镇)So far, nothing.到现在为止 没有结果I hear you're the man.我听说你就是那个人Woman. Sorry. Actually, hacker.女人 对不起 准确的说是黑客It was either the army or prison in buffalo.不是呆

23、在军队就是去布法罗的监狱Can you shut down the web site? Yeah.你能关闭网页吗? 是的I'll shut it down. They left a backdoor open,我能把它关掉 他们留了线索and i'm in their code right now, planting bombs and viruses我刚刚得到了密♥码♥ 装备炸♥弹♥和病毒and generally raising hell, sir.通常都会有大♥麻

24、♥烦的 长官How long will it stayed shut down for? Well, with these extremist web sites,要多久才能把它关掉? 在这些极端分子的网页上the video's gonna pop up somewhere else, but i'll stop that, too.录像会突然出现在其他地方 但是我也会控制的Good. With all honor to you. Thank you.很好 向你致敬 谢谢你Thank you, sergeant.谢啦 军士长Do we have any

25、back channels to the insurgents to start a negotiation?我们有任何可以和叛军谈判的方式吗?I've had 4 kidnappings in my ao this year.今年在我的管辖区有4宗绑♥架♥案All ended with the soldiers murdered.每一次都以士官被杀告终They don't want to negotiate.他们不需要谈判They want blood. Yes. That's correct.他们要的的是血 对 你说得对S

26、ir, i'd like to see the ambush site.长官 我想实地勘察伏击的现场It's still hot. Our eod forensic team only lasted two minutes.还没有查好 我们的爆♥炸♥物排查小组就待了2分钟All the same. Understood, and i'm glad for the help,那还是要求 明白 我很乐意提供帮助but since this is my ao, you need to keep me apprised但是毕竟是在我的

27、管辖区 你要随时向我报告of where you are and what you're doing there.你在哪里 在干什么Roger that. you coming?收到.您也去吗?Sir.长官Be alert. This place is still hot.要非常警惕 那个地方可能还不安全Sniper!狙击手!Sniper!狙击手!Mayday, mayday! Request air support!救命 救命! 请求空军支援!One kilometer north of checkpoint one on route seattle!在弯路上的检察点以北1公里处Sh

28、e's bleeding.她流血了She's leaving us a trail.她给我们留下了线索Suppressing!开火!11 o'clock. Second floor.11点方向 第二层203!203室!She dug in. Good girl.她故意摔的 聪明的女孩Track marks stop here.拖行的痕迹在这里消失了Army says the kidnappers put her in a van here going south.军队说绑匪带着她开着蓬车向南边开That's their intel.这是他们的故事Let'

29、s find out what the man on the ground has to say.我们听听那个男人能告诉我们些什么I'm coming, baby.我来救你了 宝贝I'm coming.我来救你了You speak english? A little.你会说英语吗? 一点点Mind if i try? I grew up on a farm.介意我试试吗?我在农场长大的Sniper's terminated. All clear.狙击手已经击毙 解除警报Is your family ok?家人还好吗?Afraid.很害怕Did you, uh. did

30、you see what happened yesterday你.你昨天有没有看到什么from your window?透过窗户Do you smoke?抽烟吗?No. Just the lighter.不用 只要打火机My friend's daughter我朋友的女儿was one of the american soldiers that was kidnapped yesterday.是昨天其中一个被绑♥架♥的美国士兵My brother, my cousins.我的兄弟 我的表弟.nobody's looking for t

31、hem.没有人在找他们They've been gone for almost a year.他们已经失踪差不多一年了I'm sorry. I truly am.对不起 真的很对不起My friends think that the kidnappers used two vehicles.我朋友觉得那些绑匪有两辆车Yes. Black van and the other, um.是的 黑色篷车和另外的.What? Blue? Yes.什么?蓝色? 是的Truck with white cover on the back. Cargo truck.后面有白色盖子的卡车 货运卡车

32、Yes. Cargo.是的 货运卡车But, uh, the blue truck, is that the one they took the americans in?但是 那辆蓝色的卡车是带走美国士兵的那辆吗?Which direction, north,south?往哪个方向?北面还是南面?My daughter, she was crying. I only see blue truck, not which way.我的女儿那时在哭 我只看到蓝色的卡车 没看清楚朝哪边It's ok. Thank you. You've been very helpful.没关系 谢

33、谢你 你已经帮了我们很多了Of course. You didn't tell me anything.当然 你什么都没有告诉我We have an update now to our breaking news.我们得到了最新的消息The 4 hostages have now been identified as private4个人♥质♥的身份已经查到first class gail chavez,一等兵盖尔·查威斯second lieutenant betsy blane,少尉贝特西·布莱恩specialist a

34、lex jones, and corporal john hines.医学专家 亚历克斯·琼斯 还有 下士 约翰·海因斯I don't even have that picture of betsy.我甚至没有这张贝特西的照片She looks strong.他看上去很坚强They took my photographs. They'll find her, molly.他们拿走了我的照片 莫莉他们会找到她的Right, tiffy?对吧 蒂菲?Tiffy?蒂菲?She'll be home soon.她很快会回家的This isn't ho

35、me.这不是家To cindy hines, mother of corporal john hines.下面交给辛迪·海因斯 下士约翰·海因斯的母亲Hello. Thank you for coming.大家好 谢谢你们的到来I'm cindy hines, and my son john is a corporal in the army.我是辛迪·海因斯 我儿子约翰是部队的下士I want the kidnappers to know我希望绑匪知道john is my youngest son.约翰是我最小的儿子.i need to do what

36、that mother's doing.我必须承担一个母亲的责任He is not the enemy.他不是敌人Please do not harm my son.请不要伤害我的儿子I need to talk to them directly. Do you see? Put a face on the soldier,我要直接和他们对话 你看到了吗? 放张士兵的照片and the people care. Otherwise, betsy's just a rank and number.人们就会注意 不然贝特西就只是军衔和编号♥We're

37、undercover. You can't.我们属于地下工作者 你不能暴露You're not molly blane anymore. What if betsy's watching right now?你不仅仅只是 莫莉·布莱恩 如果贝特西现在在看呢?She needs to know that we haven't abandoned her.她必须知道我们并没有放弃她Jonas, the team, and colonel ryan will find her.乔纳斯 整个小组还有乔纳斯上校会找到她的Kim's right. And

38、what if it's too late?金姆说得对 那如果太迟了呢?Those animals need to know that my little girl has a mother.那些禽兽不如的家伙得知道我女儿还有个妈I'm calling that tv station.我打电♥话♥给电视台They need to see my face.他们得看看我的脸Ok.好吧The line is dead.线路不通They've cut off my phones.他们切断了电♥话&hear

39、ts;线Red cap, we're looking for a blue cargo truck with a white top.红帽 我们在找一辆有白色盖子的蓝色货运卡车She was here.她曾经在这里Put me. put me down!把我.把我放下!And they're heading.他们朝着.they're heading north.他们朝北去了Do you see a blue truck? Affirmative.你看到过一辆蓝色的卡车吗? 是的5 minutes after betsy's mayday call,就在贝特西发出

40、求救电♥话♥5分钟以后the army's predator picks up the truck heading north on msr-tampa,军队的掠夺号♥在msr-tampa路的北面找到了那辆车but about 40 klicks in, the truck turns east and drives out of frame.但在40公里左右 卡车转向开向东方 而且线路很乱Toward tall 'afar. The marines. Whose aor is tall 'afar?朝着

41、tall'afar 海军陆战队 是谁的管辖区?All right. See if they've got a mart balloon in the sky.那好 看看他们有没有放探照气球在天上They do. Southwest of tall 'afar.他们有放 在tall'afar的西南方Got to love the marines. All right.要爱上海军陆站队了 是的Let's bring up the video from their balloon把影象从他们的气球调出来and input target specs.输入目标的条

42、件Hey. We got to get out of here.我们必须离开这儿Hey, hey, hey, hey.喂 喂 喂 喂Where the hell are mack and ryan?马克和赖安在哪里?I know what you have to do.我知道你要干嘛I don't know what you're talking about.我不知道你在说什么Just let me help find betsy first.就让我先帮着找贝特西My wife warned you.我妻子已经警告你了I know the code.我知道那个代码Why'

43、;d you break it?那你为什么还要破坏?I thought i loved her.我想我曾经爱过她I know what you have to do.我知道你要做什么Dirt diver, dog patch, give me a sit-rep. Over.邋遢潜水者 dog patch 给我回应 完毕Dirt diver?邋遢潜水者?I have the one question.我有一个疑问Did you send me away你派遣我去on missions hoping i wasn't gonna come back?执行任务 是希望我再也回不来?No.不

44、I sent you away so i could be with your wife.我让你去是想和你妻子在一起What did you think if i got killed如果我被杀了你会怎么想?that you could move into my house,你可以搬去我家sleep with my wife,睡再我妻子旁边raise my children ?抚养我的孩子?Maybe you're right.可能你是对的Maybe you should just do it now.可能你现在就应该那么做I'll go check on the genera

45、l.我去找下将军One my mission. My daughter.唯一的任务 我的女儿Are you with me ?你同意我说的吗?Are you with me ?你同意我说的吗?I'm with you.我同意Roger that, red cap.收到 红帽We've got the location of the truck.我们已经找到那辆卡车的方位了Let's move.我们走Red cap, we've made visual contact with the target.红帽 我们已经看到目标了Roger that. The gene

46、ral's qrf is 10 minutes out.收到 将军的快速反应队10分钟到We're not waiting.但是我们不能等了She's here.她在这里Wait.等等She's booby-trapped.她是个人肉陷阱Multiple pirs.多样的雷射感应线This place is rigged to blow.这里是一点就爆I don't know.我不知道Betsy, can you hear me ?贝特西 你能听到我说话吗?It doesn't look like she's breathing.她看上去

47、都没有呼吸I count a dozen transmitters.我数了 起码有一打传感器Yeah. Maybe more.是啊 可能还要多How many more ? Not sure.还多多少? 不能确定Let's find out.把那些都找出来Lights out.关门What is going on ?怎么了?Don't sneak up on me like that.不要这样偷偷跟在我后面Molly needs us. It's like you're not even here.莫莉需要我们 你却根本心不在焉What's wrong

48、? I told Mack about Tom and me.怎么了? 我把我和汤姆的事情都告诉马克了Mack knows everything and he's gonna kill Tom on this mission.马克什么都知道了 他还准备在这次任务中杀了汤姆You told Tom and Mack ?你告诉汤姆和马克了?Do you know what you've done ? She knows exactly what she's done.你知道你都做了些什么吗? 她非常清楚她的所作所为Those men are the only hope my

49、 daughter has,那些男人是我女儿获救的唯一希望and you have jeopardized that mission你却要毁了这次任务and all their lives.危害所有人的生命I told him before, Betsy.我在贝特西出事以前就告诉他了The first rule of a unit wife.秘密行动组妻子们的首要规则a distracted soldier is a dead soldier.一个士兵心烦意乱就等于死I was just trying to save my marriage.我只是想试着挽救我的婚姻At what cost ?

50、那所需的代价呢?Your whoring may have cost everyone we love their lives !你的床帏之事可能会让我们所爱的人送命!I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.对不起 真的很对不起Just go !滚!I got a multiwired.我♥干♥掉个多线头Clipping 5 now.已经剪断5根了Hang in there, brother. Almost there.兄弟 坚持住 就快好了Let's go, let's move !快点 快点啊!Almost

51、 there.就快好了One more.还有一个We'll get her, Jonas.我们会救到她的 乔纳斯All clear. Lights解除警报 开门it's not Betsy.这个不是贝特西It's somebody's daughter.这是其他人的女儿Chavez.ChavezGail chavez. Betsy's company.Gail chavez 是贝特西的队友The body's warm. Can't be far behind.尸体还有余温 可能还没走多远They're on the run, k

52、illing the wounded.他们在逃亡 杀掉受了伤的Betsy's wounded.贝特西受伤了We found something here.我们在这里发现了点东西I'm second lieutenant Betsy Blane.我是少尉贝特西·布莱恩I'm an american soldier.我是一名美国士兵You are a sharmuta !你这个贱女人!She's brave.她很勇敢No. She's trying to tell us something.不 她在试图告诉我们一些东西Let's see i

53、t again.再看一遍I'm second lieutenant Betsy Blane.我是少尉贝特西·布莱恩I'm an american soldier.我是一名美国士兵You are a sharmuta !你这个贱女人!Hold it. Right there.停一下 就是这里Yeah. That's it. That's what she wanted us to see.对 就是这里 这就是她想让我们看的It looks like a tribal marking.这看起来像是部落的记号♥What tribe ?

54、I don't know.哪个部落? 我不清楚Get me a name.给我找出来名字I'm uploading some video.我在上传一些录像So it's a sunni marking ?那么这是个逊尼派教♥徒♥的记号♥吗?The amberzani clan.Amberzani氏族All zealots, known insurgents, sir.所有的信徒 所知的判军 长官Do you have a location ?你知道地址吗?As we pushed north, the g

55、roup went underground.在我们向北逼进时 这个组织转到地下了Can you get close on that sword ?你能放大那把剑吗?It's damascus steel.那是大马士革钢Made in Syria. You see that watermark ?产自叙利亚 你看到那个水印了吗?Are you suggesting. Do you have a native speaker ?你是在暗示. 有人会说方言吗?Just that portion of the video right there.就是录像的一部分 就是这里Please. Can

56、 you listen for this dialect ?拜托了 你能听懂这个方言吗?Recognize it ? Sunni tribe. Anabar province.听出来了吗? 逊尼派 在Anabar省And the word kahlet ? It means bitch."kahlet"什么意思来的? 贱女人In nadji arabic ? No, sir. It's not an iraqi word.是阿♥拉♥伯语吗? 不 长官 这个不是伊♥拉♥克&

57、hearts;词It's slang.这是句俚语From where ? Syria.出自哪里? 叙利亚Are you sure ? I'm positive.你能肯定吗? 我肯定This speaker is from Syria.说话的是叙利亚人Colonel, you know how this works. Yes i do长官 你知道该怎么做 是的 我知道we're not putting boots on the ground in damascus.我们不能越界管大马士革的事This is a matter for the state department这是国♥务♥院♥and the diplomatic corps, not us.和外♥交♥部♥的事 我们管不着You need to tell your men that if the insurgents你要告诉你的人如果叛军cross over into Syria, it's game over.过境到叙利亚 那任务就结束了I'm sorry我非常抱歉general, they'


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