[最新中考英语]Y山东省滨州市邹平实验中学九年级英语《Unit 7 Where would you like to visit》Sction A课件_第1页
[最新中考英语]Y山东省滨州市邹平实验中学九年级英语《Unit 7 Where would you like to visit》Sction A课件_第2页
[最新中考英语]Y山东省滨州市邹平实验中学九年级英语《Unit 7 Where would you like to visit》Sction A课件_第3页
[最新中考英语]Y山东省滨州市邹平实验中学九年级英语《Unit 7 Where would you like to visit》Sction A课件_第4页
[最新中考英语]Y山东省滨州市邹平实验中学九年级英语《Unit 7 Where would you like to visit》Sction A课件_第5页
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1、Unit7 Where would you like to visit? Section A1.tired (adj)_ (adj 物)2.education(n) _ (adj)3.peace(n) _ (adj)4.tour(v周游/旅游) _ (n/游客) _ (adj)5.fall(n/瀑布) _ (pl) _ (v/掉下/落下)_1.喜欢刺激的假期2.去度假3.有一天4.希望做某事5.使人放松的地方6.穿越丛林7. .想做某事/想让某人做某事8. 游客太多 tiring educational peaceful tourist touristy falls fall fell / f

2、allen like exciting vacations go on vacation some day / one day hope to do / wish to do somewhere relaxing trek through the jungle would like to do / would like sb to do too touristy1.你想去哪里度假?我想去使人放松的地方.2.我喜欢那些气候常年温暖的地方.3.我希望有一天去法国.4.那里没有什么可做的.5.我喜欢有真正友好人们的地方. Where would you like to go on vacation?

3、 Id like to go somewhere relaxing. I like places where the weather is always warm. I hope to go to France some day. There is not much to do there. I love places where the people are really friendly.词汇:1.fascinate(v) _ (adj)2.livelyadj_(最高级)3.thrilln_(adj)4.trek_ (过去式)_(过去分词)_(现在分词)5.church_(pl)6.tra

4、nslate_(n)7.east_(adj)8.heavy_(反义词)fascinating liveliest thrilling trekked trekked trekking churches translator eastern light1.思考做某事2的首都3.最具活力的城市之一4.许多事情要做5.最著名的教堂之一6.乘出租车周游巴黎7.通常8.相当昂贵的地方9.应该做10.带轻便的衣服11.有许多美妙奇观 consider doing sth the capital of one of the liveliest cities many things too do one of

5、 the most famous churches in the world traveling around Paris by taxi in general quite an (a very) expensive place be supposed to do pack light clothes have lots of wonderful sights1.为什么不考虑去游览巴黎呢?2.它没有任何海滩和高山3.它有许多奇观景象,包括埃菲尔铁塔和巴黎圣母院4.乘地铁去许多地方是很便利的5.虽然这样在巴黎不贵的一件事情是葡萄酒6.除非你本人说法语,你最好中一个能为你当翻译的人一起去旅游。7.

6、难道那个地方不是很热吗? Why not consider visiting Paris?/ Why dont you consider. It doesnt have any beaches or mountains. It has some fantastic sights , including Its usually convenient to take the underground train to most places One thing that is not expensive in France ,however, is the wine. Especially in F

7、rance,so unless you speak French yourself .Its best to travel with someone who can translate things for you. Isnt it supposed to be very hot?1.中国东部的某个地方2.为某人提供某物3.做许多户外活动4.呆在不贵的旅馆里5.带厨房的房间6.攒钱7.靠近海洋的某个地方8.每年的这个时候(p57) 1.我希望你们能向我提供一些贵公司能够提供的关于度假种类的信息2.它必须是一个适宜我们做户外运动的地方。 somewhere in eastern China pr

8、ovide sth for sb / provide sb with sth do lots of outdoor activitiesstay in an inexpensive hotel a room with a kitchen save money somewhere near the ocean this time of year I hope you can provide me with some information about the kinds of vacations that your firm can offer. It has to be a place whe

9、re we can do lots of outdoor activities.3.我们可以自己做饭省钱4.任何一种户外活动都可以5.房间足够大,可以容纳3个人居住6.你能给我一些关于度假地点的建议吗?7.请告诉我们最好的旅行方式司乘飞机,坐火车,还是坐公共汽车8.我们想出行3周左右 We could save money by cooking our own meals. Any kind of outdoor activity is fine. The room needs to be big enough for three people. Could you please give m

10、e some suggestions for vacation spots. Please let me know if its best to travel by plane ,train or bus. Wed like to be away for about three weeks.1.choose(v) _(过去式)_(过去分词) _ (n)2.live(v) _ (adj)活泼的,充满活力的3.find(v) _ (n)发现物1.横渡太平洋2.调查结果3.数千的4.成千上万的5.问题的答案6.尽快7.继续学习8.最受欢送的选择9.电脑编程10.梦想去月球11.不太现实的理想12.乐

11、意努力学习13.相当多14.坚持你的梦想15.实现 16.各种各样 choice lively finding sail across the Pacific the findings of a survey thousands of millions of the answers to the question as soon as possible continue studying the most popular choice computer programming dream of going to the moon less realistic dreams be willing

12、 to work hard quite a few hold on to your dreams come true all kinds of chose chosen1.根据调查,不太现实的梦想也是很普遍的.2.梦想是很重要的,因此坚持你的梦想,有一天他们可能会实现. According to the survey,less realistic dreams are also common.It is very important to dream, so hold on to your dreams; one day they may just come true。 1.似乎有些学生想尽可

13、能快的工作2.很多学生说他们愿意努力学习以实现他们的梦想3.似乎大局部学生都希望接受好的教育,找到一份好的工作。It seems some students would like to start work as soon as possible. Many students reported that they were willing to work hard to achieve their dreams. It seems that most students hope to have a good education and find a good job.1.想做某事2种2.想让某

14、人做某事2种3.想要某物2种1.She would like to visit Paris some day.(否认句)一般疑问句划线提问2.She wants to visit Paris some day .(同上)would like to do sth= want to do sth would like sb to do sth =want sb to do sth would like sth = want sth She wouldnt like to visit Paris some day. Would she like to visit Paris some day? Wh

15、ere would she like to visit some day? She doesnt want to visit Paris some day . Does she want to visit Paris some day? Where does she want to visit some day?1.希望做(2种)2.希望某人做3.我希望有一天去月球.I _ _ _ to the moon some day.I _ _ _ to the moon some day.More and more foreigners hope _ (come ) to visit China4.为

16、某人提供某物2种5.给某人某物Are you going to Tibet for vacation?Yes,I want you to _ me with some information about it.A.offer B. give C. show D. provide hope to do = wish to do wish sb to do sth hope to go wish to go to come provide sth for sb = provide sb with sth give sth to sb = give sb sth offer sth to sb= o

17、ffer sb sth DUnit 7 Where would you like to visit 形容词的后缀1 ing 型 tiring fascinating thrilling interesting willing relaxing boring exciting 2-al 型 educational traditional musical international3-ful 型 peaceful useful helpful beautiful 4-ed 型 interested surprised excited 5-y 型 touristy rainy sunny cloud

18、y windy 6-ern 型 eastern western southern northern1 take it easy 沉着,轻松2 consider doing 思考做某事3 continue doing 继续做某事5 in general 通常6 provide sth for sb = provide sb with sth 为某人提供某物For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris?Other students hope to continue studying after finishing school an

19、d to go to university I hope you can provide me with some information. 7 church-churches7 thousands of 成千上万的 two thousand hundreds of 数百的 three hundred millions of 数百万的 four million8 as soon as possible= as soon as sb can/could 尽快的9 be willing to do 心甘情愿的做某事10 quite a few 相当多的 a few , few 修饰可数名词11 d

20、ream of =dream about 12 hold on to 继续,坚持 to是介词Where would you like to go on vacation? 度假Id love to trek through the jungle 我要穿越丛林要点分析:Would you like ? 表提议,邀请等,表礼貌。用No, thanks./ Yes, please. 答。Would you like to ? 表意愿。用Yes, Id like /love to . would like to do 愿意做某事 would like sb to do 愿意某人做某事1 I love

21、places where the people are really friendly.2 I like places where the weather is always warm. 定语从句3 hope to do 希望做某事4 one day 在过去的一天,将来的一天 some day 在将来的一天5 Theres not much to do there. 那儿没什么可做/好玩的。1 Say something about ParisParis is the capital of France and is one of the liveliest cities in Europe.

22、 It doesnt have any beaches or mountains, but there are still many things to do there .For example , it has some fantastic sights ,including the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the most famous churches in the world . 1 the capital of -的首都 2 one of the liveliest cities 最具活力的城市之一 3 one o

23、f the most famous churches 最著名的教堂之一 one of+ 名词复数4 It doesnt have any beaches or mountains, not -or 既不-也不 5 there are still many things to do there. 2 In Paris, what is expensive, and what is cheap? Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money ,but its usually convenient to take the undergr

24、ound train to most places . In general ,though ,France is quite an expensive place .One ting that is not expensive in France is the wine ! 1 Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money. 2 its usually convenient to take the underground train to most places . 3 In general ,though ,France is

25、 quite an expensive place. 相当昂贵的地方动名词作主语To do 作主语quite an expensive place. Quite的位置 Unless you speak French yourself , its best to travel with someone who can translate things for you. To do 做主语Unless 除非 Isnt it supposed to be very hot?难道不是很热吗? be supposed to do 应该做 We are not supposed to play footb

26、all on SundaysNotice: 1沉着,轻松 2穿越丛林 3愿意做某事 4愿意某人做某事 5 思考做某事 6 继续做某事7通常 8 为某人提供某物 9成千上万的 10 数百的 11数百万的 12 尽快的13 心甘情愿的做某事 14 相当多的 15 梦想 16 继续,坚持17希望做某事 18在过去的一天,将来的一天19 在将来的一天 20-的首都 21 最具活力的城市之一 22 最著名的教堂之一 23 既不-也不24 相当昂贵的地方25 应该做Page 55 words and expressionsgo out 外出 for half an hour 半小时 answer the

27、telephone 接 take a message 带口信leave a message 留口信 call (back) 打复 (Li Ping) speaking 我是李苹information on关于的信息vacation packages 旅游套餐look for 寻找go on a nature tour 回归自然的旅游have a great whale watch tour 看鲸鱼的旅游 depend on 依赖,依靠要看)advertisement 广告California 加利福尼亚 How about? 又怎么样?Los Angeles 洛杉矶Hollywood 好莱坞/

28、 荷里活somewhere warm 温暖的地方 不定代词的定语要后置Page 55Answers to 2b:Customer 1: Customer 2:Customer 3: Wants Doesnt want to go somewhere warm to flyto go to a big cityto go on a nature tourto go anywhere coldto go somewhere thats fun for kids561. a lot of = lots of 许多,很多,大2. spend on sth. 在方面花 (in) doing 在做上花时间

29、3. take a trip 做一次旅行4. Inthe east of 在范围内 onthe east of 在范围之外5. provide sb. with sth. 为某人提供某物6. love/like doing 喜欢做7. big enough for 大得足够8. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事9. be away 离开延续性动词 leave 结束性动词类似的:come/go- be (in), buy-have, borrow- keep die- be dead, open- be openSelf check provide sb. with sth. 为某人提供某物come for dinner 过来吃饭this time of year 一年的这个时候Tahiti 塔希提岛Maui 毛伊岛artificial flowers 人造花artificial intelligence 人工智能Artic High School 北极中学ser


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