Under the Dome《穹顶之下(2013)》第三季第三集完整中英文对照剧本_第1页
Under the Dome《穹顶之下(2013)》第三季第三集完整中英文对照剧本_第2页
Under the Dome《穹顶之下(2013)》第三季第三集完整中英文对照剧本_第3页
Under the Dome《穹顶之下(2013)》第三季第三集完整中英文对照剧本_第4页
Under the Dome《穹顶之下(2013)》第三季第三集完整中英文对照剧本_第5页
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1、Three weeks ago,三周前an invisible dome crashed down on Chesters Mill,一个隐形穹顶罩住了切斯特磨坊镇cutting us off from the rest of the world.使我们与世隔绝The dome has tested our limits.穹顶考验了我们的极限.pitting us against one another.让我们彼此反♥目♥Chesters Mill sentences Dale Barbara to death.切斯特磨坊镇判处戴尔芭芭拉死刑.and forcing

2、 each of us逼迫我们每个人to confront our own personal demons-直面自己的恶魔rage.愤怒I need to know that you will stand with me against that!我需要知道你会支持我 反对那种事.grief.悲痛I dont understand- who could do this to her?我不明白有谁能对她下此毒手I promise you, were going to catch whoever did this.我向你保证 我们会抓到凶手.fear. Were trapped.恐惧 我们被困住了

3、I hear were going to run out of water.我听说快没饮用水了You killed Angie McAlister.你杀了安琪麦卡利斯特.shame.羞耻I thought it would bring the dome down.我以为这样会让穹顶降下I would do anything to take it back.我愿意不惜一切代价挽回这件事But weve also found love under the dome.但是穹顶之下我们也找到了爱And we have battled to keep our town together.我们拼尽一切维持

4、小镇的团结I thought the dome was supposed to protect us.我以为穹顶应该保护我们No, its up to us to protect each other.不 我们要靠自己互相保护Now we may finally have found a way out.现在我们可能终于找到出路了Were outside the dome.我们在穹顶外面了We hope it takes us home,我们希望这条路可以带我们回家but what if it takes us to an alternate reality?但是如果它把我们带去另一个现实呢W

5、hatevers going down in Chesters Mill,无论切斯特磨坊镇发生了什么heres proof that it aint real.都不是真的 这就是证据These places.这些地方these people.这些人something is wrong here.这里有问题What do you say, Red?你怎么说 红发妞Do it.动手吧We walked into the white light.我们走进白光.and we just kept going.我们一直走And the dome was gone.然后穹顶消失了And we were fr

6、ee.我们自♥由♥了The outside world, somehow it seemed more.外面的世界 看起来更.more beautiful,更美好you know, more vibrant.更有活力Where was I?我当时在哪里You were dead.你死了What did you do after I died?我死后你做了什么Julia.茱莉亚I want to know what it was like for you.我想知道你当时的感觉There was a funeral,举♥行♥了葬礼and I

7、met your parents. The only thing I could do我见了你父母 我唯一能做的was to get as far away from Chesters Mill as possible.就是尽可能远离切斯特磨坊镇Whered you go?你去哪里了Abuja.阿布贾Kabul.喀布尔I ran rescue missions.我去执行救援任务I dreamt about you我每晚都every night.梦到你Hey, its okay.没事的I met a woman.我遇到一个女人She doesnt matter.她不重要None of it wa

8、s real.一切都不是真的What happened to your neck?你的脖子怎么回事Your father came back.你父亲回来了He brought the egg.他带来了那颗蛋My father did that? No.这是我父亲做的吗 不是Dons dead.唐已经死了How?怎么死的I think Melanie killed him.我觉得是梅兰妮杀了他How could you even say that?你怎么能这么说Because she tried to kill me, too.因为她也曾想杀我Found this in an emergency

9、 kit.在一个急救箱里找到的You should eat something.你该吃点东西Come on home.回家吧Thats your home, not mine.那是你的家 不是我的Course its yours.当然也是你的家I-I dont know how Im back here.我不知道我是怎么回来的You were in some kind of a-a, a-a cocoon,你在一个类似蚕茧的东西里andand. you never went anywhere. I did.你从没去过别的地方 我去了I moved on. I got rid of you.我出

10、去了 我摆脱你了This time has to be different, Dad.这次不能像以前一样了 爸爸I want to forgive you.我想原谅你For what? All of it.原谅我什么 一切Locking me up in that bomb shelter,把我关在那个防空洞里alone, in the dark.让我在黑暗中一个人Leaving me up in that tree, forcing me把我留在那棵树上 强迫我to go get the belt.去拿那条皮带I saved you.我救了你You should be thanking me

11、.你应该感谢我You were a weak little kid.你原来就是个软弱的孩子I just tried to make you strong.我只是想让你变得强大I was stronger without you.没有你我更强大Where?!在哪里In your little make-believe cocoon world?在那个虚幻的蚕茧世界里吗Youre still weak.你还是很软弱Youre pathetic and afraid.你既可悲又害怕You can punch that dome as many times as you need to,你尽管朝穹顶拳

12、打脚踢吧Junior.小詹姆斯Youre back under it.你又回到穹顶之下了Three weeks.三周Thats how long you and I were in those cocoons.你跟我在那些蚕茧里待了三周Oh, my God.天哪I know.我知道Christine.克丽丝汀the last thing I remember was us finding that egg.我记得的最后一件事是我们找到那颗蛋了And then I was in an alternate reality for, like, a year.然后我就进入另一个时空待了一年In lo

13、ve with Dale, carrying his child.跟戴尔相爱 怀了他的孩子And now weve hatched现在我们从蚕茧里孵化出来and were under a dome?又回到穹顶之下了吗None of this makes sense.这一切都说不通啊Were anthropologists.我们是人类学家But in that world, I was an aid worker.但在那个世界里 我是救援人员You-you were a therapist.你是个治疗师Why were we different?为什么我们的工作不一样I cant tell yo

14、u that,我不知道but. I think its a good thing.但. 我想那是好事If this town knew如果这个镇子清楚who we really are, that we were here to find that egg,我们是谁 知道我们的目的是来找那颗蛋wed have a lot more to answer for.那我们就要回答很多问题All those hunts Hektor sent us on,赫克特让我们进行的一次又一次搜捕do you think Aktaion knew what would happen when we found

15、one?你认为阿克泰昂知道我们一旦找到会发生什么事吗Tomorrow well go to that town hall meeting我们明天去参加镇民集♥会♥and find out what we can. No, Im.看看我们能怎么做 不 我.I cant see Dale. With her.我不能见戴尔 看着他和她在一起We have to go.我们必须去People saw us in those caves.人们在洞穴里看到我们了If we dont show up, theyll come looking.如果我们不去 他们会来找的Is it

16、possible Im pregnant?我会不会真的怀孕了I dont think so, hon.亲爱的 我可不这么认为It felt so real.之前感觉太真实了It still does.现在也是You have always talked about wanting kids.你总是说想要孩子Itll happen.会有的I guess the best way of explaining it is that we were in对此最好的解释就是 我们之前a simulated reality.处于虚拟现实里Like The Matrix.就像黑客帝国那种Want to he

17、ar something weird?想听听诡异的事吗More weird比我们进过than we were in a Matrix?黑客帝国还更诡异吗I dont need my glasses anymore.我不用戴眼镜了I can see without them.我的视力恢复了Maybe the goo that was all over us fixed your eyes.也许是我们身上的那些粘液治愈了你的眼睛Well, yay, you can see,你能恢复视力太好了but were still trapped inside this hell bubble.但我们还是困在

18、这个鬼气泡里Want my sweater?要穿我的毛衣吗Yeah.好Wh-What are you even doing here?你来干嘛Uh, I dont have a house to go to.我没地方去Can we please go to sleep?我们能睡觉吗Yesterday we were together.昨天我们还在一起But in the Matrix, you moved on without me.但在黑客帝国里 你撇下我向前看了So.那.what are we now?我们现在是怎样I dont know.我不知道It feels like a years

19、 passed.感觉已经过了一年And I feel.我觉得.different.自己不一样了Theyre dead.它们都死了All of them.所有的Their cycle came to an end.它们的生命周期结束了And, unlike you, they wont be brought back to life.和你不同 它们可不会复活You had a job:你之前有任务lead the people to be cocooned引人们被茧裹住so that the egg could infuse them with the life force.这样蛋可以给他们灌输

20、生命力I tried.我尽力了I did.真的Im so sorry.我很抱歉Why were we chosen to do this?为什么选中我们来做这事You and I made first contact with the egg.你和我是首先接触那颗蛋的When we touched it, we gained我们触碰它时a complete understanding of the domes agenda:就完全了解了穹顶的目的survive and propagate.生存和繁殖But I touched the egg first.但我是第一个触碰蛋的25 years a

21、go.在25年前It should have been me inside the queen cocoon,女王茧里应该是我才对not you.而不是你But you died during the download.但你在下载过程中死了Three weeks ago, I came along.三周前 我出现了From inside my cocoon, I could see从我的茧里 我看到that this town was on the brink of destroying itself.这个镇子处在自毁的边缘What is that stuff?那是什么Oxytocin. It

22、s a mood regulator.催产素 是种情绪调节剂It, plus the alternate reality, was essential它加上交替现实 是将人类to shape these humans into a functioning collective,变成官能集体的要素so that we could gain a foothold.这样我们才能站稳脚跟Except.但是.the transfer of the life force was interrupted.生命力的传递过程被打断了Because Big Jim destroyed the egg.因为大吉姆把

23、蛋给毁了Because you didnt protect it.因为你没能保护好它Everyone who was cocooned每个在茧里的人has a role to play.都有自己的作用We need to finish what we started.我们必须完成已经开始的任务Quickly.而且要快Well, I cant go up there.但我不能上去Im surprised Julia hasnt come looking for me already.茱莉亚竟然还没来找我 我都感到惊讶Ill assess the townspeople我会对镇民进行评估and d

24、etermine how much work is left to do.看看还有多少工作要做You handle Julia.你去搞定茱莉亚If she shows up, kill her.如果她出现了 就杀了她Jim.吉姆How are you?你好How are you guys? How are you?伙计们好 你好Lets get this meeting started.我们开始会议吧Abby.艾比Water?要水吗Its clean.是干净的From my well.从我井里打上来的Its good to see you all.很高兴见到大家Safe.安然无恙Right b

25、ack here in Chesters Mill.好好地回到切斯特磨坊镇You think were gonna listen to you, Jim?你觉得我们会听你得吗 吉姆You ran this town into the ground.你把镇子搞得一团糟No, Roger, I didnt.不 罗杰 我没有I risked everything我冒着极大风险to set you free from those cocoons.去将你们从茧里放出来Because I love this town.因为我爱这个镇子And Id do anything for it.我愿意为它做任何事I

26、ll get you back on your feet.我会让你们重振旗鼓But first things first.但首先We need answers.我们需要答案For you, for all of you.为你 为所有人For my son.为我的儿子The person that has those answers is Melanie Cross.梅兰妮克洛斯知道答案And I wont stop until we find that girl.在我们找到那个女孩之前我不会罢休Hes starting a witch hunt for Melanie.他在动员大家追杀梅兰妮T

27、heyll kill her before we get any answers.他们会在我们得到答案之前杀了她的She knows whats going on in this town她知道这座小镇发生了什么and Im gonna find out what it is.而我会查出真♥相♥Forget Melanie.忘记梅兰妮吧Youre the biggest threat this towns ever seen.你是这座小镇最大的威胁Barbie!芭比I saved everyone in there!我救了那里的所有人Barbie!芭比Enough!

28、够了Dale!戴尔Who are you?你是谁Answer the question.回答问题Who are you?你是谁Im Christine Price我是克丽丝汀普莱斯and this is my friend Eva.这是我的朋友伊娃Excuse me, I need some air.抱歉 我要出去透透气And you all know each other?你们认识吗Yeah. We do.是的 我们认识Eva and I were in the.伊娃和我alternate reality, as strange as it sounds.在另一个现实中 听起来很奇怪Soun

29、ds pretty strange.的确很奇怪Everyone in the cocoons was from Chesters Mill.茧里的人都来自切斯特磨坊镇But youre not.但是你们不是No, no. We.不不 我们.We were here on vacation.我们是来这里度假的We went for a hike in the woods and.我们去森林里徒步wandered off the trail and.迷失了方向 然后.And then what?然后怎样We stepped into some kind of a sinkhole,我们掉进了某个污

30、水坑and emerged from those cocoons yesterday,然后昨天才和大家一起along with everybody else.从茧里出来When did you go on this hike?你什么时候去徒步的Three weeks ago.三周前Thats some story.这故事真不错Im a therapist.我是心理医生I helped this town recover from a trauma-在茧中 我帮助这个城镇in the cocoons.从创伤中恢复It seems as if people could use that same

31、kind of help now?看起来现在人们也需要同样的帮助Shall we?我们可以吗Youre staying out here.你待在这里Or what?不然呢Or we tell them everything.不然我们告诉大家一切Rebecca.丽贝卡Andrea.安德莉亚You shot Junior.你枪击了小詹姆斯How you came after me.你还追杀了我After all I did for you in those caves?我在山洞里为你做了那么多That doesnt undo everything else.那不能抵消其他的事Chesters Mi

32、lls still better off without you.切斯特磨坊镇依然没你更好Oh, is it?是吗Cocoons,茧alternate reality.另一个现实Yeah.是啊Looks like everyones shaken up.看起来大家都很慌乱Except for Christine Price.除了克丽丝汀普莱斯In the cocoons, we were back with our families在茧中 我们和家人重聚and now we are stuck here, again, because of you,而现在我们再次困在这里 都是因为你becau

33、se of Melanie.都是因为梅兰妮You gonna do something about it?你要为此做点什么吗Look, I-I promise you, Ill find Melanie.听着 我保证 我会找到梅兰妮All right? Ill get us all the answers that we need.好吗 我会找到我们想要的答案What do we do?我们该做什么I lost my home, too.我也失去了我的家If you have a house,如果你有屋子open your doors.打开你的家门Lets share what we have

34、.分享仅剩的东西吧The last time I stood in front of you,上次我站在你们面前时I urged you to find strength in community.我督促你们在社区中找到力量We all have something to contribute.我们都可以做出贡献Theres gotta be wildlife out there.外面肯定有野生动物Joe.乔You can build traps.你可以制♥作♥陷阱Or I could help find Melanie.我也可以帮着找梅兰妮No, Christin

35、es right. We need to eat.不 克丽丝汀说的对 我们需要吃饭Ill handle Melanie.我去找梅兰妮Well, isnt there food at Andreas house?安德莉亚家里不是有食物吗Uh, in the root cellar.在地窖里Someone can take my car.可以开我的车去Ill go.我去Ill go with you.我和你一起去And Ill set up an office, here in this building.我会在这栋楼里设立一个办公室If anybody needs support, come f

36、ind me.如果谁需要帮助 可以来找我Sam.山姆Theres a lot of overwhelmed people here.这里有很多不知所措的人Do you think you could start a support group?你能成立一个互助会吗Why would I do that?我为什么要那样做Your AA experience in the prison.你在监狱里参加过嗜酒者互助会You could apply it here.你可以把经验用在这里People in this town see me as a murderer,这里的镇民把我当做谋杀犯not a

37、counselor. Uh, just. think about it.而不是咨♥询♥师 考虑一下吧And. do you think you could find your nephew?你觉得你能找到你侄子吗I didnt see him here.我没在这里看到他She called you Dale.她叫你戴尔Julia, I said I dont want to talk about it.茱莉亚 我说过我不想谈这事The woman you had a relationship with和你谈过恋爱的女人is suddenly here, in the

38、 flesh.突然出现 有血有肉Of course I have questions.我当然有疑问了Dont you?你没有吗Yeah.是的I do.我有About things that really happened.我想问到底发生了什么I was in a cocoon,我之前在一个茧里my fathers dead,我父亲死了you were nearly killed你还差点被杀and Melanie can answer for it all.而梅兰妮能够回答这一切We need to find her.我们得找到她So, please, can we do that?所以 拜托了

39、 我们去找她吧Hes right, youre weak, youre weak, youre pathetic.他说得对 你很弱 很可怜Oh, just-just-just do something right做一件正确的事吧for once in your life.哪怕就这么一次No!不要Go away, Sam. Leave me alone.走开 山姆 别管我Go away!走开Whats so bad that you gotta end it all?有什么糟糕的的事让你要了结自己Come on.说啊Tell me.告诉我The life we had, in the cocoo

40、ns?我们在茧里过的那种生活I saw the world. I.我看见了世界 我I knew what it was like to be my own man,我知道了自己独♥立♥是什么感觉to be free from my father,摆脱我父亲的束缚是什么感觉and I cant be back under this dome with him again.所以我不能再和他被困在这个穹顶之下了Id rather be dead.我宁愿去死Congratulations, kid.恭喜你 孩子For what?恭喜什么Hitting bottom.你已经触

41、底了You gotta get here before youre ready to change.只有在触底后才能做好要改变的准备Whatever you found无论你在另一个世界里in that other life can help you here.发现了什么 现在都能帮上你Give me the gun.把枪给我It works.有用Theres more supplies in Andreas garage.安德莉亚的车♥库♥里还有很多材料Ill get them and set up the traps around the property.我一

42、会去拿 在这周围多做点陷阱Do you want to help me?你想来帮我吗Its been a while since weve wandered around those woods.我们已经很久没有在树林里逛了Were not here for nature, were here to get food.我们不是来玩的 我们是来拿吃的And then we have to take it back and set it up for everyone.然后我们得给大家伙带回去First you volunteer to schlep cans,你先前主动搬运罐头and now y

43、oure throwing a dinner party for a town you hate?现在又要给你讨厌的小镇筹备宴会了吗Well. were all in it together.我们现在同舟共济Root cellars out back.地窖在后面Come on, Zeta.走吧 泽塔Lets grab us some cans of corn.我们去拿点玉米罐头吧Well meet you back at the car.我们一会在车上见How does he know what sorority you joined?他怎么知道你加入了哪个联谊会I. saw him when

44、 we were back at the memorial.我在纪念仪式上见过他I mustve told him.肯定是那时跟他说的Youre really going to counsel people?你真的要给大家做心理咨♥询♥吗Until someone else steps in.除非有别人能做Ive got a PhD in biological anthropology.我可是生物人类学的博士I know enough to coach people through a crisis.我知道如何教人们度过危机Do we really need to

45、lie about who we are?我们真的要隐瞒我们的身份吗We need to keep their trust.我们不能失去他们的信任Were trapped here,我们被困在这了the most important thing is survival.头等重要的事就是活下去When did you become so calculating?你什么时候变得这么深谋远虑了Please.拜托Remember when we found that meteorite in North Dakota?还记得我们在北达科他州发现的那颗陨石吗Who negotiated our exit

46、 with that wolf?是谁跟那匹狼谈判 才能够安全撤离的Weve been through so much together.我们一起经历了太多的事Well get through this.我们会度过这个难关的But first, we got work to do.不过首先 我们有工作要做Whats that? Well, Ill stay here是什么 我会在这and try to calm people down.让人们的情绪平静下来You go find the one thing that could expose us.而你要去找到那个会暴露我们身份的东西I. I d

47、ont even know where to start.我 我都不知道从哪开始We have found the remains of ancient civilizations.我们都曾找到过古代文明的遗迹Im sure you can handle this.我相信你能办好这事的Shes not here.她不在这Thats where you were.你之前就在这里面And thats where I saw Melanie put the egg.这就是梅兰妮之前放蛋的地方right before she tried to kill me.之后她就想要杀了我But you save

48、d her.不过你救了她Protected her.保护了她Yeah, and then she turned on me.是的 之后她就背叛了我And you cant deny what she led you into.你也不能否认她让你经历了什么Everyone in these cocoons was connected.茧里所有的人都是连通的You and Eva were together for a reason.你和伊娃在一起也是有原因的Oh, here we go.又来了Now were back on this again. We are.又开始这个话题了 没错Barbi

49、e, I saw the way you looked at her.芭比 我见到了你看她的眼神You were together for what felt like a year.你们已经在一起一年了That is so much longer than weve been together,这可比我们在一起的时间长多了so I understand if you still have feelings.所以我很理解你对她还有感觉You were not in one of these things, Julia.你没有在茧里待过 茱莉亚You cant possibly understa

50、nd any of this.你不可能理解这些Im trying, but you wont talk to me.我在努力 可是你都不愿意跟我说Youre different somehow.你变了Did you love her?你爱过她吗Im gonna keep looking for Melanie.我还是继续找梅兰妮了The tunnel branches off about 30 paces down.隧♥道♥的分支大约有三十多步Ill be fine.我不会有事的Git.饭桶Git.饭桶Its better than nothing.总比没有好Not

51、 by a lot.也没多多少Well, maybe we can find或许我们能a stockpile of Girl Scout cookies somewhere in here.在这里找到一堆女童子军饼干呢NYC Punk?纽约城废物I didnt know Andrea,我不认识安德莉亚but she had serious taste in music.不过她的音乐品味也太奇怪了It was probably her kids.可能是她孩子的Unless, you know, she also played lacrosse.她难道还打曲棍球吗Hey, look.你看Befor

52、e there was Katniss,在凯妮丝之前there was me at summer camp.我在夏令营可是很厉害的No TV, no boys, just singing and swimming and sports.没有电视 没有男孩 只能唱歌♥游泳做运动Your camp sounds a lot like a sorority with less beer pong.你的夏令营就像是不喝酒的联谊会Whats wrong?怎么了I want it back.我想回去That life.那种生活I was a part of something, and it felt good.我加入了一个组织 那种感觉很棒You know.你知道theres a way we can feel good right here.在这里也有办法让你感觉很棒under this dome.在这穹顶之下Youre an idiot.你就是个傻瓜You know you want to dance, so come on.你知道自己想跳舞 来啊No.不Just a little head bob, you know?甩甩头就行了All right, well, youre welcome.那好吧 不用谢我Lets keep hunting for grub.


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