1、Ive got 7.2我这边到7.2了Ive got 6.6.我这是6.6Well, Im closer,Henry. Come towards me.我快找到了 来我这I have 7.2.我也有7.2了Ive got 7.8. Were getting closer, Henry.我这到7.8了 我们越来越接近了 亨利I just got 8.我刚到8Well, Higgins,希金斯I do believe we have located our quarry.我确信我们已经定位到猎物了Its more accurate to say that Ive located you.更确切的说
2、是我逮到你们了Well, sir, given that we started four blocks apart.长官 我们可是从四个街区外开始的Then Id say this has been a success, gentlemen.那我得说你们成功了 先生们Well done!做得很好Sir, if you dont mind my asking.长官 如果你不介意我想问个问题Careful.当心点How does the trackizer work?这个追踪器是怎么运转的Well, it isnt calleda trackizer, Henry,亨利 这可不叫追踪器becaus
3、e heres no such word as trackize. Right?因为字典了可没有追踪器这个单词 对吧As the wearer walks,当穿戴者走动时a magnet slides back and forth线盘里一块带电的inside of a wire coil磁铁会inducing an electrical current.来回的滑动That current is then converted to voltage.电流就会转换成电压You know what voltage is, right, Henry?亨利 你知道啥是电压吧Yes. Its about.
4、volts.当然 就是和伏特有关嘛Right. Now, as the voltage increases没错 那么当电压on either side of this gap,在这个间隙两边增长the pressure builds and builds压力不断累积 累积and builds until.再累积 直到. a tiny spark!产生一道细小的闪光Sir, I was wondering,长官 我在想what happens when our quarry stops moving?当目标停止运动的时候会发生什么Well then, the transmission ends这
5、个嘛 能量转换就会结束until movement resumes.直到再次运动才会恢复Right. So,好的 那么what happens if theyve arrived,如果他们已经到了but were still a block away?但我们还在一个街区外呢That. that could be a problem.那个 那确实是个问题Well, that would necessitate a third那就必须要一个第三方receiver unit in orderto triangulate the.接收物来三角定位Oh, Henry!噢 亨利Detective Murd
6、och.默多克警探Has Dr. Ogden been notified?奥格登医生通知了吗The caller didnt actually find the body, sir.报案人并没有发现尸体 长官Why are we calling this a murder?那为啥说是谋杀案Theres evidence at the crime scene apparently.在犯罪现场有很明显的证据证明Crime scene? Thats what she called it.犯罪现场怎么了 她是这么说的She? She? Who is this she?她 这个她是谁Sir, she w
7、ouldnt say. But she knows you.长官 她不肯说 但她认识你Freddie Pink. Hello, William.弗雷迪平克 你好 威廉姆I understand you believe this to be the scene of a crime.我了解到你认为这里是个犯罪现场I do.是的I was hired to deliver a letter我被雇来给这个公寓的to the occupant of this apartment.居住者送信A man named James Smith.一个叫詹姆斯史密斯的人Do you know this Mr. S
8、mith?你认识史密斯先生吗Ive never met him.我从未见过他I dont even know what he looks like.我甚至不知道他长啥样Then how is it you come to be inside of his apartment?那你是怎么进到他的公寓里的I suspected that he was at home,我当时怀疑他在家but not answering his door.但不给我开门You broke in?你就闯进来了If I hadnt, I wouldnt have found this.要是我不这样 我就发现不了这个了Its
9、 blood.是血迹And from that, you inferred murder?就从这个你就推测是谋杀吗No.不From this.是根据这个And its not just there.而且血迹不止在这Its under the table and over there by the chair.桌子下面和那边的椅子上也有George, may I have my ultraviolet light, please?乔治 能把紫外线灯递给我一下吗Thank you.谢谢Looks like a murder to me.在我看来像是谋杀Alright, George, speak
10、with the neighbours.好吧 乔治 和邻居谈谈See if anyone saw or heard anything suspicious.看看有没有人看到或者听到可疑的动静Sir.好的Body appears to have been dragged.尸体好像被拖动过. over to the window.到了这个窗户And dumped out?然后被扔下去了吗He did so rather unceremoniously.他还真是做的很随意Or she.或者说她They moved in about a month ago. Maybe six weeks.他们大约一
11、个月前搬进来的 大概是六周前Whos they? James and JJ.他们是谁 詹姆斯和丁丁Whos JJ?丁丁是谁James Junior.小詹姆斯How old is he?小丁丁多大了Around 5. I look after him when his dad goes out.大约五岁 他父亲出去的时候是我在照顾他And where is JJ now?丁丁现在在哪I dont know. Whats going on?我不知道 怎么了Were not exactly sure yet.我们还不确定Maam, did you see anything unusual last
12、night?女士 你昨晚有没有注意到什么不寻常的事He had a visitor.他有个来访者Quite late, as I recall. Is that right?据我所知 当时非常晚了 是吗Can you describe him?你能描述一下他吗It was a her.其实是个女人I received a request to locate我接到一份找到詹姆斯罗伯特史密斯James Robert Smith and deliver a letter.并给他送信的请求Who made this request?谁提出的A man named Kenneth Spokes.一个叫肯
13、尼斯斯波克斯的人How well did you know Mr. Spokes?你对斯波克斯先生了解多少Ive never met him.我从未见过他But this is what I was to deliver.但这是我要递送的东西Its blank!是张白纸A ruse, it would seem.看起来是个小诡计You think Mr. Spokes wanted me你认为斯波克斯先生想我to locate James Smith so that he could kill him.找出詹姆斯史密斯然后他就能杀了他了Did you inform him where Mr.
14、Smith lived?你告诉过他史密斯先生住哪了吗No.没有But he could have followed me.但他可能跟踪我了Detective.警探George, what have you?乔治 你那发现什么了Sir, I spoke to several of the neighbours.长官 我和几个邻居谈过了None of them remember hearing anything unusual.都没听到什么异常动静Mr. Smith went to ODonnells pub at 8 oclock.史密斯先生八点去了欧当劳酒吧Returned about 8:3
15、0, which I thought was strange.八点半回来的 这一点我觉得很奇怪Hardly enough time to throw back a pint.都不够喝一小杯酒的时间Agreed.同意Uh, beyond that, then he collected his son.除此之外 他还去接了他的儿子His son? Afraid so. James Junior. Aged 5.他儿子 我想是的 小詹姆斯五岁Were looking, but no sign of him yet.我们还在找他 但还木有任何他的踪迹Did anyone see them after
16、that?在那之后有人见过他们吗Apparently, sir, he had avisitor at about 10 oclock.有的 长官 他在十点时有个访客A woman apparently. That would have been me.是个女人 那估计就是我I knocked but he wasnt home, so I left.我敲了门但他不在家 所以我就离开了My witness.我的证人my witness says that the woman entered the apartment.我的证人说那个女人进了公寓I entered briefly,我进去了一小会
17、just long enough to as certain that he wasnt home.就是确认一下他不在家You broke in.你闯进去的Is this going to be a problem?有什么问题吗George, were there any fingermarks on the doorknob?乔治 门把手上有任何指纹吗Yes, sir. Higgins is analyzing them now.是的 长官 希金斯在检测指纹Anything else? I did find this.还有别的事吗 我找到这个Uh, his birth certificate
18、.他的出生证明All right. See what you can find out about him.好了 看看你能查出些关于他的什么来Sir.长官Did you know he had a son?你知道他有个儿子吗No.不知道I wonder whats become of him.我想知道他发生了什么Sir.长官Henry, what have you?亨利 你发现什么了Weve identified a set of fingermarks from the doorknob.我们从门把手上发现一组指纹And to whom do they belong? Just Miss P
19、ink, sir.是谁的指纹 就是平克女士的长官What about Smiths?史密斯的呢We only found one set.我们只找到一组The killer must have wiped down the fingermarks on his way out.凶手肯定在走的时候把指纹擦掉了Then when I returned this morning.那当我今早回去的时候Anything else, Henry?还有其他发现吗 亨利Turns out we were keeping a file on a James Smith, sir.我们有一份关于詹姆斯史密斯的卷宗
20、 长官Only one item. Its an incident report只有一个记录 是两个月前from a couple of months ago.一对夫妇报告的意外事故Who took that report? Well.谁经手的那份报告 这个Mr. Smiths mother came in looking for him, sir.史密斯先生的母亲来找他 长官She was wondering if wed put him in jail.她想知道我们是否把他关进监狱了In jail?!为什么关监狱It was the only explanation she would a
21、ccept那是她唯一能想到的关于史密斯先生没有在as to why he didnt send her flowers on her birthday.她生日时给她送花的解释And you started a file for him?所以你就为他开了个档案吗Well, sir, I figured if his mother长官 我想如果他妈妈considered him the jail bird type, he might well be.认为他是那种进监狱的人 那他或许会犯事呢All right. Bring her in.好了 把她带来Sir, that womans not th
22、e victims mother.长官 那个母亲不是受害者的母亲How do you know that?你是怎么知道的Because因为the James Robert Smith那个詹姆斯罗伯特史密斯for whom this birth certificate was issued这张出生证的主人died 30 years ago at the age of 8 months.三十年前就死了 享年八个月Whoever was living in that apartment wasnt him.住在那房子里的不是他He must have assumed a false identity
23、 for a reason.他造假身份肯定是有原因的Perhaps that reason caught up with him.也许那个原因现在阻碍到他了Now you say he was at the tavern last night?你说他昨晚在酒馆里Yes, sir. ODonnells on Queen Street.是的 长官 奎恩街的欧当劳酒馆Find out why he only stayed for half an hour.找出他只在那儿呆了半小时的原因Sir.是的 长官Round back and down the stairs.去后门 下楼梯就是了James Sm
24、ith? Yeah, he drinks here.詹姆斯史密斯 对 他在这里喝酒Are you sure were talkingabout the same James Smith?你确定我们说的是同一个詹姆斯史密斯吗Its not an uncommon name.这名字挺常见的Lives up on Sackville Street? Thats right.住在萨克维街的那个 对的Its the guy.就是他Did he drink here last night?他昨晚来这儿喝酒了吗Is he in some kind of trouble?他是不是惹什么事儿了Just answ
25、er the question, sir. A woman came in here.先生 回答我的问题 一个女人来这了Made eyeballs at him.跟他抛了个媚眼He didnt welcome the attention.可他不想要那种关注A dollymop?一个稚妓吗No, no. Nothing like that.不不 完全不是She was some kind of private investigator.像是个私家侦探So is this what you do all day?你一整天就干这个吗Sit in your office and let your co
26、nstables坐在你的办公室 让你手下的警官do your work for you?为你做事吗One of the benefits of my position.算是我这个职位的便利之一吧Sir.报告长官There you go.你来啦What have you, George?发现什么了 乔治Uh, its something I have to show you, sir.长官 我的发现需要您亲自查看Sir, The man who refersto himself as James Smith长官 这个自称是詹姆斯史密斯的男人was at ODonnells last night.
27、昨晚的确在欧当劳酒馆Yes and.? Actually, sir,然后呢 长官 其实can we establish a convention right here我们能不能统一一下名称呢whereby we refer to the man who我们把那个“自称为referred to himself as James Smith詹姆斯史密斯的人“simply as James Smith?称之为詹姆斯史密斯Yes, of course, George.当然了 乔治Right. And then if we ever have cause to refer好的 那要是我们有必要说起to
28、the original JamesSmith, well call him.那个真正的詹姆斯史密斯 我们就称他为The original James Smith.“原装版詹姆斯史密斯”Excellent, sir. Right.太棒了 长官 嗯George, what is it you needed to show me?乔治 你到底需要我查看什么Sir, I wanted to speak to you privately.长官 我想要单独和你说话James Smith詹姆斯史密斯was at ODonnells last night.昨晚在欧当劳Sir, Miss Pink was t
29、here at the same time.但是长官 平克小姐昨晚同样时间 也在那里She was?她居然也在Did they speak to one another?他们之间有任何对话吗No, sir, but apparently she made eyeballs at him.没有的长官 但是她貌似对史密斯抛了个媚眼I remember her saying unequivocally我记得她坚称自己that shed never met the man.没见过那人Yes, she did say that.是的 她的确这么说了Anyway, I wasnt sure she sho
30、uld know that we know.无论如何 我不确定是否应该告知她我们所知道的事No, you did the right thing.嗯 你做得对George, go to her office乔治 去她的办公室and see if you can find anything看看有没有什么that pertains to James Smith. Sir.关于詹姆斯史密斯的东西 是 长官I wasnt lying我没有说谎if thats what youre thinking.如果你脑子里在想这个问题的话You said youd never seen him.你口口声声说没见过
31、他I didnt know that man was James Smith.可我不知道那个男人是詹姆斯史密斯啊The bartender said you were staring at him.酒保说 你在凝视着他看I wasnt.我没有I dont stare.我才不会凝视别人Staring is obvious; Im a professional.这样太明显了 我可是专业人士You were looking at him.那你在盯着他I thought he might be a client.我以为他是我的客户有若干电话机共用外线 适用于机关 团体 中小企业等单位电话交换机是一种特
32、殊用途的用户交换机 I received a call from a telephone exchange.我收到了一个来自电话交换机的来电A man asked to meet with me at ODonnells at 8 oclock.是一个男人 要求我晚上八点在欧当劳见面Are you in the habit of meeting strangers in taverns?你有在酒馆见陌生人的习惯吗Meeting with clients in taverns在酒馆和客人会面comprises a good part of my business.是我职业不可或缺的一大部分Who
33、 was this client?那个客户是谁I dont know.我不知道He never showed up.他压根没来Believe me, if I had known that man was James Smith,相信我 如果我知道那个男人是詹姆斯史密斯I would have delivered the letter right then and there我当时就会把信交给他了and saved myself a lot of bother.省的惹上一身麻烦Sir we found these in Miss Pinks office.长官 我们在苹珂小姐的办公室里找到了这
34、些She had them filed under James Smith.她把这些归类于詹姆斯史密斯的文件夹内Ive shown them to several of Mr. Smiths neighbours;我已经把照片给几个史密斯先生的邻居看了they all positively identified him.确认了是史密斯先生没错Sir, she not only knew who he was.长官 她不止知道那个男人是谁She was following him.她在跟踪他Sir, she could be our killer.长官 她有可能就是我们要找的凶手So its t
35、o be a formal interview.所以这是场正式的审问Am I a suspect?我是个嫌犯吗Did you take these photographs?这些照片是你拍的吗No. I did not.不 不是我Do you know who that is?那你知道他是谁吗Should I?我应该知道吗Please, answer the question, Miss Pink.平克小姐 请正面回答我的问题Miss Pink, is it?现在是平克小姐了吗Very well, Detective.不错啊 侦探Its James Smith!这是詹姆斯史密斯So you do
36、 know what he looks like.所以你知道他长什么样Hes the man I saw at ODonnells.他是我在欧当劳看到的那个人啊The man you said was Smith.你说他是史密斯的Weve been over this.我们讲过这个了Youve never seen these photographs before?你从未见过这些照片吗No.没有Why?怎么了吗Because因为they were found in your files.这些是在你的档案内找到的You went into my office?你进了我的办公室You went t
37、hrough my files!? I needed to know the truth.还翻阅了我的文件 我需要知道真相And Ive answered you truthfully.而我也给你了啊Ive done nothing wrong!我没做错事You, on the other hand, have breached可是你 却违反了the confidentiality I swore to my clients.我对客人承诺的保密协议So you dont know how they ended up in your files.所以你不知道他们怎么进了你的文件夹的Whats y
38、our explanation then?你要怎么解释呢Well,呼clearly everything Ive told you is a lie.显然 我所说的一切都是谎话Ive been secretly following James Smith,我在偷偷地跟踪詹姆斯史密斯or whoever he is,但谁知道他的真实身份呢and after going to considerable effort费了那么多的心机to leave a trail of evidence pointing to me,只为了留下一溜儿对我不利的证据I killed him and kidnapped
39、 his son.我杀了他 还绑架了他的儿子Or who knows, maybeI killed the son, too.谁知道呢 或许我杀了他也不一定I have no motive for any of this,我完全没有任何动机but then maybe I do this sort of thing for sport.也或许我是做来好玩儿的吧Or maybe,还是possibly, there is the tiniest chance或者 有那么微小的机会that the killer took these photos是凶手拍的照片and left them in my
40、office.放在我的办公室内And the killer being? The man who hired me to find Smith.那凶手是 那个雇用我找到史密斯的人Kenneth Spokes? We know he arranged for me肯尼斯史布克斯吗 我们知道他安排我to be at the scene of the crime.去到犯罪现场So its your assertion then that Spokes所以是你自己断言 史布克斯waited for you to find Mr. Smith,等你找到了史密斯先生then took photograph
41、sof him and his son,然后拍下他和他儿子的照片then planted those photographs在把照片栽赃到in your files to make it appear as though你的文件内 让一切看起来像you had been following James Smith?是你在跟踪詹姆斯史密斯吗Is that so hard to believe?这就这么难相信吗And you were in that apartment the first time. ?而你是第一次进那栋公寓是Two days ago. Thursday afternoon.两天
42、前 周四下午The earliest that these photographs这些照片最早被拍摄could have been taken was的时间是Thursday afternoon?周四下午吗If you need to walk through every step, then yes.如果你想要仔细地推断的话 是的There are tulips in this photo.这张照片里有郁金香Tulip season has been over for weeks.郁金香季节已经过去好几周了A witness saw you go into the apartment有人证表
43、明你进去过那家公寓yet no one saw you come out.可没有人证明你出来过So youre suggesting what?所以你在隐喻什么I waited inside?我在里面等他Killed him when he returned?在他回家的时候杀了他吗Disposed of the body?再把尸体丢出去Where did you spend the night?你晚上在什么地方呢I dont have an alibi, Detective.侦探 我没有不在场证明If I had realized that I would need one,如果我意识到我需要
44、的话I would have arranged it.我肯定会安排Excuse me.失陪了Freddie Pink?!佛雷迪平克She was at the scene and has no alibi.她在案发现场 没有不在场证明William, were talking about Freddie!威廉 这可是佛雷迪平克啊She is at the center of this and has not been forthcoming.她被卷进了案子的中心还没有坦诚Shes a private investigator, theyre rarely forthcoming.你见过哪个私家
45、侦探坦诚了Sir, the Bank of Montreal in King Street警长 国王街的蒙特利尔银行有has an account for a James Robert Smith.詹姆斯罗伯特史密斯的账户I was gonna go by and get the details.我正准备去拜访了解一下情况Very good. Thank you, George. Sir.很好 谢谢 乔治 是的So before we continue,在我们继续之前am I correct in assuming I am the primary suspect我想问我是不是被当成杀害in
46、the murder of James Smith?詹姆斯史密斯的头号嫌疑犯了Yes.是的Bearing in mind that we dont know its a murder要记住我们在没找到尸体的情况下seeing as theres no body.还不能确定这是不是谋杀案But lets not quibble over trifles.但是不要对小事吹毛求疵Convince me otherwise.那就想办法说服我吧Alright.好吧Assuming I killed this man,假设我杀了这个男人why would I call you?我为什么要给你打电话Ther
47、e were witnesses.我们有目击证人You may have left evidence inside.你可能留下了一些证据Far safer for you to insert yourself所以你觉得直接地介入directly into the investigation,并控制调查possibly control it.对你来说更安全If it were my intention to deflect suspicion,如果我想要扭转嫌疑why would I point out that the killer was likely a woman?我为什么指出凶手可能会
48、是个女人You would have anticipated that I would come你可能预想到我也会to the same conclusion.得到一样的推测In fact, thats precisely the logic事实上 这恰恰正是像你一样a smart woman such as yourself would employ.聪明的女人会采用的逻辑If Im so smart,如果我那么的聪明do you not think me capable of anticipating your response?你不觉得我能够预测到你的回答吗Why would I emb
49、ark on such a doomed strategy我们什要干这种注定好了事情unless I were, in fact, innocent?除非事实上我是无辜的Or are you suggesting或者你在暗示说that I anticipated your response我在预测你如何回复to my response to your response?我对你的问题答复In which case. I understand.在这种情况下 我明白Were in a recursive loop.我们在无限循环这个问题Infinite regress, actually.事实上是倒
50、退了Why not just我为什么不直接stab him in a dark alley and throw the knife in the lake?在一个黑暗的小巷里捅死他然后把刀扔进河里And why would I take his son?而且我为什么要带走他的儿子I dont even like children.我根本不喜欢小孩Come on, Detective.拜托 警长There must be some way肯定有办法I can convince you that Im telling the truth.我能说服你我说的是实话So this is the famo
51、us truthizer?这就是大名鼎鼎的测谎仪Constable Crabtree calls it a truthizer.瑰柏翠探员叫它测谎仪I prefer autonomic response indicator.我更喜欢叫它自主反应指示仪How does it work?它怎么工作的When a person lies, the body responds as if to stress.当一个人撒谎时 身体会呈现紧张状态an increase in heartrate, sweating, etcetera.心率增强 流汗 等等responses that are control
52、led only by the subconscious mind.会呈现出只有潜意识能控制的反应How accurate is it?它有多准确It cant prove your guilt if thats what youre asking.你想知道的话 我只能说它不能证明你有罪Can it prove innocence?那它能证明我无罪吗Possibly.可能吧Alrighty then.这样的话Truthize me.测我吧Who is James Robert Smith?詹姆斯罗伯特史密斯是谁I dont know.我知道Did you take these photogra
53、phs?你有没有拍这些照片I did not.没有Had you ever seen this man prior to yesterday?昨天之前你有见过这个男人吗No.没有Maybe your machines not working.也许你的机器并没有用Its possible it isnt calibrated correctly.可能它不能校准的很准确Umm, tell me a deliberate lie.说一个编的慌I killed James Smith and kidnapped his son.我杀了詹姆斯罗伯特史密斯然后绑架了他的儿子Hmm!哼Looks like
54、thats a lie.看起来刚才我说谎了So you will release her?所以你准备释放她She answered the questions truthfully.她城市地回答了所有的问题George, what have you? Sir,乔治 发现了什么 长官the bank account for James Robert Smith詹姆斯罗伯特史密斯的账户was opened on May 18 in Montreal.是五月十八号在蒙特利尔开的Montreal.蒙特利尔$1500 was deposited,存了一千五百美元then transferred to T
55、oronto. By whom?然后被转到了多伦多 谁转的Joe Murphy.乔墨菲I was wondering if that might be Mr. Smiths real name.我在怀疑乔墨菲可能是史慕斯先生的真名You think Joe Murphy changed his name你觉得乔墨菲把自己的改成to James Smith and moved to Toronto?詹姆斯罗伯特史密斯然后搬到了多伦多Its a thought.只是猜想Thats a good one, George.想法很好 乔治See what you can find out about t
56、his Joe Murphy.去查查这个乔墨菲的背景Sir. Doctor.好的Freddie Pink is from Montreal.弗雷迪平克来自蒙特利尔A lot of people are from Montreal.很多人来自蒙特利尔Yes, but she only moved here last summer,是的 但是只有她去年夏天才搬到这and she alluded to some kind of trouble there.她还提到她在那有一些麻烦Julia, do you think its possible朱莉亚 你觉得有没有可能for a skilled lia
57、r to fool my machine?一个熟练地骗子能骗过我的机器Gurus from India are able to control their heart rates,印度的带头人可以控制他们的心率so I suppose its possible.所以我觉得很有可能So surprise would be key.所以惊讶的情绪是关键Am I not to be released?我还不可以走吗Very shortly.很快了Just a few more questions.还要再问几个问题Ask away.问吧Who is Joe Murphy?乔墨菲是谁I havent e
58、ven answered.我还没有回答What happened last May 18th in Montreal?五月十八日在蒙特利尔发生了什么I dont remember.我不记得Why did you leave Montreal?你为什么离开蒙特利尔I was running from a jealous lover.我在逃避一个妒忌心很强的情人Thats a lie. Tell the truth.你说谎了 说实话Who is Joe Murphy? I dont know!谁是乔墨菲 不知道Miss Pink?平克小姐I dont want to play anymore.我不
59、想在跟你闹着玩了Ive answered enough questions.我已经回答了足够的问题No, I dont believe you have.我可不这样认为I have a right to silence.我有权利保持沉默Please instruct a constable请通知一个探员to escort me to my cell.把我送到我的牢房Very well.好Detective.探长I just spoke to police in Montreal.我刚问过蒙特利尔的警察Joe Murphy is well known to them, sir.乔墨菲在那里很有名
60、In fact, the entire Murphy clan.事实上 整个墨菲家族都很有名Their mother is the notorious Ma Murphy.他的母亲就是臭名昭著的墨菲妈I have never heard of her.我从来没听过她Thank God, Sir. Neither did I,感谢上帝 我也是I didnt let them know that.我没有让他们知道Why did Joe Murphy leave Montreal?乔墨菲为什么离开蒙特利尔Well sir, hes suspected of killing his wife, Mol
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