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1、淮工四级核心词汇集Aabandon 'bændn vt. 离弃, 丢弃 ,放弃; n. 放任; 纵情 She abandoned herself to despair. 她陷入绝望之中。abide 'baid vt.忍受、容忍; vi.遵守 abide by I cannot abide the loud noise anymore. 我再也无法忍受这么大的噪音。abnormal æb'n:ml adj. 反常的, 异常的; 变态的It is abnormal for a man to walk in his sleep

2、.梦游是不正常的abolish 'bli vt. 废除, 废止Bad customs and laws ought to be abolished.不良的习俗和法规应予以废除aboard 'b:d prep. 在(船、飞机、车)上, 上(船、飞机、车)adv. 在船(或飞机、车)上, 上船(或飞机、车)They were the last two to go aboard the ship.他们是最后两位上船的。abound 'baund vi.大量存在, 充满, 盛产That island abounds with snakes.那个岛上到处有蛇。

3、abroad 'br:dadv. 1 到国外, 在国外 2 到处, 广泛流传 3 在户外, 在室外 The news spread abroad that a new factory was going to be built in the county.将在该县兴建一家新工厂的消息传开了absence 'æbsns n. 1 缺席, 离开2. 缺乏, 不存在She never speaks ill of anyone in his or her absence.她从不乘人不在时

4、说别人的坏话absolute 'æbslu:t adj.  绝对的, 完全的The police have absolute proof of his guilt. 警方有他犯罪的确凿证据。 absorb b's:bvt. 吸收 、 吸引的注意力, 使全神贯注 The old man was utterly absorbed in the book. 老人全神贯注地读这本书abstract æb'stræktadj. 1.抽象的 2.抽象派的 

5、; n.  1. 抽象派艺术作品 2. 摘要, 梗概  vt. 提取, 抽取Some people say beauty itself is abstract. Do you agree? 有些人认为美本身是抽象的。你同意吗?absurd b's:d adj.荒谬的, 荒唐的It is absurd to go out in such terrible weather. 在这么恶劣的天气里出去太荒唐.abundant 'bndnt adj. 大量的, 充足的The country

6、 is abundant in natural resources. 那个国家自然资源丰富.abuse 'bju:s vt.滥用, 妄用, 虐待He abused his power while in office. 他在职时滥用权力。academic 'æk'demikadj. 1.学校的, 学院的 2.学术性的  n. 大学教师; 专业学者Professor Watson is leaving the academic world to take a job in industry. 沃森教授将要离开学术界到工业界去

7、工作。accelerate ækselreit vt. & vi. (使)加快, (使)增速The driver stepped on the gas and accelerated the car. 司机加大油门,让汽车加速行驶。access æksesn. 1 通道, 入口 2 接近取得的方法(权利等)The only access to the village is by boat. 进入村庄唯一的途径就是驾船。acclaim 'kleim vt.欢呼, 喝彩Critics acclaimed the

8、new play. 批评家们盛赞这出新戏。accident æksidntn. 1. 意外遭遇, 事故 2. 机遇, 命运, 造化 The discovery was a happy accident. 这一发现出人意料,令人高兴。accommodation kmdein n.住处(尤指仅供短期使用的)accompany kmpnivt. 1 陪伴, 陪同 2 伴随同时发生 3 伴奏 Lightning usually accompanies thunder. 电闪

9、通常伴着雷声.accomplish 'kmpli vt. 完成, 实现, 做成功They didn't accomplish the purpose desired. 他们没有达到预期的目的。accordingly 'k:diliadv. 1.照着, 相应地 2.因此, 所以, 于是 He was too sick to stay. Accordingly, we sent him home. 他身体欠安,不能呆下去了,于是我们便派人把他送回家去 account 'kauntn. 1 .账, 账户

10、60;2 .记述, 描述, 报道 vi. 解释; 说明 vt. 认为a. The accounts show we have spent more than we received. 帐目显示我们已经入不敷出了。 b. He was accounted a first-rate actor. 他被认为是一流演员。accuse kju:z vt. 指责, 谴责; 控告She accused him of stealing her watch. 她控告他偷她的表accustomed kstmd adj. 1 惯常的 2

11、 习惯于的She was not accustomed to be away from home for so long 离家这么久她不习惯。achieve ti:v vt. 1. 取得, 获得 2. 实现, 达到, 完成You will never achieve anything if you spend your time that way. 你若总是这样消磨时间,就永远不会有所成就。acknowledge k'nlid vt.承认, 供认, 感谢I acknowledge that her criticism is j

12、ust. 我承认她的批评是公正的。acquaint 'kweint vt.使熟悉, 使了解,告知, 通知I acquainted him with the facts of the case. 我让他熟悉了案情。 acquire kwai vt. 获得, 得到, 养成She has mastered English grammar and acquired a large vocabulary without the help of a teacher.她在没有老师指导的情况下,掌握了英语语法,学到了大量词汇actual æktul adj. 实

13、在的, 实际的, 事实上的The pickpocket was caught in the actual commission of a crime. 这扒手是在一次作案时被当场捉住的。acute kju:tadj. 1 极大的, 严重的 2 敏锐的, 深刻的, 剧烈的 3 急性的 She complained of acute pains in her chest. 她自诉胸部剧痛。adapt dæpt v. 1. (使)适应, (使)适合2.改编, 改写He tried hard to adapt himsel

14、f to the new conditions. 他努力使自己适应新的情况。additional dinl adj. 增加的, 额外的, 另外的We needed additional money for our trip. 我们出去旅行需要更多的钱。address dresn. 1 演说, 演讲 2 住址, 地址  vt. 1 向讲话, 向发表演说;  2 .称呼 The mayor gave a television address yesterday evening. 市长昨晚作

15、了电视讲话。adequate ædikwit adj. 1 充分的, 足够的 2 适当的, 胜任的He sought for an adequate solution to the problem. 他寻求解决这个问题的适当办法 adjust dst vt. (改变以)适应; 调整; 校正She must learn to adjust herself to English life. 她必须学会适应英国的生活。administration dministreinn. 1 实行, 执行 2 管理

16、, 经营, 支配 3 政府, 内阁 admire d'mai vt.赞赏; 钦佩admit dmit vt. 1.许可进入 2. 承认, 供认No one but ticket-holders was admitted. 只有持票者方可入内。adopt dpt vt. 1 收养 2 采用, 采纳, 3 正式接受, 通过 After much deliberation, the president decided to adopt her suggestion. 总经理

17、再三考虑之后,决定采纳她的建议。advance dv:nsvt. 1.(使)前进,促进 2 提高, 提升 3. 提出, 提前 , 预付;n. 1 前进, 发展 2 增长, 提高 3 借款, 预付款, 贷款 adj. 预先的, 事先的a.We had greatly advanced in our knowledge of the world. 我们在世界知识方面大有长进。b. I have received an advance payment.

18、 我已收到一笔预付款。advantage d'v:ntid n.有利条件, 优势 adventure dvent v. 冒险; n. 1. 冒险活动; 冒险经历 2 .冒险, 刺激 They set out on a daring space adventure. 他们着手进行一项大胆的太空探险advertise ædvtaiz vt. 公布, 宣传, (给)做广告宣传If you want to sell your product you must advertise it. 如果你要推销自己的产品,你就

19、必须做广告。advisable dvaizbl adj. 明智的; 可取的It is advisable to see a dentist regularly. 定期看牙科医生是明智的。affect fekt vt. 1 影响 2 感动 3 假装 The amount of rain affects the growth of crops. 雨量影响作物的生长。affection fekn n. 1. 喜爱, 爱 2 .感情She has a great affection

20、for her hometown. 她对家乡怀有深厚的感情。 affiliate filiitvt. 使隶属于, 接纳为成员;n. 附属企业a school affiliated with the church 有教会背景的学校afford f:d vt. 1 买得起, 担负得起 2 提供, 给予 They did not consider whether they could afford the time or not. 他们没有考虑是否抽得出时间。agency eidnsi n. 1 经销

21、处, 代理行 2 部, 处 Our company has agencies in major cities of the country. 我公司在国内主要城市都设有代理机构。agenda 'dend n.议事日程 agent eidnt n. 1 代理人, 代理商; 经纪人aggravate 'ægrveit vt.使恶化, 使更严重Ice water aggravated my toothache. 冰水使我的牙痛加重了aggression ren n. 侵略, 侵犯Such action c

22、onstitutes an aggression upon women's rights. 这种行为是对妇女权利的侵犯。agony 'ægni n.极大的痛苦They went through the agonies of war and famine. 他们经历了战争和饥荒的痛苦。aid eid vt. 帮助, 援助; n.帮助, 援助, 助手, 辅助物/手段alarm l:m vt. 1.警告 2. 使惊慌  n. 1 警钟, 闹钟 2 警报 3 惊恐,

23、忧虑 alienation eilinein n. 疏远,转让alike laik adj. 同样的, 相像的adv. 同样地allocation ælkein n. 配给, 分配, 拨出allowance 'launs n. 津贴, 补助, 零用钱 The child has a weekly allowance of five dollars. 这孩子每星期有五元零用钱。alter :lt v. 改变, 更改The tailor altered the jacket to fit me. 裁缝将夹克修改得合我的身

24、alternate :l't:neit adj.轮流的, 交替的 According to the weather forecast, there will be a week of alternate rain and sunshine. 根据天气预报,下礼拜时雨时晴。amateur æmt adj. 业余的, 非职业的 ,外行的; n.  业余爱好者 ,外行The pictures were taken by an amateur photographer. 这些照片是一位业余摄影师拍的。amaze 'meiz v

25、t.使大为吃惊, 使惊奇 I was amazed at his conduct. 我对他的行为感到惊讶。ambition æmbin n. 抱负, 雄心, 野心 Her son was filled with ambition to become a great inventor. 她儿子一心想成为伟大的发明家。ambitious æm'bis adj.有抱负的, 雄心勃勃的,有野心的She is an ambitious woman. 她是一个雄心勃勃的女人。amendment mendmnt n. 修改, 改动; 修正案Your

26、plan needs some amendment. 你的计划需要作些修正。ample 'æmpl adj. 足够的 This leaves her ample time to prepare three meals a day. 这样她就有充裕的时间准备一日三餐饭。amuse mju:z vt. 1 使人发笑, 逗乐 2 使消遣, 娱乐 It was too rainy to play outside, so she amused herself with a book. 雨大,不适合在外面玩,所以她看书消遣。analysi

27、s nælsis n. 1 分析 2 分析报告 I was very much pleased by your analysis of the situation. 我非常满意你对形势的分析ancestor ænsist n. 1 祖先, 祖宗 2 原型, 先驱 ancient einnt adj.  古代的, 古老的 ,年老的We were impressed by the ruins of an ancient building. 我们对一处

28、古建筑废墟印象颇深。annoy ni vt. 1 打扰, 干扰 2 使烦恼, 使恼怒 His mother was annoyed with him for being so rude to their neighbors. 他母亲因为他对邻居如此粗暴无礼而生他的气annual ænjul adj. 每年的, 年度的 n.  年刊, 年报, Mr. Watson's annual income is US$20,000. 沃森先生全年的收入为两万美元。annuity njuiti n. 年金; (

29、每年的)养老金anticipate æntisipeit vt. 1 先于行动 2 预感, 期望 It is impossible to anticipate when it will happen. 不可能预料这事何时发生。apparent pærntadj. 1 显然的, 明白的, 清晰可见的 2 表面上的, 貌似(真实)的 It was apparent that he was in no condition to travel. 他的健康状况显然不宜旅行。appeal

30、 pi:l v. 上诉 ,呼吁,有吸引力  n. 1 呼吁, 恳求 2 感染力, 吸引力 a. We will appeal to a great variety of sources of information. 我们将求助于多种资料来源。b. He appealed to me for help. 他向我求援。appetite æpitait n. 1 欲望 2 胃口, 食欲 applicable æplikbl adj. 1.适

31、当的; 合适的 2. 可应用的,可实施的This rule is not applicable to foreigners. 这项规定不适用于外国人。appoint pint vt. 1 任命, 委派 2 确定, 指定; 约定 They appointed him (to be) manager. 他们任命他为经理。appraisal preizl n. 估计, 估量, 评价The collector made an appraisal of $2000 on the drawing. 收藏家对那幅画的估价是二千美元。apprecia

32、te pri:ieitvt. 1. 感激, 感谢 2 .欣赏, 赏识, 3 (使)增值, 涨价They deeply appreciated his kindness. 他们对他的好意深表感谢。approach prutvt. & vi. 接近, 走近, 靠近; vt. 接洽, 交涉; 着手处理n. 1 靠近, 接近, 临近 2 通路, 入口, 途径 3 方式, 方法 a. Did Mary approach you about lend

33、ing her some money? 玛丽找你商量过有关借钱给她的事吗? b. He cautiously approached the house. 他小心地走近那房子。appropriate pruprieit adj. 适当的, 恰当的She picked up a dress appropriate for the occasion. 她挑了一件适合该场合穿的衣服。approve pru:v v. 赞成, 同意,  批准, 通过The professor does not approve the government's foreign poli

34、cy. 那位教授不赞成政府的外交政策。apt æpt adj.易于的, 有倾向的,恰当的, 适宜的 John is apt to be impulsive. 约翰易于冲动arise raiz v. 呈现; 出现; 发生Unexpected difficulties arose in the course of their experiment. 在他们进行实验的过程中,出现了意想不到的困难。arouse rauz vt. 1 唤醒 2 引起, 激发 I was suddenly aroused by a slight noi

35、se. 我突然被一个细小的声音惊醒。arrest 'rest vt. 逮捕; 拘捕He was arrested on a charge of murder. 他因谋杀罪被捕artificial :tifil adj. 1 人造的, 人工的, 假的The room was decorated with artificial flowers. 房间用人造花装饰。ascend 'send v.上升, 攀登The smoke ascends slowly to the sky. 烟袅袅升向天空。ashamed eimd adj. 惭愧的, 羞耻

36、的, 害臊的She was ashamed of having failed in the examination. 她因考试不及格而感到羞愧。aspect æspekt n. 方面 We love the valley in all its aspects. 我们爱这山谷的一切。assemble sembl vt. 集合, 收集, 装配, 组合Over 10,000 people were assembled at the airport to honor the President's visit. 有一万多人聚集在机场欢迎总统来访

37、。assert 's:t vt. 声称, 断言He asserted that he was not guilty. 他声明他无罪。assessment sesmnt n. 评定 ,评价He made a careful assessment of the situation. 他对形势作了细致的评估。asset æset n. 资产, 财产 The bank has assets of over five million pounds. 这家银行有五百万英镑以上的资产。assign sain vt. 1 分配; 交给

38、0;2 指派, 选派 Jack was assigned to the assembly shop of the factory. 杰克被分配到厂里的装配间工作assignment 'sainmnt n. 工作, 任务The English assignment is a book report. 英语课外作业是写一份读书报告。assist sist v 帮助, 促进We asked him to assist us in designing a new bridge. 我们请他帮助我们设计一座新桥。associate suieit v. (使)

39、发生联系, (使)联合; 结交, ; n. 伙伴, 同事I didn't want to be associated with it at all. 我根本不想与这事有牵连。assume sju:m vt. 1 假设, 猜想 2 假装 I assumed that he had gone for a stroll. 我想他去散步了。assure u vt. 1 使相信; 使确信 I can assure you of the reliability of the information. 我向你保

40、证这消息可靠。astonish stni vt. 使惊讶, 使大为吃惊We were astonished at the news of her sudden death. 她突然去世的消息使我们震惊。astronaut æstrn:t n. 宇航员, 太空人attach tæt vt. & vi. 贴上; 系; 附上He'll attach the label to your luggage. 他会把标签系在你的行李上。attempt tempt vt. 试图; 尝试They attempted to finish

41、the task before July. 他们试图在七月以前完成这项任务。attendance tendns n. 出席, 参加 attorney t:ni n. 代理人, 律师attract 'trækt vt.吸引, 引起的注意attribute'tribju:t vt.认为是; 归因于 He attributed his good health to exercise. 他认为自己之所以身体好是因为运动。 auction :kn n/vt. 拍卖audience :djns n. 观众, 听众; 读者autho

42、rity :riti n. 1 权力, 职权 2 官方, 当局 3 权威, 专家 The authorities did not interfere with us. 当局不干涉我们。automatic :tmætik adj. 自动的 This washing-machine is fully automatic. 这台洗衣机是全自动的。available veilbl adj. 可用的或可得到的TV sets are available in any department stor

43、es. 电视机在任何一家百货公司里都能买到。avoid vid vt. 避开, 避免, 预防 avoid doing sthawake weik adj. 1 醒着的 2 觉醒的, 洞察的 v. 醒, 唤醒 award w:d vt. 授予, 奖给; 判给 n. 奖品, 奖金Phil was awarded the top prize. 菲尔获得头奖。aware w adj. 意识到的, 知道的She was not aware of having done wrong. 她没有意识到

44、做错了事。awful :ful adj. 1 糟糕的, 可怕的, 惊人的 2 非常的, 极大的 We had an awful earthquake here last year. 去年我们这里发生了可怕的地震。awkward :kwd adj. 1. 笨拙的, 不灵活的 2. 尴尬的, 棘手的Bbaggage bæid n. 行李bald b:ld adj. 1.秃头的, 秃的 2.露骨的, 赤裸裸的This is a bald falsehood. 这是赤裸裸的谎言。 ban b&

45、#230;n vt. 取缔, 查封, 禁止 n. 禁止, 禁令Swimming is banned in this lake. 这个湖里不准游泳。bankrupt bækrpt adj. 破产的, 倒闭的 n.破产His business failed and he went bankrupt. 他的生意失败了,他也破产了。barely bli adv.仅仅, 只不过, 几乎不He has barely enough money to live on. 他的钱仅够勉强维持生计。bargainb:in v.讨价还价; 商谈n. 特价商品

46、,廉价物 后+with/over/aboutbarrier bæri n. 1 栅栏, 关卡 2 障碍, 隔阂 basis beisis n. 基础, 根据bear b vt. 忍受, 容忍,承担,n.熊beforehand bif:hænd adv. 预先, 事先I am going to get everything ready beforehand. 我将事先把一切准备好。behalf bih:f n. 利益, 代表I wrote several letters on his behalf

47、. 我代表他写了好几封信。belong bil vi. 1 属于; 是的成员 2 应被放在, 应归入 belong to beneficial benifil adj. 有益的, 有利的It would be beneficial to keep abreast of developments in Asia. 跟上亚洲形势的发展会有帮助。benefit benifit vt. & vi. 有益于, 得益 n. 益处, 好处The new hospital will be a great benefit t

48、o the town. 新建成的医院将给全城带来莫大好处。beside bi'said prep.(表示位置)在旁边 He sat down beside Emma. 他在艾玛身旁坐下besides bi'saidz adv. 而且, 还有The driver couldn't see either. Besides, the roads are nearly impassable. 刚才司机也看不清楚。而且这些路简直无法通行。betray bi'trei vt. 出卖,背叛 That man is capable of betraying his friend

49、s. 那家伙会出卖朋友。bias 'bais n. 偏见, 偏心, 偏袒Some people have a bias against foreigners. 有些人对外国人有偏见。bid bid n/v.喊价, 出价, 投标  vt. 命令, 吩咐 He bid $300 for the oil painting. 他出价三百元买那幅油画。bill bil n. 1 账单 2议案 3钞票 blame bleim vt. 指责, 责怪, 归咎于 n. 责任 blame for blank

50、 blækadj. 1 空白的, 空着的 2 茫然的, 无表情的 There was a blank look on his face. 他脸上没有表情。block blkn. 1 街区, 街段 2.障碍(物), 阻塞(物) vt. 1 堵塞, 阻塞 2 阻碍, 妨碍  A piece of rock had fallen and blocked up the path. 一块岩石掉了下来,堵住了路。bloomblu:m n. 1

51、60;花 2 最佳时期, 茂盛时期 vi. 开花Poetry was blooming in China in the Tang dynasty. 中国的诗歌在唐代十分盛行。boardb:d n. 1 板, 木板,牌子 2委员会, 董事会v. 上(船车或飞机)boast bust n. 自吹自擂, 自夸的话 v. 自夸The captain is always boasting of his military valor. 上尉老是自夸阵前之勇。bold buld adj. 1

52、0;勇敢的2 冒失的, 鲁莽的 3 明显的, 醒目的 4 粗体的, 黑体的 Mr. Jordan made a bold speech. 乔丹先生做了一次大胆的演讲。bond bndn. 1 联系, 关系 2 连接, 接合, 结合 3 有息债券 4 合同, 契约;vt. 使粘结, 使结合 bonus buns n. 奖金, 红利 boom bu:mvi. 1 激增, 猛涨, 兴隆 2 发

53、出隆隆声 n. 1 (营业等的)激增, (经济等的)繁荣, 迅速发展 2 隆隆声 The county boomed when gold was discovered there. 那个县在发现了黄金后便繁荣起来。bore b: n. 令人讨厌的人或事物, 麻烦vt. 令人厌烦bother 'bð v. 打扰, 烦扰, 使恼怒 后+with/about)bound baundvi. 跳; 弹回 vt. 给划界, 限制;n. 1 跳, 跳跃, 跃进 

54、2 界限, 范围 adj. 1 被捆绑的, 被束缚的 2 一定的, 必定的 3 去, 准备去  He's bound to notice your mistake. 他必定会觉察到你的错误。boundary baundri n. 1 分界线 2 界线, 范围 breed bri:d v.生育; 繁殖, 饲养, 培养  Rabbits breed quickly. 兔子繁殖快。bribe braib v. 贿赂 n. 贿

55、赂 They tried to bribe the reporter into silence. 他们试图收买该记者,不让他张扬。brief bri:f adj.  简洁的, 简短的  n. 概要, 摘要 burden b:dn n. 重负 vt. 加重压于, 使背负The government burdened the nation with heavy taxes. 政府使国民负担重税。burst b:st v. 1 爆炸, 爆裂 2 挤满, 充满 3 突然打开 

56、;4 突然发作, n. 爆炸, 爆发Her door was thrust open, and Mrs. Page burst in. 她的门被猛地推开,佩奇太太冲了进来。by-business n. 副业by-law bail: n. 次要法规,(社、团制定的)规章制度by-product baiprdkt n. 副产品  Ccalculate kælkjuleit v.计算, 估计 He calculated the costs very carefully. 他仔细计算开支。campaign kæmpein n.

57、60;1 运动 2 战役  vi. 发起运动, 参加竞选cancel kænsl vt.  取消, 废除  = call off candidate kændidit n. 1 申请求职者, 候选人 2 报考者 capable keipbl adj. 有能力的 be capable of capacity kpæsiti n. 1 容量, 容积 2 才能, 能力 3 

58、身份, 职位 The auto plant now has an annual capacity of 12,000 cars. 这家汽车厂现在每年能生产一万二千辆汽车。capture kæpt vt. 1 俘获 2 夺取, 占领  The police have not captured the mugger yet. 警方还没有捕获那个行凶抢劫者。career kri n. 1 职业 2 生涯, 履历 cargo k:u n. 货物(量) case keis n

59、. 1 事例,实情 2. 容器,手提箱cash kæ n. 钱, 现款 vt. 把支票兑换成现金 casual kæjul adj. 1 漠不关心的, 冷淡的 2.偶然的, 碰巧的3.临时的, 不定期的 a. My car had stalled and I sought help from casual passers-by. 我的车发动不起来了,我就向碰巧路过的人求助。b. He worked as a casual laborer and did not earn much. 他当临时工,

60、没有赚多少钱。caution k:n n. 小心, 谨慎, 慎重  The policeman let the driver off with a caution. 警察向司机提出警告后就让他走了cease si:s v. 停止, 终止, 结束 The matter has ceased to be a mystery to anyone. 这件事对大家已不再是个谜了。celebrate selibreit v. 庆祝 ceremony serimni n. 1 典礼, 仪式 2 礼节, 礼仪 certi

61、ficate stifikit n. 证明书, 执照 challenge tælind n. 1 挑战 2 怀疑, 质问 3 艰巨的任务 vt. 1 挑战 2 质疑 3 考验 I challenged him to show his proof. 我要他拿出证据。characteristic kæriktristik adj. 特有的, 典型的 charge t:dvt. 1 命令, 委托

62、0;2 控告 3.收费, 要价 n. 1 指责, 指控, 控告2.费用 3.掌管, 照管 4. 指示, 命令be charged with charge for charming t:mi adj. 媚人的; 可爱的; 令人陶醉的chase teisvt. 1 追捕, 追逐 2 试图赢得;n. 1 追捕, 追猎 2 打猎 He never ceased to chase after his dream in his

63、vigorous youth. 在精力充沛的年轻时代他从未停止过追求自己的梦想。check tek v. 检查, 核对; n. 1. 检查, 核对2.美支票, 账单 cheque tek n. 支票chief ti:f adj.  主要的, 最重要的 chillytili adj. 寒冷的, 冷得难受的circulate s:kjuleit v. 1 (使)循环, (使)流通 2. 散布, 传播 Rumour circulates rapidly. 谣言传得很快。 

64、circumstance s:kmstns n. 1 环境, 条件, 2 境遇, 经济状况  civilization sivilaizein n. 文明, 文化claim kleim vt.  声称, 断言; 对提出要求, 索取She claimed that the ring was stolen, not lost. 她声言那只戒指是被偷的,而不是遗失的。classical klæsikl adj. 古典的, 经典的classify klæsifai vt. 分类; 归类 Eggs are classified according to size. 鸡蛋按大小分等级。 client klaint n. 1 委托人 2 顾客, 常客 clue klu: n. 线索, 提示coarse k:s adj. 1 粗的, 粗糙的 2 粗野的, 粗鲁的 My clothes were made of coarse cloth. 我的衣服是用粗布制成的。collapse klæps vi.


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