Murdoch Mysteries《神探默多克(2008)》第十季第五集完整中英文对照剧本_第1页
Murdoch Mysteries《神探默多克(2008)》第十季第五集完整中英文对照剧本_第2页
Murdoch Mysteries《神探默多克(2008)》第十季第五集完整中英文对照剧本_第3页
Murdoch Mysteries《神探默多克(2008)》第十季第五集完整中英文对照剧本_第4页
Murdoch Mysteries《神探默多克(2008)》第十季第五集完整中英文对照剧本_第5页
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1、New automobile, bespoke suit;新型汽车 定制西服our victim was a man of means, Julia.茱莉娅 这次的受害人看来是个有钱人阿So what was he doing in this part of town?那他为什么到镇子的这头来I dont know.不知道How long has he been dead?死者死了多久了Well, rigor has passed, so more than a day Id hazard.尸体都不僵硬了 一定超过一天了And the vomit on his jacket is quite

2、dry. William,而且他夹克上的呕吐物很干了 威廉theres intra-dermal bruising on his right temple,他右侧太阳穴皮下出血so he was leaning heavily on it before he died.说明那里死前受过重压The right temple?右侧太阳穴吗That seems odd, given that hes in the drivers seat.这就奇怪了 他坐在驾驶座啊Julia,茱莉娅I dont think our victim came here voluntarily.我觉得死者是被迫坐到这儿的

3、I believe someone may have driven him here.一定是有人开车带他来的Moved his body into the drivers seat.然后将他移到驾驶座He died 36 to 48 hours ago,他的死亡时间应该在36至48小时之前perhaps longer.或许更久Vehicle was registered to an Edward Mclnnes,车主叫爱德华麦金尼斯owner of Mclnnes Biscuits.是麦金尼斯饼干店的店主His wife reported him missing two days ago.他的

4、妻子两天前报案说他丈夫失踪Do we have a cause of death yet?查出死因了吗Were going to test for poisons.我们要验毒Miss James is bottling Mr. Mclnnes in readiness.詹姆斯女士正在取麦金尼斯先生的内脏做测验Oh, I see.看出来了Dont worry, Detective,别担心 探长we will try to put everything back in the right place.我们会把它们都放回原位的Im sure his wife will appreciate that

5、.我替她妻子谢谢你Ill wager youre eager to get started.我猜你们一定等不及要开始了I wont keep you ladies. Good day.我就不妨碍你们了Did I upset the Detective? Not at all.我做错什么了吗 没有He never did get the hang of morgue humour.他永远不懂陈尸所里的幽默You, on the other hand, are a quick study.而你 却学得很快What do we have here?又有谁来了A young woman死者是年轻的女性

6、fished out of the river early this morning.今早从河里打捞上来的Oh no!不What is it, Miss James? No, it cant be!怎么了 詹姆斯 这不可能You know her?你认识她吗Its Sarah.是莎拉Sarah Franklin.莎拉富兰克林Shes at the Medical College, two years above me.她是我在医学院的学姐 大我两届Im so sorry.节哀Dear God, how could this happen?天哪 怎么会这样Are you sure, Doctor

7、?你确定吗 医生I cant find any evidence of wrongdoing.我找不到任何谋杀的痕迹Im going to record a death by drowning,我要记录为溺亡了but I believe Miss Franklin took her own life.我觉得富兰克林女士是自杀Thats not possible.不可能I realize its not what you want to hear,我知道这不是你想听到的答案but it is consistent with the police report.但这和警方的报道是一致的Her sh

8、awl was folded nearby,她的披肩整齐地叠在一旁there were stones in her pocket,衣服口袋里还装着石头and railing on the footbridge wasnt broken.而且人行桥边的栏杆也完好无损It seems she climbed over and threw herself into the water.应该是她自己爬过栏杆跳下去的Or she was thrown over.万一是被人抛下去的呢There was no evidence of struggle.可没有挣扎的痕迹啊But Sarah had no re

9、ason to take her own life, Dr. Ogden.可是奥格登医生 莎拉没有理由自杀啊She was about to graduate,她就要毕业了she just received a research scholarship.而且刚拿到研究奖学金She was so excited about her future.她对自己的未来充满希望There was no water in her stomach;还有她的胃里没有水how can you explain that?这怎么解释It could have been forced有可能是因为水经into the i

10、ntestines by peristalsis,胃蠕动进了肠道especially if she had an empty stomach and drowned slowly.特别是在她空腹缓慢地溺亡的过程中Miss James,詹姆斯女士this must be a terrible shock.这对你来说一定难以接受Im so sorry.节哀顺便Yes, my husband was wearing this suit是的 我丈夫离开家的时候when he left the house. Tuesday evening?就是穿着这套西装 周二晚上吗It was the last ti

11、me I saw him.那是我们最后一次见面了Had your husband encountered any problems of late?你丈夫最近有碰上什么麻烦吗At work perhaps? No.比如工作上的 没有Edward was an astute business man and very well-liked.爱德华是个精明的商人 深受人们喜爱He has never been anything but a good provider.不论其他 至少他是个好当家的Mrs. Mclnnes, if I may ask.麦金尼斯夫人 容我问一Edward and I w

12、ere betrothed at a very young age.我和爱德华在很年轻的时候就订婚了We raised our children in a Christian household.我们一家都是基督徒We were always courteous to one another,我们相敬如宾but our marriage was no love match.但并不是因为相爱才走到一起I see.原来如此Some years ago, Edward took his first mistress,几年前 爱德华找了第一个情妇something I accepted. It see

13、med我默许了 作为一个妻子easier than being required to be a wife in that regard.这样似乎日子更好过些Does that answer your question?这个答案你满意吗Thank you for your candour.谢谢你的坦率Do you recall anything unusual prior to his disappearance?在你丈夫失踪之前有没有发现什么异常Not that I remember.没有Though a woman did call at the house the same day不过我

14、报案我丈夫失踪那天I reported Edward missing. She was anxious to speak to him.确实有个女人打电话来急于和他通话Who was she? I dont know.她是谁 我不知道She was distraught, but not enough to leave her name.她当时很着急 没留下姓名Thank you, Mrs. Mclnnes.谢谢 麦金尼斯夫人If there is anything else, I will contact you.若有需要 会另行通知的Should you wish to speak to

15、my husbands current mistress,觉得你应该和我丈夫的现任情妇谈谈her name is Lucy Stone.她叫露西斯通I believe he had installed her他应该是把她安置在in a flat above a milliners on Yonge Street.央街一家女帽商楼上的公寓里So his wife knows where I live.看来他妻子知道我的住处She does.是的I bet she didnt shed a tear over Edward being dead.爱德华死了她肯定一滴眼泪都流不出来It seems

16、they had an agreement.他们俩达成一致 婚姻名存实亡Yes.是的Thank you. It was something his wife arranged.谢谢 这是他妻子想出来的But thats all in the past now.不过这些都过去了Poor Eddie.爱德真可怜When did your relationship begin?你和爱德华的关系是从什么时候开始的Nearly two years ago.大约两年前吧And we were happy too,无论他妻子怎么跟你说的no matter what his wife might tell y

17、ou.我们过得很快乐We saw each other as much as we could,虽然他有自己的家庭what with his. responsibilities.但我们都尽可能地见面Did you see him the night of his death?在他死的那晚你们见过面吗Uh, no.没有Why was that?为什么Well, truth be told, Detective,探长 实话告诉你he stopped visiting three months ago.他已经三个月没来过我这儿了Did he give you a reason?他跟你说过原因吗He

18、found another girl, I suppose.我猜 他肯定是有了新欢Still, he was.不过他honourable enough to keep paying my rent仍然帮我付了房租and sending me a little something.还会给我寄点生活费I know I wont be much welcome at his funeral,我知道他的葬礼不欢迎我but I would very much like to see him one more time.可我真的很想再见他一面I can arrange that, Miss Stone.这

19、个交给我吧 斯通女士Thank you.谢谢I just cant accept that Sarah would kill herself.我就是没办法接受莎拉会自杀We opened her up and there was no water in her stomach.我们验过尸了 她胃里也没水I dont understand how you can drown我就不明白了 既然是溺亡and have no water in your stomach.胃里怎么会没有水Any wrongdoing and your doctor wouldve figured that out.要真有

20、什么异常 医生一定会发现的You say shes sharp.你自己也说她很厉害She is, but maybe she made a mistake.确实 但说不定她弄错了呢You know, I still cant fathom this, Becca.贝卡 我还是没法理解这些做法Cutting open dead people?解剖死人I just took out a mans liver and put it in a bottle.我刚把一个死人的肝脏取出放进了一个瓶子里Then I did his kidney and his spleen.还有他的肾脏和脾脏Hows th

21、at for a mornings work? Disgusting.这是不是很适合早上干 恶心Ive got used to it.我已经习惯了I just see body bits now.在我眼里它们不过是人体器官而已We all have them. We do我们都有啊 我知道and they dont belong in jars,但它们不应该放在瓶子里thats plain unholy.这是亵渎I dont know, maybe your friend. Sarah.或许你的朋友 是莎拉Could be she had things going on she didnt t

22、alk about.说不定她正经历着一些她难以启齿的事Things she took to the grave.她宁愿把这些事带进坟墓Why not let her rest in peace, Becca?就让她安息吧 贝卡Youre wrong,你错了but I dont have time to argue with you.我没时间和你争辩I have to get to the school.我要去上学了Well, argue with me at the church social.那就在教堂的联谊会跟我吵吧You are coming, arent you?你会来的 对吧Yes.

23、会去I got roped into borrowing chairs from the school for it.我还要从学校拿椅子去呢Well, Ill get a wagon, give you a hand.那我带辆马车去帮你You will?真的吗Come on, Becca, that was your plan all along.得了吧 贝卡 你不就等着我说吗Well, yes it was.是的Make sure you dont crash up that thing.路上小心点 别撞坏了Dont worry, I wont.别担心 我不会的For centuries w

24、e have lived in darkness,在过去的几百年里我们都生活在黑暗中but no more.但这都过去了We are throwing off the cloak of ignorance, ladies.女士们 我们不再无知A year ago, a microbiologist一年前 微生物学家a Doctor David Bruce大卫布鲁斯found parasites in the blood of a European man在一名患病的欧洲男子的血液中suffering from, of all things,发现了寄生虫African sleeping sick

25、ness. Formal name, anyone?非洲昏睡病 正式的医学名称 有谁知道呢Yes, Miss Roy. African trypanosomiasis.罗伊小姐 非洲锥虫病Thank you.没错 谢谢Now, those same parasites had been previously found这些相同的寄生虫之前就在in trout and frogs.鳟鱼和青蛙中发现了Were they the cause of the mans malady?那是不是它们导致人类的疾病的呢Or, if so,或者说 假设是这样的how had they been transmit

26、ted to the victim?这些东西是怎么传播到受害者的身上的呢Miss Baxter? Via Glossina Morsitans.巴克斯特小姐 通过刺舌蝇传播Ah yes, indeed!没错The fancy Latin term for the ubiquitous tsetse fly.在奇妙的拉丁语中的意思是无处不在的采采蝇So now we have the cause, the specific microbe;现在我们弄清楚了病因就是特定的微生物the search for a treatment begins.所以我们便开始研究治疗的方法Its a thrilli

27、ng time to be in medicine.医药研究的时光总让人兴奋不已Cures will be found and deadly diseases eradicated女士们 你们有生之年一定能见到in your lifetime, ladies.治疗方法被开发出来 恶疾被根除的那天Though in the meantime, I suggest即便如此 私以为you stay away from the tsetse fly.你们还是远离采采蝇为妙Professor Hempel, our final exam results?亨佩尔教授 我们的期末考试成绩呢I believe

28、 they will be posted tomorrow.我想明天就会公布出来的Now good day.真是美好的一天Drowned?溺死Thats truly, truly awful.这真的是太可怕了Poor Sarah.可怜的莎拉You were both in the same study group, werent you?你们两个都是在一个学习小组的 不是吗Yes. We spent hours together.是的 我们经常在一起Was she upset about something that would give her她有没有遇到烦心事让她有理由cause to t

29、ake her own life?放弃自己的生命呢Nothing at all. Has to be some kind of accident.没有 她可能是发生了什么意外She was graduating,她快要毕业了starting work with Professor Hempel, lucky thing.她准备和亨佩尔教授一起工作 那是幸运的事Why kill herself? I know.她为什么还自杀呢 我也这么认为I feel the same way.我的感觉也是这样的Maybe it has something to do with her beau.也许和她的情郎

30、有关系I wouldnt call him a beau.我才不会说他是情郎Who is he?他是谁His name is.他的名字叫.We shouldnt say anything, Anne.我们不可以说的 安妮Why not?为什么不可以说Sarah was very private.莎拉不喜欢别人谈论自己的私事Shes dead, its a bit late for secrets.她已经死了 这不是什么秘密了Alright then.那好吧His names Bernard Winston.他叫伯纳德温斯顿Hes a medical student in his final y

31、ear.他是今年即将毕业的医学专业的学生Just a second, who are you again?等一下 你再说一遍你是谁You were a friend of Sarahs.你是莎拉的朋友I still cant believe it.我还是难以相信这件事We were supposed to have supper at my hall last night,昨天我们本打算在我家共进晚餐的but she didnt show up.但她一直没有出现Did you get into an argument?你们吵架了吗Was she upset about something?她是

32、不是有什么烦心事呢What do you mean?你什么意思You think I had something to do with this?你认为我和她的死有什么关系吗Im just trying to understand what happened, Mr. Winston.我只是在尽量弄清楚发生了什么 温斯顿先生How long had you known her?你认识她多久啦We met at the inauguration十月份的时候 我们在of the new medical building in October.新医学楼的开幕式上认识的Right off the ba

33、t, her intelligence shone through.随即 她的智慧便闪闪发光You were attracted to her brain?你被她的智慧所吸引了吗Thats novel.还真是小说式浪漫My father pushed me into medical school,我的父亲将我送进医学院的but Im more cut out for the cricket pitch than study hall.但相比去自修室 我更适合去板球场I wouldve been out on my ear months ago without Sarahs help.没有莎拉的

34、帮助 我在几个月之前就会被开除Sounds like you owe her a lot.听起来你亏欠她的还很多It wasnt all work.但往往都是事与愿违Our knowledge of anatomy wasnt.我们的解剖学知识并不.purely academic.纯学术的She was happy, Miss James,她很开心 詹姆斯小姐excited about the future.她一直憧憬着未来I talked to her friends, and no one can fathom我找她的朋友聊过 她们清楚Sarah taking her own life.莎

35、拉会自杀The suicide of someone close can be hard to comprehend,自杀者身边的亲近的人都很难理解and the reason why Miss Franklin made that choice富兰克林小姐为什么会做出那个选择的原因is, no doubt, very complex.是很复杂的You may never have an answer.你可能永远都没办法得到答案Bit what if she didnt kill herself?有可能她不是自杀的呢Miss James,詹姆斯小姐without evidence of fou

36、l play,如果没有谋杀的证据theres nothing we can do about it.这件事我们无能为力了You understand that, dont you?你是清楚的 不是吗Then lets turn our attention to what我们还是把我们的精力用在poison killed Mr. Mclnnes.杀死麦金尼斯先生的毒药上吧Reinsch has proven unhelpful.雷因须试验已经证明是没有用的了Could you set up for the Gutzeit test?你能帮我为古蔡试验做一些准备吗And the science l

37、aboratory is to be at the end of this wing.科学实验室会在这边侧翼的尽头Yes, for my wife and myself.这是为我和我妻子度身定做的I suppose shes behind the automated dishwashing cupboard.我想她是自动洗碗橱柜的背后设计者Actually, thats my idea.实际上 这是我的主意I have detailed specifications here.我有一份有具体细节的说明书Which I have studied carefully, Detective Murd

38、och.我已经研究得很仔细了 默多克探长No matter the peculiarities of the room contents,无论房间设计内容多么的具有独特性its still a bricks-and- mortar construction它依旧是一座砖瓦砌成的建筑物for which I am well qualified. Yes.我很胜任这份工作 是的From your prospectus,从你的角度看its clear that you are thoroughly competent.很明显您是很容易胜任的Now, did you make note of thes

39、e roof lines?你给这些屋顶做标记了吗Unconventional but sound.这很独创 但听起来Nothing that cant be constructed.没有什么是没办法构建出来的Ive designed them this way so that rainwater can be collected,我设计这种方式目的是为了收集雨水stored and reused for irrigation.储存起来回用于绿化灌溉that is until I install the internal cooling system that will work.在我安装的内部

40、冷却系统运作之前Can I ask when you will be making a decision, Detective?我能问一下你什么时候能拿定主意呢 探长Oh, that could be years.这可能要花很久时间The technology required for such a system这个系统所支持的技术is still in its infancy.还在萌芽阶段I mean on which contractor youll be using.我的意思是你打算让谁来承包There are a number of people considering my serv

41、ices.有很多人都在等着我为他们服务Well, Im. Im sure you can appreciate this decision我相信你可能会很欣赏这个is considerable and not one to be made in haste.慎重而非匆忙的决定的I will contact you in due time, Mr. Binks.宾克斯先生 我会及时通知您的Detective Murdoch. Madam.默多克探长 这位夫人Patience is not a virtue在城市的建筑者当中amongst the citys contractors.耐心不总是种美

42、德Isnt Mr. Binks the seventh man youve interviewed?宾克斯先生是不是你邀请的第十七个人呢Yes, and he made the short list是的 他根据他最节俭的预算based on his budget parsimony.列出了一个最短的清单But I dont think he fully appreciates但我认为他并不完全欣赏the intricacies of my design, Julia.我的设计的复杂之处 朱莉亚He doesnt need to appreciate it to build it, surely

43、.他并不需要因欣赏而构建它Wasnt he a contractor on the King Edward Hotel?他不是爱德华国王酒店建筑承包人吗Yes.是的That hasnt fallen down yet.那里至今还没倒塌呢That isnt the point.这不是重点Well, what is the point of a builder but to build?好吧 建筑者重点不在建筑 那意义是什么Dont answer that.你不需要回答I have the results on Mr. Mclnnes.我拿到了麦金尼斯先生的报告了Arsenic poisoning

44、.砷中毒Likely administered by several small doses.可能是由几个小剂量叠加导致的The accumulation eventually killed him.这些小剂量积聚起来最后导致他死亡I also found a purgative in his system.我也在他的体内检测出泻药的成分Hmm, that would explain the vomit that was found on his clothing.那就能解释在他衣物上找到呕吐物的原因了An unsuccessful attempt to save him perhaps.或许

45、这是去救他的一个失败的尝试Do you have any suspects?你有怀疑的对象吗At this point, two. Wife and mistress.在这一点上 有两个人 妻子和情人Wife and mistress? Some motive there surely.妻子和情人吗 他们还是有一些动机的So you would think,你可以这么想but the arrangement seemed to suit all parties.可这些排列似乎对所有人都对得上号How terribly French!万恶的法国渣男So,所以说am I to assume tha

46、t Mr. Binks我是不是可以认为宾克斯先生is off your list?已经从你的名单中剔除掉了呢We can do better, Julia.我们能做得更好 朱莉亚Dr. Stowe-Gullen.史杜威卡伦博士Yes, Miss James. How can I help you?怎么了 詹姆斯小姐 要我帮忙吗Its about Sarah Franklin.事关莎拉富兰克林Yes, I was very saddened to hear the news.她的事情我听了之后伤心I just saw her exam result. I.我刚刚看了她的考试成绩 我.I dont

47、 understand how she could fail.我不明白她为什么会不及格I am equally mystified.我也同样困惑Miss Franklin was one of our best students.富兰克林小姐是我们这里最棒的学生之一She would have made an exceptional research scholar for Professor Hempel.她还做了亨佩尔教授的特殊研究学者She just needed to pass this exam.她只需要通过这次考试就可以了Maybe there was some mistake.也

48、许这中间是不是有什么失误呢Perhaps her exam was muddled up with some other students.也许她的试卷和其他学生的混在一起了Theres no mistake, Miss James.没有任何失误 詹姆斯小姐This is what she handed in.这就是她交上来的She didnt write a word.她一个字也没有写Deliberately sabotaging her bright future.这是在故意破坏自己一片光明的未来Why she would do that?她为什么做出这样的事Im afraid she t

49、ook the answer恐怕她将答案带到了with her to the grave, Miss James.她自己的坟墓了 詹姆斯小姐Goodbye, Edward.再见 爱德华Rest in peace.安息吧Im sorry for your loss, Miss Stone.深表遗憾 斯通女士Thank you.谢谢Detective, I know you didnt have to allow this.警探 我知道你本不必许可我的要求I appreciate the courtesy.我很感激你的好意I believe her grief is genuine.我相信她的悲痛

50、是真心的It certainly seems so.看起来确实如此Julia,茱莉亚did you see her complexion?你有注意她的面色吗I noticed it the first time I met her.我在第一次看见她的时候就注意到了She seems overly pale.她看起来太过苍白Yes. She could be anaemic,是的 她可能是贫血though she was perspiring and I also noted her odorous breath.可是她在出汗而且我还注意到她难闻的口气Is she ill?她生病了吗Those

51、are classic symptoms of mercury treatment.这些都是水银治疗的典型症状Mercurys primary use is in the treatment of syphilis, no?水银主要用于治疗梅毒 不是吗Yes. It has limited results, but没错 梅毒的危害虽然有限 但in the absence of a cure.如果缺乏治疗Julia, if Miss Stone is syphilitic,茱莉亚 如果斯通女士是梅毒患者then theres every possibility那么麦金尼斯先生that Mr. M

52、clnnes was as well.也可能是梅毒患者Anne,安妮Katherine,凯瑟琳did you see Sarahs exam result?你有看到萨拉的考试成绩吗I couldnt believe it. Big fat zero.难以置信 一个大鸭蛋That doesnt make any sense. Why would she do that那并不意味着什么 她为什么要那么做if she already knew the. Katherine.如果她已经知道了 凯瑟琳What?怎么了Youre the one who said you didnt want to kee

53、p quiet.你自己还说不想保持沉默呢Dont be idiotic. Think of the consequences.能不能不这么二 想想后果There are no consequences for me; I didnt believe her!我会有什么影响 我不相信她Believe what?相信什么Well, the cats out of the bag now, you might as well know.事到如今 我也就不瞒你了Sarah hadnt been pulling her weight in our study group.萨拉没有参与我们的学习小组She

54、 stopped coming to classes, spent all of her time in the laboratory.她不再来学校 不再把所有时间都花在图书馆She expected us to pick up the slack and give her our notes.她指望我们帮她收拾残局并给她笔记And we got sick of doing her work.我们受够了帮她写作业We tried to throw her out of the study group,我们曾想把她踢出学习小组let her sink or swim, but让她自生自灭 但是s

55、he begged us not to.她求我们别这么做Swore up and down shed make it up to us.各种发誓说她会补偿我们And she did, too. How?她也确实这么做了 怎么做The next time we saw her, she was我们最后一次见到她 她非常very sure about the questions on the final exam.确定期末考试的内容Told us exactly what to study.精确地告诉我们该复习什么She was right.她是对的Anne got a great mark.安妮

56、获得了一个不错的成绩And you?你呢Unfortunately, I didnt listen to her.不幸的是 我没有听她的How did Sarah know the exam questions?萨拉是怎么知道考试题目的I think it has something to do with Bernard Winston.我想这和伯纳德温斯顿有关Why? Hes no bright shining light,为什么 他并没有通宵达旦地学习but he scored top marks in the same exam at the mens college.却在男生学院的同一

57、场考试中得了满分How do you think he managed that?你觉得他是怎么做到的Ill get back to you.我会再联系你Is that our builder?!那是我们的建筑师吗Mr. Cole?科尔先生吗Perhaps.或许吧Though he did laugh at my notion of a standing bath.尽管他嘲笑了我的站式浴缸的想法So he has a sense of humour;看来他有幽默感you cant penalize him for that.你可不能因为这个而不选他This is an important de

58、cision.这是个重大决定Yes, and one that must be made, soon.是的 一个必须尽快做出的决定I wont place our home into the wrong hands.我不会把我们的家交给错误的人手上Whose hands are the right hands?那谁才是正确的选择呢I havent found them yet.我还没找到Lets face it, William,我们就直说吧 威廉you think you should build our house.你觉得你应该装修我们的家Me?我No one man can do tha

59、t.一个人可做不到Well, of course they cant.他们当然不行But perhaps with the right crew,但也许在适当的组员配合下some competent craftsman.一些能工巧匠Of course, you would have to have a very good foreman.当然 你必须要有个非常好的领队William!威廉I was joking.我在开玩笑呢Lets talk about this later.我们稍后再谈Ive made an interesting discovery.我有个有趣的发现Come to my

60、office.来我办公室Syphilis is a truly insidious disease.梅毒是个非常阴毒的疾病It can invade the nervous system at even the earliest stages.甚至在早期就能侵入神经系统So to that end, I re-examined Mr. Mclnnes为此 我重新检查了麦金尼斯先生and discovered he had ocular syphilis.并且发现他染上了眼部梅毒It was affecting his eyesight. Mmhmm.这影响着他的视力 没错So he would


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